I need to find a city with the highest population using regex, data is presented in such way:
data = ["id,name,poppulation,is_capital",
I've done this so far:
def max_population(data):
lst = []
for items in data:
a = re.findall(r',\S+_\S+,[0-9]+', items)
lst += [[b for b in i.split(',') if b] for i in a]
return max(lst, key=lambda x:int(x[1]))
But function should return (str, int) tuple, is it possible to change my code in a way that it will return tuple without iterating list once again?
All your strings are separated by a comma. You could get the max value using split and check if the third value is a digit and is greater than the first value of the tuple.
If it is, set it as the new highest value.
def max_population(data):
result = None
for s in data:
parts = s.split(",")
if not parts[2].isdigit():
tup = (parts[1], int(parts[2]))
if result is None or tup[1] > result[1]:
result = tup
return result
('eu_kyiv', 24834)
Python demo
The following long line get the wanted result (str, int) tuple:
def max_population(data):
p=max([(re.findall(r"(\w*),\d*,\w$",i)[0],int(re.findall(r"(\d*),\w$",i)[0])) for n,i in enumerate(data) if n>0],key=lambda x:int(x[1]) )
return p
in this line,enumerate(data) and n>0 were used to skip the header "id,name,poppulation,is_capital". But if data has no-header the, line would be:
def max_population(data):
p=max([(re.findall(r"(\w*),\d*,\w$",i)[0],int(re.findall(r"(\d*),\w$",i)[0])) for i in data],key=lambda x:int(x[1]) )
return p
The result for both is ('eu_kyiv', 24834)
Create a list of tuples instead of a list of lists.
import re
data = ["id,name,poppulation,is_capital",
def max_population(data):
lst = []
for items in data:
a = re.findall(r',\S+_\S+,[0-9]+', items)
lst += [tuple(b for b in i.split(',') if b) for i in a]
return max(lst, key=lambda x:int(x[1]))
You could create a mapping function to map the types to the data and use the operator.itemgetter function as your key in max:
from operator import itemgetter
def f(row):
# Use a tuple of types to cast str to the desired type
types = (str, int)
# slice here to get the city and population values
return tuple(t(val) for t, val in zip(types, row.split(',')[1:3]))
# Have max consume a map on the data excluding the
# header row (hence the slice)
max(map(f, data[1:]), key=itemgetter(1))
('eu_kyiv', 24834)
I have 2 for loops which would run for a large data mostly. I want to optimise this and improve the speed as much as possible.
source = [['row1', 'row2', 'row3'],['Product', 'Cost', 'Quantity'],['Test17', '3216', '17'], ['Test18' , '3217' , '18' ], ['Test19', '3218', '19' ], ['Test20', '3219', '20']]
creating a generator object
it = iter(source)
variables = ['row2', 'row3']
variables_indices = [1, 2]
getkey = rowgetter(*key_indices)
for row in it:
k = getkey(row)
for v, i in zip(variables, variables_indices):
o = list(k) # populate with key values initially
o.append(v) # add variable
o.append(row[i]) # add value
yield tuple(o)
except IndexError:
def rowgetter(*indices):
if len(indices) == 0:
#print("STEP 7")
return lambda row: tuple()
elif len(indices) == 1:
#print("STEP 7")
# if only one index, we cannot use itemgetter, because we want a
# singleton sequence to be returned, but itemgetter with a single
# argument returns the value itself, so let's define a function
index = indices[0]
return lambda row: (row[index],)
return operator.itemgetter(*indices)
This would return a tuple but it is taking so much time on an average 100 seconds for 100,000 rows (source has 5 rows in the example ). Can anyone help to reduce this timing please.
note : I also tried for inline loops and list comprehension which is not returning for each iteration
Some improvements are marked below, but they do not change the algorithmic complexity:
zipped = list(zip(variables, variables_indices)) # create once and reuse
for row in it:
for v in zipped:
yield (*getkey(row), v, row[i]) # avoid building list and tuple conversion
except IndexError:
Creating a list out of k then appending 2 items then converting to tuple creates a lot of copies.
I'd propose an helper function with a generator to yield from k list then yield the remaining elements. Wrap that in a tuple to create a ready to use function:
k = [1,2,3,4]
def make_tuple(k,a,b):
def gen(k,a,b):
yield from k
yield a
yield b
return tuple(gen(k,a,b))
result = make_tuple(k,12,14)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14)
Given pairs of items of form [(a,b),...] where (a,b) means a > b, for example:
I would like to output a list of form:
This is very hard for some reason. Any thoughts?
