Vectorizing a Calculation - Bravais vector between pairs of points - python

The answer produced after vectorizing a calculation is very different from the original one, which I believe to be correct. Am I vectorizing this calculation correctly?
I'm dealing with an n-array (mean_pos) of shape (2, 91) and I was performing said calculation using for loops. Because for loops in Python are slow (and it's not the numpy way of doing stuff), I'm trying to vectorize the code.
With for loops:
def bravais_vector(natoms_i, mean_pos):
b_matrix = []
b_matrix_row = []
lx = mean_pos[0].max() - mean_pos[0].min()
ly = mean_pos[1].max() - mean_pos[1].min()
for i in range(natoms_i):
for j in range(natoms_i):
dist_ij_x = mean_pos[0][i] - mean_pos[0][j]
dist_ij_y = mean_pos[1][i] - mean_pos[1][j]
if dist_ij_x > lx/2:
dist_ij_x = -(lx - dist_ij_x)
if dist_ij_y > ly/2:
dist_ij_y = - (ly - dist_ij_y)
if dist_ij_x < -lx/2:
dist_ij_x = (lx + dist_ij_x)
if dist_ij_y < -ly/2:
dist_ij_y = (ly + dist_ij_y)
a2_opt = 2/np.sqrt(3) * dist_ij_y
a1_opt = dist_ij_x - 0.5 * a2_opt
b_matrix_row.append(np.array([ np.rint(a1_opt), np.rint(a2_opt) ]))
b_matrix_row = []
return np.array(b_matrix)
def bravais_vector(natoms_i, mean_pos):
b_matrix = []
b_matrix_row = []
lx = mean_pos[0].max() - mean_pos[0].min()
ly = mean_pos[1].max() - mean_pos[1].min()
mean_pos_x = np.reshape(mean_pos[0], (len(mean_pos[0]),1))
mean_pos_y = np.reshape(mean_pos[1], (len(mean_pos[1]),1))
tiled_mean_pos_x = np.tile(np.transpose(mean_pos_x), (len(mean_pos_x) , 1))
tiled_mean_pos_y = np.tile(np.transpose(mean_pos_y), (len(mean_pos_y) , 1))
dist_ij_x = mean_pos_x - tiled_mean_pos_x
dist_ij_y = mean_pos_y - tiled_mean_pos_y
dist_ij_x = np.where(dist_ij_x > lx/2, -(lx - dist_ij_x), dist_ij_x)
dist_ij_y = np.where(dist_ij_y > ly/2, -(ly - dist_ij_y), dist_ij_y)
dist_ij_x = np.where(dist_ij_x < -lx/2, lx + dist_ij_x, dist_ij_x)
dist_ij_y = np.where(dist_ij_y < -ly/2, ly + dist_ij_y, dist_ij_y)
a2_opt = np.rint(np.multiply(2 / (np.sqrt(3)), dist_ij_x))
a1_opt = np.rint(dist_ij_x - np.multiply(0.5, a2_opt))
return np.stack((a1_opt, a2_opt), axis=2)

Be careful because in the vectorized version, you wrote:
a2_opt = np.rint(np.multiply(2 / (np.sqrt(3)), dist_ij_x))
instead of (according to the first version)
a2_opt = np.rint(np.multiply(2 / (np.sqrt(3)), dist_ij_y))
I hope it helps.


Invalid index to scalar variable error when trying to use scipy.optimize.curve_fit

