This question already has answers here:
Variable interpolation in Python [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm looking to integrate a bash command into my python code to calculate indices. My problem is that I want to have an output image with a band for each of the calculated indices, but I can't integrate these indices by the bash command into my 'im_index' matrix created with my python code. I don't see how to link both of them... Do you have any idea?
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import spectral as sp
from scipy import ndimage
import pylab as pl
from math import *
import as envi
def reject_outliers(data, m=1):
return data[abs(data - np.mean(data)) < m * np.std(data)]
def find_nearest(array, value):
#For a given value, find the nearest value in an array
array = np.asarray(array)
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx
#Open existing dataset
src_directory = "/d/afavro/Bureau/4_reflectance/"
dossier = os.listdir (src_directory)
for fichier in dossier:
print (fichier)
ssrc_directory = "/d/afavro/Bureau/4_reflectance/" + fichier + "/"
rasters = os.listdir (ssrc_directory)
OUTPUT_FOLDER = "/d/afavro/Bureau/5_indices2/" + 'indices_' + fichier + '/'
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER):
for image in rasters:
name, ext = os.path.splitext(image)
if ext == '.hdr':
img = sp.open_image(ssrc_directory + image)
im_HS = img[:,:,:]
cols = im_HS.shape[0] # Number of column
rows = im_HS.shape[1] # Number of lines
bands = im_HS.shape[2] # Number of bands
NbPix = cols * rows # Number of pixels
#Get wavelengths from hdr file
wv = np.asarray(img.bands.centers)
if len(wv) == 0 :
print("Wavelengths not defined in the hdr file")
sys.exit("Try again!")
if wv[0] > 100:
wv=wv*0.001 # Convert to micrometers if necessary
im_HS=im_HS.reshape(NbPix, bands)
#Compute HC index------------------------------------------------------
Nind=4 # Number of indice to be computed
im_index=np.zeros((cols*rows, Nind))
names = []
##NDVI computation
bande_ref=[0.67, 0.8]
bRef0 = find_nearest(wv,bande_ref[0])
bRef1 = find_nearest(wv,bande_ref[1])
#Check if the required specral bands are available
if (np.abs(wv[bRef0]-bande_ref[0])<=0.1 and np.abs(wv[bRef1]-bande_ref[1])<=0.1):
b0 = im_HS[:, bRef0]
b1 = im_HS[:, bRef1]
index = (b0 - b1) / (b0 + b1)
index = np.zeros_like(im_HS[:,0])
print("Wavelengths selection problem, NDVI not computed")
im_index[:,0]= index
# bash command :
inRaster = ssrc_directory + image
outRaster = OUTPUT_FOLDER + 'indices_' + image
print (outRaster)
cmd = 'otbcli_RadiometricIndices -in inRaster -list Soil:BI Vegetation:MSAVI Vegetation:SAVI -out outRaster'
im_index=im_index.reshape(cols, rows, Nind)
file_image = OUTPUT_FOLDER + "indices2_" + fichier
header = envi.read_envi_header(ssrc_directory + image)
header ['description'] = "fichier d'origine " + image
header ['band names'] = ['NDVI', 'Sober filter', 'NDWI', 'IB(1)', 'IB(2)']
del header['wavelength units']
del header['wavelength']
sp.envi.save_image(file_image + '.hdr', im_index, metadata=header, force = True, interleave = 'bsq')
Assuming this is the code you are actually asking about:
inRaster = ssrc_directory + image
outRaster = OUTPUT_FOLDER + 'indices_' + image
print (outRaster)
cmd = 'otbcli_RadiometricIndices -in inRaster -list Soil:BI Vegetation:MSAVI Vegetation:SAVI -out outRaster'
Of course, inRaster inside of singe quotes is just a literal string; to interpolate the variable's value you can say
cmd = 'otbcli_RadiometricIndices -in ' + inRaster + \
' -list Soil:BI Vegetation:MSAVI Vegetation:SAVI -out ' + \
cmd = 'otbcli_RadiometricIndices -in {0} -list Soil:BI Vegetation:MSAVI Vegetation:SAVI -out {1}'.format(
inRaster, outRaster)
or a number of other string interpolation techniques in Python (legacy % formatting, f-string, etc). But a better solution is to replace os.system with the more flexible and versatile subprocess, as suggested even in the os.system documentation.[
'-in', inRaster,
'-list', 'Soil:BI', 'Vegetation:MSAVI', 'Vegetation:SAVI',
'-out', outRaster], check=True) was introduced in Python 3.5; if you need compatibility with older versions, try subprocess.check_call or even the crude
I think you might be looking for the subprocess package. An example:
>>> import subprocess as sp
>>> output = sp.check_output('echo hello world', shell=True)
>>> print(output)
b'hello world\n'
The check_output() method can be used to collect the stdout from a command. You'd need to parse the output to get integer indices afterwards.
