Im stuck on a problem where I have to write a function that converts a denary number into a binary number using the repeated division by two algorithm. Steps Include:
The number to be converted is divided by two.
The remainder from the division is the next binary digit. Digits are added to the front of the sequence.
The result is truncated so that the input to the next division by two is always an integer.
The algorithm continues until the result is 0.
Please click the link below to see what the output should be like:
def dentobi(user):
denary = user
divide = user / 2
remainder = user % 2
binary = remainder
if user != 0:
print("Denary:", denary)
print("Divide by 2:", divide)
print("Remainder:", remainder)
print("Binary:", binary)
user = int(input("Please enter a number: "))
This is what I have done so far but Im not getting anywhere.
Can someone explain how I would do this?
The Answer provided by #user2390182 is functionally correct except that it returns an empty string when num is zero. However, I have noted on several occasions that divmod() is rather slow. Here are three slightly different techniques and their performance statistics.
import time
# This is the OP's original code edited to allow for num == 0
def binaryx(num):
b = ""
while num:
num, digit = divmod(num, 2)
b = f"{digit}{b}"
return b or '0'
# This is my preferred solution
def binaryo(n):
r = []
while n > 0:
r.append('1' if n & 1 else '0')
n >>= 1
return ''.join(reversed(r)) or '0'
# This uses techniques suggested by my namesake
def binaryy(n):
r = ''
while n > 0:
r = str(n & 1) + r
n >>= 1
return r or '0'
M = 250_000
for func in [binaryx, binaryo, binaryy]:
s = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(M):
e = time.perf_counter()
print(f'{func.__name__} -> {e-s:.4f}s')
binaryx -> 1.3817s
binaryo -> 0.9861s
binaryy -> 1.6052s
One way, using divmod to divide by 2 and get the remainder in one step:
def binary(num):
b = ""
while num:
num, digit = divmod(num, 2)
b = f"{digit}{b}"
return b
This assumes a positive number but can easily be extended to work for 0 and negatives.
I am trying to reverse my stringtobin function so that when I run bintostring([3]) it will return "AAAT" where A=0,C=1,G=2,T=3, for example CCCC will return 85 because (1 * 64) + (1 * 16) + (1 * 4) + (1 * 1) = 85. My bintostring function now just returns an empty string.
dna = {'A':0, 'C':1, 'G':2, 'T':3}
dna2 = {0:'A', 1:'C', 2:'G', 3:'T'}
def bintostring(num):
seq = []
nums = [64,16,4,1]
#main while
i = 0
while i<len(num):
#nums while (iterate through nums)
k = 0
while k<len(nums):
#dna2 while (iterate through dna2)
x = 0
while x<len(dna2):
check = 0
if num[i]//nums[k] == dna2[x]:
elif check>0:
def stringtobin(seq):
power_of_4 = 1
num = 0
if len(seq)!=4: return None
i = len(seq)-1
while i>=0:
Digitval = dna[seq[i]]
return num
Your encoding is in base 4 which can't hold the length information of your sequence.
Without the length information the encoded value 3 could mean T or TA or TAAA or TAAAA... (there would be no way to know).
If the sequences are always 4 letters long (or the length is stored/provided separately), you can implement the functions like this
def stringToBin(S):
return sum( 4**i*"ACGT".index(p) for i,p in enumerate(S))
def binToString(N,size=4):
result = ""
for _ in range(size):
N,p = divmod(N,4)
result += "ACGT"[p]
return result
print(stringToBin("AAAT")) # 192
print(binToString(192)) # AAAT
print(stringToBin("TA")) # 3
print(stringToBin("TAAA")) # 3
print(binToString(3)) # TAAA
print(binToString(3,2)) # TA (length has to be supplied separately)
If you want your numeric encoding to also carry the length information, you should make it base 5 and use a non-zero value for each letter. This way, TA and TAAA would give different numbers.
