Fast loading and querying data in Python - python

I am doing some data analysis in Python. I have ~15k financial products identified by ISIN code and ~15 columns of daily data for each of them. I would like to easily and quickly access the data given an ISIN code.
The data is in a MySQL DB. On the Python side so far I have been working with Pandas DataFrame.
First thing I did was to use pd.read_sql to load the DF directly from the database. However, this is relatively slow. Then I tried loading the full database in a single DF and serializing it to a pickle file. The loading of the pickle file is fast, a few seconds. However, when querying for an individual product, the perfomance is the same as if I am querying the SQL DB. Here is some code:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, engine
from src.Database import Database
import time
import src.bonds.database.BondDynamicDataETL as BondsETL
database_instance = Database(Database.get_db_instance_risk_analytics_prod())
engine = create_engine(
+ database_instance.get_db_user()
+ ":"
+ database_instance.get_db_pass()
+ "#"
+ database_instance.get_db_host()
+ "/"
+ database_instance.get_db_name()
con = engine.connect()
class DataBase:
def __init__(self):
print("made a DatBase instance")
def get_individual_bond_dynamic_data(self, isin):
return self.get_individual_bond_dynamic_data_from_db(isin, con)
def get_individual_bond_dynamic_data_from_db(isin, connection):
df = pd.read_sql(
"SELECT * FROM BondDynamicDataClean WHERE isin = '"
+ isin
+ "' ORDER BY date ASC",
df.set_index("date", inplace=True)
return df
class PickleFile:
def __init__(self):
print("made a PickleFile instance")
df = pd.read_pickle("bonds_pickle.pickle")
# df.set_index(['isin', 'date'], inplace=True) = df
print("loaded file")
def get_individual_bond_dynamic_data(self, isin):
result ="isin == '#isin'")
return result
fromPickle = PickleFile()
fromDB = DataBase()
isins = BondsETL.get_all_isins_with_dynamic_data_from_db(
isins = isins[0:50]
start_pickle = time.time()
for i, isin in enumerate(isins):
x = fromPickle.get_individual_bond_dynamic_data(isin)
print("pickle: " + str(i))
stop_pickle = time.time()
for i, isin in enumerate(isins):
x = fromDB.get_individual_bond_dynamic_data(isin)
print("db: " + str(i))
stop_db = time.time()
pickle_t = stop_pickle - start_pickle
db_t = stop_db - stop_pickle
print("pickle: " + str(pickle_t))
print("db: " + str(db_t))
print("ratio: " + str(pickle_t / db_t))
This results in:
pickle: 7.636280059814453
db: 6.167926073074341
ratio: 1.23806283819615
Also, curiously enough setting the index on the DF (uncommenting the line in the constructor) slows down everything!
I thought of trying as an alternative to Pandas. Any other ideas or comments?

So, collating some thoughts from the comments:
Use mysqlclient instead of PyMySQL if you want more speed on the SQL side of the fence.
Ensure the columns you're querying on are indexed in your SQL table (isin for querying and date for ordering).
You can set index_col="date" directly in read_sql() according to the docs; it might be faster.
I'm no Pandas expert, but I think[ == isin] would be more performant than"isin == '#isin'").
If you don't need to query things cross-isin and want to use pickles, you could store the data for each isin in a separate pickle file.
Also, for the sake of Lil Bobby Tables, the patron saint of SQL injection attacks, use parameters in your SQL statements instead of concatenating strings.

It helped a lot to transform the large data frame into a dictionary {isin -> DF} of smaller data frames indexed by ISIN code. Data retrieval is much more efficient from a dictionary compared to from a DF. Also, it is very natural to be able to request a single DF given an ISIN code. Hope this helps someone else.


Is there a faster way to move millions of rows from Excel to a SQL database using Python?

I am a financial analyst with about two month's experience with Python, and I am working on a project using Python and SQL to automate the compilation of a report. The process involves accessing a changing number of Excel files saved in a share drive, pulling two tabs from each (summary and quote) and combining the datasets into two large "Quote" and "Summary" tables. The next step is to pull various columns from each, combine, calculate, etc.
The problem is that the dataset ends up being 3.4mm rows and around 30 columns. The program I wrote below works, but it took 40 minutes to work through the first part (creating the list of dataframes) and another 4.5 hours to create the database and export the data, not to mention using a LOT of memory.
I know there must be a better way to accomplish this, but I don't have a CS background. Any help would be appreciated.
import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from playsound import playsound
reportmonth = '2020-08'
month_folder = r'C:\syncedSharePointFolder'
starttime =
print('Started', starttime)
c = 0
tables = list()
quote_combined = list()
summary_combined = list()
# Step through files in synced Sharepoint directory, select the files with the specific
# name format. For each file, parse the file name and add to 'tables' list, then load
# two specific tabs as pandas dataframes. Add two columns, format column headers, then
# add each dataframe to the list of dataframes.
for xl in os.listdir(month_folder):
if '-Amazon' in xl:
ttime =
table_name = str(xl[11:-5])
quote_sheet = pd.read_excel(xl, sheet_name='-Amazon-Quote')
summary_sheet = pd.read_excel(xl, sheet_name='-Amazon-Summary')
quote_sheet.insert(0,'reportmonth', reportmonth)
summary_sheet.insert(0,'reportmonth', reportmonth)
quote_sheet.insert(0,'source_file', table_name)
summary_sheet.insert(0,'source_file', table_name)
quote_sheet.columns = quote_sheet.columns.str.strip()
quote_sheet.columns = quote_sheet.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
summary_sheet.columns = summary_sheet.columns.str.strip()
summary_sheet.columns = summary_sheet.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
c = c + 1
print('Step', c, 'complete: ', - ttime, - starttime)
# Concatenate the list of dataframes to append one to another.
# Totals about 3.4mm rows for August
totalQuotes = pd.concat(quote_combined)
totalSummary = pd.concat(summary_combined)
# Change directory, create Sqlite database, and send the combined dataframes to database
conn = sqlite3.connect('AMZN-Quote-files_' + reportmonth)
cur = conn.cursor()
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///AMZN-Quote-files_' + reportmonth + '.sqlite', echo=False)
sqlite_connection = engine.connect()
sqlite_table = 'totalQuotes'
sqlite_table2 = 'totalSummary'
totalQuotes.to_sql(sqlite_table, sqlite_connection, if_exists = 'replace')
totalSummary.to_sql(sqlite_table2, sqlite_connection, if_exists = 'replace')
print('Finished. It took: ', - starttime)
I see a few things you could do. Firstly, since your first step is just to transfer the data to your SQL DB, you don't necessarily need to append all the files to each other. You can just attack the problem one file at a time (which means you can multiprocess!) - then, whatever computations need to be completed, can come later. This will also result in you cutting down your RAM usage since if you have 10 files in your folder, you aren't loading all 10 up at the same time.
I would recommend the following:
Construct an array of filenames that you need to access
Write a wrapper function that can take a filename, open + parse the file, and write the contents to your MySQL DB
Use the Python multiprocessing.Pool class to process them simultaneously. If you run 4 processes, for example, your task becomes 4 times faster! If you need to derive computations from this data and hence need to aggregate it, please do this once the data's in the MySQL DB. This will be way faster.
If you need to define some computations based on the aggregate data, do it now, in the MySQL DB. SQL is an incredibly powerful language, and there's a command out there for practically everything!
I've added in a short code snippet to show you what I'm talking about :)
from multiprocessing import Pool
FILES = []
def _process_file(filename):
print("Processing: "+filename)
pool = Pool(PROCESSES), FILES)
SQL clarification: You don't need an independent table for every file you move to SQL! You can create a table based on a given schema, and then add the data from ALL your files to that one table, row by row. This is essentially what the function you use to go from DataFrame to table does, but it creates 10 different tables. You can look at some examples on inserting a row into a table here.However, in the specific use case that you have, setting the if_exists parameter to "append" should work, as you've mentioned in your comment. I just added the earlier references in because you mentioned that you're fairly new to Python, and a lot of my friends in the finance industry have found gaining a slightly more nuanced understanding of SQL to be extremely useful.
Try this, Here most of the time is taken is during Loading Data from excel to Dataframe. I am not sure following script will reduce the time to within seconds but It will reduce the RAM baggage, which in turn could speed up the process. It will potentially reduce the time by at least 5-10 minutes. Since I have no access to data I cannot be sure. But you should try this
import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from playsound import playsound
conn = sqlite3.connect('AMZN-Quote-files_' + reportmonth)
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///AMZN-Quote-files_' + reportmonth + '.sqlite', echo=False)
sqlite_connection = engine.connect()
sqlite_table = 'totalQuotes'
sqlite_table2 = 'totalSummary'
reportmonth = '2020-08'
month_folder = r'C:\syncedSharePointFolder'
starttime =
print('Started', starttime)
c = 0
tables = list()
for xl in os.listdir(month_folder):
if '-Amazon' in xl:
ttime =
table_name = str(xl[11:-5])
quote_sheet = pd.read_excel(xl, sheet_name='-Amazon-Quote')
summary_sheet = pd.read_excel(xl, sheet_name='-Amazon-Summary')
quote_sheet.insert(0,'reportmonth', reportmonth)
summary_sheet.insert(0,'reportmonth', reportmonth)
quote_sheet.insert(0,'source_file', table_name)
summary_sheet.insert(0,'source_file', table_name)
quote_sheet.columns = quote_sheet.columns.str.strip()
quote_sheet.columns = quote_sheet.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
summary_sheet.columns = summary_sheet.columns.str.strip()
summary_sheet.columns = summary_sheet.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
quote_sheet.to_sql(sqlite_table, sqlite_connection, if_exists = 'append')
summary_sheet.to_sql(sqlite_table2, sqlite_connection, if_exists = 'append')
c = c + 1
print('Step', c, 'complete: ', - ttime, - starttime)

Load data from snowflake to pandas dataframe (python) in batches

I am having trouble loading 4.6M rows (11 vars) from snowflake to python. I generally use R, and it handles the data with no problem ... but I am struggling with Python (which I have rarely used, but need to on this occasion).
Attempts so far:
Use new python connector - obtained error message (as documented here: Snowflake Python Pandas Connector - Unknown error using fetch_pandas_all)
Amend my previous code to work in batches .. - this is what I am hoping for help with here.
The example code on the snowflake webpage gets me almost there, but doesn't show how to concatenate the data from the multiple fetches efficiently - no doubt because those familiar with python already would know this.
This is where I am at:
import snowflake.connector
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain
query = '''
select *
from table(%s)
def create_snowflake_connection():
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
authenticator = 'externalbrowser',
return conn
def fetch_pandas_concat_df(cur):
rows = 0
grow = []
while True:
dat = cur.fetchmany(50000)
if not dat:
colstring = ','.join([col[0] for col in cur.description])
df = pd.DataFrame(dat, columns =colstring.split(","))
rows += df.shape[0]
return pd.concat(grow)
def fetch_pandas_concat_list(cur):
rows = 0
grow = []
while True:
dat = cur.fetchmany(50000)
if not dat:
colstring = ','.join([col[0] for col in cur.description])
rows += len(dat)
# note that grow is a list of list of tuples(?) [[(),()]]
return pd.DataFrame(list(chain(*grow)), columns = colstring.split(","))
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute(query, (SNOWFLAKE_DATA_SOURCE))
df1 = fetch_pandas_concat_df(cur) # this takes forever to concatenate the dataframes - I had to stop it
df3 = fetch_pandas_concat_list(cur) # this is also taking forever.. at least an hour so far .. R is done in < 10 minutes....
The string manipulation you're doing is extremely expensive computationally. Besides, why would you want to combine everything to a single string, just to them break it back out?
Take a look at this section of the snowflake documentation. Essentially, you can go straight from the cursor object to the dataframe which should speed things up immensely.

Pandas Join DataTable to SQL Table to Prevent Memory Errors

So I have about 4-5 million rows of data per table. I have about 10-15 of these tables. I created a table that will join 30,000 rows to some of these million rows based on some ID and snapshot date.
Is there a way to write my existing data table to a SQL query where it will filter the results down for me so that I do not have to load the entire tables into memory?
At the moment I've been loading each table in one at a time, and then releasing the memory. However, it still takes up 100% memory on my computer.
for table in tablesToJoin:
if df is not None:
print("DF LENGTH", len(df))
query = """SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM """ + table + """ (nolock) where snapshotdate = '"""+ date +"""'"""
query += """ SET NOCOUNT OFF;"""
start = time.time()
loadedDf = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
if df is None:
df = loadedDf
else:, null_counts=True), null_counts=True)
df = df.merge(loadedDf, how='left', on=["MemberID", "SnapshotDate"])
#df = df.fillna(0)
print("DATA AFTER ALL MERGING", len(df))
print("Length of data loaded:", len(loadedDf))
print("Time to load data from sql", (time.time() - start))
I once faced the same problem as you are. My solution was to filter as much as possible in the SQL layer. Since I don't have your code and your DB, what I write below is untested code and very possibly contain bugs. You will have to correct them as needed.
The idea is to read as little as possible from the DB. pandas is not designed to analyze frames of millions of rows (at least on a typical computer). To do that, pass the filter criteria from df to your DB call:
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, and_, or_
engine = ... # construct your SQL Alchemy engine. May correspond to your `conn` object
meta = MetaData()
meta.reflect(bind=engine, only=tablesToJoin)
for table in tablesToJoin:
t = meta[table]
# Building the WHERE clause. This is equivalent to:
# WHERE ((MemberID = <MemberID 1>) AND (SnapshotDate = date))
# OR ((MemberID = <MemberID 2>) AND (SnapshotDate = date))
# OR ((MemberID = <MemberID 3>) AND (SnapshotDate = date))
cond = _or(**[and_(t.c['MemberID'] == member_id, t.c['SnapshotDate'] == date) for member_id in df['MemberID'] ])
# Be frugal here: only get the columns that you need, or you will blow your memory
# If you specify None, it's equivalent to a `SELECT *`
statement =
# Note that it's `read_sql`, not `read_sql_query` here
loadedDf = pd.read_sql(statement, engine)
# loadedDf should be much smaller now since you have already filtered it at the DB level
# Now do your joins...

sqlite selecting multiple tables

I have a database in sqlite with c.300 tables. Currently i am iterating through a list and appending the data.
Is there a faster way / more pythonic way of doing this?
df = []
for i in Ave.columns:
df2 = get_mcap(i)
#print (i)
df = pd.concat(df, axis=0
Ave is a dataframe where the column in the list i want to iterate through.
def get_mcap(Ticker):
cnx = sqlite3.connect('Market_Cap.db')
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM '%s'"%(Ticker), cnx)
df.columns = ['Date', 'Mcap-Ave', 'Mcap-High', 'Mcap-Low']
df = df.set_index('Date')
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
return df
Before I post my solution, I should include a quick warning that you should never use string manipulation to generate SQL queries unless it's absolutely unavoidable, and in such cases you need to be certain that you are in control of the data which is being used to format the strings and it won't contain anything that will cause the query to do something unintended.
With that said, this seems like one of those situations where you do need to use string formatting, since you cannot pass table names as parameters. Just make sure there's no way that users can alter what is contained within your list of tables.
Onto the solution. It looks like you can get your list of tables using:
tables = Ave.columns.tolist()
For my simple example, I'm going to use:
tables = ['table1', 'table2', 'table3']
Then use the following code to generate a single query:
query_template = 'select * from {}'
query_parts = []
for table in tables:
query = query_template.format(table)
full_query = ' union all '.join(query_parts)
'select * from table1 union all select * from table2 union all select * from table3'
You can then simply execute this one query to get your results:
cnx = sqlite3.connect('Market_Cap.db')
df = pd.read_sql_query(full_query, cnx)
Then from here you should be able to set the index, convert to datetime etc, but now you only need to do these operations once rather than 300 times. I imagine the overall runtime of this should now be much faster.

How to create a large pandas dataframe from an sql query without running out of memory?

I have trouble querying a table of > 5 million records from MS SQL Server database. I want to select all of the records, but my code seems to fail when selecting to much data into memory.
This works:
import as psql
sql = "SELECT TOP 1000000 * FROM MyTable"
data = psql.read_frame(sql, cnxn)
...but this does not work:
sql = "SELECT TOP 2000000 * FROM MyTable"
data = psql.read_frame(sql, cnxn)
It returns this error:
File "inference.pyx", line 931, in pandas.lib.to_object_array_tuples
(pandas\lib.c:42733) Memory Error
I have read here that a similar problem exists when creating a dataframe from a csv file, and that the work-around is to use the 'iterator' and 'chunksize' parameters like this:
read_csv('exp4326.csv', iterator=True, chunksize=1000)
Is there a similar solution for querying from an SQL database? If not, what is the preferred work-around? Should I use some other methods to read the records in chunks? I read a bit of discussion here about working with large datasets in pandas, but it seems like a lot of work to execute a SELECT * query. Surely there is a simpler approach.
As mentioned in a comment, starting from pandas 0.15, you have a chunksize option in read_sql to read and process the query chunk by chunk:
sql = "SELECT * FROM My_Table"
for chunk in pd.read_sql_query(sql , engine, chunksize=5):
Update: Make sure to check out the answer below, as Pandas now has built-in support for chunked loading.
You could simply try to read the input table chunk-wise and assemble your full dataframe from the individual pieces afterwards, like this:
import pandas as pd
import as psql
chunk_size = 10000
offset = 0
dfs = []
while True:
sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable limit %d offset %d order by ID" % (chunk_size,offset)
dfs.append(psql.read_frame(sql, cnxn))
offset += chunk_size
if len(dfs[-1]) < chunk_size:
full_df = pd.concat(dfs)
It might also be possible that the whole dataframe is simply too large to fit in memory, in that case you will have no other option than to restrict the number of rows or columns you're selecting.
Code solution and remarks.
# Create empty list
dfl = []
# Create empty dataframe
dfs = pd.DataFrame()
# Start Chunking
for chunk in pd.read_sql(query, con=conct, ,chunksize=10000000):
# Start Appending Data Chunks from SQL Result set into List
# Start appending data from list to dataframe
dfs = pd.concat(dfl, ignore_index=True)
However, my memory analysis tells me that even though the memory is released after each chunk is extracted, the list is growing bigger and bigger and occupying that memory resulting in a net net no gain on free RAM.
Would love to hear what the author / others have to say.
The best way I found to handle this is to leverage the SQLAlchemy steam_results connection options
conn = engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=True)
And passing the conn object to pandas in
pd.read_sql("SELECT *...", conn, chunksize=10000)
This will ensure that the cursor is handled server-side rather than client-side
You can use Server Side Cursors (a.k.a. stream results)
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
def process_sql_using_pandas():
engine = create_engine(
conn = engine.connect().execution_options(
for chunk_dataframe in pd.read_sql(
"SELECT * FROM users", conn, chunksize=1000):
print(f"Got dataframe w/{len(chunk_dataframe)} rows")
# ... do something with dataframe ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
As mentioned in the comments by others, using the chunksize argument in pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM users", engine, chunksize=1000) does not solve the problem as it still loads the whole data in the memory and then gives it to you chunk by chunk.
More explanation here
chunksize still loads all the data in memory, stream_results=True is the answer. it is server side cursor that loads the rows in given chunks and save memory.. efficiently using in many pipelines, it may also help when you load history data
stream_conn = engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=True)
use pd.read_sql with thechunksize
pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM SOURCE", stream_conn , chunksize=5000)
you can update version airflow.
for example, I had that error in the version 2.2.3 using docker-compose.
mysq 6.7
cpus: "0.5"
mem_reservation: "10M"
mem_limit: "750M"
cpus: "0.5"
mem_reservation: "10M"
mem_limit: "250M"
cpus: "0.5"
mem_reservation: "10M"
mem_limit: "750M"
cpus: "0.5"
mem_reservation: "10M"
mem_limit: "750M"
#cpus: "0.5"
#mem_reservation: "10M"
#mem_limit: "750M"
error: Task exited with return code Negsignal.SIGKILL
but update to the version
FROM apache/airflow:2.3.4.
and perform the pulls without problems, using the same resources configured in the docker-compose
enter image description here
my dag extractor:
def getDataForSchema(table,conecction,tmp_path, **kwargs):
query_count= f"select count(1) from {table['schema']}.{table['table_name']}""query: {query_count}")
real_count_rows = pd.read_sql_query(query_count, conn)
##sacar esquema de la tabla
metadataquery=f"SELECT COLUMN_NAME ,DATA_TYPE FROM information_schema.columns \
where table_name = '{table['table_name']}' and table_schema= '{table['schema']}'""query metadata: {metadataquery}")
metadata = pd.read_sql_query(metadataquery, conn)
schema=generate_schema(metadata)"schema : {schema}")"schema: {schema}")
#consulta la tabla a extraer
query=f" SELECT {table['custom_column_names']} FROM {table['schema']}.{table['table_name']} ""quere data :{query}")
data = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, chunksize=chunksize)
for df_row in data:
print(f"bloque {iteraccion} de total {count_rows} de un total {real_count_rows.iat[0, 0]}")
if iteraccion == 0:
pqwriter = pq.ParquetWriter(parquetName,schema)
tableData = pa.Table.from_pandas(df_row, schema=schema,safe=False, preserve_index=True)" tabledata {tableData.column(17)}")
pqwriter.write_table(tableData)"parquet name:::{parquetName}")
##pasar a parquet df directo
count_rows += len(df_row)
del df_row
del tableData
if pqwriter:
print("Cerrando archivo parquet")
del data
del chunksize
del iteraccion
Here is a one-liner. I was able to load in 49m records to the dataframe without running out of memory.
dfs = pd.concat(pd.read_sql(sql, engine, chunksize=500000), ignore_index=True)
Full one-line code using sqlalchemy and with operator:
db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db_url, pool_size=10, max_overflow=20)
with Session(db_engine) as session:
sql_qry = text("Your query")
data = pd.concat(pd.read_sql(sql_qry,session.connection().execution_options(stream_results=True), chunksize=500000), ignore_index=True)
You can try to change chunksize to find the optimal size for your case.
You can use chunksize option, but need to set it up to 6-7 digit if you have RAM issue.
for chunk in pd.read_sql(sql, engine, params = (fromdt, todt,filecode), chunksize=100000):
dfs = pd.concat(df1, ignore_index=True)
do this
If you want to limit the number of rows in output, just use:
data = psql.read_frame(sql, cnxn,chunksize=1000000).__next__()
