I have a cost function f(r, Q), which is obtained in the code below. The cost function f(r, Q) is a function of two variables r and Q. I want to plot the values of the cost function for all values of r and Q in the range given below and also find the global minimum value of f(r, Q).
The range of r and Q are respectively :
0 < r < 5000
5000 < Q < 15000
The plot should be in r, Q and f(r,Q) axis.
Code for the cost function:
from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.integrate import quad
import numpy as np
mean, std = 295, 250
l = 7
m = 30
p = 15
w = 7
K = 100
c = 5
h = 0.001 # per unit per day
# defining Cumulative distribution function
def cdf(x):
cdf_eqn = lambda t: (1 / (std * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp(-(((t - mean) ** 2) / (2 * std ** 2)))
cdf = quad(cdf_eqn, -np.inf, x)[0]
return cdf
# defining Probability density function
def pdf(x):
return (1 / (std * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp(-(((x - mean) ** 2) / (2 * std ** 2)))
# getting the equation in place
def G(r, Q):
return K + c * Q \
+ w * (quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0] + quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]) \
+ p * (mean * l - r + quad(cdf, 0, r)[0])
def CL(r, Q):
return (Q - r + mean * l - quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0]
- quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]
+ quad(cdf, 0, r)[0]) / mean
def I(r, Q):
return h * (Q + r - mean * l - quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0]
- quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]
+ quad(cdf, 0, r)[0]) / 2
def f(params):
r, Q = params
TC = G(r, Q)/CL(r, Q) + I(r, Q)
return TC
How to plot this function f(r,Q) in a 3D plot and also get the global minima or minimas and values of r and Q at that particular point.
Additionally, I already tried using scipy.optimize.minimize to minimise the cost function f(r, Q) but the problem I am facing is that, it outputs the results - almost same as the initial guess given in the parameters for optimize.minimize. Here is the code for minimizing the function:
initial_guess = [2500., 10000.]
result = optimize.minimize(f, initial_guess, bounds=[(1, 5000), (5000, 15000)], tol=1e-3)
fun: 2712.7698818644253
hess_inv: <2x2 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
jac: array([-0.01195986, -0.01273293])
nfev: 6
nit: 1
status: 0
success: True
x: array([ 2500.01209628, 10000.0127784 ])
The output x: array([ 2500.01209628, 10000.0127784 ]) - Which I doubt is the real answer and also it is almost same as the initial guess provided. Am I doing anything wrong in minimizing or is there any other way to do it? So I want to plot the cost function and look around for myself.
It could be great if I can have an interactive plot to play around with
My answer is concerned only with plotting but in the end I'll comment on the issue of minimax.
For what you need a 3D surface plot is, imho, overkill, I'll show you instead show the use of contourf and contour to have a good idea of what is going on with your function.
First, the code — key points:
your code, as is, cannot be executed in a vector context, so I wrote an explicit loop to compute the values,
due to Matplotib design, the x axis of matrix data is associated on columns, this has to be accounted for,
the results of the countour and contourf must be saved because they are needed for the labels and the color bar, respectively,
no labels or legends because I don't know what you are doing.