======================== code =============================
I know why it doesn't work.
def to_rank(raw):
rank = []
for u,v in raw:
if u in rank and v in rank:
elif u not in rank and v not in rank:
rank = insert_front (u,v,rank)
rank = insert_behind(v,u,rank)
elif u in rank and v not in rank:
rank = insert_behind(v,u,rank)
elif u not in rank and v in rank:
rank = insert_front(u,v,rank)
return [[r] for r in rank]
# #Use: insert word u infront of word v in list of words
def insert_front(u,v,words):
if words == []: return [u]
head = words[0]
tail = words[1:]
if head == v: return [u] + words
else : return ([head] + insert_front(u,v,tail))
# #Use: insert word u behind word v in list of words
def insert_behind(u,v,words):
words = insert_front(u,v,words)
return words
=================== Update ===================
Per suggestion of many, this is a straight forward topological sort setting, I ultimately decided to use the code from this source:
which solved my problem.
def go_topsort(graph):
in_degree = { u : 0 for u in graph } # determine in-degree
for u in graph: # of each node
for v in graph[u]:
in_degree[v] += 1
Q = deque() # collect nodes with zero in-degree
for u in in_degree:
if in_degree[u] == 0:
L = [] # list for order of nodes
while Q:
u = Q.pop() # choose node of zero in-degree
L.append(u) # and 'remove' it from graph
for v in graph[u]:
in_degree[v] -= 1
if in_degree[v] == 0:
if len(L) == len(graph):
return L
else: # if there is a cycle,
return []
RockBilly's solution also work in my case, because in my setting, for every v < u, we are guaranteed to have a pair (u,v) in our list. So his answer is not very "computer-sciency", but it gets the job done in this case.
If you have a complete grammar specified then you can simply count up the items:
>>> import itertools as it
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> ranks = [('best','better'),('best','good'),('better','good')]
>>> c = Counter(x for x, y in ranks)
>>> sorted(set(it.chain(*ranks)), key=c.__getitem__, reverse=True)
['best', 'better', 'good']
If you have an incomplete grammar then you can build a graph and dfs all paths to find the longest. This isn't very inefficient, as I haven't thought about that yet :):
def dfs(graph, start, end):
stack = [[start]]
while stack:
path = stack.pop()
if path[-1] == end:
yield path
for next_state in graph.get(path[-1], []):
if next_state in path:
def paths(ranks):
graph = {}
for n, m in ranks:
for start, end in it.product(set(it.chain(*ranks)), repeat=2):
yield from dfs(graph, start, end)
>>> ranks = [('black', 'dark'), ('black', 'dim'), ('black', 'gloomy'), ('dark', 'gloomy'), ('dim', 'dark'), ('dim', 'gloomy')]
>>> max(paths(ranks), key=len)
['black', 'dim', 'dark', 'gloomy']
>>> ranks = [('a','c'), ('b','a'),('b','c'), ('d','a'), ('d','b'), ('d','c')]
>>> max(paths(ranks), key=len)
['d', 'b', 'a', 'c']
What you're looking for is topological sort. You can do this in linear time using depth-first search (pseudocode included in the wiki I linked)
Here is one way. It is based on using the complete pairwise rankings to make an old-style (early Python 2) cmp function and then using functools.cmp_to_key to convert it to a key suitable for the Python 3 approach to sorting:
import functools
def sortByRankings(rankings):
def cmp(x,y):
if x == y:
return 0
elif (x,y) in rankings:
return -1
return 1
items = list({x for y in rankings for x in y})
items.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(cmp))
return items
Tested like:
ranks = [('a','c'), ('b','a'),('b','c'), ('d','a'), ('d','b'), ('d','c')]
print(sortByRankings(ranks)) #prints ['d', 'b', 'a', 'c']
Note that to work correctly, the parameter rankings must contain an entry for each pair of distinct items. If it doesn't, you would first need to compute the transitive closure of the pairs that you do have before you feed it to this function.
You can take advantage of the fact that the lowest ranked item in the list will never appear at the start of any tuple. You can extract this lowest item, then remove all elements which contain this lowest item from your list, and repeat to get the next lowest.
