How to secure plain text Password in python script - python

I have a Python script that contains a plain text password used to bind Mac to AD.
I need to deploy this script to few Macs.
How can I secure password which is in plain text, so that no one can see the password?
I don't want to use base64, I'd need something stronger than base64.

You can use encode and decode functions.
def encode(key, clear):
enc = []
for i in range(len(clear)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
enc_c = chr((ord(clear[i]) + ord(key_c)) % 256)
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode("".join(enc).encode()).decode()
def decode(key, enc):
dec = []
enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc).decode()
for i in range(len(enc)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
dec_c = chr((256 + ord(enc[i]) - ord(key_c)) % 256)
return "".join(dec)
Usage: encode("mykey", "password")
(You need to import base64)
If you want high secured password, i coded a script but i tried to decode the string and i can not do it.

Try storing the password in a variable in a separate Python script.
password = 'PASSWORD'
Import the variable from this script separately.
from pass import password
This will create a bytecode file named pass.pyc. Now you can delete and continue using pass.pyc, which isn't human-readable and much harder to decompile.
Edit: If somebody has access to your source code, they can still see the password with a print statement!
Edit 2: As Giacomo Alzetta commented, the password is still human-readable here, but it comes down to the "attack model" here. If someone really wants to, they can still dig around and find it. Other alternatives are encryption algorithms available in OpenSSL. Symmetric key algorithms might still not be useful for you since you'd probably have to store the encryption key within the source code. Asymmetric key algorithms might work.


How to hide mysql connection credentials using python [duplicate]