So I have a rather general question I was hoping to get some help with. I put together a Python program that runs through and automates workflows at the state level for all the different counties. The entire program was created for research at school - not actual state work. Anyways, I have two designs shown below. The first is an updated version. It takes about 40 minutes to run. The second design shows the original work. Note that it is not a well structured design. However, it takes about five minutes to run the entire program. Could anybody give any insight why there are such differences between the two? The updated version is still ideal as it is much more reusable (can run and grab any dataset in the url) and easy to understand. Furthermore, 40 minutes to get about a hundred workflows completed is still a plus. Also, this is still a work in progress. A couple minor issues still need to be addressed in the code but it is still a pretty cool program.
Updated Design
import os, sys, urllib2, urllib, zipfile, arcpy
from arcpy import env
path = os.getcwd()
def pickData():
myCount = 1
path1 = 'path2URL'
response = urllib2.urlopen(path1)
print "Enter the name of the files you need"
numZips = raw_input()
numZips2 = numZips.split(",")
myResponse(myCount, path1, response, numZips2)
def myResponse(myCount, path1, response, numZips2):
myPath = os.getcwd()
for each in response:
eachNew = each.split(" ")
eachCounty = eachNew[9].strip("\n").strip("\r")
myCountyDir = os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser(myPath+ "\\counties" + "\\" + eachCounty))
myRetrieveDir = myPath+"\\counties" + "\\" + eachCounty
response1 = urllib2.urlopen(path1 + eachNew[9])
for all1 in response1:
allNew = all1.split(",")
allFinal = allNew[0].split(" ")
allFinal1 = allFinal[len(allFinal)-1].strip(" ").strip("\n").strip("\r")
numZipsIter = 0
path8 = path1 + eachNew[9][0:len(eachNew[9])-2] +"/"+ allFinal1
downZip = eachNew[9][0:len(eachNew[9])-2]+".zip"
while(numZipsIter <len(numZips2)):
if (numZips2[numZipsIter][0:3].strip(" ") == "NWI") and ("remap" not in allFinal1):
numZips2New = numZips2[numZipsIter].split("_")
if (numZips2New[0].strip(" ") in allFinal1 and numZips2New[1] != "remap" and numZips2New[2].strip(" ") in allFinal1) and (allFinal1[-3:]=="ZIP" or allFinal1[-3:]=="zip"):
urllib.urlretrieve (path8, allFinal1)
zip1 = zipfile.ZipFile(myRetrieveDir +"\\" + allFinal1)
#maybe just have numzips2 (raw input) as the values before the county number
#numZips2[numZipsIter][0:-7].strip(" ") in allFinal1 or numZips2[numZipsIter][0:-7].strip(" ").lower() in allFinal1) and (allFinal1[-3:]=="ZIP" or allFinal1[-3:]=="zip"
elif (numZips2[numZipsIter].strip(" ") in allFinal1 or numZips2[numZipsIter].strip(" ").lower() in allFinal1) and (allFinal1[-3:]=="ZIP" or allFinal1[-3:]=="zip"):
urllib.urlretrieve (path8, allFinal1)
zip1 = zipfile.ZipFile(myRetrieveDir +"\\" + allFinal1)
#client picks shapefiles to add to map
#section for geoprocessing operations
# get the data frames
#add new data frame, title
#check spaces in ftp crawler
env.workspace = path+ "\\symbology\\"
zp1 = os.listdir(path + "\\counties\\")
def myGeoprocessing(layer1, layer2):
#the code in this function is used for geoprocessing operations
#it returns whatever output is generated from the tools used in the map
arcpy.Clip_analysis(path + "\\symbology\\Stream_order.shp", layer1, path + "\\counties\\" + layer2 + "\\Streams.shp")
streams = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path + "\\counties\\" + layer2 + "\\Streams.shp")
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(streams, path+ '\\symbology\\streams.lyr')
return streams
def makeMap():
#original wetlands layers need to be entered as NWI_line or NWI_poly
print "Enter the layer or layers you wish to include in the map"
myInput = raw_input();