This should work even if you have redundant elements, or have a sparser list than some of the examples here. I've broken it up into finding the lowest ranked item, and then the grunt work of using this to create a final ranking.
from copy import copy
def find_lowest_item(s):
#Iterate over set of all items
for item in set([item for sublist in s for item in sublist]):
#If an item does not appear at the start of any tuple, return it
if item not in [x[0] for x in s]:
return item
def sort_by_comparison(s):
final_list = []
#Make a copy so we don't mutate original list
new_s = copy(s)
#Get the set of all items
item_set = set([item for sublist in s for item in sublist])
for i in range(len(item_set)):
lowest = find_lowest_item(new_s)
if lowest is not None:
final_list.insert(0, lowest)
#For the highest ranked item, we just compare our current
#ranked list with the full set of items
#Update list of ranking tuples to remove processed items
new_s = [x for x in new_s if lowest not in x]
return final_list
list_to_compare = [('black', 'dark'), ('black', 'dim'), ('black', 'gloomy'), ('dark', 'gloomy'), ('dim', 'dark'), ('dim', 'gloomy')]
['black', 'dim', 'dark', 'gloomy']
list2 = [('best','better'),('best','good'),('better','good')]
['best', 'better', 'good']
list3 = [('best','better'),('better','good')]
['best', 'better', 'good']
If you do sorting or create a dictionary from the list items, you are going to miss the order as #Rockybilly mentioned in his answer. I suggest you to create a list from the tuples of the original list and then remove duplicates.
def remove_duplicates(seq):
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
i = [(5,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)]
i = remove_duplicates(list(x for s in i for x in s))
print(i) # prints [5, 2, 1, 3, 4]
j = [('excellent','good'),('excellent','great'),('great','good')]
j = remove_duplicates(list(x for s in j for x in s))
print(j) # prints ['excellent', 'good', 'great']
See reference: How do you remove duplicates from a list in whilst preserving order?
For explanation on the remove_duplicates() function, see this stackoverflow post.
If the list is complete, meaning has enough information to do the ranking(Also no duplicate or redundant inputs), this will work.
from collections import defaultdict
lst = [('best','better'),('best','good'),('better','good')]
d = defaultdict(int)
for tup in lst:
d[tup[0]] += 1
d[tup[1]] += 0 # To create it in defaultdict
print sorted(d, key = lambda x: d[x], reverse=True)
# ['best', 'better', 'good']
Just give them points, increment the left one each time you encounter it in the list.
Edit: I do think the OP has a determined type of input. Always have tuple count of combination nCr(n, 2). Which makes this a correct solution. No need to complain about the edge cases, which I already knew posting the answer(and mentioned it).
Okay, so this is a little hard to explain, but here goes:
I have a dictionary, which I'm adding content to. The content is a hashed username (key) with an IP address (value).
I was putting the hashes into an order by running them against base 16, and then using Collection.orderedDict.
So, the dictionary looked a little like this:
d = {'1234': '', '2345':'', '3213':'', '4523':'', '7654':'', '9999':''}
What I needed was a mechanism that would allow me to pick one of those keys, and get the key/value item one higher and one lower. So, for example, If I were to pick 2345, the code would return the key:value combinations '1234:' and '3213:'
So, something like:
for i in d:
while i < len(d)
if i == '2345':
print i.nextItem
print i.previousItem
Edit: OP now states that they are using OrderedDicts but the use case still requires this sort of approach.
Since dicts are not ordered you cannot directly do this. From your example, you are trying to reference the item like you would use a linked list.
A quick solution would be instead to extract the keys and sort them then iterate over that list:
for i,v in enumerate(keyList):
if v=='eeee':
print d[keyList[i+1]]
print d[keyList[i-1]]
The keyList holds the order of your items and you have to go back to it to find out what the next/previous key is to get the next/previous value. You also have to check for i+1 being greater than the list length and i-1 being less than 0.
You can use an OrderedDict similarly but I believe that you still have to do the above with a separate list as OrderedDict doesn't have next/prev methods.
As seen in the OrderedDict source code,
if you have a key and you want to find the next and prev in O(1) here's how you do that.
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> d = OrderedDict([('aaaa', 'a',), ('bbbb', 'b'), ('cccc', 'c'), ('dddd', 'd'), ('eeee', 'e'), ('ffff', 'f')])
>>> i = 'eeee'
>>> link_prev, link_next, key = d._OrderedDict__map['eeee']
>>> print 'nextKey: ', link_next[2], 'prevKey: ', link_prev[2]
nextKey: ffff prevKey: dddd
This will give you next and prev by insertion order. If you add items in random order then just keep track of your items in sorted order.
You could also use the list.index() method.
