Opencv homography does not produce the required tranformation - python

I am trying to transform an image along the edge of the object (here the object is the book). Using canny edge detection, I am detecting the edges and from the score matrix, based on pixel value, I am choosing a random 4 coordinates lying on the edge for transformation. But the transformation is not as it thought it would be. What is the problem/Where am I missing out?
First I have sliced out a portion of the image. Then applied canny edge detection and randomly selected 4 edge coordinate points based on my own condition as:
My original image is:
For experiment I have sliced out according to my need as:
The size of this image (61,160)
Now I need to transform the above image to make the edge of the book parallel to the horizontal axis.
img = cv2.imread('download1.jpg',0)
edges = cv2.Canny(img,100,200)
for i in range (0,img.shape[0]):
for j in range (0,img.shape[1]):
if (edges[i][j]==255) and k<=4 and i>31 and j not in y_list:
The edge detection image is obtained as:
The contents of l list are
[[49 32]
[44 33]
[40 34]
[36 35]]
Then set the destination points given by list lt as:
[[49 61]
[44 60]
[40 61]
[36 60]]
Then found out the homography matrix and used it to find out the warp perspective as :
h, status = cv2.findHomography(l,lt)
im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img, h, (img.shape[1],img.shape[0]))
But it doesnot produce the required result! The resultant output image is obtained as:

I faced a similar issue, and this is how I solved it (quite similar to your method actually), just I used get rotation matrix instead homografy:
read image
edge detector
hough line to get all the lines (with an inclination inside a specific interval)
lines = cv.HoughLinesP(img, 1, np.pi/180, 100, minLineLength=100, maxLineGap=10)
get lines average inclination, cause in my case I had lot of parallel lines to use as
references and in this way I was able to get a better result
for line in lines:
x1,y1,x2,y2 = line[0]
if (x2-x1) != 0:
angle = math.atan((float(y2-y1))/float((x2-x1))) * 180 / math.pi
angle = 90
#you can skip this test if you have no info about the lines you re looking for
#in this case offset_angle is = 0
if min_angle_threshold <= angle <= max_angle_threshold:
tot_angle = tot_angle + angle
cnt = cnt + 1
average_angle = (tot_angle / cnt) - offset_angle
apply the counter-rotation
center = your rotation center - probably the center of the image
rotation_matrix = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0)
height, width = img.shape
rotated_image = cv.warpAffine(img, rotation_matrix, (width, height))
#do whatever you want, then rotate image back
counter_rotation_matrix = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -angle, 1.0)
original_image = cv.warpAffine( rotated_image, counter_rotation_matrix, (width, height))
Edit: see the full example here:
import math
import cv2 as cv
img = cv.imread('C:\\temp\\test_3.jpg',0)
edges = cv.Canny(img,100,200)
lines = cv.HoughLinesP(edges[0:50,:], 1, np.pi/180, 50, minLineLength=10, maxLineGap=10)
tot_angle = 0
cnt = 0
for line in lines:
x1,y1,x2,y2 = line[0]
if (x2-x1) != 0:
angle = math.atan((float(y2-y1))/float((x2-x1))) * 180 / math.pi
angle = 90
if -30 <= angle <= 30:
tot_angle = tot_angle + angle
cnt = cnt + 1
average_angle = (tot_angle / cnt)
h,w = img.shape[:2]
center = w/2, h/2
rotation_matrix = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, average_angle, 1.0)
height, width = img.shape
rotated_image = cv.warpAffine(img, rotation_matrix, (width, height))
cv.imshow("roto", rotated_image)
#do all your stuff here, add text and whatever
counter_rotation_matrix = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -average_angle, 1.0)
original_image = cv.warpAffine( rotated_image, counter_rotation_matrix, (width, height))
cv.imshow("orig", original_image)
in case you want apply an homography(different than just a simple rotation, 'cause it also applies a perspective transformation), below the code to make it work:
#very basic example, similar to your code with fixed terms
l = np.array([(11,32),(43,215),(142,1),(205,174)])
lt = np.array([(43,32),(43,215),(205,32),(205,215)])
h, status = cv.findHomography(l,lt)
im_out = cv.warpPerspective(img, h, (img.shape[1],img.shape[0]))
To do it programmatically
- for "l" : just use houghlines as well and find the 4 corners,
then add them
for "lt": find a "destination" for all the 4 points, for instance use the bottom corners as reference
lines = cv.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi/180, 100, minLineLength=150, maxLineGap=5)
l = []
for line in lines:
x1,y1,x2,y2 = line[0]
if (x2-x1) != 0:
angle = math.atan((float(y2-y1))/float((x2-x1))) * 180 / math.pi
angle = 90
# consider only vertical edges
if 60 <= angle:
if len(y_values) == 0:
l = np.array(l)
lt = np.array([(x_values[0],y_values[0]),(x_values[0],y_values[1]),(x_values[1],y_values[0]),(x_values[1],y_values[1])])
then call findhomography as done above
Hope it's clear enough!


