Struggling with understanding the reason why Python needs Virtual Environments - python

Coming from JavaScript I'm familiar with NPM.
There you can install packages globally (by using the -g flag) or locally in a project.
In Python they have these Virtual Environments.
I'm still a bit uncertain why they are needed. I know that it is for having the same package in different versions on one machine.
Is it because Python doesn't have the concept of local project-installations?
All package-installations are installed global and there's no way around that. It seems to me being that way ...
And so they have does Virtual Environments instead?
I'm a right there?

Virtual environments make possible for you to encapsulate dependencies by project.
Python has no node_modules equivalent. When you install something with pip it goes to your site-packages folder. To find out this folder you can run python -m site and it will print out the folders where it will search for packages.
Example on Fedora 29:
➜ ~ python -m site
sys.path = [
USER_BASE: '/home/geckos/.local' (exists)
USER_SITE: '/home/geckos/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages' (doesn't exist)
pip vs package manager
If you don't use virtual environments you may end up with packages being installed side by side with operating system python packages, and this is where the danger is. Packages may be overwritten and things get messy fast. For example you install Flask with pip then try to install Jinja2 from with package-manager, now you remove Jinja2, and breaks Flask, or you update your system, Jinja2 got updated but not Flask. Or even simpler, you install something with package manager and remove with pip, now the package manager is in a broken state.
Because of this we always use virtual environments, and even separate virtual environments by project.
Creating and maintaining virtual environments
Nothing prevents you from maintaining you virtual environment in the same folder as your project. This way you will have the same felling that you have with node_modules. You can create it with
virtualenv <SOME_FOLDER> for python 2
python3 -m venv <SOME_FOLDER> for python 3
Conventions that I've seen
If you're keeping virtual environments as a subfolder of your project, I usually call then env or venv
Other options is keeping all then in the same folder inside your home, I've been using ~/.venv/<PROJECT>
Finally there is an alternative that I like more than pure pip. Pipenv is a tool that manages virtual environments automatically for you. It feels more close to yarn and has more features
To create a virtual environment for a project just pipenv --tree or pipenv --two in your project folder. It will create and manage the virtual environment and write dependencies to Pipenv file. It also support development packages, I really think is worth trying. Here is the docs:
I hope this helps, regards

Is it because Python doesn't have the concept of local project-installations?
Well, mostly correct. There's a number of "modern" Python package managers that support project-local package installation. Right now the big two are pipenv and poetry.
However, all of these libraries are fundamentally wrappers over the basic Python virtual environment mechanism. It's the basis of the ecosystem.
Global package management is a little thorny in Python because Unix systems tend to come with a "system Python" installation that support parts of the operating system. Installing/updating packages in the system Python is a very bad idea, so you always want to be working in a Python you installed yourself, either a fully separate installation or at least a virtual environment of the system Python.


Installing Django and modules in virtual environment

My question is do i have to install django every single time in my virtual environment in order to run my python files? and is this taking up bunch of space on my machine? My project also uses "matplotlib" and every virtual environment i create it also asks me to import the matplotlib module too. its getting annoying. do i have to do this every time?
Im new to Django. I wanted to run some python files in django but they weren't working, so after some research i found out i needed to run my pycharm project in a virtual environment in order to run these python files.
my folders look like this pycharmProjects -> my project
I enter pycharmProjects and I set up virtual environment using "pienv shell". Then i run "python3 runserver". It turns out i must install django in the virtual environment before the files run.
Short answer is no, you don't have to use a virtual environment at all and can install your dependancies globally instead. However you will soon find that it will cause a lot of issues. The main reason you would create a virtual environment is to give control of your dependancies and prevent bugs that could be caused because of them having their wires crossed between projects.
Short answer yes.
If you create a virualenv you have to install all packages, that your program needs.
Long answer:
You could install django system wide and then create a virtualenv with the option
--system-site-packages then django would be used from your globally installed python.
(Or you install everything just in your global python, put I personally don't think this is good practice)
If you work with many different projects I think you will avoid a lot of trouble if you use one virtualenv per project.
Trouble meaning that one project breaks, because one pip install for another project changed the version of one package and one project can't handle the newer version.
I would recommend to create a requirements.txt file for each project, that lists the dependencies then you can create the virtualenv with following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
if you have requirement.txt files, then you can create virtualenvs rather quickly if going back to an old project and you can delete the virtualenvs whenever you run out of disk space. If you want to be an the safe side, type pip freeze > pipfreeze.txt prior to deleting the virtualenv and use pip install -r pipfreeze.txt if you want to create one with the same modules and the same versions.
You also might want to look at direnv or autoenv if working on a linux like system.
This will automatically switch to the required virtualenv when changing to a project's working directory.