I have got a python script which is creating an ODBC connection. The ODBC connection is generated with a connection string. In this connection string I have to include the username and password for this connection.
Is there an easy way to obscure this password in the file (just that nobody can read the password when I'm editing the file) ?
Base64 encoding is in the standard library and will do to stop shoulder surfers:
>>> import base64
>>> print(base64.b64encode("password".encode("utf-8")))
>>> print(base64.b64decode("cGFzc3dvcmQ=").decode("utf-8"))
Here is a simple method:
Create a python module - let's call it
In, include both the password and any code needing that password
Create a compiled version - peekaboo.pyc - by importing this module (via python commandline, etc...).
Now, delete
You can now happily import peekaboo relying only on peekaboo.pyc. Since peekaboo.pyc is byte compiled it is not readable to the casual user.
This should be a bit more secure than base64 decoding - although it is vulnerable to a py_to_pyc decompiler.
Douglas F Shearer's is the generally approved solution in Unix when you need to specify a password for a remote login.
You add a --password-from-file option to specify the path and read plaintext from a file.
The file can then be in the user's own area protected by the operating system.
It also allows different users to automatically pick up their own own file.
For passwords that the user of the script isn't allowed to know - you can run the script with elavated permission and have the password file owned by that root/admin user.
If you are working on a Unix system, take advantage of the netrc module in the standard Python library. It reads passwords from a separate text file (.netrc), which has the format decribed here.
Here is a small usage example:
import netrc
# Define which host in the .netrc file to use
HOST = ''
# Read from the .netrc file in your home directory
secrets = netrc.netrc()
username, account, password = secrets.authenticators( HOST )
print username, password
How about importing the username and password from a file external to the script? That way even if someone got hold of the script, they wouldn't automatically get the password.
The best solution, assuming the username and password can't be given at runtime by the user, is probably a separate source file containing only variable initialization for the username and password that is imported into your main code. This file would only need editing when the credentials change. Otherwise, if you're only worried about shoulder surfers with average memories, base 64 encoding is probably the easiest solution. ROT13 is just too easy to decode manually, isn't case sensitive and retains too much meaning in it's encrypted state. Encode your password and user id outside the python script. Have he script decode at runtime for use.
Giving scripts credentials for automated tasks is always a risky proposal. Your script should have its own credentials and the account it uses should have no access other than exactly what is necessary. At least the password should be long and rather random.
base64 is the way to go for your simple needs. There is no need to import anything:
>>> 'your string'.encode('base64')
>>> _.decode('base64')
'your string'
A way that I have done this is as follows:
At the python shell:
>>> from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
>>> key = Fernet.generate_key()
>>> print(key)
>>> cipher = Fernet(key)
>>> password = "thepassword".encode('utf-8')
>>> token = cipher.encrypt(password)
>>> print(token)
Then, create a module with the following code:
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
# you store the key and the token
key = b'B8XBLJDiroM3N2nCBuUlzPL06AmfV4XkPJ5OKsPZbC4='
token = b'gAAAAABe_TUP82q1zMR9SZw1LpawRLHjgNLdUOmW31RApwASzeo4qWSZ52ZBYpSrb1kUeXNFoX0tyhe7kWuudNs2Iy7vUwaY7Q=='
# create a cipher and decrypt when you need your password
cipher = Fernet(key)
mypassword = cipher.decrypt(token).decode('utf-8')
Once you've done this, you can either import mypassword directly or you can import the token and cipher to decrypt as needed.
Obviously, there are some shortcomings to this approach. If someone has both the token and the key (as they would if they have the script), they can decrypt easily. However it does obfuscate, and if you compile the code (with something like Nuitka) at least your password won't appear as plain text in a hex editor.
for python3 obfuscation using base64 is done differently:
import base64
which results in
note the informal string representation, the actual string is in quotes
and decoding back to the original string
to use this result where string objects are required the bytes object can be translated
repr = base64.b64decode(b'UGFzc3dvcmRTdHJpbmdBc1N0cmVhbU9mQnl0ZXM=')
secret = repr.decode('utf-8')
for more information on how python3 handles bytes (and strings accordingly) please see the official documentation.
This is a pretty common problem. Typically the best you can do is to either
A) create some kind of ceasar cipher function to encode/decode (just not rot13)
B) the preferred method is to use an encryption key, within reach of your program, encode/decode the password. In which you can use file protection to protect access the key.
Along those lines if your app runs as a service/daemon (like a webserver) you can put your key into a password protected keystore with the password input as part of the service startup. It'll take an admin to restart your app, but you will have really good pretection for your configuration passwords.