That said, here it is the code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp
from scipy.integrate import quad
mean, std = 295, 250
l, m, p = 7, 30, 15
w, K, c = 7, 100, 5
h = 0.001 # per unit per day
# defining Cumulative distribution function
def cdf(x):
cdf_eqn = lambda t: (1 / (std * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp(-(((t - mean) ** 2) / (2 * std ** 2)))
cdf = quad(cdf_eqn, -np.inf, x)[0]
return cdf
# defining Probability density function
def pdf(x):
return (1 / (std * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp(-(((x - mean) ** 2) / (2 * std ** 2)))
# getting the equation in place
def G(r, Q):
return K + c * Q \
+ w * (quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0] + quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]) \
+ p * (mean * l - r + quad(cdf, 0, r)[0])
def CL(r, Q):
return (Q - r + mean * l - quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0]
- quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]
+ quad(cdf, 0, r)[0]) / mean
def I(r, Q):
return h * (Q + r - mean * l - quad(cdf, 0, Q)[0]
- quad(lambda x: cdf(r + Q - x) * cdf(x), 0, r)[0]
+ quad(cdf, 0, r)[0]) / 2
# pulling it all together
def f(r, Q):
TC = G(r, Q)/CL(r, Q) + I(r, Q)
return TC
nr, nQ = 6, 11
r = np.linspace(0, 5000, nr)
Q = np.linspace(5000, 15000, nQ)
z = np.zeros((nr, nQ)) # r ←→ y, Q ←→ x
for i, ir in enumerate(r):
for j, jQ in enumerate(Q):
z[i, j] = f(ir, jQ)
print('%2d: '%i, ','.join('%8.3f'%v for v in z[i]))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cf = plt.contourf(Q, r, z)
cc = plt.contour( Q, r, z, colors='k')
plt.colorbar(cf, orientation='horizontal')
and here the results of its execution
$ python
0: 4093.654,3661.777,3363.220,3120.073,2939.119,2794.255,2675.692,2576.880,2493.283,2426.111,2359.601
1: 4072.865,3621.468,3315.193,3068.710,2887.306,2743.229,2626.065,2528.934,2447.123,2381.802,2316.991
2: 4073.852,3622.443,3316.163,3069.679,2888.275,2744.198,2627.035,2529.905,2448.095,2382.775,2317.965
3: 4015.328,3514.874,3191.722,2939.397,2758.876,2618.292,2505.746,2413.632,2336.870,2276.570,2216.304
4: 3881.198,3290.628,2947.273,2694.213,2522.845,2394.095,2293.867,2213.651,2148.026,2098.173,2047.140
5: 3616.675,2919.726,2581.890,2352.015,2208.814,2106.289,2029.319,1969.438,1921.555,1887.398,1849.850
I can add that global minimum and global maximum are in the corners, while there are two sub-horizontal lines of local minima (lower line) and local maxima (upper line) in the approximate regions r ≈ 1000 and r ≈ 2000.
I have a function as the following
q = 1 / sqrt( ((1+z)**2 * (1+0.01*o_m*z) - z*(2+z)*(1-o_m)) )
h = 5 * log10( (1+z)*q ) + 43.1601
I have experimental answers of above equation and once I must to put some data into above function and solve equation below
chi=(q_exp-q_theo)**2/err**2 # this function is a sigma, sigma chi from z=0 to z=1.4 (in the data file)
z, err and q_exp are in the data file(2.txt). Now I have to choose a range for o_m (0.2 to 0.4) and find in what o_m, the chi function will be minimized.
my code is:
from math import *
from scipy.integrate import quad
min = None
l = None
a = None
b = None
c = 0
def ant(z,om,od):
return 1/sqrt( (1+z)**2 * (1+0.01*o_m*z) - z*(2+z)*o_d )
for o_m in range(20,40,1):
with open('2.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
n = list( map(float, line.split()) )
q = quad(ant,n[0],n[1],args=(o_m,o_d))[0]
h = 5.0 * log10( (1+n[1])*q ) + 43.1601
chi = (n[2]-h)**2 / n[3]**2
c = c + chi
if min is None or min>c:
min = c
l = o_m
n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4] are z1, z2, q_exp and err, respectively in the data file. and z1 and z2 are the integration range.
I need your help and I appreciate your time and your attention.
Please do not rate a negative value. I need your answers.
Here is my understanding of the problem.
First I generate some data by the following code
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from random import random
def boxmuller(x0,sigma):
return sigma*z0+x0, sigma*z1+x0
def q_func(z, oM, oD):
den= np.sqrt( (1.0 + z)**2 * (1+0.01 * oM * z) - z * (2+z) * (1-oD) )
return 1.0/den
def h_func(z,q):
out = 5 * np.log10( (1.0 + z) * q ) + .25#43.1601
return out
def q_Int(z1,z2,oM,oD):
out=quad(q_func, z1,z2,args=(oM,oD))
return out
for z in np.linspace(.3,20,60):
which I would then fit in the following way
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def q_func(z, oM, oD):
den= np.sqrt( (1.0 + z)**2 * (1+0.01 * oM * z) - z * (2+z) * (1-oD) )
return 1.0/den
def h_func(z,q):
out = 5 * np.log10( (1.0 + z) * q ) + .25#43.1601
return out
def q_Int(z1,z2,oM,oD):
out=quad(q_func, z1,z2,args=(oM,oD))
return out
def residuals(parameters,data):
qList=np.fromiter( (q_Int(z1,z2, om,od)[0] for z1,z2 in data[ :,[1,2] ]), np.float)
hList=np.fromiter( (h_func(z,q) for z,q in zip(zList,qList)), np.float)
diffList=np.fromiter( ( (y-h)/e for y,h,e in zip(yList,hList,errList) ), np.float)
return diffList
bestFitValues, cov,info,mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, startGuess , args=( dataList,),full_output=1)
print bestFitValues,cov
fqList=[q_Int(z1,z2,bestFitValues[0], bestFitValues[1])[0] for z1,z2 in zip(dataList[:,1],dataList[:,2])]
fhList=[h_func(z,q) for z,q in zip(dataList[:,0],fqList)]
giving output
>>[ 0.31703574 0.69572673]
>>[[ 1.38135263e-03 -2.06088258e-04]
>> [ -2.06088258e-04 7.33485166e-05]]
and the graph
Note that for leastsq the covariance matrix is in reduced form and needs to be rescaled.