I have a function with different parameters that I want to optimize to fit some existing data.
The function runs fine on its own, but when I try to pass it through the scipy.optimize.curve_fit function, I get this error :
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
I don't understand why the function would work on its own, and I would not get any errors.
What can I do ?
The original function used dictionnaries and I thought that might be the problem but I modified it and it still doesn't work.
This is the function I'm using :
def function_test(xy,X1,X2,X3,X4):
precip = xy\[0\]
potential_evap = xy\[1\]
nUH1 = int(math.ceil(X4))
nUH2 = int(math.ceil(2.0*X4))
uh1_ordinates = [0] * nUH1
uh2_ordinates = [0] * nUH2
UH1 = [0] * nUH1
UH2 = [0] * nUH2
for t in range(1, nUH1 + 1):
uh1_ordinates[t - 1] = s_curves1(t, X4) - s_curves1(t-1, X4)
for t in range(1, nUH2 + 1):
uh2_ordinates[t - 1] = s_curves2(t, X4) - s_curves2(t-1, X4)
production_store = X1*0.60# S
routing_store = X3*0.70# R
qsim = []
for j in range(2191):
if precip[j] > potential_evap[j]:
net_evap = 0
scaled_net_precip = (precip[j] - potential_evap[j])/X1
if scaled_net_precip > 13:
scaled_net_precip = 13.
tanh_scaled_net_precip = tanh(scaled_net_precip)
reservoir_production = (X1 * (1 - (production_store/X1)**2) * tanh_scaled_net_precip) / (1 + production_store/X1 * tanh_scaled_net_precip)
routing_pattern = precip[j]-potential_evap[j]-reservoir_production
scaled_net_evap = (potential_evap[j] - precip[j])/X1
if scaled_net_evap > 13:
scaled_net_evap = 13.
tanh_scaled_net_evap = tanh(scaled_net_evap)
ps_div_x1 = (2 - production_store/X1) * tanh_scaled_net_evap
net_evap = production_store * (ps_div_x1) / \
(1 + (1 - production_store/X1) * tanh_scaled_net_evap)
reservoir_production = 0
routing_pattern = 0
production_store = production_store - net_evap + reservoir_production
percolation = production_store / (1 + (production_store/2.25/X1)**4)**0.25
routing_pattern = routing_pattern + (production_store-percolation)
production_store = percolation
for i in range(0, len(UH1) - 1):
UH1[i] = UH1[i+1] + uh1_ordinates[i]*routing_pattern
UH1[-1] = uh1_ordinates[-1] * routing_pattern
for j in range(0, len(UH2) - 1):
UH2[j] = UH2[j+1] + uh2_ordinates[j]*routing_pattern
UH2[-1] = uh2_ordinates[-1] * routing_pattern
groundwater_exchange = X2 * (routing_store / X3)**3.5
routing_store = max(0, routing_store + UH1[0] * 0.9 + groundwater_exchange)
R2 = routing_store / (1 + (routing_store / X3)**4)**0.25
QR = routing_store - R2
routing_store = R2
QD = max(0, UH2[0]*0.1+groundwater_exchange)
Q = QR + QD
return qsim

Python - While trying to calculate RSI(Relative strength index - stock indicator) my results are "upside down" and shifted