This function is more generic (you can check positions +n and -n), it will catch attempts at searching a key that's not in the dict, and it will also return None if there's nothing before of after the key:
def keyshift(dictionary, key, diff):
if key in dictionary:
token = object()
keys = [token]*(diff*-1) + sorted(dictionary) + [token]*diff
newkey = keys[keys.index(key)+diff]
if newkey is token:
print None
print {newkey: dictionary[newkey]}
print 'Key not found'
keyshift(d, 'bbbb', -1)
keyshift(d, 'eeee', +1)
pos = 0
d = {'aaaa': 'a', 'bbbb':'b', 'cccc':'c', 'dddd':'d', 'eeee':'e', 'ffff':'f'}
for i in d:
if i == 'eeee':
listForm = list(d.values())
As in #AdamKerz's answer enumerate seems pythonic, but if you are a beginner this code might help you understand it in an easy way.
And I think its faster + smaller compared to sorting followed by building list & then enumerating
You could use a generic function, based on iterators, to get a moving window (taken from this question):
import itertools
def window(iterable, n=3):
it = iter(iterable)
result = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if len(result) == n:
yield result
for element in it:
result = result[1:] + (element,)
yield result
l = range(8)
for i in window(l, 3):
print i
Using the above function with OrderedDict.items() will give you three (key, value) pairs, in order:
d = collections.OrderedDict(...)
for p_item, item, n_item in window(d.items()):
p_key, p_value = p_item
key, value = item
# Or, if you don't care about the next value:
n_key, _ = n_item
Of course using this function the first and last values will never be in the middle position (although this should not be difficult to do with some adaptation).
I think the biggest advantage is that it does not require table lookups in the previous and next keys, and also that it is generic and works with any iterable.
Maybe it is an overkill, but you can keep Track of the Keys inserted with a Helper Class and according to that list, you can retrieve the Key for Previous or Next. Just don't forget to check for border conditions, if the objects is already first or last element. This way, you will not need to always resort the ordered list or search for the element.
from collections import OrderedDict
class Helper(object):
"""Helper Class for Keeping track of Insert Order"""
def __init__(self, arg):
super(Helper, self).__init__()
dictContainer = dict()
ordering = list()
def addItem(dictItem):
for key,value in dictItem.iteritems():
print key,value
Helper.dictContainer[key] = value
def getPrevious(key):
index = (Helper.ordering.index(key)-1)
return Helper.dictContainer[Helper.ordering[index]]
#Your unordered dictionary
d = {'aaaa': 'a', 'bbbb':'b', 'cccc':'c', 'dddd':'d', 'eeee':'e', 'ffff':'f'}
#Create Order over keys
ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
#Push your ordered list to your Helper class
#Get Previous of
print Helper.getPrevious('eeee')
>>> d
You can store the keys and values in temp variable in prior, and can access previous and next key,value pair using index.
It is pretty dynamic, will work for any key you query. Please check this code :
d = {'1234': '', '2345':'', '3213':'', '4523':'', '7654':'', '9999':''}
ch = raw_input('Pleasure Enter your choice : ')
keys = d.keys()
values = d.values()
#print keys, values
for k,v in d.iteritems():
if k == ch:
ind = d.keys().index(k)
print keys[ind-1], ':',values[ind-1]
print keys[ind+1], ':',values[ind+1]
I think this is a nice Pythonic way of resolving your problem using a lambda and list comprehension, although it may not be optimal in execution time:
import collections
x = collections.OrderedDict([('a','v1'),('b','v2'),('c','v3'),('d','v4')])
previousItem = lambda currentKey, thisOrderedDict : [
list( thisOrderedDict.items() )[ z - 1 ] if (z != 0) else None
for z in range( len( thisOrderedDict.items() ) )
if (list( thisOrderedDict.keys() )[ z ] == currentKey) ][ 0 ]
nextItem = lambda currentKey, thisOrderedDict : [
list( thisOrderedDict.items() )[ z + 1 ] if (z != (len( thisOrderedDict.items() ) - 1)) else None
for z in range( len( thisOrderedDict.items() ) )
if (list( thisOrderedDict.keys() )[ z ] == currentKey) ][ 0 ]
assert previousItem('c', x) == ('b', 'v2')
assert nextItem('c', x) == ('d', 'v4')
assert previousItem('a', x) is None
assert nextItem('d',x) is None
Another way that seems simple and straight forward: this function returns the key which is offset positions away from k
def get_shifted_key(d:dict, k:str, offset:int) -> str:
l = list(d.keys())