Unconcsiosely, this question overlap my other question. The correct answer is:
from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
def ant(z,o_m): #0.01*o_m is steps of o_m
return 1/sqrt(((1+z)**2*(1+0.01*o_m*z)-z*(2+z)*(1-0.01*o_m)))
for o_m in range(20,40):
for i in range(len(z)):
q=quad(ant,0,z[i],args=(o_m,))[0] #Integration o to z
h=5*log10((1+z[i])*(299000/70)*q)+25 #function of dL
chi=(mo[i]-h)**2/err[i]**2 #chi^2 test function
I already opened a question on this topic, but I wasn't sure, if I should post it there, so I opened a new question here.
I have trouble again when fitting two or more peaks. First problem occurs with a calculated example function.
xg = np.random.uniform(0,1000,500)
mu1 = 200
sigma1 = 20
I1 = -2
mu2 = 800
sigma2 = 20
I2 = -1
yg3 = 0.0001*xg
yg1 = (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xg - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) )
yg2 = (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xg - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
plt.figure(0, figsize=(8,8))
plt.plot(xg, yg, 'r.')
I tried two different approaches, I found in the documentation, which are shown below (modified for my data), but both give me wrong fitting data and a messy chaos of graphs (I guess one line per fitting step).
1st attempt:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import PseudoVoigtModel, LinearModel, GaussianModel, LorentzianModel
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
gauss1 = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='g1_')
pars['g1_sigma'].set(15, min=3)
pars['g1_fwhm'].set(20, vary=True)
#pars['g1_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
gauss2 = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='g2_')
pars['g2_fwhm'].set(20, vary=True)
#pars['g2_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
mod = gauss1 + gauss2 + LinearModel()
pars.add('intercept', value=0, vary=True)
pars.add('slope', value=0.0001, vary=True)
init = mod.eval(pars, x=xg)
out =, pars, x=xg)
plt.figure(5, figsize=(8,8))
When I include the 'fraction'-parameter, I often get
'NameError: name 'pv1_fraction' is not defined in expr='<_ast.Module object at 0x00000000165E03C8>'.
although it should be defined. I get this Error for real data with this approach, too.
2nd attempt:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import lmfit
def gauss(x, sigma, mu, A):
return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def linear(x, m, n):
return m*x + n
peak1 = lmfit.model.Model(gauss, prefix='p1_')
peak2 = lmfit.model.Model(gauss, prefix='p2_')
lin = lmfit.model.Model(linear, prefix='l_')
model = peak1 + lin + peak2
params = model.make_params()
params['p1_mu'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=200, min=100, max=250)
params['p2_mu'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=800, min=100, max=1000)
params['p1_sigma'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=15, min=0.01)
params['p2_sigma'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=20, min=0.01)
params['p1_A'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=-2, min=-3)
params['p2_A'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=-2, min=-3)
params['l_m'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=0)
params['l_n'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=0)
out =, params, x=xg)
print out.fit_report()
plt.figure(8, figsize=(8,8))
So the result looks like this, in both cases. It seems to plot all fitting attempts, but never solves it correctly. The best fitted parameters are in the range that I gave it.
Anyone knows this type of error? Or has any solutions for this? And does anyone know how to avoid the NameError when calling a model function from lmfit with those approaches?
I have a somewhat tolerable solution for you. Since I don't know how variable your data is, I cannot say that it will work in a general sense but should get you started. If your data is along 0-1000 and has two peaks or dips along a line as you showed, then it should work.