I am trying to calculate RSI using simple functions.
The general formula for it is:
RSI = 100/(1+RS), where RS = Exponential Moving Average of gains / -||- of losses.
Here is what I am getting:
enter image description here
Here it is how should it look like:
enter image description here
I have everything double checked or even triple checked, but I can't find any mistake.
Thus I need your help, I know that the question is very simple though I need some help, I have no idea where I have made the mistake.
The general idea of RSI is that it should be low where the price is "low" and high, where the price is high, and generally no matter what I try I have it upside down.
def EMA(close_price_arr, n):
a = (2/n + 1)
EMA_n = np.empty((1, len(close_price_arr)))
for i in range(len(close_price_arr)):
if i < n:
# creating NaN values where it is impossible to calculate EMA to drop it later after connecting the whole database
EMA_n[0, i] = 'NaN'
if i >= n:
# Calaculating nominator and denominator of EMA
for j in range(n):
nominator_ema += close_price_arr[i - j] * a**(j)
denominator_ema += a**(j)
EMA_n[0, i] = nominator_ema / denominator_ema
nominator_ema = 0
denominator_ema = 0
return EMA_n
def gains(close_price_arr):
gain_arr = np.empty((len(close_price_arr) - 1))
for i in range(len(close_price_arr)):
if i == 0:
if i >= 1:
if close_price_arr[i] > close_price_arr[i - 1]:
gain_arr[i - 1] = (close_price_arr[i] - close_price_arr[i-1])
gain_arr[i - 1] = 0
return gain_arr
def losses(close_price_arr):
loss_arr = np.empty((len(close_price_arr) - 1))
for i in range(len(close_price_arr)):
if i == 0:
if i >= 1:
if close_price_arr[i] < close_price_arr[i - 1]:
loss_arr[i - 1] = abs(close_price_arr[i] - close_price_arr[i - 1])
loss_arr[i - 1] = 0
return loss_arr
def RSI(gain_arr, loss_arr, n):
EMA_u = EMA(gain_arr, n)
EMA_d = EMA(loss_arr, n)
EMA_diff = EMA_u / EMA_d
x,y = EMA_diff.shape
print(x, y)
RSI_n = np.empty((1, y))
for i in range(y):
if EMA_diff[0, i] == 'NaN':
RSI_n[0, i] = 'NaN'
RSI_n[0, i] = 100 / (1 + EMA_diff[0, i])
return RSI_n
def show_complete_array():
oldoptions = np.get_printoptions()
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Specyfying root folder, file folder and file
FILE = 'TVC_SILVER, 5.csv'
FOLDER = 'src'
csv_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, FOLDER, FILE)
# reading csv
price_data = pd.read_csv(csv_path, delimiter=',')
price_data_copy = price_data.copy()
price_data_nodate = price_data.copy().drop('time', axis=1)
price_data_np = price_data_nodate.to_numpy(dtype='float32')
close_price = price_data_np[:, 3]
EMA15 = EMA(close_price_arr=close_price, n=15)
EMA55 = EMA(close_price_arr=close_price, n=55)
gain = gains(close_price_arr=close_price)
loss = losses(close_price_arr=close_price)
RSI14 = RSI(gain_arr=gain, loss_arr=loss, n=14)
Try this:
"""dataset is a dataframe"""
def RSI(dataset, n=14):
delta = dataset.diff()
dUp, dDown = delta.copy(), delta.copy()
dUp[dUp < 0] = 0
dDown[dDown > 0] = 0
RolUp = pd.Series(dUp).rolling(window=n).mean()
RolDown = pd.Series(dDown).rolling(window=n).mean().abs()
RS = RolUp / RolDown
rsi= 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + RS))
return rsi

offset a parallel line to a given line python

I want to draw parallel line to given X,Y coordinate below code helps to draw ,
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [187, 879, 722, 322]
y = [341, 344, 112, 112]
newX = []
newY = []
def findIntesection(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x,p3y, p4x, p4y):
dx12 = p2x - p1x
dy12 = p2y - p1y
dx34 = p4x - p3x
dy34 = p4y - p3y
denominator = (dy12*dx34-dx12*dy34)
t1 = ((p1x - p3x) * dy34 + (p3y - p1y) * dx34)/ denominator
t2 = ((p3x - p1x) * dy12 + (p1y - p3y) * dx12)/ -denominator;
intersectX = p1x + dx12 * t1
intersectY = p1y + dy12 * t1
if (t1 < 0): t1 = 0
elif (t1 > 1): t1 = 1
if (t2 < 0): t2 = 0
elif (t2 > 1): t2 = 1
return intersectX,intersectY
def normalizeVec(x,y):
distance = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
return x/distance, y/distance
def getEnlarged(oldX, oldY, offset):
num_points = len(oldX)
for j in range(num_points):
i = j - 1
if i < 0:
i += num_points
k = (j + 1) % num_points
vec1X = oldX[j] - oldX[i]
vec1Y = oldY[j] - oldY[i]
v1normX, v1normY = normalizeVec(vec1X,vec1Y)
v1normX *= offset
v1normY *= offset
n1X = -v1normY
n1Y = v1normX
pij1X = oldX[i] + n1X
pij1Y = oldY[i] + n1Y
pij2X = oldX[j] + n1X
pij2Y = oldY[j] + n1Y
vec2X = oldX[k] - oldX[j]
vec2Y = oldY[k] - oldY[j]
v2normX, v2normY = normalizeVec(vec2X,vec2Y)
v2normX *= offset
v2normY *= offset
n2X = -v2normY
n2Y = v2normX
pjk1X = oldX[j] + n2X
pjk1Y = oldY[j] + n2Y
pjk2X = oldX[k] + n2X
pjk2Y = oldY[k] + n2Y
intersectX,intersetY = findIntesection(pij1X,pij1Y,pij2X,pij2Y,pjk1X,pjk1Y,pjk2X,pjk2Y)
getEnlarged(x, y, 20)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(newX, newY)
This gives result as below
Here it is giving good result by drawing parallel line to each line of our trapezoidal shaped , but i want it to be a closed shape in place of open shape
i want to join the 1st and last coordinate so that it should form a closed shape. Any help will be appreciated .
Using approach from here
outer_ccw parameters combines vertex order and desired offset direction. For CCW order and outer polygon it is 1, for inner polygon it should be -1.
def makeOffsetPoly(oldX, oldY, offset, outer_ccw = 1):
num_points = len(oldX)
for curr in range(num_points):
prev = (curr + num_points - 1) % num_points
next = (curr + 1) % num_points
vnX = oldX[next] - oldX[curr]
vnY = oldY[next] - oldY[curr]
vnnX, vnnY = normalizeVec(vnX,vnY)
nnnX = vnnY
nnnY = -vnnX
vpX = oldX[curr] - oldX[prev]
vpY = oldY[curr] - oldY[prev]
vpnX, vpnY = normalizeVec(vpX,vpY)
npnX = vpnY * outer_ccw
npnY = -vpnX * outer_ccw
bisX = (nnnX + npnX) * outer_ccw
bisY = (nnnY + npnY) * outer_ccw
bisnX, bisnY = normalizeVec(bisX, bisY)
bislen = offset / np.sqrt((1 + nnnX*npnX + nnnY*npnY)/2)
newX.append(oldX[curr] + bislen * bisnX)
newY.append(oldY[curr] + bislen * bisnY)
x = [0, 100, 60, 40]
y = [0, 0, 50, 50]
makeOffsetPoly(x, y, 20)
print(newX, newY)
>>>[-29.424478775259594, 129.4244787752596, 66.79706177729007, 33.202938222709925]
[-14.14213562373095, -14.14213562373095, 64.14213562373095, 64.14213562373095]
Just append the first coordinates to the end of your lists.
Place this right before you plot. Here's my output