def stringToBin(S):
return sum( 5**i*" ACGT".index(p) for i,p in enumerate(S))
def binToString(N):
result = ""
while N:
N,p = divmod(N,5)
result += " ACGT"[p]
return result
print(stringToBin("TA")) # 9
print(stringToBin("TAAA")) # 159
print(binToString(9)) # TA
print(binToString(159)) # TAAA
Obviously this produces larger number so, a 32 bit unsigned integer will only hold 13 letters as opposed to 16 in base 4. If you're doing this to reduce the size of storage, using text compression (e.g. zip) will probably be more efficient than converting to a fixed base binary representation
Your attempt seems inordinately complex. Just map the bottom two bits to a value, then shift them off.
def bintostring(num):
seq = []
for n in num:
subseq = []
for b in range(4):
subseq.append(dna2[n & 3])
n >>= 2
return seq
In case it's not obvious, & is bitwise AND; value & 3 obtains the bottom two bits of value.
The stringtobin function could be similarly simplified. Demo:
For our homework assignemnt, we are asked to take in an integer and return the two's complement of it.
Currently, I am able to convert the integer into a binary string. From there, I know I need to invert the 0's and 1's and add 1 to the new string, but I do not know how to do that.
Could someone help me with that please?
def numToBinary(n):
'''Returns the string with the binary representation of non-negative integer n.'''
result = ''
for x in range(8):
r = n % 2
n = n // 2
result += str(r)
result = result[::-1]
return result
def NumToTc(n):
'''Returns the string with the binary representation of non-negative integer n.'''
binary = numToBinary(n)
# stops working here
invert = binary
i = 0
for digit in range(len(binary)):
if digit == '0':
invert[i] = '1'
invert[i] = '0'
i += 1
return invert
Note: This is an intro level course, so we are mainly stuck to using loops and recursion. We cannot really use any fancy formatting of strings, built-in functions, etc. beyond the basics.
I was able to reach my solution by doing the following:
def numToBinary(n):
'''Returns the string with the binary representation of non-negative integer n.'''
result = ''
for x in range(8):
r = n % 2
n = n // 2
result += str(r)
result = result[::-1]
return result
def NumToTc(n):
'''Returns the string with the binary representation of non-negative integer n.'''
binary = numToBinary(n)
for digit in binary:
if int(digit) < 0:
binary = (1 << 8) + n
return binary
Write a function answer(str_S) which, given the base-10 string
representation of an integer S, returns the largest n such that R(n) =
S. Return the answer as a string in base-10 representation. If there
is no such n, return "None". S will be a positive integer no greater
than 10^25.
where R(n) is the number of zombits at time n:
R(0) = 1
R(1) = 1
R(2) = 2
R(2n) = R(n) + R(n + 1) + n (for n > 1)
R(2n + 1) = R(n - 1) + R(n) + 1 (for n >= 1)
Test cases
(string) str_S = "7"
(string) "4"
(string) str_S = "100"
(string) "None"
My program below is correct but it is not scalable since here the range of S can be a very large number like 10^24. Could anyone help me with some suggestion to improve the code further so that it can cover any input case.
def answer(str_S):
d = {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 2}
str_S = int(str_S)
i = 1
while True:
if i > 1:
d[i*2] = d[i] + d[i+1] + i
if d[i*2] == str_S:
return i*2
elif d[i*2] > str_S:
return None
if i>=1:
d[i*2+1] = d[i-1] + d[i] + 1
if d[i*2+1] == str_S:
return i*2 + 1
elif d[i*2+1] > str_S:
return None
i += 1
print answer('7')
First of all, where are you having trouble with the scaling? I ran your code on a 30-digit number, and it seemed to complete okay. Do you have a memory limit? Python handles arbitrarily large integers, although very large ones get flipped into digital arithmetic mode.
Given the density of R values, I suspect that you can save space as well as time if you switch to a straight array: use the value as an array index instead of a dict key.
Suppose you take the strings 'a' and 'z' and list all the strings that come between them in alphabetical order: ['a','b','c' ... 'x','y','z']. Take the midpoint of this list and you find 'm'. So this is kind of like taking an average of those two strings.
You could extend it to strings with more than one character, for example the midpoint between 'aa' and 'zz' would be found in the middle of the list ['aa', 'ab', 'ac' ... 'zx', 'zy', 'zz'].