I used the scipy curve_fit and put all of the components of the function together into one function. One can pass starting locations into the curve_fit function. (you can probably do this with the lib you're using but I'm not familiar with it) There is a loop in loop where I vary the mu parameters to find the ones with the lowest squared error. If you are needing to fit your data many times or in some real-time scenario then this is not for you but if you just need to fit some data, launch this code and grab a coffee.
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
from matplotlib import cm as cm
import time
def my_function_big(x, m, n, #lin vars
sigma1, mu1, I1, #gaussian 1
sigma2, mu2, I2): #gaussian 2
y = m * x + n + (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (x - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) ) + (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (x - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
return y
#make some data
xs = np.random.uniform(0,1000,500)
mu1 = 200
sigma1 = 20
I1 = -2
mu2 = 800
sigma2 = 20
I2 = -1
yg3 = 0.0001 * xs
yg1 = (I1 / (sigma1 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xs - mu1)**2 / (2 * sigma1**2) )
yg2 = (I2 / (sigma2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp( - (xs - mu2)**2 / (2 * sigma2**2) )
ys = yg1 + yg2 + yg3
xs = np.array(xs)
ys = np.array(ys)
#done making data
#start a double loop...very expensive but this is quick and dirty
#it would seem that the regular optimizer has trouble finding the minima so i
#found that having the near proper mu values helped it zero in much better
start = time.time()
serr = []
_x = []
_y = []
for x in np.linspace(0, 1000, 61):
for y in np.linspace(0, 1000, 61):
cfiti = curve_fit(my_function_big, xs, ys, p0=[0, 0, 1, x, 1, 1, y, 1], maxfev=20000000)
serr.append(np.sum((my_function_big(xs, *cfiti[0]) - ys) ** 2))
serr = np.array(serr)
_x = np.array(_x)
_y = np.array(_y)
print 'done loop in loop fitting'
print 'time: %0.1f' % (time.time() - start)
plt.hexbin(_x, _y, C=serr, gridsize=gridsize, cmap=cm.jet, bins=None)
plt.axis([_x.min(), _x.max(), _y.min(), _y.max()])
cb = plt.colorbar()
ix = np.argmin(serr.ravel())
mustart1 = _x.ravel()[ix]
mustart2 = _y.ravel()[ix]
print mustart1
print mustart2
cfit = curve_fit(my_function_big, xs, ys, p0=[0, 0, 1, mustart1, 1, 1, mustart2, 1], maxfev=2000000000)
xp = np.linspace(0, 1000, 1001)
plt.scatter(xs, ys) #plot synthetic dat
plt.plot(xp, my_function_big(xp, *cfit[0]), '-', label='fit function') #plot data evaluated along 0-1000
plt.legend(loc=3, numpoints=1, prop={'size':12})
Good luck!
In your first attempt:
pars['g1_fraction'].set(0, vary=True)
The fraction must be a value between 0 and 1, but I believe that cannot be zero. Try to put something like 0.000001, and it will work.
How can I do a maximum likelihood regression using scipy.optimize.minimize? I specifically want to use the minimize function here, because I have a complex model and need to add some constraints. I am currently trying a simple example using the following:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def lik(parameters):
m = parameters[0]
b = parameters[1]
sigma = parameters[2]
for i in np.arange(0, len(x)):
y_exp = m * x + b
L = sum(np.log(sigma) + 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + (y - y_exp) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
return L
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = [2,3,4,5,6]
lik_model = minimize(lik, np.array([1,1,1]), method='L-BFGS-B', options={'disp': True})
When I run this, convergence fails. Does anyone know what is wrong with my code?
The message I get running this is 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH'. I am using the same algorithm that I have working using optim in R.
Thank you Aleksander. You were correct that my likelihood function was wrong, not the code. Using a formula I found on wikipedia I adjusted the code to:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def lik(parameters):
m = parameters[0]
b = parameters[1]
sigma = parameters[2]
for i in np.arange(0, len(x)):
y_exp = m * x + b
L = (len(x)/2 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + len(x)/2 * np.log(sigma ** 2) + 1 /
(2 * sigma ** 2) * sum((y - y_exp) ** 2))
return L
x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = np.array([2,5,8,11,14])
lik_model = minimize(lik, np.array([1,1,1]), method='L-BFGS-B')
plt.plot(x, lik_model['x'][0] * x + lik_model['x'][1])
Now it seems to be working.