Double sumption using python and the second argument depend on the first one

I have this relation to which I write the code using python to compute it , I am not sure if the code is right or not. Could you please give me any advice if it is true or how I can improve the code??, thanks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
from scipy.constants import k
from numpy import arange
p12 = 1 # system initial state 12
w0 = 1 # system
wn = 0 # wb/w0 bath
U = 0.1
N = 50
n = (N/2)
a =0.007
t = 1000# Time
Z = 2**N * (np.cosh(U*wn/2))**N
q12 = []
f11 = []
def Jrange(start, n, step):
numelements = int((stop-start)/float(step))
for i in range(numelements+1):
yield start + i*step
def trange(tstart,tstop,tstep):
tnumelements = int((tstop-tstart)/float(tstep))
for i in range(tnumelements+1):
yield tstart + i*tstep
for t in trange(tstart,tstop,tstep):
roh2 = 0
roh12 = 0
roh1 = 0
roh11 = 0
for J in Jrange (0,stop,1) :
Nj = (comb (N,(n+J))) - (comb (N,(n+J+1)))
for m in arange (-J,J+1):
r1 = np.sqrt (J*(J + 1) - m*(m + 1)) #r+
r2 = np.sqrt (J*(J + 1) - m*(m - 1)) #r-
Omega1 = (w0 - wn) + (4 *a*(m + (1/2)))/(np.sqrt(N)) #Omeg+
gamma1 = np.sqrt( (Omega1**2 /4)+ (4*a**2 * r1**2)/N) # gamma+
Omega2 =-(w0 - wn) - (4 *a*(m - (1/2)))/(np.sqrt(N)) #Omega-
gamma2 = np.sqrt( (Omega2**2 /4)+ (4*a**2 * r2**2)/N)#gamma-
A1 = np.cos(gamma1*t)
B1 = np.sin(gamma1*t)
A2 = np.cos(gamma2*t)
B2 = np.sin(gamma2*t)
C = np.exp(-m*U*wn)
H12 = C * (A1 - 1j*B1*Omega1/(2*gamma1)) * ((A2 +1j*B2*Omega2/(2*gamma2))
H2 = r2**2 * B2**2 * ((4*a**2)/ (gamma2**2 * N))
H1 = A1**2 + B1**2 *((Omega1**2)/ (4 * gamma1**2))
H11 = C * ((p11*H1) + (p22*H2))
roh11 = roh11+H11
roh12 = roh12 + H12
roh2= roh2 +roh12*Nj
roh1 = roh1 + roh11*Nj
Roh12 = roh2*D *p12*np.exp(1j*(w0-wn)*t)
Roh11 = roh1 *D

