I read in a video as a grayscale. I mark a circular contour on each frame of the video and try to record the intensity of each pixel on this contour:
frameCount += 1
currentTimestamp = timestamp + frameCount/fps
file = open("myRecord.txt", "a+") #a+ to append to file
circleSegment = get_circle_segment(center_pt, 60, 360) #this function returns a list of tuples, where each tuple (x,y) contains x- and y-coordinates of a point along the circular contour
for el in circleSegment:
pixel = gray_frame[el[1],el[0]]
#log information
file.write('\t' + str(pixel))
This works perfectly for a circular arch of up to 180° and even beyond (I have tested with 181° as well). However, as soon as I go beyond a certain value, e.g. 270° or 359° or 360° (a complete circle, which is what I want), the data logged simply contains chinese characters.
I have no idea what may cause this issue! Can it be that as soon as my txt-file goes beyond 1,000 KB something goes wrong?
after comments, this code works:
frameCount += 1
currentTimestamp = timestamp + frameCount/fps
storeData = []
circleSegment = get_circle_segment(center_pt, 60, 360)
for el in circleSegment:
pixel = gray_frame[el[1],el[0]]
#log information
file = open("myRecord.txt", mode="a+") #a+ to append to file
for element in storeData:
file.write('\t' + str(element))
file.close ()
I'm working on a script that splits an AudioSegment into 2 second sub segments and then rejoin them. The final purpose of this is to apply a transform function to each segment before rejoining them but at this point I'm just trying to rejoin the segments and left that transform out of the execution
I'm executing the following code:
song = Auseg.from_file(sys.argv[1])
song = song.set_channels(1)
song = song.set_frame_rate(12000)
fr = song.frame_rate
max = song.max
leng = song.duration_seconds
framecount = int(song.frame_count())
songsegs = song.dice(2) #split AudioSegment into a list of 2s segments
print(framecount," Frames")
print("Framerate: ", fr)
output = Auseg.empty()
for n in range(0,len(songsegs)):
new_segment = songsegs[n] #leave_only_peaks(songsegs[n])
output = output + new_segment
sys.stdout.write("\r%i segments processed" % n)
print("\nExporting as prepared.wav..")
I was able to confirm that using the export() method on a single segment outputs a 2s part of the song as expected, but when rejoining all segments with the code above (which tecnically should return the original song) I get this weird file that is 1600 hours long. I tried another implementation that concats numpy arrays and then converts the result back to an AudioSegment but got the same result
output file
Thank you very much for reading, I'm open for any suggestion
Oddly enought it seems the issue was generated for concating the segments on top of the segment generated by the empty() method, with this tweak I was able to make it work
output = songsegs[0]
for n in range(1,len(songsegs)):
new_segment = songsegs[n] #leave_only_peaks(songsegs[n])
output = output + songsegs[n]
sys.stdout.write("\r%i segments processed" % n)
Still would love to know your takes on this, thanks!
I'm creating an instance python command where the primary purpose is to generate objects in neat horizontal rows. Even though I can randomize rotation and set the range, I still can't figure out how to get the objects to appear in horizontal rows.
I already tried to use the xform command to get the objects to move along the x coordinates.
import maya.cmds as MC
import random as RN
def ChainmailGenerator():
thing = MC.ls(sl=True)
print thing
if not thing:
MC.error (" ***Error - you need to select an object *** ")
# create a group node
grp = MC.group(empty=True, name=thing[0] + '_grp#')
#Loop though the items below with the range of a
for i in range (0,25):
instanceObj = MC.instance(thing, name=thing[0]+'instance#', smartTransform=True)
rx = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
ry = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
rz = RN.uniform(-1,1)*5
MC.rotate (rx,ry,rz, instanceObj)
MC.xform (r=True, ro=(90, 0, 0) )
tx = 5
MC.xform ( instanceObj, t=(0,15+1,0))
MC.parent (instanceObj,grp)
print "*** chainmail ***"
The expectations are for the objects to generate in horizontal increments as if they're forming neat rows.
here is an example to create 10 spheres along x, moving them with xform :
step = 1
tx = 0
for x in range(10):
sphere = cmds.polySphere()[0]
cmds.xform(sphere, t=[tx,0,0])
tx+= step
The reason yours is placing everything in the same place now is because you aren't multiplying it against a value that keeps increasing. Normally you could hard-code some random value to space each one out, but this would yield inconsistent results.
Here's a generic way to go about it that seems to work with any object.