How to install python module local to a single project

I've been going around but was not able to find a definitive answer...
So here's my question..
I come from javascript background. I'm trying to pickup python now.
In javascript, the basic practice would be to npm install (or use yarn)
This would install some required module in a specific project.
Now, for python, I've figured out that pip install is the module manager.
I can't seem to figure out how to install this specific to a project (like how javascript does it)
Instead, it's all global.. I've found --user flag, but that's not really I'm looking for.
I've come to conclusion that this is just a complete different schema and I shouldn't try to approach as I have when using javascript.
However, I can't really find a good document why this method was favored.
It may be just my problem but I just can't not think about how I'm consistently bloating my pip global folder with modules that I'm only ever gonna use once for some single project.
A.) Anaconda (the simplest) Just download “Anaconda” that contains a lots of python modules pre installed just use them and it also has code editors. You can creat multiple module collections with the GUI.
B.) Venv = virtual environments (if you need something light and specific that contains specific packages for every project
macOS terminal commands:
Install venv
pip install virtualenv
Setup Venve (INSIDE BASE Project folder)
python3 -m venv thenameofyourvirtualenvironment
Start Venve
source thenameofyourvirtualenvironment/bin/activate
Stop Venve
while it is activated you can install specific packages ex.:
pip -q install bcrypt
C.) Use “Docker” it is great if you want to go in depth and have a solide experience, but it can get complicated.
Pip is a program used to manage Python distribution. You usually have one system distribution which is by default managed by Pip. When you do pip install scipy, you install package scipy to your system Python. Everytime you try to import scipy after it will work because your system Python has it.
Project specific distributions are acomplished by using virtual environments. python -m venv env or venv env creates a copy of system Python interpreter, pip, setuptools and a couple of other essential tools. In other words, virtual environment created this way is empty.
To use created virtual environement one should use source env/bin/activate. After that, everytime you invoke python command it will use activated Python interpreter. When you install packages using pip, it will install them in the virtual environment rather than to your system python. To use system Python again use deactivate.
Such usage is actually prefered for projects because some user applications could rely on system Python and some packages, and installing, updating etc. could be potentionally dangerous.
Further reading: venv documentation

Virtual environment and python versions for different projects

Let me first outline my desired solution and then elaborate on a specific question how to achieve this state.
I'm soon starting two coding projects in python. I've used python before but never on such big projects. My ideal scenario would be to have a setup where I can run virtual environments and different python version for various project. Some research pointed me to virtualenv / virtualenvwrapper and pyenv. It seems using pyenv-virtualenv or pyenv-virtualenvwrapper there is a nice way to specify the virtualenvironment and python version for a specific project.
Question: Once I've setup a virtualenvironment and python version for a specific project, how easily could I switch in a later stage to a newer python version? Let's say I've started project A with python 3.4 and in one year in the future I would like to move everything to python 3.6. Is this possible in a neat way?
$ rm -r my-python-3.4-env
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 my-python-3.6-env
$ source my-python-3.6-env/bin/activate
In other words, each virtual environment is just a folder with the necessary files in it. You "activate" an environment with the source .../activate command (in case of virtualenv) and you leave it just as easily. To switch to a different environment you simply create a new one with a specific Python executable and activate it.
What you want to be careful about is to keep your installation repeatable, meaning if you depend on external modules (which modern projects typically do), you don't want to install each dependency by hand and instead automate that. For instance, you create a setuptools file which lists your dependencies, and then have it install them into your new environment automatically:
$ source my-python-3.6-env/bin/activate
(my-python-3.6-env) $ python develop

How to move django project from ubuntu env to virtual env?

I have an existing django project which I have developed using python libraries installed in system and adding missing ones to the system. But now conflict has come for python-requests as system has 2.2 version but I need >2.5. Dont't want to uninstall and put newer one as it may break the OS. So now, I want to use virtual env and install packages there in complete isolation to that of OS.
I think the solution you're looking for is to download a different version of python without uninstalling your original, then start up virtualenv venv, but by passing in a path to the new python.exe file. Like this: virtualenv -p venv <path-to-executable-here>, then just do source bin\activate, as usual. This starts the virtual environment using the python executable you passed to virtualenv through the terminal.
Also, this might not be the only way, but, there's something called ModuleFinder which enables you to get a list of all the modules your script is importing--That is if you don't want to type them out manually, and you have extra modules installed (otherwise pip freeze > requirements.txt would do the job, and your new virtual environment would install all the packages in requirements.txt).

Relocating virtual environment project from local to server (flask project), have to install dependencies again?

I have created a flask application in a virtual environment on my local machine and I could run it locally (at http://localhost:5000).
I then put this project in a repo and I then went to my server and git clone this project.
All files are identical on my local machine and in my server.
I then wanted to test this virtual environment on the server by trying .venv/bin/activate
However I ran into an error. It says I do not have flask!:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
from flask import Flask
ImportError: No module named flask
I am assuming that I have to initialize something in the virtual environment first, like installing all of the dependencies. Or do I have to pip install flask again? (It would be kind of funny to do that...)
As a general rule python environments are not portable across machines.
This means that you cannot reliably expect to port the virtual environment across machines. This is especially true if you are moving stuff between different operating systems. For example, a virtual environment created in Windows will not work in Linux.
Similarly, a virtual environment created in OSX will not work in Linux. Sometimes, you can get Linux > Linux compatibility, but this is by chance and not to be relied upon.
The reasons are numerous - some libraries need to be built against native extensions, others require compatible system libraries in place to work, etc.
So, the most reliable workflow is the following:
You can (but I would recommend against this) put your virtual environment in the same directory as your project. If you do so, make sure you don't add the virtual environment root directory to your source control system. It is best to separate your virtual environments from your source code (see the virtualenvwrapper project project for a great way to manage your virtual environments separately).
You should create a requirements file, by running pip freeze > requirements.txt. Keep this file updated and add it to your source control system. In your target system, simply create an empty virtual environment and then pip install -r requirements.txt to make sure all requirements are installed correctly. Doing so will make sure that any native extensions are also built and installed.
A few possible issues:
When you created your original virtual environment did you specify --no-site-packages if not your package may be using elements from the system.
Some packages rely on system installed libraries that may be missing on your target system
Is your server running on a similar set of hardware to your development system with the same OS - if not your virtualenv is likely not to work without re-installing packages as any C/C++ extensions will have been built for the wrong hardware/OS and will not work.
The thing is that virtualenv is not a package builder, (look at pyinstaller for that), but rather a development and test environment when you go to distribute your code to a new platform then, provided you started off with --no-site-packages you can easily find out which packages you need to find out what you need to install on the new target.
So basically - Yes you, or more likely the system admin, does need to run pip install flask and probably several other things!