if k in l:
i = l.index(k) + offset
if 0 <= i < len(l):
return l[i]
return None
i know how to get next key:value of a particular key in a dictionary:
flag = 0
for k, v in dic.items():
if flag == 0:
flag += 1
code...{next key and value in for}
if correct :
d = { "a": 1, "b":2, "c":3 }
l = list( d.keys() ) # make a list of the keys
k = "b" # the actual key
i = l.index( k ) # get index of the actual key
for the next :
i = i+1 if i+1 < len( l ) else 0 # select next index or restart 0
n = l [ i ]
d [ n ]
for the previous :
i = i-1 if i-1 >= 0 else len( l ) -1 # select previous index or go end
p = l [ i ]
d [ p ]
Although poorly written, this code:
marker_array = [['hard','2','soft'],['heavy','2','light'],['rock','2','feather'],['fast','3'], ['turtle','4','wet']]
marker_array_DS = []
for i in range(len(marker_array)):
if marker_array[i-1][1] != marker_array[i][1]:
print marker_array_DS
[['hard', '2', 'soft'], ['fast', '3'], ['turtle', '4', 'wet']]
It accomplishes part of the task which is to create a new list containing all nested lists except those that have duplicate values in index [1]. But what I really need is to concatenate the matching index values from the removed lists creating a list like this:
[['hard heavy rock', '2', 'soft light feather'], ['fast', '3'], ['turtle', '4', 'wet']]
The values in index [1] must not be concatenated. I kind of managed to do the concatenation part using a tip from another post:
newlist = [i + n for i, n in zip(list_a, list_b]
But I am struggling with figuring out the way to produce the desired result. The "marker_array" list will be already sorted in ascending order before being passed to this code. All like-values in index [1] position will be contiguous. Some nested lists may not have any values beyond [0] and [1] as illustrated above.
Quick stab at it... use itertools.groupby to do the grouping for you, but do it over a generator that converts the 2 element list into a 3 element.
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
marker_array = [['hard','2','soft'],['heavy','2','light'],['rock','2','feather'],['fast','3'], ['turtle','4','wet']]
def my_group(iterable):
temp = ((el + [''])[:3] for el in marker_array)
for k, g in groupby(temp, key=itemgetter(1)):
fst, snd = map(' '.join, zip(*map(itemgetter(0, 2), g)))
yield filter(None, [fst, k, snd])
print list(my_group(marker_array))
from collections import defaultdict
d1 = defaultdict(list)
d2 = defaultdict(list)
for pxa in marker_array:
res = [[' '.join(d1[x]), x, ' '.join(d2[x])] for x in sorted(d1)]
If you really need 2-tuples (which I think is unlikely):
for p in res:
if not p[-1]:
marker_array = [['hard','2','soft'],['heavy','2','light'],['rock','2','feather'],['fast','3'], ['turtle','4','wet']]
marker_array_DS = []
marker_array_hit = []
for i in range(len(marker_array)):
if marker_array[i][1] not in marker_array_hit:
for i in marker_array_hit:
lists = [item for item in marker_array if item[1] == i]
temp = []
first_part = ' '.join([str(item[0]) for item in lists])
second_part = ' '.join([str(item[2]) for item in lists if len(item) > 2])
if second_part != '':
print marker_array_DS
I learned python for this because I'm a shameless rep whore
marker_array = [
data = {}
for arr in marker_array:
if len(arr) == 2:
(first, index, last) = arr
firsts, lasts = data.setdefault(index, [[],[]])
results = []
for key in sorted(data.keys()):
current = [
" ".join(data[key][0]),
" ".join(data[key][1])
if current[-1] == '':
current = current[:-1]
print results
[['hard heavy rock', '2', 'soft light feather'], ['fast', '3'], ['turtle', '4', 'wet']]
A different solution based on itertools.groupby:
from itertools import groupby
# normalizes the list of markers so all markers have 3 elements
def normalized(markers):
for marker in markers:
yield marker + [""] * (3 - len(marker))
def concatenated(markers):
# use groupby to iterator over lists of markers sharing the same key
for key, markers_in_category in groupby(normalized(markers), lambda m: m[1]):
# get separate lists of left and right words
lefts, rights = zip(*[(m[0],m[2]) for m in markers_in_category])
# remove empty strings from both lists
lefts, rights = filter(bool, lefts), filter(bool, rights)
# yield the concatenated entry for this key (also removing the empty string at the end, if necessary)
yield filter(bool, [" ".join(lefts), key, " ".join(rights)])
The generator concatenated(markers) will yield the results. This code correctly handles the ['fast', '3'] case and doesn't return an additional third element in such cases.