So, I have an XPath (I've verified this works and has 1 unique value via Google Chrome Tools.
I've tried various methods to try and get this xpath, initally using right click > copy xpath in chrome gave me:
However, this ID changes on every reload.
So, i eventually got it down to:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//th[#name='name']/span/a/text()")
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//th[#name='name']/span/a/text()"}
check this:
len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[contains(#id, "hdr_")]'))
if you won't get a lot of elements you're done with this:
driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[contains(#id, "hdr_")]')
You should not be using /text() for a WebElement. Use "//th[#name='name']/span/a" as the Xpath and print the text using element.text (Not sure about the exact method for Python, but in Java it is element.getText() )
I will suggest using absolute XPath rather than relative XPath it might resolve it if the id is changing with every load. please see below how absolute XPath is different from relative using the google search bar.
Relative XPath - //*[#id="tsf"]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/input
absolute XPath - /html/body/div/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/input
I understand as you said you cannot share a link but people here can help if you can share inspect element snapshot showing DOM. so that if there is an issue in XPath it can be rectified. Thanks :-)
I am trying to locate an element that is a simple message (not a hyperlink) inside a chatbot. I tried to get xpath using 'inspect' and tried this -
This works but this is not a reliable solution. I tried to shorten xpath using starts-with or contains but dint worked.
Is there any other locator other than xpath that I can use when there are lots of 'div' in xpath? What does this means in xpath above
You should try to write custom xpath instead of generate it by browser.
It will looks like "//[#id='app']//speak".
I'm searching for a tag in class.I tried many methods but I couldn't get the value.
see source code
The data I need is inside the "data-description".
How can i get the "data-description" ?
I Tried some method but didn't work
I Solved this method:
icerisi = browser.find_elements_by_class_name('integratedService ')
for mycode in icerisi:
Thanks for your help.
I think css selector would work best here. "data-description" isn't an element, it's an attribute of an element. The css selector for an element with a given attribute would be:
Or, to be more specific, you could use:
[attribute="attribute value"]
Here's a good tip:
Most web browsers have a way of copying an elements Selector or XPATH. For example, in Safari if you view the source code then right-click on an element it will give you the option to copy it. Then select XPATH or Selector and in your code use driver.find_element_by_xpath() or driver.find_element_by_css_selector(). I am certain Google Chrome and Firefox have similar options.
This method is not always failsafe, as the XPATH can be very specific, meaning that slight changes to the website will cause your script to crash, but it is a quick and easy solution, and is especially useful if you don't plan on reusing your code months or years later.
for chrome, I install ChroPath to find elements on the page.
I want to find XPath for like elements on Instagram Page, but seems that not work :
//span[contains(#class,'glyphsSpriteHeart__outline__24__grey_9 u-__7')]
also, I try it :
when selenium click :
elenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"div._2dDPU.vCf6V div.zZYga div.PdwC2._6oveC article.M9sTE.L_LMM.JyscU div.eo2As section.ltpMr.Slqrh span.fr66n button.coreSpriteHeartOpen.oF4XW.dCJp8 > span.glyphsSpriteHeart__outline__24__grey_9.u-__7"}
how can I find XPath? any good extension or something?
how can I find XPath? any good extension or something?
You cannot "find" the Xpath of an element. There are many, many XPath's that will find any element. Some will be stable, others will be unstable. The decision on which Xpath to use is based upon your understanding and experience of Selenium, and you understanding of how the Application Under Test is written and behaves.
If you are looking for a tool to experiment with different XPaths, then Chrome's built-in Developer Tools Console allows you to test both Xpath & CSS Selectors;
In your specific scenario about finding elements by class name, then CSS Selector is a much better choice than XPath as CSS selectors will treat multiple classes as an array where as XPath sees "class" as a literal string, hence why you needed to use "contains".
This might help:
This as well, to understand what you are manipulating:
As for your example where you go down the tree using index numbers (ie: /html[1]/body[1]), A slight change in the site will make your script to fail. Find a way to build something more robust! Also have a look at CSS selectors if you object's appearance is known in advance.
To get all like buttons on instagram use css selector below:
You can get some helpful details here:
I am trying to make a basic form filler using Selenium on I have completed most of it but I am having trouble clicking on the button to select the gender. I have attempted to use many examples of find_element_by_xxxxx code bit none of it has worked. Finding elements by id and xpath haven't come to much either. A typical error i get is Message: no such element: Unable to locate element. I am very new to coding so I could very easily have made an error, but any idea on how you guys would solve it would be much appreciated
That XPATH is very long and you can simplify.
By the looks of it , I would guess those Ids are changing every time there is a new session.
A more straightforward XPATH selector could be...
"//span[text() = 'Male']"
// specifies to search the entire document
span specifies the type of element to search for
text() specifies text that needs to be inside the element
(this will give you the span element but it should still work)
"//span[text() = 'Male']/parent::li//input"
(this will give you the actual input button)
Also , like Ollin Boer Bohan suggested, look into using waits before performing actions on your elements.
#cavan answer is correct, Also you can use xpaht like this too
Here we can use following to locate the male, same you can do for female button
Okay, so I'm trying to find
<span class="totalcount">171</span>
pagelement = driver.find_element_by_class_name('totalcount')
but for some reason I keep getting the following error
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to find element with css selector == .totalcount
For reference, I'm using internet explorer 11 with Selenium because my boss requested I switch over to that from Firefox. Could that be what is causing the problem? (Before someone asks, I know it isn't because the page hasn't loaded yet, I added a wait specifically to deal with that.)
I did work for me, but im using find_elements as there are more than one element with the same locator strategy and also using chrome
not sure if it will help you, but you can use the below code for a better approach
Update: Tired with IE and its working
from selenium.webdriver import Ie
driver = Ie('path to IE driver')
total_count = [x.text for x in driver.find_elements_by_class_name('totalcount')]
['170', '170']