Your operating system probably provides facilities for encrypting data securely. For instance, on Windows there is DPAPI (data protection API). Why not ask the user for their credentials the first time you run then squirrel them away encrypted for subsequent runs?
Here is my snippet for such thing. You basically import or copy the function to your code. getCredentials will create the encrypted file if it does not exist and return a dictionaty, and updateCredential will update.
import os
def getCredentials():
import base64
if not os.path.exists(directory):
with open(directory+'\\Credentials.txt', 'r') as file:
cred =
print('I could not file the credentials file. \nSo I dont keep asking you for your email and password everytime you run me, I will be saving an encrypted file at {}.\n'.format(directory))
lanid = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' LanID: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
email = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' eMail: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
password = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' PassW: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
cred = lanid+splitter+email+splitter+password
with open(directory+'\\Credentials.txt','w+') as file:
return {'lanid':base64.b64decode(bytes(cred.split(splitter)[0], encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8'),
'email':base64.b64decode(bytes(cred.split(splitter)[1], encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8'),
'password':base64.b64decode(bytes(cred.split(splitter)[2], encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')}
def updateCredentials():
import base64
if not os.path.exists(directory):
print('I will be saving an encrypted file at {}.\n'.format(directory))
lanid = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' LanID: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
email = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' eMail: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
password = base64.b64encode(bytes(input(' PassW: '), encoding='utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
cred = lanid+splitter+email+splitter+password
with open(directory+'\\Credentials.txt','w+') as file:
cred = getCredentials()
Place the configuration information in a encrypted config file. Query this info in your code using an key. Place this key in a separate file per environment, and don't store it with your code.
More homegrown appraoch rather than converting authentication / passwords / username to encrytpted details. FTPLIB is just the example.
"pass.csv" is the csv file name
Save password in CSV like below :
(With no column heading)
Reading the CSV and saving it to a list.
Using List elelments as authetntication details.
Full code.
import os
import ftplib
import csv
cred_detail = []
os.chdir("Folder where the csv file is stored")
for row in csv.reader(open("pass.csv","rb")):
ftp = ftplib.FTP('server_name',cred_detail[0][0],cred_detail[1][0])
Do you know pit? (py2 only (version 0.3)) (it will work on py3 (current version 0.4))
from pit import Pit
config = Pit.get('section-name', {'require': {
'username': 'DEFAULT STRING',
'password': 'DEFAULT STRING',
$ python
{'password': 'my-password', 'username': 'my-name'}
password: my-password
username: my-name
If running on Windows, you could consider using win32crypt library. It allows storage and retrieval of protected data (keys, passwords) by the user that is running the script, thus passwords are never stored in clear text or obfuscated format in your code. I am not sure if there is an equivalent implementation for other platforms, so with the strict use of win32crypt your code is not portable.
I believe the module can be obtained here:
You could also consider the possibility of storing the password outside the script, and supplying it at runtime
import os
username = 'fred'
password = os.environ.get('PASSWORD', '')
print(username, password)
which can be run like
$ PASSWORD=password123 python
fred password123
Extra layers of "security through obscurity" can be achieved by using base64 (as suggested above), using less obvious names in the code and further distancing the actual password from the code.
If the code is in a repository, it is often useful to store secrets outside it, so one could add this to ~/.bashrc (or to a vault, or a launch script, ...)
export SURNAME=cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
and change to
import os
import base64
name = 'fred'
surname = base64.b64decode(os.environ.get('SURNAME', '')).decode('utf-8')
print(name, surname)
then re-login and
$ python
fred password123
Why not have a simple xor?
looks like binary data
noone can read it without knowing the key (even if it's a single char)
I get to the point where I recognize simple b64 strings for common words and rot13 as well. Xor would make it much harder.
There are several ROT13 utilities written in Python on the 'Net -- just google for them. ROT13 encode the string offline, copy it into the source, decode at point of transmission.But this is really weak protection...
This doesn't precisely answer your question, but it's related. I was going to add as a comment but wasn't allowed.
I've been dealing with this same issue, and we have decided to expose the script to the users using Jenkins. This allows us to store the db credentials in a separate file that is encrypted and secured on a server and not accessible to non-admins.
It also allows us a bit of a shortcut to creating a UI, and throttling execution.
import base64