Might there be a Python method somewhere that does this? If not, even knowing the name of the algorithm would help.
I began making my own routine that simply goes through both strings and finds midpoint of the first differing letter, which seemed to work great in that 'aa' and 'az' midpoint was 'am', but then it fails on 'cat', 'doggie' midpoint which it thinks is 'c'. I tried Googling for "binary search string midpoint" etc. but without knowing the name of what I am trying to do here I had little luck.
I added my own solution as an answer
If you define an alphabet of characters, you can just convert to base 10, do an average, and convert back to base-N where N is the size of the alphabet.
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def enbase(x):
n = len(alphabet)
if x < n:
return alphabet[x]
return enbase(x/n) + alphabet[x%n]
def debase(x):
n = len(alphabet)
result = 0
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(x)):
result += alphabet.index(c) * (n**i)
return result
def average(a, b):
a = debase(a)
b = debase(b)
return enbase((a + b) / 2)
print average('a', 'z') #m
print average('aa', 'zz') #mz
print average('cat', 'doggie') #budeel
print average('google', 'microsoft') #gebmbqkil
print average('microsoft', 'google') #gebmbqkil
Edit: Based on comments and other answers, you might want to handle strings of different lengths by appending the first letter of the alphabet to the shorter word until they're the same length. This will result in the "average" falling between the two inputs in a lexicographical sort. Code changes and new outputs below.
def pad(x, n):
p = alphabet[0] * (n - len(x))
return '%s%s' % (x, p)
def average(a, b):
n = max(len(a), len(b))
a = debase(pad(a, n))
b = debase(pad(b, n))
return enbase((a + b) / 2)
print average('a', 'z') #m
print average('aa', 'zz') #mz
print average('aa', 'az') #m (equivalent to ma)
print average('cat', 'doggie') #cumqec
print average('google', 'microsoft') #jlilzyhcw
print average('microsoft', 'google') #jlilzyhcw
If you mean the alphabetically, simply use FogleBird's algorithm but reverse the parameters and the result!
>>> print average('cat'[::-1], 'doggie'[::-1])[::-1]
or rewriting average like so
>>> def average(a, b):
... a = debase(a[::-1])
... b = debase(b[::-1])
... return enbase((a + b) / 2)[::-1]
>>> print average('cat', 'doggie')
>>> print average('google', 'microsoft')
>>> print average('microsoft', 'google')
It sounds like what you want, is to treat alphabetical characters as a base-26 value between 0 and 1. When you have strings of different length (an example in base 10), say 305 and 4202, your coming out with a midpoint of 3, since you're looking at the characters one at a time. Instead, treat them as a floating point mantissa: 0.305 and 0.4202. From that, it's easy to come up with a midpoint of .3626 (you can round if you'd like).
Do the same with base 26 (a=0...z=25, ba=26, bb=27, etc.) to do the calculations for letters:
cat becomes '' and doggie becomes 'a.doggie', doing the math gives cat a decimal value of 0.078004096, doggie a value of 0.136390697, with an average of 0.107197397 which in base 26 is roughly "cumcqo"
Based on your proposed usage, consistent hashing ( ) seems to make more sense.
Thanks for everyone who answered, but I ended up writing my own solution because the others weren't exactly what I needed. I am trying to average app engine key names, and after studying them a bit more I discovered they actually allow any 7-bit ASCII characters in the names. Additionally I couldn't really rely on the solutions that converted the key names first to floating point, because I suspected floating point accuracy just isn't enough.
To take an average, first you add two numbers together and then divide by two. These are both such simple operations that I decided to just make functions to add and divide base 128 numbers represented as lists. This solution hasn't been used in my system yet so I might still find some bugs in it. Also it could probably be a lot shorter, but this is just something I needed to get done instead of trying to make it perfect.