The idea is to use the mesh's bounding box to determine what the spacing should be by looking at the size of its x axis. You can also move it in place with xform, but you do need to include its worldspace parameter so that it doesn't move it relative to its current position.
import maya.cmds as cmds
def cloneInRow(count):
# Get selection.
thing = cmds.ls(sl=True)
if not thing:
cmds.error("You need to select an object")
# Get selection's mesh shape.
mesh = cmds.listRelatives(thing[0], shapes=True, f=True, ni=True, type="mesh")
if not mesh:
cmds.error("Unable to find a mesh on the selected object")
# Determine spacing by looking at object's bounding box. Use its `x` axis size.
bb_min = cmds.getAttr(mesh[0] + ".boundingBoxMin")[0]
bb_max = cmds.getAttr(mesh[0] + ".boundingBoxMax")[0]
spacing = bb_max[0] - bb_min[0]
# Create a root transform to parent to.
grp = cmds.group(empty=True, name=thing[0] + '_grp#')
# Create instance, and move it in place.
for i in range (0, count):
instanceObj = cmds.instance(thing[0], name=thing[0] + 'instance' + str(i), smartTransform=True)
cmds.xform(instanceObj, ws=True, t=(i * spacing, 0, 0))
cmds.parent(instanceObj, grp)
With this I can take this crossbow:
And clone any of its objects and get nice spacing:
The only catch is rotation. If your pivot isn't centered to the mesh, then randomizing its rotation will lose its place in space (since rotating would also effects its position!) So if you got weird pivots then it won't look nice when you add back on rotations.
Before asking a question I want to show my Python code which I'm using for reading Excel cells where I'm drawing whatever I want and preparing Excel cells for arduino codes to light on 32x92pixel tower.
import xlrd
ExcelFileName= 'data.xlsx'
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(ExcelFileName)
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
#inside of the data.xlsx file I create 39 row and 31 column and this where I'm #drawing what I want to light up.
num_rows = worksheet.nrows #Number of Rows
num_cols = worksheet.ncols #Number of Columns
x=0 #for x line
y=0 #for y line
def cell(y,x): #for getting values from each cells
return worksheet.cell_value(y, x) # Read the data in the current cell
#this is tower model and every floor has 92 addressable rgb leds.And there is 30 floors.Each 10 floor has different data cable so 1 data line controls 920 rgb.
#On arduino I have macro which is "#define LEDNO(FLOOR, ROOM) ((ROOM) + (FLOOR*92))" this.So if I write floor and room number I will get number of led.Because all strip connect to each other.
#First floor data connected from "right bottom corner",this is my start point for leds.And I'm reading excel cells so I have to start to reading from right bottom corner to have in order for my leds.
for i in range(30,20,-1):
for j in range(38,0,-1):
if rooms>37:
print("leds[LEDNO(" + str(floors) + "," + str(rooms) +")].setRGB(" + str(cell(y,x)) + ");")
#for next 10 floor rooms should start from -1 again.
for i in range(20,10,-1):
for j in range(38,0,-1):
if rooms>37:
print("leds2[LEDNO(" + str(floors) + "," + str(rooms) +")].setRGB(" + str(cell(y,x)) + ");")
for i in range(10,0,-1):
for j in range(38,0,-1):
if rooms>37:
print("leds3[LEDNO(" + str(floors) + "," + str(rooms) +")].setRGB(" + str(cell(y,x)) + ");")
Question: How can I get RGB codes from an image with Python? And is it possible to convert this RGB codes for 30x92 pixel? Atleast I need to read and print given image pixels.
I need to get RGB color codes from image same as what I did on excel.I don't know if its possible with Python or not.
You may want to use scipy to read the image as a (30,92,3) numpy array (possibly ,4 for the last one, depending on the file that you are not showing), then assign the value as you want:
img[i, j, :] = RGBvalue
I have been trying to decompress the Bing Maps location/border shape algorithm using Python. My end goal is to have custom regions/borders created from combining multiple counties and cities, and save the location data to our database for faster and more accurate location based analysis.
My strategy is as follows, but I'm a little stuck on #2, since I can't seem to accurately decompress the code:
Retrieve County/City borders from Bing Maps GeoData API - They refer to it as "shape"
Decompress their "shape" data to get the latitude and longitude of the border points
Remove the points that have the same lat/lng as other shapes (The goal is to make one large shape of multiple counties, as opposed to 5-6 separate shapes)
Compress the end result and save in the database
The function I am using seems to work for the example of 'vx1vilihnM6hR7mEl2Q' provided in the Point Compression Algorithm documentation. However, when I insert something a little more complex, like Cook County, the formula seems to be off (tested by inserting several of the points into different polygon mapping/drawing applications that also use Bing Maps). It basically creates a line at the south side of Chicago that vigorously goes East and West into Indiana, without much North-South movement. Without knowing what the actual coordinates of any counties are supposed to be, I'm not sure how to figure out where I'm going wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated, even if it is a suggestion of a different strategy.