How to unlock a "secured" (read-protected) PDF in Python?

In Python I'm using pdfminer to read the text from a pdf with the code below this message. I now get an error message saying:
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pdfminer/", line 124, in get_pages
raise PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed('Text extraction is not allowed: %r' % fp)
PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed: Text extraction is not allowed: <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x7f79137a1
When I open this pdf with Acrobat Pro it turns out it is secured (or "read protected"). From this link however, I read that there's a multitude of services which can disable this read-protection easily (for example When diving into the source of pdfminer, I see that the error above is generated on these lines.
if check_extractable and not doc.is_extractable:
raise PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed('Text extraction is not allowed: %r' % fp)
Since there's a multitude of services which can disable this read-protection within a second, I presume it is really easy to do. It seems that .is_extractable is a simple attribute of the doc, but I don't think it is as simple as changing .is_extractable to True..
Does anybody know how I can disable the read protection on a pdf using Python? All tips are welcome!
Below you will find the code with which I currently extract the text from non-read protected.
def getTextFromPDF(rawFile):
resourceManager = PDFResourceManager(caching=True)
outfp = StringIO()
device = TextConverter(resourceManager, outfp, codec='utf-8', laparams=LAParams(), imagewriter=None)
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(resourceManager, device)
fileData = StringIO()
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fileData, set(), maxpages=0, caching=True, check_extractable=True):
result = outfp.getvalue()
return result
I had some issues trying to get qpdf to behave in my program. I found a useful library, pikepdf, that is based on qpdf and automatically converts pdfs to be extractable.
The code to use this is pretty straightforward:
import pikepdf
pdf ='unextractable.pdf')'extractable.pdf')
As far as I know, in most cases the full content of the PDF is actually encrypted, using the password as the encryption key, and so simply setting .is_extractable to True isn't going to help you.
Per this thread:
Does a library exist to remove passwords from PDFs programmatically?
I would recommend removing the read-protection with a command-line tool such as qpdf (easily installable, e.g. on Ubuntu use apt-get install qpdf if you don't have it already):
qpdf --password=PASSWORD --decrypt SECURED.pdf UNSECURED.pdf
Then open the unlocked file with pdfminer and do your stuff.
For a pure-Python solution, you can try using PyPDF2 and its .decrypt() method, but it doesn't work with all types of encryption, so really, you're better off just using qpdf - see:
I used below code using pikepdf and able to overwrite.
import pikepdf
pdf ='filepath', allow_overwriting_input=True)'filepath')
In my case there was no password, but simply setting check_extractable=False circumvented the PDFTextExtractionNotAllowed exception for a problematic file (that opened fine in other viewers).
Full disclosure, I am one of the maintainers of pdfminer.six. It is a community-maintained version of pdfminer for python 3.
This issue was fixed in 2020 by disabling the check_extractable by default. It now shows a warning instead of raising an error.
Similar question and answer here.
The 'check_extractable=True' argument is by design.
Some PDFs explicitly disallow to extract text, and PDFMiner follows the directive. You can override it (giving check_extractable=False), but do it at your own risk.
If you want to unlock all pdf files in a folder without renaming them, you may use this code:
import glob, os, pikepdf
p = os.getcwd()
for file in glob.glob('*.pdf'):
file_path = os.path.join(p, file).replace('\\','/')
init_pdf =
new_pdf =
In pikepdf library it is impossible to overwrite the existing file by saving it with the same name. In contrast, you would like to copy the pages to the newly created empty pdf file, and save it.
I too faced the same problem of parsing the secured pdf but it has got resolved using pikepdf library. I tried this library on my jupyter notebbok and on windows os but it gave errors but it worked smoothly on Ubuntu
If you've forgotten the password to your PDF, below is a generic script which tries a LOT of password combinations on the same PDF. It uses pikepdf, but you can update the function check_password to use something else.
Usage example:
I used this when I had forgotten a password on a bank PDF. I knew that my bank always encrypts these kind of PDFs with the same password-structure:
Total length = 8
First 4 characters = an uppercase letter.
Last 4 characters = a number.
I call script as follows:
Password-checking script:
(Requires Python3.8, with libraries numpy and pikepdf)
from typing import *
from itertools import product
import time, pikepdf, math, numpy as np
from pikepdf import PasswordError
ALPHABET_LOWERCASE: Sequence[str] = tuple('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
NUMBER: Sequence[str] = tuple('0123456789')
def as_list(l):
if isinstance(l, (list, tuple, set, np.ndarray)):
l = list(l)
l = [l]
return l
def human_readable_numbers(n, decimals: int = 0):
n = round(n)
if n < 1000:
return str(n)
names = ['', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion']
n = float(n)
idx = max(0,min(len(names)-1,
int(math.floor(0 if n == 0 else math.log10(abs(n))/3))))
return f'{n/10**(3*idx):.{decimals}f} {names[idx]}'
def check_password(pdf_file_path: str, password: str) -> bool:
## You can modify this function to use something other than pike pdf.
## This function should throw return True on success, and False on password-failure.
try:, password=password)
return True
except PasswordError:
return False
def check_passwords(pdf_file_path, combination, log_freq: int = int(1e4)):
combination = [tuple(as_list(c)) for c in combination]
print(f'Trying all combinations:')
for i, c in enumerate(combination):
print(f"{i}) {c}")
num_passwords: int = np.product([len(x) for x in combination])
passwords = product(*combination)
success: bool | str = False
count: int = 0
start: float = time.perf_counter()
for password in passwords:
password = ''.join(password)
if check_password(pdf_file_path, password=password):
success = password
print(f'SUCCESS with password "{password}"')
count += 1
if count % int(log_freq) == 0:
now = time.perf_counter()
print(f'Tried {human_readable_numbers(count)} ({100*count/num_passwords:.1f}%) of {human_readable_numbers(num_passwords)} passwords in {(now-start):.3f} seconds ({human_readable_numbers(count/(now-start))} passwords/sec). Latest password tried: "{password}"')
end: float = time.perf_counter()
msg: str = f'Tried {count} passwords in {1000*(end-start):.3f}ms ({count/(end-start):.3f} passwords/sec). '
msg += f"Correct password: {success}" if success is not False else f"All {num_passwords} passwords failed."
Obviously, don't use this to break into PDFs which are not your own. I hold no responsibility over how you use this script or any consequences of using it.
A lot of optimizations can be made.
Right now check_password uses pikepdf, which loads the file from disk for every "check". This is really slow, ideally it should run against an in-memory copy. I haven't figured out a way to do that, though.
You can probably speed this up a LOT by calling qpdf directly using C++, which is much better than Python for this kind of stuff.
I would avoid multi-processing here, since we're calling the same qpdf binary (which is normally a system-wide installation), which might become the bottleneck.