# Given two lists representing a number with one digit left to decimal point and the
# rest after it, for example 1.555 = [1,5,5,5] and 0.235 = [0,2,3,5], returns a similar
# list representing those two numbers added together.
def ladd(a, b, base=128):
i = max(len(a), len(b))
lsum = [0] * i
while i > 1:
i -= 1
av = bv = 0
if i < len(a): av = a[i]
if i < len(b): bv = b[i]
lsum[i] += av + bv
if lsum[i] >= base:
lsum[i] -= base
lsum[i-1] += 1
return lsum
# Given a list of digits after the decimal point, returns a new list of digits
# representing that number divided by two.
def ldiv2(vals, base=128):
vs = vals[:]
i = len(vs)
while i > 0:
i -= 1
if (vs[i] % 2) == 1:
vs[i] -= 1
vs[i+1] += base / 2
vs[i] = vs[i] / 2
if vs[-1] == 0: vs = vs[0:-1]
return vs
# Given two app engine key names, returns the key name that comes between them.
def average(a_kn, b_kn):
m = lambda x:ord(x)
a = [0] + map(m, a_kn)
b = [0] + map(m, b_kn)
avg = ldiv2(ladd(a, b))
return "".join(map(lambda x:chr(x), avg[1:]))
print average('a', 'z') # m#
print average('aa', 'zz') # n-#
print average('aa', 'az') # am#
print average('cat', 'doggie') # d(mstr#
print average('google', 'microsoft') # jlim.,7s:
print average('microsoft', 'google') # jlim.,7s:
import math
def avg(str1,str2):
y = ''
s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
for i in range(len(str1)):
x = s.index(str2[i])+s.index(str1[i])
x = math.floor(x/2)
y += s[x]
return y
print(avg('z','a')) # m
print(avg('aa','az')) # am
print(avg('cat','dog')) # chm
Still working on strings with different lengths... any ideas?
This version thinks 'abc' is a fraction like In this approach space is zero and a valid input/output.
letters = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def to_double(name):
d = 0
for i, ch in enumerate(name):
idx = letters.index(ch)
d += idx * len(letters) ** (-i - 1)
return d
def from_double(d):
name = ""
for i in range(MAX_ITER):
d *= len(letters)
name += letters[int(d)]
d -= int(d)
return name
def avg(w1, w2):
w1 = to_double(w1)
w2 = to_double(w2)
return from_double((w1 + w2) * 0.5)
print avg('a', 'a') # 'a'
print avg('a', 'aa') # 'a mmmmmmmm'
print avg('aa', 'aa') # 'a zzzzzzzz'
print avg('car', 'duck') # 'cxxemmmmmm'
Unfortunately, the naïve algorithm is not able to detect the periodic 'z's, this would be something like 0.99999 in decimal; therefore 'a zzzzzzzz' is actually 'aa' (the space before the 'z' periodicity must be increased by one.
In order to normalise this, you can use the following function
def remove_z_period(name):
if len(name) != MAX_ITER:
return name
if name[-1] != 'z':
return name
n = ""
overflow = True
for ch in reversed(name):
if overflow:
if ch == 'z':
ch = ' '
overflow = False
n = ch + n
return n
print remove_z_period('a zzzzzzzz') # 'aa'
I haven't programmed in python in a while and this seemed interesting enough to try.
Bear with my recursive programming. Too many functional languages look like python.
def stravg_half(a, ln):
# If you have a problem it will probably be in here.
# The floor of the character's value is 0, but you may want something different
f = 0
#f = ord('a')
L = ln - 1
if 0 == L:
return ''
A = ord(a[0])
return chr(A/2) + stravg_half( a[1:], L)
def stravg_helper(a, b, ln, x):
L = ln - 1
A = ord(a[0])
B = ord(b[0])
D = (A + B)/2
if 0 == L:
if 0 == x:
return chr(D)
# NOTE: The caller of helper makes sure that len(a)>=len(b)
return chr(D) + stravg_half(a[1:], x)
return chr(D) + stravg_helper(a[1:], b[1:], L, x)
def stravg(a, b):
la = len(a)
lb = len(b)
if 0 == la:
if 0 == lb:
return a # which is empty
return stravg_half(b, lb)
if 0 == lb:
return stravg_half(a, la)
x = la - lb
if x > 0:
return stravg_helper(a, b, lb, x)
return stravg_helper(b, a, la, -x) # Note the order of the args