counter1 = 1
for each in zp1:
print each
print path
zp2 = os.listdir(path + "\\counties\\" + each)
for eachNew in zp2:
#print eachNew
if (eachNew[-4:] == ".shp") and ((myInput in eachNew[0:-7] or myInput.lower() in eachNew[0:-7])or((eachNew[8:12] == "poly" or eachNew[8:12]=='line') and eachNew[8:12] in myInput)):
print eachNew[0:-7]
theMap = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(path +'\\map.mxd')
df1 = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(theMap,"*")[0]
#this is where we add our layers
layer1 = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\" + eachNew)
if(eachNew[7:11] == "poly" or eachNew[7:11] =="line"):
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(layer1, path + '\\symbology\\' +myInput+'.lyr')
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(layer1, path + '\\symbology\\' +eachNew[0:-7]+'.lyr')
# Assign legend variable for map
legend = arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(theMap, "LEGEND_ELEMENT", "Legend")[0]
# add wetland layer to map
legend.autoAdd = True
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df1, layer1,"AUTO_ARRANGE")
#geoprocessing steps
streams = myGeoprocessing(layer1, each)
# more geoprocessing options, add the layers to map and assign if they should appear in legend
legend.autoAdd = True
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df1, streams,"TOP")
df1.extent = layer1.getExtent(True)
arcpy.mapping.ExportToJPEG(theMap, path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\map.jpg")
# Save map document to path
theMap.saveACopy(path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\map.mxd")
del theMap
print "done with map " + str(counter1)
print "issue with map or already exists"
Original Design
import os, sys, urllib2, urllib, zipfile, arcpy
from arcpy import env
response = urllib2.urlopen('path2URL')
path1 = 'path2URL'
myCount = 1
for each in response:
eachNew = each.split(" ")
response1 = urllib2.urlopen(path1 + eachNew[9])
for all1 in response1:
#print all1
allNew = all1.split(",")
allFinal = allNew[0].split(" ")
allFinal1 = allFinal[len(allFinal)-1].strip(" ")
if allFinal1[-10:-2] == "poly.ZIP":
response2 = urllib2.urlopen('path2URL')
zipcontent= response2.readlines()
path8 = 'path2URL'+ eachNew[9][0:len(eachNew[9])-2] +"/"+ allFinal1[0:len(allFinal1)-2]
downZip = str(eachNew[9][0:len(eachNew[9])-2])+ ".zip"
urllib.urlretrieve (path8, downZip)
# Set the path to the directory where your zipped folders reside
zipfilepath = 'F:\Misc\presentation'
# Set the path to where you want the extracted data to reside
extractiondir = 'F:\Misc\presentation\counties'
# List all data in the main directory
zp1 = os.listdir(zipfilepath)
# Creates a loop which gives use each zipped folder automatically
# Concatinates zipped folder to original directory in variable done
for each in zp1:
print each[-4:]
if each[-4:] == ".zip":
done = zipfilepath + "\\" + each
zip1 = zipfile.ZipFile(done)
extractiondir1 = extractiondir + "\\" + each[:-4]
path = os.getcwd()
counter1 = 1
# get the data frames
# Create new layer for all files to be added to map document
env.workspace = "E:\\Misc\\presentation\\symbology\\"
zp1 = os.listdir(path + "\\counties\\")
for each in zp1:
zp2 = os.listdir(path + "\\counties\\" + each)
for eachNew in zp2:
if eachNew[-4:] == ".shp":
wetlandMap = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('E:\\Misc\\presentation\\wetland.mxd')
df1 = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(wetlandMap,"*")[0]
#print eachNew[-4:]
wetland = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\" + eachNew)
#arcpy.Clip_analysis(path + "\\symbology\\Stream_order.shp", wetland, path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\Streams.shp")
streams = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path + "\\symbology\\Stream_order.shp")