Encrypt/UnEncrypt Python Scripts in C

duplicates (that I havent found answers in):
How do I protect Python code?
So I have looked at both of the links above ^^ and I have found nothing useful for actually encrypting python scripts and/or obfuscating python code. So I am new to C but experienced in python, and if I wanted to develop commercial python projects my best idea was this:
create a c script and an encrypted&compiled python script The C script would need to simply supply a string encryption key and decrypt it. Just FYI ive never actually tried encryption, and I know this wouldnt be perfect. But I dont need perfect. I just want to make it harder to decompile my python source code, realizing this would be still easy but not AS easy.
I have looked currently at Cython, and I can easily generate a *.c file, now how can I compile this to binary? (with visual studio)
So how could I encrypt my python code and decrypt it from a C script (which I could compile to binary making it significantly harder to edit)?
Here's what I would do:
1) Create a C script which produces a key and stores it to a text file
2) Pick up the key and immediately delete the text file upon running Python
3) Use the key to decrypt the really important parts of your Python code (make sure that not having these bits will break your script) then import it all
4) Immediately re-encrypt the important Python bits, and delete the .pyc file
This will be beatable, but you're ok with that.
To encrypt and re-encrypt your python bits, try this code:
from hashlib import md5
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
def encrypt(in_file, out_file, password, key_length=32):
bs = AES.block_size
salt = - len('Salted__'))
key, iv = derive_key_and_iv(password, salt, key_length, bs)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
out_file.write('Salted__' + salt)
finished = False
while not finished:
chunk = * bs)
if len(chunk) == 0 or len(chunk) % bs != 0:
padding_length = (bs - len(chunk) % bs) or bs
chunk += padding_length * chr(padding_length)
finished = True
def decrypt(in_file, out_file, password, key_length=32):
bs = AES.block_size
salt =[len('Salted__'):]
key, iv = derive_key_and_iv(password, salt, key_length, bs)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
next_chunk = ''
finished = False
while not finished:
chunk, next_chunk = next_chunk, cipher.decrypt( * bs))
if len(next_chunk) == 0:
padding_length = ord(chunk[-1])
chunk = chunk[:-padding_length]
finished = True
So to summarize, here's some pseudo-code:
def main():
with open("key.txt",'r') as f:
key =
#Calls to decrpyt files which look like this:
with open("Encrypted file name"), 'rb') as in_file, open("unecrypted file name"), 'wb') as out_file:
decrypt(in_file, out_file, key)
os.remove("encrypted file name")
import fileA, fileB, fileC, etc
global fileA, fileB, fileC, etc
#Calls to re-encrypt files and remove unencrypted versions along with .pyc files using a similar scheme to decryption calls
#Whatever else you want
But just to stress and important point,
Python is not made for this! It is meant to be open and free!
If you find yourself at this juncture with no other alternative, you probably should just use a different language
The a look at Nuitka project. It's a python compiler that compiles your python scripts to native executable code that uses libpython to run.
You didn't explain WHY you felt the need to encrypt/decrypt. The answer to which could materially alter any suggestions offered.
For example, let's assume you're trying to protect intellectual property, but like the convenience of coding in python. If this is you motivation, consider cython --
But let's say you were more concerned about security (ie: to prevent someone from altering your code without a user's permission). In that case, you could consider some sort of Embedded loader that checksums your python source BEFORE invoking an embedded python interpreter.
I'm sure there are 1/2 dozen other reasons you might want to encrypt.