Numerical issue in scipy.ode.integrate solver

I am using ode solver to solve stiff problem (since odeint function could not able to solve it). But by this way also I have some warnings and my plot get saturate at some point. Here is image What should I do? Here is the list of warnings:
DVODE-- Warning..internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are
such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step
(H = step size). solver will continue anyway
In above, R1 = 0.3667661010318D+00 R2 = 0.1426374862242D-16
DVODE-- Warning..internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are
such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step
(H = step size). solver will continue anyway
In above, R1 = 0.3667661010318D+00 R2 = 0.1426374862242D-16
DVODE-- Above warning has been issued I1 times.
it will not be issued again for this problem
In above message, I1 = 2
DVODE-- At current T (=R1), MXSTEP (=I1) steps
taken on this call before reaching TOUT
In above message, I1 = 500
In above message, R1 = 0.3667661010318D+00
My code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as si
def func():
w = 1./3.
xi = 2.86
phi1 = 1.645
phi2 = 2.* 1.202
gt = 10.**(-60)
Lt = (1.202*gt)/np.pi
Lin = 10.**-5
Lf = 0.49
dt = 0.0001
gin = gt*Lt/Lin
xin = (-np.log((3. - (xi**2)*Lin)/(3. - (xi**2)*Lt)) + np.log(Lin/Lt))/4.0
uin = -(np.log(Lin/Lt))/2.
state0 = [gin,xin,uin]
print state0
def eq(L, state):
g = state[0]
x = state[1]
u = state[2]
N = (-2.*g/(6.*np.pi + 5.*g))*(18./(1. - 2.*L) + 5.*np.log(1.- 2.*L) - phi1 + 6. )
B = (-(2. - N)*L) - ((g/np.pi)* (5.*np.log(1.-2.*L) - phi2 + (5.*N/40.)))
Eqs = np.zeros((3))
gdl = Eqs[0] = ((2.+N)*g)/B
xdl = Eqs[1] = -(2./(3.*(1.+w)))* (1./(1.-(xi**2)*L/3.))*(1./B)
udl = Eqs[2]= 1./B
return Eqs
ode = si.ode(eq)
# BDF method suited to stiff systems of ODEs
L = []
G = []
while ode.successful() and ode.t < Lf:
ode.integrate(ode.t + dt)
lam = np.vstack(L)
g,x,u = np.vstack(G).T
return g,x,u,lam
r= func()
L = r[3]
g = r[0]
lng = np.log10(g)
x = r[1]
u = r[2]
w = 1./3.
xi = 2.86
O_A = np.zeros(len(L))
q = np.zeros(len(L))
for i in np.arange(len(L)):
O_A[i] = xi**2*L[i]/3.
alpha = 2./ ((3.+3.*w) * (1.- (L[i]*xi**2)/3.) )
q[i] = 1./alpha - 1.
n = np.zeros(len(L)) #eta(n)
b = np.zeros(len(L))
for j in np.arange(len(L)):
n[j] =(-2.*g[j]/(6.*np.pi + 5.*g[j]))*(18./(1. - 2.*L[j]) + 5.*np.log(1.- 2.*L[j]) - 1.645 + 6. )
b[j]= (-(2. - n[j])*L[j]) - ((g[j]/np.pi)* (5.*np.log(1.-2.*L[j]) - 2.* 1.202 + ((5.*n[j])/4.)))
P = np.zeros(len(x))
for k in np.arange(len(x)):
C = (((3. - (xi**2)*L[k])/g[k])**(3./4.)) * (((2.*L[k] + (u[k]*b[k]))*xi**2) + (n[k] * (3.- L[k]*xi**2)) )
P[k] = (np.exp(3.*x[k])) * (np.exp(4.*u[k])) * C
plt.xlabel('Lambda ---->')
plt.ylabel('P ----->')
plt.title('lambda Vs P')