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(wetland, path + '\\symbology\\wetland.lyr')
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(streams, path+ '\\symbology\\streams.lyr')
# Assign legend variable for map
legend = arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(wetlandMap, "LEGEND_ELEMENT", "Legend")[0]
# add the layers to map and assign if they should appear in legend
legend.autoAdd = True
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df1, streams,"TOP")
legend.autoAdd = True
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df1, wetland,"AUTO_ARRANGE")
df1.extent = wetland.getExtent(True)
# Export the map to a pdf
arcpy.mapping.ExportToJPEG(wetlandMap, path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\wetland.jpg")
# Save map document to path
wetlandMap.saveACopy(path + "\\counties\\" + each + "\\wetland.mxd")
del wetlandMap
print "done with map " + str(counter1)
Have a look at this guide:
Let me quote:
Function call overhead in Python is relatively high, especially compared with the execution speed of a builtin function. This strongly suggests that where appropriate, functions should handle data aggregates.
So effectively this suggests, to not factor out something as a function that is going to be called hundreds of thousands of times.
In Python functions won't be inlined, and calling them is not cheap. If in doubt use a profiler to find out how many times is each function called, and how long does it take on average. Then optimize.
You might also give PyPy a shot, as they have certain optimizations built in. Reducing the function call overhead in some cases seems to be one of them:
Python equivalence to inline functions or macros
I'm having some trouble to save 3D+Time Tiff files, from Numpy arrays in Python, using the Bioformats standard.
For a start, I have a numpy array with 5 dimensions, ordered XYCZT, in my case (267, 518, 1, 331, 3).
Here is the function I have so far:
# Write file to disk
def write(img_XYCZT, path, type='uint16', verbose=True):
import bioformats.omexml as ome
import javabridge as jutil
import bioformats
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
if verbose:
print('Dimensions (XYCZT): ' + str(np.shape(img_XYCZT)))
# Get the new dimensions
SizeX = np.shape(img_XYCZT)[0]
SizeY = np.shape(img_XYCZT)[1]
SizeC = np.shape(img_XYCZT)[2]
SizeZ = np.shape(img_XYCZT)[3]
SizeT = np.shape(img_XYCZT)[4]
# Start JVM for bioformats
# Getting metadata info
omexml = ome.OMEXML()
omexml.image(0).Name = os.path.split(path)[1]
p = omexml.image(0).Pixels
assert isinstance(p, ome.OMEXML.Pixels)
p.SizeX = SizeX
p.SizeY = SizeY
p.SizeC = SizeC
p.SizeT = SizeT
p.SizeZ = SizeZ
p.DimensionOrder = ome.DO_XYCZT
p.PixelType = type
p.channel_count = SizeC
p.plane_count = SizeZ
p.Channel(0).SamplesPerPixel = SizeC
omexml.structured_annotations.add_original_metadata(ome.OM_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, str(SizeC))
# Converting to omexml
xml = omexml.to_xml()
# Write file using Bioformats
if verbose:
print ('Writing frames:'),
for frame in range(SizeT):
if verbose:
print('[' + str(frame + 1) + ']'),
index = frame
pixel_buffer = bioformats.formatwriter.convert_pixels_to_buffer(img_XYCZT[:, :, :, :, frame], type)
script = """
var service = new ServiceFactory().getInstance(OMEXMLService);
var metadata = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml);
var writer = new TiffWriter();
writer.saveBytes(index, buffer);
jutil.run_script(script, dict(path=path, xml=xml, index=index, buffer=pixel_buffer))
if verbose:
print ('[Done]')
if verbose:
print('File saved on ' + str(path))
Being img_XYCZT the numpy array, and path the place to save the file. Probably the function uses lots of redundancy for the metadata, but thats me fighting for it to work somehow...