Thanks for the help!
I am trying to make a gaussian fit over many data points. E.g. I have a 256 x 262144 array of data. Where the 256 points need to be fitted to a gaussian distribution, and I need 262144 of them.
Sometimes the peak of the gaussian distribution is outside the data-range, so to get an accurate mean result curve-fitting is the best approach. Even if the peak is inside the range, curve-fitting gives a better sigma because other data is not in the range.
I have this working for one data point, using code from .
I have tried to just repeat this algorithm, but it looks like it is going to take something in the order of 43 minutes to solve this. Is there an already-written fast way of doing this in parallel or more efficiently?
from scipy import optimize
from numpy import *
import numpy
# Fitting code taken from:
class Parameter:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def set(self, value):
self.value = value
def __call__(self):
return self.value
def fit(function, parameters, y, x = None):
def f(params):
i = 0
for p in parameters:
i += 1
return y - function(x)
if x is None: x = arange(y.shape[0])
p = [param() for param in parameters]
optimize.leastsq(f, p)
def nd_fit(function, parameters, y, x = None, axis=0):
Tries to an n-dimensional array to the data as though each point is a new dataset valid across the appropriate axis.
y = y.swapaxes(0, axis)
shape = y.shape
axis_of_interest_len = shape[0]
prod = numpy.array(shape[1:]).prod()
y = y.reshape(axis_of_interest_len, prod)
params = numpy.zeros([len(parameters), prod])
for i in range(prod):
print "at %d of %d"%(i, prod)
fit(function, parameters, y[:,i], x)
for p in range(len(parameters)):
params[p, i] = parameters[p]()
shape[0] = len(parameters)
params = params.reshape(shape)
return params
Note that the data isn't necessarily 256x262144 and i've done some fudging around in nd_fit to make this work.
The code I use to get this to work is
from curve_fitting import *
import numpy
frames = numpy.load("data.npy")
y = frames[:,0,0,20,40]
x = range(0, 512, 2)
mu = Parameter(x[argmax(y)])
height = Parameter(max(y))
sigma = Parameter(50)
def f(x): return height() * exp (-((x - mu()) / sigma()) ** 2)
ls_data = nd_fit(f, [mu, sigma, height], frames, x, 0)
Note: The solution posted below by #JoeKington is great and solves really fast. However it doesn't appear to work unless the significant area of the gaussian is inside the appropriate area. I will have to test if the mean is still accurate though, as that is the main thing I use this for.
The easiest thing to do is to linearlize the problem. You're using a non-linear, iterative method which will be slower than a linear least squares solution.
Basically, you have:
y = height * exp(-(x - mu)^2 / (2 * sigma^2))
To make this a linear equation, take the (natural) log of both sides:
ln(y) = ln(height) - (x - mu)^2 / (2 * sigma^2)
This then simplifies to the polynomial:
ln(y) = -x^2 / (2 * sigma^2) + x * mu / sigma^2 - mu^2 / sigma^2 + ln(height)
We can recast this in a bit simpler form:
ln(y) = A * x^2 + B * x + C
A = 1 / (2 * sigma^2)
B = mu / (2 * sigma^2)
C = mu^2 / sigma^2 + ln(height)
However, there's one catch. This will become unstable in the presence of noise in the "tails" of the distribution.
Therefore, we need to use only the data near the "peaks" of the distribution. It's easy enough to only include data that falls above some threshold in the fitting. In this example, I'm only including data that's greater than 20% of the maximum observed value for a given gaussian curve that we're fitting.
Once we've done this, though, it's rather fast. Solving for 262144 different gaussian curves takes only ~1 minute (Be sure to removing the plotting portion of the code if you run it on something that large...). It's also quite easy to parallelize, if you want...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import itertools
def main():
x, data = generate_data(256, 6)
model = [invert(x, y) for y in data.T]
sigma, mu, height = [np.array(item) for item in zip(*model)]
prediction = gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height)
plot(x, data, linestyle='none', marker='o')
plot(x, prediction, linestyle='-')
def invert(x, y):
# Use only data within the "peak" (20% of the max value...)
key_points = y > (0.2 * y.max())
x = x[key_points]
y = y[key_points]
# Fit a 2nd order polynomial to the log of the observed values
A, B, C = np.polyfit(x, np.log(y), 2)