Here is the python code (sorry for the overuse of the decimal format - my poor attempt to ensure the error wasn't a result of inadvertently losing precision):
safeCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-'
def decodeBingBorder(compressedData):
latLng = []
pointsArray = []
point = []
lastLat = Decimal(0)
lastLng = Decimal(0)
# Assigns the number of of each character based on the respective index of 'safeCharacters'
# numbers under 32 indicate it is the last number of the combination of the point, and a new point is begun
for char in compressedData:
num = Decimal(safeCharacters.index(char))
if num < 32:
point = []
num -= Decimal(32)
# Loops through each point to determine the lat/lng of each point
for pnt in pointsArray:
result = Decimal(0)
# This revereses step 7 of the Point Compression Algorithm https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj158958.aspx
for num in reversed(pnt):
if result == 0:
result = num
result = result * Decimal(32) + num
# This was pretty much taken from the Decompression Algorithm (not in Python format) at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn306801.aspx
# Determine which diaganal it's on
diag = Decimal(int(round((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)))
# submtract the total number of points from lower diagonals, and get the X and Y from what's left over
latY = Decimal(result - Decimal(diag * (diag + 1) / 2))
lngX = Decimal(diag - latY)
# undo the sign encoding
if latY % 2 == 1:
latY = (latY + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
if lngX % 2 == 1:
lngX = (lngX + Decimal(1)) * Decimal(-1)
latY /= 2
lngX /= 2
# undo the delta encoding
lat = latY + lastLat
lng = lngX + lastLng
lastLat = lat
lastLng = lng
# position the decimal point
lat /= Decimal(100000)
lng /= Decimal(100000)
# append the point to the latLng list in a string format, as opposed to the decimal format
latLng.append([str(lat), str(lng)])
return latLng
The compressed algorithm:
This is the result:
[['41.46986', '-87.79031'], ['41.47033', '-87.52569'], ['41.469145',
'-87.23372'], ['41.469395', '-87.03741'], ['41.41014', '-86.7114'],
['41.397545', '-86.64553'], ['41.3691', '-86.47018'], ['41.359585',
'-86.41984'], ['41.353585', '-86.9637'], ['41.355725', '-87.43971'],
['41.35561', '-87.52716'], ['41.3555', '-87.55277'], ['41.354625',
'-87.63504'], ['41.355635', '-87.54018'], ['41.360745', '-87.40351'],
['41.362315', '-87.29262'], ['41.36214', '-87.43194'], ['41.360915',
'-87.44473'], ['41.35598', '-87.58256'], ['41.3551', '-87.59025'],
['41.35245', '-87.59828'], ['41.34782', '-87.60784'], ['41.34506',
'-87.61664'], ['41.34267', '-87.6219'], ['41.34232', '-87.62643'],
['41.33809', '-87.63286'], ['41.33646', '-87.63956'], ['41.32985',
'-87.65056'], ['41.33069', '-87.65596'], ['41.32965', '-87.65938'],
['41.33063', '-87.6628'], ['41.32924', '-87.66659'], ['41.32851',
'-87.71306'], ['41.327105', '-87.75963'], ['41.329515', '-87.64388'],
['41.32698', '-87.73614'], ['41.32876', '-87.61933'], ['41.328275',
'-87.6403'], ['41.328765', '-87.63857'], ['41.32866', '-87.63969'],
['41.32862', '-87.70802']]
As mentioned by rbrundritt, storing the data from Big Maps is against the terms of use. However, there are other sources of this same data available, such as http://nationalmap.gov/boundaries.html
In the interest of solving the problem, and to store this and other coordinate data more efficiently, I solved the problem by removing the 'round' function when calculating 'diag'. This should be what replaces it:
diag = int((math.sqrt(8 * result + 5) - 1) / 2)
All of the 'Decimal' crap I added is not necessary, so you can remove it if you wish.
You can also do
diag=int(round((sqrt(8 * number + 1)/ 2)-1/2.))
Don't forget to subtract longitude*2 from latitude to get N/E coordinates!
Maybe it will be usefull, i found bug in code.
invert pair function should be
diag = math.floor((math.sqrt(8 * result + 1) - 1) / 2)
after fixing this, your implementation work correct
You can't store the boundary data from the Bing Maps GeoData API or any data derived from it in a database. This is against the terms of use of the platform.