password encryption on python?

I just create a new aplication in python for registration.
I save all the fields in database and user created successfully but the password is save same as it is we filled at the time of registration.
How do I encrypt or use default functonality of python for password.
Please suggest me?
To make offline password cracking more expensive, you could use bcrypt.
If you are limited to the stdlib, there is crypt module on Unix:
hashed = crypt.crypt(plaintext)
you should hash the passwords, the following code hashes the raw-input password according to your PASSWORD_HASHERS in
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password
pass = make_password(raw_pass) # hashing is done here
Don't implement such stuff yourself or you likely will do it wrong.
For password storage, using some reversible encoding or symetric encryption or a simple hash from hashlib or even a randomly salted hash are all major FAILURES nowadays.
If you are using django, use some strong algorithm provided by django (usually one of: bcrypt, pbkdf2, sha512_crypt).
When not using django: use passlib - after reading its documentation.
Hash the password upon getting it from the user (and on registration) to encrypt it.
import hashlib
m = hashlib.sha1()
m.update("My users' password here")
For actual encryption, you can try M2Crypto or PyCrypto. Those are probably what you are looking for; however, there are other ways to obfuscate your passwords for the average user:
(if you would like to read some more answers as to what encryption method might suit you best, check out this somewhat related SO post: Recommended Python cryptographic module?
hashlib will provide various hash algorithms (ex. "SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512"). A simple example:
import hashlib
enc = hashlib.md5()
print enc.hexdigest()
And this will print you the md5 "Somerandompassword":
However, for (base64) encoding, for example, try:
import base64
enc = base64.b64encode("Somerandompassword")
and decoding
dec = base64.b64decode("U29tZXJhbmRvbXBhc3N3b3Jk")
print dec
will print: Somerandompassword

how to make pickled file unreadable in any text editor

the pickled file i create using this method is readable in text editor if we forcibly open it,
import pickle,os
print os.path.split(__file__)[0]
storloc= os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],"test.pkl"))
newD={"String":"this is the world", "int":1,"float":1.5}
print newD
print storloc
d = open(storloc, 'wb')
how to make pickled file(test.pkl) unreadable in any text editor?
Attempting to make a simple format such as Python pickles safe for passwords is a fools game.
Use the keyring package instead and leave it to the OS to store your password safely.
import keyring
username = # Obtain a stored username or ask the user
password = keyring.get_password('your_application_name', username)
if password is None or verify_password_failed:
password = # Obtain a password from the user
keyring.set_password('your_application_name', username, password)
The keyring package uses the OS-supplied keyring (OS X, Windows, KDE, Gnome), but will fall back to an encrypted store of it's own if necessary.
Just add a third parameter to the dump call - it is the protocol parameter, and only the default one (0) is ASCII encoded - protocols 1 and 2 are binary only and should be mangled in a text editor.
However, this is not safe - if you want passwords not to be seen, check pycripto, and do some proper cryptography on your file.