# Solve for the desired parameters...
sigma = np.sqrt(-1 / (2.0 * A))
mu = B * sigma**2
height = np.exp(C + 0.5 * mu**2 / sigma**2)
return sigma, mu, height
def generate_data(numpoints, numcurves):
x = np.linspace(0, 500, numpoints)
height = 100 * np.random.random(numcurves)
mu = 200 * np.random.random(numcurves) + 200
sigma = 100 * np.random.random(numcurves) + 0.1
data = gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height)
noise = 5 * (np.random.random(data.shape) - 0.5)
return x, data + noise
def gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height):
data = -np.subtract.outer(x, mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)
return height * np.exp(data)
def plot(x, ydata, ax=None, **kwargs):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
colorcycle = itertools.cycle(mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'])
for y, color in zip(ydata.T, colorcycle):
ax.plot(x, y, color=color, **kwargs)
The only thing we'd need to change for a parallel version is the main function. (We also need a dummy function because multiprocessing.Pool.imap can't supply additional arguments to its function...) It would look something like this:
def parallel_main():
import multiprocessing
p = multiprocessing.Pool()
x, data = generate_data(256, 262144)
args = itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(x), data.T)
model = p.imap(parallel_func, args, chunksize=500)
sigma, mu, height = [np.array(item) for item in zip(*model)]
prediction = gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height)
def parallel_func(args):
return invert(*args)
Edit: In cases where the simple polynomial fitting isn't working well, try weighting the problem by the y-values, as mentioned in the link/paper that #tslisten shared (and Stefan van der Walt implemented, though my implementation is a bit different).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import itertools
def main():
def run(x, data, func, threshold=0):
model = [func(x, y, threshold=threshold) for y in data.T]
sigma, mu, height = [np.array(item) for item in zip(*model)]
prediction = gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height)
plot(x, data, linestyle='none', marker='o', markersize=4)
plot(x, prediction, linestyle='-', lw=2)
x, data = generate_data(256, 6, noise=100)
threshold = 50
run(x, data, weighted_invert, threshold=threshold)
plt.title('Weighted by Y-Value')
run(x, data, invert, threshold=threshold)
plt.title('Un-weighted Linear Inverse'
def invert(x, y, threshold=0):
mask = y > threshold
x, y = x[mask], y[mask]
# Fit a 2nd order polynomial to the log of the observed values
A, B, C = np.polyfit(x, np.log(y), 2)
# Solve for the desired parameters...
sigma, mu, height = poly_to_gauss(A,B,C)
return sigma, mu, height
def poly_to_gauss(A,B,C):
sigma = np.sqrt(-1 / (2.0 * A))
mu = B * sigma**2
height = np.exp(C + 0.5 * mu**2 / sigma**2)
return sigma, mu, height
def weighted_invert(x, y, weights=None, threshold=0):
mask = y > threshold
x,y = x[mask], y[mask]
if weights is None:
weights = y
weights = weights[mask]
d = np.log(y)
G = np.ones((x.size, 3), dtype=np.float)
G[:,0] = x**2
G[:,1] = x
model,_,_,_ = np.linalg.lstsq((G.T*weights**2).T, d*weights**2)
return poly_to_gauss(*model)
def generate_data(numpoints, numcurves, noise=None):
x = np.linspace(0, 500, numpoints)
height = 7000 * np.random.random(numcurves)
mu = 1100 * np.random.random(numcurves)
sigma = 100 * np.random.random(numcurves) + 0.1
data = gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height)
if noise is None:
noise = 0.1 * height.max()
noise = noise * (np.random.random(data.shape) - 0.5)
return x, data + noise
def gaussian(x, sigma, mu, height):
data = -np.subtract.outer(x, mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)
return height * np.exp(data)
def plot(x, ydata, ax=None, **kwargs):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
colorcycle = itertools.cycle(mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'])
for y, color in zip(ydata.T, colorcycle):
#kwargs['color'] = kwargs.get('color', color)
ax.plot(x, y, color=color, **kwargs)
If that's still giving you trouble, then try iteratively-reweighting the least-squares problem (The final "best" reccomended method in the link #tslisten mentioned). Keep in mind that this will be considerably slower, however.
def iterative_weighted_invert(x, y, threshold=None, numiter=5):
last_y = y
for _ in range(numiter):
model = weighted_invert(x, y, weights=last_y, threshold=threshold)
last_y = gaussian(x, *model)
return model