Checking the saved file on Fiji, the Z information is as C channels:
The file simply doesn't have the Z dimension... I've been struggling with this for some time, any help is highly appreciated !
I am trying to run a Hadoop streaming Python job:
/home/hduser/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /home/hduser/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-*streaming*.jar -file -cacheFile hdfs://localhost:54310/user/hduser/fpcalc#fpcalc -input /user/hduser/audio/input -output /user/hduser/audio/output -mapper $cwd/ -cmdenv AUDIO_DIR=/user/hduser/audio/input/ -verbose
I get "invalid syntax" at line 183 of (it only has 182 lines).
It seems that Hadoop is not handling the file in the way I want (I think!). I've tried removing the $cwd above and putting the name in quotes and pointing at the pyc file instead and using "python" but nothing helps. i have copied fpcalc to Hadoop.
Any help is much appreciated!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Adapted from
import os
# directories to compare files between
# set to the same directory to compare files between themselves
# file to write matches to
match_file = 'matches.txt'
# seconds to sample audio file for
sample_length = 30
# number of points to crop from beginning of fingerprint
# 4096 / 11025 Hz / 3 = 0.124 seconds per point
crop = 3
# number of points to scan cross correlation over
span = 100
# step size (in points) of cross correlation
step = 1
# report match when cross correlation has a peak exceeding threshold
threshold = 0
# import modules
import re
import commands
import numpy
import math
# function definitions
# adds escape characters in front of Bash special characters
def esc_bash_chars(string):
# match any of the following characters between the capital A's
# A`!$^&*()=[]{}\|;:'",<>? A
# note that characters ] and ' need escape characters themselves in the
# regex, and \ requires two escape characters
specialchars = re.compile('[`!$^&*()=[\]{}\\\|;:\'",<>? ]')
string_escaped = ""
for char in string:
string_escaped += '\\' + char
string_escaped += char
return string_escaped
# returns variance of list
def variance(listx):
meanx = numpy.mean(listx)
# get mean of x^2
meanx_sqr = 0
for x in listx:
meanx_sqr += x**2
meanx_sqr = meanx_sqr / float(len(listx))
return meanx_sqr - meanx**2
# returns correlation between lists
def correlation(listx, listy):
if len(listx) != len(listy):
return -2
meanx = numpy.mean(listx)
meany = numpy.mean(listy)
covariance = 0
for i in range(len(listx)):
covariance += (listx[i] - meanx) * (listy[i] - meany)
covariance = covariance / float(len(listx))
return covariance / (math.sqrt(variance(listx)) * math.sqrt(variance(listy)))
# return cross correlation, with listy offset from listx
def cross_correlation(listx, listy, offset):
if offset > 0:
listx = listx[offset:]
listy = listy[:len(listx)]
elif offset < 0:
offset = -offset
listy = listy[offset:]
listx = listx[:len(listy)]
return correlation(listx, listy)
# cross correlate listx and listy with offsets from -span to span
def compare(listx, listy, span, step):
corr_xy = []
for offset in numpy.arange(-span, span + 1, step):
corr_xy.append(cross_correlation(listx, listy, offset))
return corr_xy
# return index of maximum value in list
def max_index(listx):
max_index = 0
max_value = listx[0]
for i, value in enumerate(listx):
if value > max_value:
max_value = value
max_index = i
return max_index
# write to a file
def write_string(string, filename):
file_out = open(filename, 'ab')
file_out.write(string + '\n')
# main code
# escape Bash special characters
dir_a = esc_bash_chars(dir_a)
dir_b = esc_bash_chars(dir_b)
match_file = esc_bash_chars(match_file)
# get list of files to compare from each directory
filelist_a = commands.getoutput('ls ' + dir_a + '*.*').split('\n')
filelist_b = commands.getoutput('ls ' + dir_b + '*.*').split('\n')
# if cross-correlating between files within a directory, don't correlate files
# twice, or correlate files with themselves
intra_correlating = False
if filelist_a == filelist_b:
intra_correlating = True
for i, file_a in enumerate(filelist_a):
# if correlating between files within a directory, set filelist_b such that
# cross-correlations are not repeated, and files are not correlated with
# themselves
if intra_correlating:
# remove files already correlated with from filelist_b, along with
# current file
filelist_b = filelist_a[i+1:]
if len(filelist_b) == 0:
# nothing left to check!
file_a = esc_bash_chars(file_a)
# calculate fingerprint
# ewd qqq
# fpcalc_out = commands.getoutput('./fpcalc -raw -length ' \
# + str(sample_length) + ' ' + file_a)
import shlex
cli = './fpcalc -raw -length ' + str(sample_length) + ' ' + file_a
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
cli_parts = shlex.split(cli)
fpcalc_out = Popen(cli_parts, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
# ewd qqq end
fingerprint_index = fpcalc_out.find('FINGERPRINT=') + 12
# convert fingerprint to list of integers
fingerprint_a = map(int, fpcalc_out[fingerprint_index:].split(','))
for file_b in filelist_b:
file_b = esc_bash_chars(file_b)
# calculate fingerprint
fpcalc_out = commands.getoutput('./fpcalc -raw -length ' \
+ str(sample_length) + ' ' + file_b)
fingerprint_index = fpcalc_out.find('FINGERPRINT=') + 12
# convert fingerprint to list of integers
fingerprint_b = map(int, fpcalc_out[fingerprint_index:].split(','))
# cross correlation between fingerprints
corr_ab = compare(fingerprint_a[crop:], fingerprint_b[crop:], span, step)
max_corr_index = max_index(corr_ab)
max_corr_offset = -span + max_corr_index * step
# report matches
if corr_ab[max_corr_index] > threshold: #qqqewd 0:
# print(file_a + ' and ' + file_b + ' match with correlation of ' \
# + str(corr_ab[max_corr_index]) + ' at offset ' \
# + str(max_corr_offset))
write_string(file_a + ' ' + file_b + '\t' \
+ str(corr_ab[max_corr_index])
I am trying to generate transparent background images with a python script run from the command line but I have a hard time passing all the arguments to subprocess.Popen so that Imagemagick's convert doesn't through me errors.
Here is my code:
# Import modules
import os
import subprocess as sp
# Define useful variables
fileList = os.listdir('.')
# Interpret return code
def interpretReturnCode(returnCode) :
return 'OK' if returnCode is 0 else 'ERROR, check the script'
# Create background images
def createDirectoryAndBackgroundImage() :
# Ask if numbers-height or numbers-width before creating the directory
numbersDirectoryType = raw_input('Numbers directory: type "h" for "numbers-height" or "w" for "numbers-width": ')
if numbersDirectoryType == 'h' :
# Create 'numbers-height' directory
numbersDirectoryName = 'numbers-height'
numbersDirectory = interpretReturnCode(['mkdir', numbersDirectoryName]))
print '%s%s' % ('Create "numbers-height" directory...', numbersDirectory)
# Create background images
startNumber = int(raw_input('First number for the background images: '))
endNumber = (startNumber + len(fileList) + 1)
for x in range(startNumber, endNumber) :
createNum = []
print 'createNum just after reset and before adding things to it: ', createNum, '\n'
print 'start' , x, '\n'
createNum = 'convert -size 143x263 xc:transparent -font "FreeSans-Bold" -pointsize 22 -fill \'#242325\' "text 105,258'.split()
createNum.append('\'' + str(x) + '\'"')
createNum.append('./' + numbersDirectoryName + '/' + str(x) + '.png')
print 'createNum set up, createNum submittet to subprocess.Popen: ', createNum
createNumImage = sp.Popen(createNum, stdout=sp.PIPE)
creationNumReturnCode = interpretReturnCode(createNumImage.returncode)
print '%s%s%s' % ('\tCreate numbers image...', creationNumReturnCode, '\n')
elif numbersDirectoryType == 'w' :
numbersDirectoryName = 'numbers-width'
numbersDirectory = interpretReturnCode(['mkdir', numbersDirectoryName]))
print '%s%s' % ('Create "numbers-width" directory...', numbersDirectory)
# Create background images
startNumber = int(raw_input('First number for the background images: '))
endNumber = (startNumber + len(fileList) + 1)
for x in range(startNumber, endNumber) :
createNum = []
print 'createNum just after reset and before adding things to it: ', createNum, '\n'
print 'start' , x, '\n'
createNum = 'convert -size 224x122 xc:transparent -font "FreeSans-Bold" -pointsize 22-fill \'#242325\' "text 105,258'.split()
createNum.append('\'' + str(x) + '\'"')
createNum.append('./' + numbersDirectoryName + '/' + str(x) + '.png')
print 'createNum set up, createNum submittet to subprocess.Popen: ', createNum
createNumImage = sp.Popen(createNum, stdout=sp.PIPE)
creationNumReturnCode = interpretReturnCode(createNumImage.returncode)
print '%s%s%s' % ('\tCreate numbers image...', creationNumReturnCode, '\n')
else :
print 'No such directory type, please start again'
numbersDirectoryType = raw_input('Numbers directory: type "h" for "numbers-height" or "w" for "numbers-width": ')
For this I get the following errors, for each picture:
convert.im6: unable to open image `'#242325'': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `'#242325'' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544.