I am trying to complete an image editing task in my learning Python book. I need help with the horizontal flip.
The instructions are: Write a function called "flip_horizontal" which will flip the picture horizontally. That is, the pixel that is on the far right end of the row ends up on the far left of the row and vice versa (remember to preserve RGB order!).
My code does not flip the image horizontally when I open it. Also, how can I write my effects to different files (use the original file and apply one function the original file and output it, and then apply another function to the original file and output it to another file). Please, keep in mind that I am only 11 years old and have a very basic understanding of Python and image editing, it is just an interest of mine.
class PPM(object):
def __init__(self, infile, outfile):
#Read in data of image
data= open(self.infile,"r")
#Header info
def negate_red(self):
for b in range (0, (len(self.pixels)) , 3):
def writetofile(self):
dataout= open(self.outfile,"w")
dataout.write(self.type +"\n" + self.columns + "\n" + self.row +"\n"+ self.colour +"\n"+ " ".join (self.pixels))
def grey_scale(self):
if int(self.columns) > 1000:
return "ERROR!! Number of columns is larger than what can be held in a buffer."
for b in range(0, (len(self.pixels)) , 3):
sum = int(self.pixels[b]) + int(self.pixels[b+1]) + int(self.pixels[b+2])
avg = int(sum/3)
self.pixels[b] = str(avg)
self.pixels[b+1] = str(avg)
self.pixels[b+2] = str(avg)
def flatten_red(self):
for colour in range (0,len(self.pixels),3):
self.pixels [colour]=str(0)
#Create a 2d lists with the smaller lists containing the rgb values and append lists of lists
def horizontal_flip(self):
if int(self.columns) > 1000:
return "ERROR!! Number of columns is larger than what can be held in a buffer."
temp_list = []
for b in range(int(self.row)):
column_list = []
column_list += self.pixels[0:int(self.columns) * 3]
self.pixels = self.pixels[int(self.columns) * 3 : ]
#print temp_list
new_list = []
for i in range(int(len(temp_list))):
new_list.append (temp_list[i][0])
new_list.append (temp_list[i][1])
new_list.append (temp_list[i][2])
temp_list[i] = temp_list[i][::-1]
sample= PPM("cake.ppm", "Replica.ppm")
Imagine a row of pixels.
Now, what we want to do is to flip it so that the right-most pixel is on the left-most place, right?
So if we have the pixel on the far-left with the coordinates (x,y) then the pixel on the far-right has the coordinates (x+n, y) where n = the width of the picture in pixels.
Now, a horizontal flip would look like this, right?
So what we do is we go from the far right and the far left, swap the values of the current pixels and go one step to the right and one step to the left until they meet in the middle.
In pseudo-code this might look something like this:
n = width
x = 0
y = whatever row we're on currently
while n != width/2
temporary = (x,y) # (x,y) refers to a specific pixel in the picture
(x,y) = (n, y)
(n, y) = temporary
n = n-1
x = x+1
Do you think that's enough to solve the rest yourself? Wouldn't want to take the fun out of it :-)
Are you really 11 years old?
It looks like each element of your temp_list is a column of the image to reverse the order of the columns you just have to do temp_list = temp_list[::-1], but you're doing temp_list[i] = temp_list[i][::-1] which I think flips the image up-down (I might have it backwards though). Either way, once you get the flip, you'll need to flatten the image again and replace self.pixels, something like:
pixels = []
for column in temp_list:
self.pixels = pixels
You're not doing much with new_list, I don't think you need it. Also if you want to save the image to different files, take the filename as an argument to writetofile, if you do that you won't need to have it in __init__, so something like:
class PPM(object):
def __init__(self, infile):
# More code here
def writetofile(self, outfile):
dataout = open(outfile,"w")
dataout.write(self.type +"\n" + self.columns + "\n" + self.row +"\n"+ self.colour +"\n"+ " ".join (self.pixels))
sample = PPM("cake.ppm")
Maybe not for you since you want to practice but I came here looking for a solution to the same Problem after Research I found this and wanted to share the following:
OpenCV provides a function to flip an image.
void flip(array src, array dst, int flipCode)
Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal or both axes.
src – The source Array
dst – The destination array; will have the same size and same type as src
flipCode – Specifies how to flip the array: 0 means flipping around the x-axis, positive (e.g., 1) means flipping around y-axis, and negative (e.g., -1) means flipping around both axes.The function flip flips the array in one of three different ways (row and column indices are 0-based).
Example code: