Read header of .blf CAN file - python

I have a .blf file containing multiple can bus messages, which I can read using python-can like so
import can
can_log = can.BLFReader("./test.blf")
for msg in can_log:
According to the python-can docs, the header of a standard .blf file has 144 bytes and contains the start- and ending-timestamp of the whole record itself.
I would like to directly read this start and end timestamp, is this possible?
I know I could also read the timestamp from the first message using msg.timestamp, but it slightly differs from the start timestamp that I would like to extract.

From the source code of python can :
class BLFReader(object):
Iterator of CAN messages from a Binary Logging File.
Only CAN messages and error frames are supported. Other object types are
silently ignored.
def __init__(self, filename):
self.fp = open(filename, "rb")
data =
header = FILE_HEADER_STRUCT.unpack(data)
assert header[0] == b"LOGG", "Unknown file format"
self.file_size = header[10]
self.uncompressed_size = header[11]
self.object_count = header[12]
self.start_timestamp = systemtime_to_timestamp(header[14:22])
self.stop_timestamp = systemtime_to_timestamp(header[22:30])
You can use start_timestamp and stop_timestamp this way :


How to properly read J1939 messages from .asc file with cantools?

I'm trying to create a CAN logs converter from .asc files to .csv files (in human readable form). I'm somewhat successful. My code works fine with almost any database but j1939.dbc.
The thing is, that if I print out the messages read from the dbc file, I can see that the messages from j1939.dbc are read into the database. But it fails to find any of those messages in the processed log file. At the same time I can read the same file using Vector CANalyzer with no issues.
I wonder why this may happed and why it only affects the j1939.dbc and not the others.
I suspect that maybe the way I convert those messages is wrong because it never goes by the if msg_id in database: line (and as mentioned above, those messages are certainly there because Vector CANalyzer works fine with them).
EDIT: I realized that maybe the problem is not cantools but python-can package, maybe the can.ASCReader() doeasn't do well with j1939 frames and omits them? I'm gonna investigate myself but I hope someone better at coding will help.
import pandas as pd
import can
import cantools
import time as t
from tqdm import tqdm
import re
import os
from binascii import unhexlify
dbcs = [filename.split('.')[0] for filename in os.listdir('./dbc/') if filename.endswith('.dbc')]
files = [filename.split('.')[0] for filename in os.listdir('./asc/') if filename.endswith('.asc')]
start = t.time()
db = cantools.database.Database()
for dbc in dbcs:
with open(f'./dbc/{dbc}.dbc', 'r') as f:
f_num = 1
for fname in files:
print(f'[{f_num}/{len(files)}] Parsing data from file: {fname}')
entries = []
all_msgs =[]
message = {'Time [s]': ''}
database = list(db._frame_id_to_message.keys())
lines = sum(1 for line in open(f'./asc/{fname}.asc'))
msgs = iter(log)
for msg, i in zip(msgs, tqdm(range(lines))):
msg = re.split("\\s+", str(msg))
timestamp = round(float(msg[1]), 0)
msg_id = int(msg[3], 16)
data = unhexlify(''.join(msg[7:15]))
if msg_id in database:
if timestamp != message['Time [s]']:
message.update({'Time [s]': timestamp})
message.update(db.decode_message(msg_id, data))
except ValueError:
df = pd.DataFrame(entries[1:])
duration = t.time() - start
df.to_csv(f'./csv/{fname}.csv', index=False)
print(f'DONE IN {int(round(duration, 2)//60)}min{round(duration % 60, 2)}s!\n{len(df.columns)} signals extracted!')
f_num += 1
class can.ASCReader(file, base=’hex’)
Iterator of CAN messages from a ASC logging file. Meta data (comments, bus statistics, J1939 Transport
Protocol messages) is ignored.
Might answer your question...

Loading and dumping multiple yaml files with ruamel.yaml (python)

Using python 2 (atm) and ruamel.yaml 0.13.14 (RedHat EPEL)
I'm currently writing some code to load yaml definitions, but they are split up in multiple files. The user-editable part contains eg.
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
<< : *userdefaults
<< : *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
the defaults are stored in another file, which is not editable:
userdefaults: &userdefaults
# Default values for user settings
fileCountQuota: 1000
diskSizeQuota: "300g"
I can process these together by loading both and concatinating the strings, and then running them through merged_data = list(yaml.load_all("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data), Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader)) which correctly resolves everything. (when not using RoundTripLoader I get errors that the references cannot be resolved, which is normal)
Now, I want to do some updates via python code (eg. update the timestamp), and for that I need to just write back the user part. And that's where things get hairy. I sofar haven't found a way to just write that yaml document, not both.
First of all, unless there are multiple documents in your defaults file, you
don't have to use load_all, as you don't concatenate two documents into a
multiple-document stream. If you had by using a format string with a document-end
marker ("{}\n...\n{}") or with a directives-end marker ("{}\n---\n{}")
your aliases would not carry over from one document to another, as per the
YAML specification:
It is an error for an alias node to use an anchor that does not
previously occur in the document.
The anchor has to be in the document, not just in the stream (which can consist of multiple
I tried some hocus pocus, pre-populating the already represented dictionary
of anchored nodes:
import sys
import datetime
from ruamel import yaml
def load():
with open('defaults.yaml') as fp:
defaults_data =
with open('user.yaml') as fp:
user_data =
merged_data = yaml.load("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data),
return merged_data
class MyRTDGen(object):
class MyRTD(yaml.RoundTripDumper):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
pps = kw.pop('pre_populate', None)
yaml.RoundTripDumper.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
if pps is not None:
for pp in pps:
anchor = pp.yaml_anchor()
except AttributeError:
anchor = None
node = yaml.nodes.MappingNode(
u',2002:map', [], flow_style=None, anchor=anchor)
self.represented_objects[id(pp)] = node
def __init__(self, pre_populate=None):
assert isinstance(pre_populate, list)
self._pre_populate = pre_populate
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
kw1 = kw.copy()
kw1['pre_populate'] = self._pre_populate
myrtd = self.MyRTD(*args, **kw1)
return myrtd
def update(md, file_name):
ud = md.pop('userdefaults')
MyRTD = MyRTDGen([ud])
yaml.dump(md, sys.stdout, Dumper=MyRTD)
with open(file_name, 'w') as fp:
yaml.dump(md, fp, Dumper=MyRTD)
md = load()
md['users']['xxxx2']['timestamp'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
update(md, 'user.yaml')
Since the PyYAML based API requires a class instead of an object, you need to
use a class generator, that actually adds the data elements to pre-populate on
the fly from withing yaml.load().
But this doesn't work, as a node only gets written out with an anchor once it is
determined that the anchor is used (i.e. there is a second reference). So actually the
first merge key gets written out as an anchor. And although I am quite familiar
with the code base, I could not get this to work properly in a reasonable amount of time.
So instead, I would just rely on the fact that there is only one key that matches
the first key of users.yaml at the root level of the dump of the combined updated
file and strip anything before that.
import sys
import datetime
from ruamel import yaml
with open('defaults.yaml') as fp:
defaults_data =
with open('user.yaml') as fp:
user_data =
merged_data = yaml.load("{}\n{}".format(defaults_data, user_data),
# find the key
for line in user_data.splitlines():
line = line.split('# ')[0].rstrip() # end of line comment, not checking for strings
if line and line[-1] == ':' and line[0] != ' ':
split_key = line
merged_data['users']['xxxx2']['timestamp'] = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
buf = yaml.compat.StringIO()
yaml.dump(merged_data, buf, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper)
document = split_key + buf.getvalue().split('\n' + split_key)[1]
which gives:
<<: *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-22 11:38:28.541810'
<<: *userdefaults
timestamp: '2018-10-23 09:59:13.829978'
I had to make a virtualenv to make sure I could run the above with ruamel.yaml==0.13.14.
That version is from the time I was still young (I won't claim to have been innocent).
There have been over 85 releases of the library since then.
I can understand that you might not be able to run anything but
Python2 at the moment and cannot compile/use a newer version. But what
you really should do is install virtualenv (can be done using EPEL, but also without
further "polluting" your system installation), make a virtualenv for the
code you are developping and install the latest version of ruamel.yaml (and
your other libraries) in there. You can also do that if you need
to distribute your software to other systems, just install virtualenv there as well.
I have all my utilties under /opt/util, and managed
virtualenvutils a
wrapper around virtualenv.
For writing the user part, you will have to manually split the output of yaml.dump() multifile output and write the appropriate part back to users yaml file.
import datetime
import StringIO
import ruamel.yaml
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='rt')
data = None
with open('defaults.yaml', 'r') as defaults:
with open('users.yaml', 'r') as users:
raw = "{}\n{}".format(''.join(defaults.readlines()), ''.join(users.readlines()))
data = list(yaml.load_all(raw))
data[0]['users']['xxxx1']['timestamp'] =
with open('users.yaml', 'w') as outfile:
sio = StringIO.StringIO()
yaml.dump(data[0], sio)
out = sio.getvalue()
outfile.write(out.split('\n\n')[1]) # write the second part here as this is the contents of users.yaml

gnupg - decrypt into Python bytesio stream

How can I select a stream as the output of a decrypt_file operation in gnupg?
The docs and the code seem to suggest this is not possible. If I am correct (see below), what workarounds are possible?
The documentation seems to suggest it is not possible:
decrypt_file(filename, always_trust=False, passphrase=None, output=None)¶
with "output (str) – A filename to write the decrypted output to."
Opening up the code, I see:
def decrypt_file(self, file, always_trust=False, passphrase=None,
output=None, extra_args=None):
args = ["--decrypt"]
if output: # write the output to a file with the specified name
self.set_output_without_confirmation(args, output)
if always_trust: # pragma: no cover
if extra_args:
result = self.result_map['crypt'](self)
self._handle_io(args, file, result, passphrase, binary=True)
logger.debug('decrypt result: %r',
return result
which points to set_output_without_confirmation, confirming the idea is that you pass a string filename:
def set_output_without_confirmation(self, args, output):
"If writing to a file which exists, avoid a confirmation message."
if os.path.exists(output):
# We need to avoid an overwrite confirmation message
args.extend(['--output', no_quote(output)])
To output the decrypted data to a variable use decrypt instead of decrypt_file, as shown here in the "Decrypt a string" paragraph.
So the original code:
status = gpg.decrypt_file(input_file, passphrase='my_passphrase', output='my_output_file')
is substituted by:
decrypted_data = gpg.decrypt(, passphrase='my_passphrase')
# contains the data
decrypted_stream = io.BytesIO(
# this is py3, in py2 BytesIO is imported from BytesIO
As an example for the specific use case for csv data, building on this SO post, you could then do:
my_df = pandas.read_csv(decrypted_stream)

When working with a named pipe is there a way to do something like readlines()

Overall Goal: I am trying to read some progress data from a python exe to update the progress of the exe in another application
I have a python exe that is going to do some stuff, I want to be able to communicate the progress to another program. Based on several other Q&A here I have been able to have my running application send progress data to a named pipe using the following code
import win32pipe
import win32file
import glob
test_files = glob.glob('J:\\someDirectory\\*.htm')
# test_files has two items a.htm and b.htm
p = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe(r'\\.\pipe\wfsr_pipe',
win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | win32pipe.PIPE_WAIT,
# the following line is the server-side function for accepting a connection
# see the following SO question and answer
win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(p, None)
for each in testFiles:
win32file.WriteFile(p,each + '\n')
#send final message
win32file.WriteFile(p,'Process Complete')
# close the connection
In short the example code writes the path of the each file that was globbed to the NamedPipe - this is useful and can be easily extended to more logging type events. However, the problem is trying to figure out how to read the content of the named pipe without knowing the size of each possible message. For example the first file could be named J:\someDirectory\a.htm, but the second could have 300 characters in the name.
So far the code I am using to read the contents of the pipe requires that I specify a buffer size
First establish the connection
file_handle = win32file.CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\wfsr_pipe",
win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE,
0, None,
0, None)
and then I have been playing around with reading from the file
data = win32file.ReadFile(file_handle,128)
This generally works but I really want to read until I hit a newline character, do something with the content between when I started reading and the newline character and then repeat the process until I get to a line that has Process Complete in the line
I have been struggling with how to read only until I find a newline character (\n). I basically want to read the file by lines and based on the content of the line do something (either display the line or shift the application focus).
Based on the suggestion provided by #meuh I am updating this because I think there is a dearth of examples, guidance in how to use pipes
My server code
import win32pipe
import win32file
import glob
import os
p = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe(r'\\.\pipe\wfsr_pipe',
win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | win32pipe.PIPE_WAIT,
# the following line is the server-side function for accepting a connection
# see the following SO question and answer
win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(p, None)
for file_id in glob.glob('J:\\level1\\level2\\level3\\*'):
for filer_id in glob.glob(file_id + os.sep + '*'):
#send final message
win32file.WriteFile(p,'Process Complete')
# close the connection
p.close() #still not sure if this should be here, I need more testing
# I think the client can close p
The Client code
import win32pipe
import win32file
file_handle = win32file.CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\wfsr_pipe",
win32file.GENERIC_READ |
0, None,win32file.OPEN_EXISTING,0, None)
# this is the key, setting readmode to MESSAGE
win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None)
# for testing purposes I am just going to write the messages to a file
out_ref = open('e:\\testpipe.txt','w')
dstring = '' # need some way to know that the messages are complete
while dstring != 'Process Complete':
# setting the blocksize at 4096 to make sure it can handle any message I
# might anticipate
data = win32file.ReadFile(file_handle,4096)
# data is a tuple, the first position seems to always be 0 but need to find
# the docs to help understand what determines the value, the second is the
# message
dstring = data[1]
out_ref.write(dstring + '\n')
out_ref.close() # got here so close my testfile
file_handle.close() # close the file_handle
I don't have windows but looking through the api it seems you should convert
your client to message mode by adding after the CreateFile() the call:
win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None)
then each sufficiently long read will return a single message, ie what the other wrote in a single write. You already set PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE when you created the pipe.
You could simply use an implementation of io.IOBase that would wrap the NamedPipe.
class PipeIO(io.RawIOBase):
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def read(self, n):
if (n == 0): return ""
elif n == -1: return self.readall()
data = win32file.ReadFile(self.file_handle,n)
return data
def readinto(self, b):
data =
for i in range(len(data)):
b[i] = data[i]
return len(data)
def readall(self):
data = ""
while True:
chunk = win32file.ReadFile(self.file_handle,10240)
if (len(chunk) == 0): return data
data += chunk
BEWARE : untested, but it should work after fixing the eventual typos.
You could then do:
with PipeIO(file_handle) as fd:
for line in fd:
# process a line
You could use the msvcrt module and open to turn the pipe into a file object.
Sending code
import win32pipe
import os
import msvcrt
from io import open
pipe = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe(r'\\.\pipe\wfsr_pipe',
win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | win32pipe.PIPE_WAIT,
# wait for another process to connect
win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, None)
# get a file descriptor to write to
write_fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(pipe, os.O_WRONLY)
with open(write_fd, "w") as writer:
# now we have a file object that we can write to in a standard way
for i in range(0, 10):
# create "a\n" in the first iteration, "bb\n" in the second and so on
text = chr(ord("a") + i) * (i + 1) + "\n"
Receiving code
import win32file
import os
import msvcrt
from io import open
handle = win32file.CreateFile(r"\\.\pipe\wfsr_pipe",
0, None,
0, None)
read_fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(handle, os.O_RDONLY)
with open(read_fd, "r") as reader:
# now we have a file object with the readlines and other file api methods
lines = reader.readlines()
Some notes.
I've only tested this with python 3.4, but I believe you may be using python 2.x.
Python seems to get weird if you try to close both the file object and the pipe..., so I've only used the file object (by using the with block)
I've only created the file objects to read on one end and write on the other. You can of course make the file objects duplex by
Creating the file descriptors (read_fd and write_fd) with the os.O_RDWR flag
Creating the file objects in in "r+" mode rather than "r" or "w"
Going back to creating the pipe with the win32pipe.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX flag
Going back to creating the file handle object with the win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE flags.

Wave file sample editing using Python AudioTools

I am trying to create a Python script that is able to open an audio file, read the PCM data, and output another audio file using this PCM data. (eventually I want to be able to apply processes to the data)
I am currently using python audiotools as it appears to be able to do this with a fair few formats.
I have managed to read the data and convert to a FramesList of floating point values which is perfect for editing, though I cannot work out the process of writing the processed FramesList back to a .wav file. to_bytes() converts the data into a raw pcm string but I am unsure how to get this raw data back into a wav file?
from audiotools import *
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def get_info(audio_file, main_args):
create a dictionary of information for the audiofile object.
info = {}
info["channels"] = audio_file.channels()
info["channel_mask"] = audio_file.channel_mask()
info["bits"] = audio_file.bits_per_sample()
info["sample_rate"] = audio_file.sample_rate()
info["frames"] = audio_file.total_frames()
info["length"] = audio_file.seconds_length()
info["seekable"] = audio_file.seekable()
info["verified"] = audio_file.verify()
info["chunks"] = audio_file.has_foreign_wave_chunks()
info["available"] = audio_file.available(BIN)
info["header"], info["footer"] = audio_file.wave_header_footer()
if main_args.verbose:
print "No. of Channels:\t\t", info["channels"]
print "Channel mask:\t\t\t", info["channel_mask"]
print "Bits per sample:\t\t", info["bits"], "BIT"
print "Sample Rate:\t\t\t", (info["sample_rate"]/1000.0), "k"
print "Number of Frames:\t\t", info["frames"]
print "Audio Length:\t\t\t", info["length"], "seconds"
print "Audio File Seekable?:\t\t", info["seekable"]
print "File has foreign chunks?:\t", info["chunks"]
print "Correct Binaries present?:\t", info["available"]
return info
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
help = "Run program verbosely",
default = False,
action = "store_true",
main_args = parser.parse_args()
#open audio file as an AudioFile object
audio_file = open("/Users/samperry/piano2.wav")
file_info = get_info(audio_file, main_args)
#Creates a WaveReader object from the AudioFile Object
pcm_data = audio_file.to_pcm()
#Creates a FrameList object from WaveReader object. Currently reads all
#frames in file
frame_list =["frames"])
#Convert samples to floats (-1.0 - +1.0)
float_frame_list = frame_list.to_float()
#eventually do some signal processing here...
#Convert back to integer FrameList
output_framelist = float_frame_list.to_int(file_info["bits"])
#now back to raw bytes
output_data = output_framelist.to_bytes(False, True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Have you tried PyDub? It allows you to manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface.
If you are just working with wav files, then you can use the wave python module. It is much much simpler than audiotools.
If you need to handle other file formats, and don't mind using an external program, you could just output the raw data to a file and then convert it to whatever you want using sox.
You might look at this answer about reading data to get some ideas.