Wrong remapping of keypoints of the object after image rotation

I have image with with many cars, every car has coordinates of polygon and keypoints. I use this code to crop object by polygon and get new keypoints.
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(points_poly_int)
cropped_img = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
head_coords_after_crop = np.asarray([head_coords_old[0] - x, head_coords_old[1] -y])
center_coords_after_crop = np.asarray([center_coords_old[0] - x, center_coords_old[1] -y])
Here example of cropped image and keypoints:
What I need is rotate the whole image by any angle and remap coordinates of polygons and keypoints for every object
Here method which return rotated image and matrix of transformation:
def rotate_image(mat, angle):
Rotates an image (angle in degrees) and expands image to avoid cropping
height, width = mat.shape[:2] # image shape has 3 dimensions
image_center = (width/2, height/2) # getRotationMatrix2D needs coordinates in reverse order (width, height) compared to shape
rotation_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, angle, 1.)
# rotation calculates the cos and sin, taking absolutes of those.
abs_cos = abs(rotation_mat[0,0])
abs_sin = abs(rotation_mat[0,1])
# find the new width and height bounds
bound_w = int(height * abs_sin + width * abs_cos)
bound_h = int(height * abs_cos + width * abs_sin)
# subtract old image center (bringing image back to origo) and adding the new image center coordinates
rotation_mat[0, 2] += bound_w/2 - image_center[0]
rotation_mat[1, 2] += bound_h/2 - image_center[1]
# rotate image with the new bounds and translated rotation matrix
rotated_mat = cv2.warpAffine(mat, rotation_mat, (bound_w, bound_h))
return rotated_mat, rotation_mat
What I do next is multiplying old coordinates with matrix of transformation. Here code:
img_roated, C = rotate_image(img, 180)
#Remap polygons coordinates
ones = np.ones((points_poly.shape[0], 1))
new_poly = np.hstack((points_poly,ones))
new_poly = (C # new_poly.T).T
new_poly = new_poly.astype(np.int32)
#Crop by new polygons
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(new_poly)
cropped_img = img_roated[y:y+h,x:x+w]
#Reamp keypoints coordinates
head_coords_new = np.asarray([756.600, 1687.900, 1])
center_coords_new = np.asarray([762.300, 1708.400, 1])
head_coords_new = (C # head_coords_new.T).T
center_coords_new = (C # center_coords_new.T).T
head_coords_new = np.asarray([head_coords_old[0] - x, head_coords_old[1] - y])
center_coords_new = np.asarray([center_coords_old[0] - x, center_coords_old[1] - y])
head_coords_new = head_coords_new.astype(np.int32)
center_coords_new = center_coords_new.astype(np.int32)
But result is differnt from first picture, Here new picture:
Somehow keypoints shift, and it happens with every angle. And I don't know how to fix it.
Here the source image:
And polygons with keypoints:
{'keypoints': [{'id': 'head', 'pos': '756.600;1687.900'},
{'id': 'roof_center', 'pos': '762.300;1708.400'}],
'polygon': '{(759.700;1717.300);(770.000;1714.200);(762.000;1687.400);(756.600;1687.900);(751.200;1690.700);(759.700;1717.300)}'}
If you wish to reproduce the issue.
Thanks in advnced
Here the differnce. Right pic is first image rotated in pic viewer. Left is transformed pic

How to detect a grainy line?

I am trying to detect a grainy printed line on a paper with cv2. I need the angle of the line. I dont have much knowledge in image processing and I only need to detect the line. I tried to play with the parameters but the angle is always detected wrong. Could someone help me. This is my code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
img = cv2.imread('CamXY1_1.bmp')
crop_img = img[100:800, 300:900]
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop_img, (1,1), 0)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(blur,150,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(thresh,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 60, 150)
figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=150)
plt.imshow(edges, 'gray')
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180,200)
for rho,theta in lines[0]:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 3000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 3000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 3000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 3000*(a))
cv2.line(img,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0, 255, 0),2)
Here's a possible solution to estimate the line (and its angle) without using the Hough line transform. The idea is to locate the start and ending points of the line using the reduce function. This function can reduce an image to a single column or row. If we reduce the image we can also get the total SUM of all the pixels across the reduced image. Using this info we can estimate the extreme points of the line and calculate its angle. This are the steps:
Resize your image because it is way too big
Get a binary image via adaptive thresholding
Define two extreme regions of the image and crop them
Reduce the ROIs to a column using the SUM mode, which is the sum of all rows
Accumulate the total values above a threshold value
Estimate the starting and ending points of the line
Get the angle of the line
Here's the code:
# imports:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
# image path
path = "D://opencvImages//"
fileName = "mmCAb.jpg"
# Reading an image in default mode:
inputImage = cv2.imread(path + fileName)
# Scale your BIG image into a small one:
scalePercent = 0.3
# Calculate the new dimensions
width = int(inputImage.shape[1] * scalePercent)
height = int(inputImage.shape[0] * scalePercent)
newSize = (width, height)
# Resize the image:
inputImage = cv2.resize(inputImage, newSize, None, None, None, cv2.INTER_AREA)
# Deep copy for results:
inputImageCopy = inputImage.copy()
# Convert BGR to grayscale:
grayInput = cv2.cvtColor(inputImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Adaptive Thresholding:
windowSize = 51
windowConstant = 11
binaryImage = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(grayInput, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, windowSize, windowConstant)
The first step is to get the binary image. Note that I previously downscaled your input because it is too big and we don't need all that info. This is the binary mask:
Now, we don't need most of the image. In fact, since the line is across the whole image, we can only "trim" the first and last column and check out where the white pixels begin. I'll crop a column a little bit wider, though, so we can ensure we have enough data and as less noise as possible. I'll define two Regions of Interest (ROIs) and crop them. Then, I'll reduce each ROI to a column using the SUM mode, this will give me the summation of all intensity across each row. After that, I can accumulate the locations where the sum exceeds a certain threshold and approximate the location of the line, like this:
# Define the regions that will be cropped
# from the original image:
lineWidth = 5
cropPoints = [(0, 0, lineWidth, height), (width-lineWidth, 0, lineWidth, height)]
# Store the line points here:
linePoints = []
# Loop through the crop points and
# crop de ROI:
for p in range(len(cropPoints)):
# Get the ROI:
(x,y,w,h) = cropPoints[p]
# Crop the ROI:
imageROI = binaryImage[y:y+h, x:x+w]
# Reduce the ROI to a n row x 1 columns matrix:
reducedImg = cv2.reduce(imageROI, 1, cv2.REDUCE_SUM, dtype=cv2.CV_32S)
# Get the height (or lenght) of the arry:
reducedHeight = reducedImg.shape[0]
# Define a threshold and accumulate
# the coordinate of the points:
threshValue = 100
pointSum = 0
pointCount = 0
for i in range(reducedHeight):
currentValue = reducedImg[i]
if currentValue > threshValue:
pointSum = pointSum + i
pointCount = pointCount + 1
# Get average coordinate of the line:
y = int(accX / pixelCount)
# Store in list:
linePoints.append((x, y))
The red rectangles show the regions I cropped from the input image:
Note that I've stored both points in the linePoints list. Let's check out our approximation by drawing a line that connects both points:
# Get the two points:
p0 = linePoints[0]
p1 = linePoints[1]
# Draw the line:
cv2.line(inputImageCopy, (p0[0], p0[1]), (p1[0], p1[1]), (255, 0, 0), 1)
cv2.imshow("Line", inputImageCopy)
Which yields:
Not bad, huh? Now that we have both points, we can estimate the angle of this line:
# Get angle:
adjacentSide = p1[0] - p0[0]
oppositeSide = p0[1] - p1[1]
# Compute the angle alpha:
alpha = math.degrees(math.atan(oppositeSide / adjacentSide))
print("Angle: "+str(alpha))
This prints:
Angle: 0.534210901840831

How to compute maximum width and length of worms?

I tried to find width of each contour but it return infinity width. Any body have idea on this Image. First find all contours and calculate distance using Hausdorff distance.
My Code as follow:
Read Image
img = imread('M2 Output.jpg')
gray= img[:,:,0]
Binary = gray / 255
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
Find contours
contours = measure.find_contours(Binary, 0.8)
def drawShape(img, coordinates, color):
# In order to draw our line in red
#img = color.gray2rgb(img)
# Make sure the coordinates are expressed as integers
coordinates = coordinates.astype(int)
img[coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1]] = color
return img
Centeroid Function
def centeroidnp(arr):
length = len(arr[0])
sum_x = np.sum(arr[0])
sum_y = np.sum(arr[1])
return (sum_x//length), (sum_y//length)
Manhattan Distance
def manhattan(p1, p2):
dist = abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) + abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
return dist
Width Calculation for each contour
for contour in contours:
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
imge = drawShape(mask, contouri, [255, 255, 255])
orig = imge.copy()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
centeroid = centeroidnp(contouri)
# Manual Threshold Limit
thresh = 0.0
dist = []
# Get Worm Ends Location
for i in range(len(contouri[0])):
# Calculate the distance from the centroid
dist.append(manhattan((contouri[0][i], contouri[1][i]),
# Get Worm Ends Location
ends_index = (np.argwhere(dist> thresh *
# Padding of the ends
imge[contouri[0][ends_index],contouri[1][ends_index]] = 0
# Label each thread
lab = label(imge)
# Thread 1
u = lab.copy()
u[u==1] = 0
u[u>0] = 1
# Thread 2
v = lab.copy()
v[v==2] = 0
v[v>0] = 1
# Hausdorff Distance
#width = round(metrics.hausdorff_distance(u, v))
width = metrics.hausdorff_distance(u, v)
If you can easily generate correct skeletons, then the skan library can measure the skeleton branch lengths for you:
In this case:
import skan
skel_obj = skan.Skeleton(skel)
Here is the documentation for the Skeleton object API:
and the related function skan.summarize, which takes the skeleton object as input and produces some summary statistics:

Fast and Robust Image Stitching Algorithm for many images in Python?

I have a stationary camera which takes photos rapidly of the continuosly moving product but in a fixed position just of the same angle (translation perspective). I need to stitch all images into a panoramic picture. I've tried by using the class Stitcher. It worked, but it took a long time to compute.
I also tried to use another method by using the SIFT detector, FNNbasedMatcher, finding Homography and then warping the images. This method works fine if I only use two images. For multiple images it still doesn't stitch them properly. Does anyone know the best and fastest image stitching algorithm for this case?
This is my code which uses the Stitcher class.
import time
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
def main():
# read input images
imgs = []
path = 'pics_rotated/'
i = 0
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path):
images = [f for f in files]
for i in range(0,len(images)):
curImg = cv2.imread(path + images[i])
stitcher = cv2.Stitcher.create(mode= 0)
status ,result = stitcher.stitch(imgs)
if status != cv2.Stitcher_OK:
print("Can't stitch images, error code = %d" % status)
cv2.imwrite("imagesout/output.jpg", result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("Time --->>>>>", end - start)
cv2.destroyAllWindows()enter code here
Although OpenCV Stitcher class provides lots of methods and options to perform stitching, I find it hard to use it because of the complexity.
Therefore, I will try to provide the minimum and fastest way to perform stitching.
In case you are wondering more sophisticated approachs such as exposure compensation, I highly recommend looking at the detailed sample code.
As a side note, I will be grateful if someone can convert the following functions to use Stitcher class.
In order to combine multiple images into the same perspective, the following operations are needed:
Detect and match features.
Compute homography (perspective transform between frames).
Warp one image onto the other perspective.
Combine the base and warped images while keeping track of the shift in origin.
Given the combination pattern, stitch multiple images.
Feature detection and matching
What are features?
They are distinguishable parts, like corners of a square, that are preserved across images.
There are different algorithms proposed for obtaining these characteristic points, like Harris, ORB, SIFT, SURF, etc.
See cv::Feature2d for the full list.
I will use SIFT because it is accurate and sufficiently fast.
A feature consists of a KeyPoint, which is the location in the image, and a descriptor, which is a set of numbers (e.g. a 128-D vector) that represents the properties of the feature.
After finding distinct points in images, we need to match the corresponding point pairs.
See cv::DescriptionMatcher.
I will use Flann-based descriptor matcher.
First, we initialize the descriptor and matcher classes.
descriptor = cv.SIFT.create()
matcher = cv.DescriptorMatcher.create(cv.DescriptorMatcher.FLANNBASED)
Then, we find the features in each image.
(kps, desc) = descriptor.detectAndCompute(image, mask=None)
Now we find the corresponding point pairs.
if (desc1 is not None and desc2 is not None and len(desc1) >=2 and len(desc2) >= 2):
rawMatch = matcher->knnMatch(desc2, desc1, k=2)
matches = []
# ensure the distance is within a certain ratio of each other (i.e. Lowe's ratio test)
ratio = 0.75
for m in rawMatch:
if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * ratio:
matches.append((m[0].trainIdx, m[0].queryIdx))
Homography computation
Homography is the perspective transformation from one view to another.
The parallel lines in one view may not be parallel in another, like a road to sunset.
We need to have at least 4 corresponding point pairs.
The more means redundant data that have to be decomposed or eliminated.
Homography matrix that transforms the point in the initial view to its warped position.
It is a 3x3 matrix that is computed by Direct Linear Transform algorithm.
There are 8 DoF and the last element in the matrix is 1.
[pt2] = H * [pt1]
Now that we have corresponding point matches, we compute the homography.
The method we use to handle redundant data is RANSAC, which randomly selects 4 point pairs and uses the best fitting result.
See cv::findHomography for more options.
if len(matches) > 4:
(H, status) = cv.findHomography(pts1, pts2, cv.RANSAC)
Warping to perspective
By computing homography, we know which point in the source image corresponds to which point in the destination image.
In order not to lose information from the source image, we need to pad the destination image by the amount that the transformed point falls to negative regions.
At the same time, we need to keep track of the shift amount of the origin for stitching multiple images.
Auxilary functions
# find the ROI of a transformation result
def warpRect(rect, H):
x, y, w, h = rect
corners = [[x, y], [x, y + h - 1], [x + w - 1, y], [x + w - 1, y + h - 1]]
extremum = cv.transform(corners, H)
minx, miny = np.min(extremum[:,0]), np.min(extremum[:,1])
maxx, maxy = np.max(extremum[:,0]), np.max(extremum[:,1])
xo = int(np.floor(minx))
yo = int(np.floor(miny))
wo = int(np.ceil(maxx - minx))
ho = int(np.ceil(maxy - miny))
outrect = (xo, yo, wo, ho)
return outrect
# homography matrix is translated to fit in the screen
def coverH(rect, H):
# obtain bounding box of the result
x, y, _, _ = warpRect(rect, H)
# shift amount to the first quadrant
xpos = int(-x if x < 0 else 0)
ypos = int(-y if y < 0 else 0)
# correct the homography matrix so that no point is thrown out
T = np.array([[1, 0, xpos], [0, 1, ypos], [0, 0, 1]])
H_corr =
return (H_corr, (xpos, ypos))
# pad image to cover ROI, return the shift amount of origin
def addBorder(img, rect):
x, y, w, h = rect
tl = (x, y)
br = (x + w, y + h)
top = int(-tl[1] if tl[1] < 0 else 0)
bottom = int(br[1] - img.shape[0] if br[1] > img.shape[0] else 0)
left = int(-tl[0] if tl[0] < 0 else 0)
right = int(br[0] - img.shape[1] if br[0] > img.shape[1] else 0)
img = cv.copyMakeBorder(img, top, bottom, left, right, cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0, 0, 0])
orig = (left, top)
return img, orig
def size2rect(size):
return (0, 0, size[1], size[0])
Warping function
def warpImage(img, H):
# tweak the homography matrix to move the result to the first quadrant
H_cover, pos = coverH(size2rect(img.shape), H)
# find the bounding box of the output
x, y, w, h = warpRect(size2rect(img.shape), H_cover)
width, height = x + w, y + h
# warp the image using the corrected homography matrix
warped = cv.warpPerspective(img, H_corr, (width, height))
# make the external boundary solid black, useful for masking
warped = np.ascontiguousarray(warped, dtype=np.uint8)
gray = cv.cvtColor(warped, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
_, bw = cv.threshold(gray, 1, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
major = cv.__version__.split('.')[0]
if major == '3':
_, cnts, _ = cv.findContours(bw, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
cnts, _ = cv.findContours(bw, cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
warped = cv.drawContours(warped, cnts, 0, [0, 0, 0], lineType=cv.LINE_4)
return (warped, pos)
Combining warped and destination images
This is the step where image enhancement such as exposure compensation becomes involved.
In order to keep things simple, we will use mean value blending.
The easiest solution would be overriding the existing data in the destination image but averaging operation is not a burden for us.
# only the non-zero pixels are weighted to the average
def mean_blend(img1, img2):
assert(img1.shape == img2.shape)
locs1 = np.where(cv.cvtColor(img1, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) != 0)
blended1 = np.copy(img2)
blended1[locs1[0], locs1[1]] = img1[locs1[0], locs1[1]]
locs2 = np.where(cv.cvtColor(img2, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) != 0)
blended2 = np.copy(img1)
blended2[locs2[0], locs2[1]] = img2[locs2[0], locs2[1]]
blended = cv.addWeighted(blended1, 0.5, blended2, 0.5, 0)
return blended
def warpPano(prevPano, img, H, orig):
# correct homography matrix
T = np.array([[1, 0, -orig[0]], [0, 1, -orig[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
H_corr =
# warp the image and obtain shift amount of origin
result, pos = warpImage(prevPano, H_corr)
xpos, ypos = pos
# zero pad the result
rect = (xpos, ypos, img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
result, _ = addBorder(result, rect)
# mean value blending
idx = np.s_[ypos : ypos + img.shape[0], xpos : xpos + img.shape[1]]
result[idx] = mean_blend(result[idx], img)
# crop extra paddings
x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(cv.cvtColor(result, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))
result = result[y : y + h, x : x + w]
# return the resulting image with shift amount
return (result, (xpos - x, ypos - y))
Stitching multiple images given combination pattern
# base image is the last image in each iteration
def blend_multiple_images(images, homographies):
N = len(images)
assert(N >= 2)
assert(len(homographies) == N - 1)
pano = np.copy(images[0])
pos = (0, 0)
for i in range(N - 1):
img = images[i + 1]
# get homography matrix
H = homographies[i]
# warp pano onto image
pano, pos = warpPano(pano, img, H, pos)
return (pano, pos)
The method above warps the previously combined image, called pano, onto the next image subsequently.
A pattern, however, may have conjunction points for the best stitching view.
For example
1 2 3
4 5 6
The best pattern to combine these images is
1 -> 2 <- 3
4 -> 5 <- 6
Therefore, we need one last function to combine 1 & 2 with 2 & 3, or 1235 with 456 at node 5.
from operator import sub
# no warping here, useful for combining two different stitched images
# the image at given origin coordinates must be the same
def patchPano(img1, img2, orig1=(0,0), orig2=(0,0)):
# bottom right points
br1 = (img1.shape[1] - 1, img1.shape[0] - 1)
br2 = (img2.shape[1] - 1, img2.shape[0] - 1)
# distance from orig to br
diag2 = tuple(map(sub, br2, orig2))
# possible pano corner coordinates based on img1
extremum = np.array([(0, 0), br1,
tuple(map(sum, zip(orig1, diag2))),
tuple(map(sub, orig1, orig2))])
bb = cv.boundingRect(extremum)
# patch img1 to img2
pano, shift = addBorder(img1, bb)
orig = tuple(map(sum, zip(orig1, shift)))
idx = np.s_[orig[1] : orig[1] + img2.shape[0] - orig2[1],
orig[0] : orig[0] + img2.shape[1] - orig2[0]]
subImg = img2[orig2[1] : img2.shape[0], orig2[0] : img2.shape[1]]
pano[idx] = mean_blend(pano[idx], subImg)
return (pano, orig)
For a quick demo, you can run the Python code in GitHub.
If you want to use the above methods in C++, you can have a look at Stitch library.
Any PR or edit to this post is welcome.
As an alternative to the last step that #Burak gave, this is the way I used as I had the number of images for each of the rows (chunks), the multiStitching being nothing but a function to stitch images horizontally:
def stitchingImagesHV(img_list, size):
As our multi stitching algorithm works on the horizontal line, we will hack
it to use also the vertical stitching by rotating each row "stitch_img" and
apply the same technique, and after that, the final result is rotated back to the
original direction.
# Generate row chunks of "size" length from image list
chunks = [img_list[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(img_list), size)]
list_rotated_images = []
for i in range(len(chunks)):
stitch_img = multiStitching(chunks[i])
stitch_img_rotated = cv2.rotate(stitch_img, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
stitch_img2 = multiStitching(list_rotated_images)
return cv2.rotate(stitch_img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)

Extract artwork from table game card image with OpenCV

I wrote a small script in python where I'm trying to extract or crop the part of the playing card that represents the artwork only, removing all the rest. I've been trying various methods of thresholding but couldn't get there. Also note that I can't simply record manually the position of the artwork because it's not always in the same position or size, but always in a rectangular shape where everything else is just text and borders.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cv2
img = cv2.imread(filename)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret,binary = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU | cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
binary = cv2.bitwise_not(binary)
kernel = np.ones((15, 15), np.uint8)
closing = cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
The current output is the closest thing I could get. I could be on the right way and try some further wrangling to draw a rectangle around the white parts, but I don't think it's a sustainable method :
As a last note, see the cards below, not all frames are exactly the same sizes or positions, but there's always a piece of artwork with only text and borders around it. It doesn't have to be super precisely cut, but clearly the art is a "region" of the card, surrounded by other regions containing some text. My goal is to try to capture the region of the artwork as well as I can.
I used Hough line transform to detect linear parts of the image.
The crossings of all lines were used to construct all possible rectangles, which do not contain other crossing points.
Since the part of the card you are looking for is always the biggest of those rectangles (at least in the samples you provided), i simply chose the biggest of those rectangles as winner.
The script works without user interaction.
import cv2
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
def segment_by_angle_kmeans(lines, k=2, **kwargs):
#Groups lines based on angle with k-means.
#Uses k-means on the coordinates of the angle on the unit circle
#to segment `k` angles inside `lines`.
# Define criteria = (type, max_iter, epsilon)
default_criteria_type = cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER
criteria = kwargs.get('criteria', (default_criteria_type, 10, 1.0))
flags = kwargs.get('flags', cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)
attempts = kwargs.get('attempts', 10)
# returns angles in [0, pi] in radians
angles = np.array([line[0][1] for line in lines])
# multiply the angles by two and find coordinates of that angle
pts = np.array([[np.cos(2*angle), np.sin(2*angle)]
for angle in angles], dtype=np.float32)
# run kmeans on the coords
labels, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, k, None, criteria, attempts, flags)[1:]
labels = labels.reshape(-1) # transpose to row vec
# segment lines based on their kmeans label
segmented = defaultdict(list)
for i, line in zip(range(len(lines)), lines):
segmented = list(segmented.values())
return segmented
def intersection(line1, line2):
#Finds the intersection of two lines given in Hesse normal form.
#Returns closest integer pixel locations.
rho1, theta1 = line1[0]
rho2, theta2 = line2[0]
A = np.array([
[np.cos(theta1), np.sin(theta1)],
[np.cos(theta2), np.sin(theta2)]
b = np.array([[rho1], [rho2]])
x0, y0 = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
x0, y0 = int(np.round(x0)), int(np.round(y0))
return [[x0, y0]]
def segmented_intersections(lines):
#Finds the intersections between groups of lines.
intersections = []
for i, group in enumerate(lines[:-1]):
for next_group in lines[i+1:]:
for line1 in group:
for line2 in next_group:
intersections.append(intersection(line1, line2))
return intersections
def rect_from_crossings(crossings):
#find all rectangles without other points inside
rectangles = []
# Search all possible rectangles
for i in range(len(crossings)):
x1= int(crossings[i][0][0])
y1= int(crossings[i][0][1])
for j in range(len(crossings)):
x2= int(crossings[j][0][0])
y2= int(crossings[j][0][1])
#Search all points
flag = 1
for k in range(len(crossings)):
x3= int(crossings[k][0][0])
y3= int(crossings[k][0][1])
#Dont count double (reverse rectangles)
if (x1 > x2 or y1 > y2):
flag = 0
#Dont count rectangles with points inside
elif ((((x3 >= x1) and (x2 >= x3))and (y3 > y1) and (y2 > y3) or ((x3 > x1) and (x2 > x3))and (y3 >= y1) and (y2 >= y3))):
if(i!=k and j!=k):
flag = 0
if flag:
return rectangles
if __name__ == '__main__':
#img = cv2.imread('TAJFp.jpg')
#img = cv2.imread('Bj2uu.jpg')
img = cv2.imread('yi8db.png')
width = int(img.shape[1])
height = int(img.shape[0])
scale = 380/width
dim = (int(width*scale), int(height*scale))
# resize image
img = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
img2 = img.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray,(5,5),cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
# Parameters of Canny and Hough may have to be tweaked to work for as many cards as possible
edges = cv2.Canny(gray,10,45,apertureSize = 7)
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/90,160)
segmented = segment_by_angle_kmeans(lines)
crossings = segmented_intersections(segmented)
rectangles = rect_from_crossings(crossings)
#Find biggest remaining rectangle
size = 0
for i in range(len(rectangles)):
x1 = rectangles[i][0][0]
x2 = rectangles[i][1][0]
y1 = rectangles[i][0][1]
y2 = rectangles[i][1][1]
if(size < (abs(x1-x2)*abs(y1-y2))):
size = abs(x1-x2)*abs(y1-y2)
x1_rect = x1
x2_rect = x2
y1_rect = y1
y2_rect = y2
cv2.rectangle(img2, (x1_rect,y1_rect), (x2_rect,y2_rect), (0,0,255), 2)
roi = img[y1_rect:y2_rect, x1_rect:x2_rect]
cv2.imwrite("Output.png", roi)
These are the results with the samples you provided:
The code for finding line crossings can be found here: find intersection point of two lines drawn using houghlines opencv
You can read more about Hough Lines here.