convert.im6: unable to open image `"text': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `"text' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544.
convert.im6: unable to open image `105,258': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `105,258' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544.
convert.im6: unable to open image `'152'"': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `'152'"' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544.
convert.im6: option requires an argument `-draw' # error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/1294.
I tried to change the order of the arguments without success, to use shell=True in Popen (but then the function interpretReturCode returns a OK while no image is created (number-heights folder is empty).
I would strongly recommend following the this process:
Pick a single file and directory
change the above so that sp.Popen is replaced by a print statement
Run the modified script from the command line
Try using the printed command output from the command line
Modify the command line until it works
Modify the script until it produces the command line that is exactly the same
Change the print back to sp.Popen - Then, (if you still have a problem:
Try modifying your command string to start echo convert so that
you can see what, if anything, is happening to the parameters during
the processing by sp.Popen.
There is also this handy hint from the python documents:
>>> import shlex, subprocess
>>> command_line = raw_input()
/bin/vikings -input eggs.txt -output "spam spam.txt" -cmd "echo '$MONEY'"
>>> args = shlex.split(command_line)
>>> print args
['/bin/vikings', '-input', 'eggs.txt', '-output', 'spam spam.txt', '-cmd', "echo '$MONEY'"]
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(args) # Success!
I am trying to resample some tiff files from 2000*2000 to 500*500.
I have created a function and I tried for one file and it worked nicely. Now I want to apply it for all the available file I have.
I want to write the output of the function and I have written the code based on my knowledge and I receive error on the writing out_file. I have copied the both function and main code for your consideration. The main code just read the tif files according to their naming and applies the function. I would be thankful if sb could guide me where my mistake is.
def ResampleImage(infile):
fp = open(infile, "rb")
p = ImageFile.Parser()
while 1:
s =
if not s:
img = p.close()
basewidth = 500
wpercent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0]))
hsize = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
outfile=img.resize((basewidth, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
return outfile
#********* main code********
import os,sys
import ImageResizeF
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from PIL import Image,ImageFile
tpath = 'e:/.../resampling_test/all_tiles/'
tifext = '.tif'
east_start = 32511616
north_start = 5400756
ilist = range (0,14)
jlist = range (0,11)
north = north_start
ee = ',4_'
en = ',2'
for i in ilist:
east = east_start
north = north_start + i * 400
snorth = str (north)
for j in jlist:
east = east_start + j * 400
seast = str (east)
infile = tpath + seast + ee + snorth + en + tifext
output = tpath + seast + ee + snorth + en + '_res'+tifext
out_file = ImageResizeF.ResampleImage(infile)
out_file.write (output)
out_file.close ()
Your error is probably related to what you are returning from ImageResizeF.ResampleImage, is it a file handle? Otherwise you are doing it wrong because you cannot close() something which is not a file handle. You should do the whole file processing inside the function or return an image object, for example:
def process_image(image):
"Processes the image"
image.resize((x, y), Image.ANTIALIAS) # or whatever you are doing to the image
return image
image ='infile.tiff')
proc_image = process_image(image)'outfile.tiff')