We know that cards have straight boundaries along the x and y axes. We can use this to extract parts of the image. The following code implements detecting horizontal and vertical lines in the image.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def mouse_callback(event, x, y, flags, params):
global num_click
if num_click < 2 and event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
num_click = num_click + 1
global upper_bound, lower_bound, left_bound, right_bound
upper_bound.append(max(i for i in hor if i < y) + 1)
lower_bound.append(min(i for i in hor if i > y) - 1)
left_bound.append(max(i for i in ver if i < x) + 1)
right_bound.append(min(i for i in ver if i > x) - 1)
filename = 'image.png'
thr = 100 # edge detection threshold
lined = 50 # number of consequtive True pixels required an axis to be counted as line
num_click = 0 # select only twice
upper_bound, lower_bound, left_bound, right_bound = [], [], [], []
winname = 'img'
cv2.setMouseCallback(winname, mouse_callback)
img = cv2.imread(filename, 1)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
bw = cv2.Canny(gray, thr, 3*thr)
height, width, _ = img.shape
# find horizontal lines
hor = []
for i in range (0, height-1):
count = 0
for j in range (0, width-1):
if bw[i,j]:
count = count + 1
count = 0
if count >= lined:
# find vertical lines
ver = []
for j in range (0, width-1):
count = 0
for i in range (0, height-1):
if bw[i,j]:
count = count + 1
count = 0
if count >= lined:
# draw lines
disp_img = np.copy(img)
for i in hor:
cv2.line(disp_img, (0, i), (width-1, i), (0,0,255), 1)
for i in ver:
cv2.line(disp_img, (i, 0), (i, height-1), (0,0,255), 1)
while num_click < 2:
cv2.imshow(winname, disp_img)
disp_img = img[min(upper_bound):max(lower_bound), min(left_bound):max(right_bound)]
cv2.imshow(winname, disp_img)
cv2.waitKey() # Press any key to exit
You just need to click two areas to include. A sample click area and the corresponding result are as follows:
Results from other images:
I don't think it is possible to automatically crop the artwork ROI using traditional image processing techniques due to the dynamic nature of the colors, dimensions, locations, and textures for each card. You would have to look into machine/deep learning and train your own classifier if you want to do it automatically. Instead, here's a manual approach to select and crop a static ROI from an image.
The idea is to use cv2.setMouseCallback() and event handlers to detect if the mouse has been clicked or released. For this implementation, you can extract the artwork ROI by holding down the left mouse button and dragging to select the desired ROI. Once you have selected the desired ROI, press c to crop and save the ROI. You can reset the ROI using the right mouse button.
Saved artwork ROIs
import cv2
class ExtractArtworkROI(object):
def __init__(self):
# Load image
self.original_image = cv2.imread('1.png')
self.clone = self.original_image.copy()
cv2.setMouseCallback('image', self.extractROI)
self.selected_ROI = False
# ROI bounding box reference points
self.image_coordinates = []
def extractROI(self, event, x, y, flags, parameters):
# Record starting (x,y) coordinates on left mouse button click
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.image_coordinates = [(x,y)]
# Record ending (x,y) coordintes on left mouse button release
elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
# Remove old bounding box
if self.selected_ROI:
self.clone = self.original_image.copy()
# Draw rectangle
self.selected_ROI = True
cv2.rectangle(self.clone, self.image_coordinates[0], self.image_coordinates[1], (36,255,12), 2)
print('top left: {}, bottom right: {}'.format(self.image_coordinates[0], self.image_coordinates[1]))
print('x,y,w,h : ({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self.image_coordinates[0][0], self.image_coordinates[0][1], self.image_coordinates[1][0] - self.image_coordinates[0][0], self.image_coordinates[1][1] - self.image_coordinates[0][1]))
# Clear drawing boxes on right mouse button click
elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:
self.selected_ROI = False
self.clone = self.original_image.copy()
def show_image(self):
return self.clone
def crop_ROI(self):
if self.selected_ROI:
x1 = self.image_coordinates[0][0]
y1 = self.image_coordinates[0][1]
x2 = self.image_coordinates[1][0]
y2 = self.image_coordinates[1][1]
# Extract ROI
self.cropped_image = self.original_image.copy()[y1:y2, x1:x2]
# Display and save image
cv2.imshow('Cropped Image', self.cropped_image)
cv2.imwrite('ROI.png', self.cropped_image)
print('Select ROI before cropping!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
extractArtworkROI = ExtractArtworkROI()
while True:
cv2.imshow('image', extractArtworkROI.show_image())
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
# Close program with keyboard 'q'
if key == ord('q'):
# Crop ROI
if key == ord('c'):
