create boxes on graph in python - python

I want this kind of result. I want my code to read elements of a text file and if element=='healthy'
it should create a box in a graph and its color should be green ('healthy written in box').
else if element=='unhealthy'
it should create a box and its color should be red (with 'unhealthy written in box').
boxes should be horizontally aligned, and if more than 5 then remaining should start from the next row. (every row should contain only 5 boxes or less).
The end result should display a graph that contains boxes,
red denoting 'unhealthy' and green denoting 'healthy'
I found the following code, but it is not working they way I want it to.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-white')
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
#open text file (percen) that contains healthy/unhealthy
with open('percen.txt', 'r') as f:
result= [int(line) for line in f]
data = np.random.rand(10,10) * 20
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['green'])
cmap1 = colors.ListedColormap(['red'])
bounds = [0,10,20]
norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,5 , sharex='col', sharey='row')
for i in range(2):
for j in range(5):
for element in result:
if (element=='healthy'):
ax[i,j].text(1, -3, 'healthy',
fontsize=15, ha='center', color='green')
ax[i,j].imshow(data,cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
ax[i,j].text(1, -3, 'unhealthy',
fontsize=15, ha='center', color='red')

There are a few different ways you can do this and your code is probably not the best but we can use it as a starting point. Your issue is that you are looping through the plots and then looping through your data again for each plot. Your current code also adds text above the plot. If you want the text above I would recommend adding the label as a title, otherwise when you set your text inside the plot you need to specify the coordinates within the grid.
Below is a modified form of your code, play around with it some more to get what you want.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-white')
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
result = ['healthy', 'unhealthy', 'healthy', 'unhealthy', 'healthy', 'unhealthy', 'healthy', 'healthy', 'unhealthy', 'unhealthy']
data = np.random.rand(10,10) * 20
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['green'])
cmap1 = colors.ListedColormap(['red'])
bounds = [0,10,20]
norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,5 , sharex='col', sharey='row',figsize=(15,8)) # Added figsize to better show your plot
element_index = 0
for i in range(2):
for j in range(5):
element = result[element_index] #Instead of the for loop, get the corresponding element
if (element=='healthy'):
ax[i,j].text(4.5,4.5, 'healthy',fontsize=15, ha='center' ,color='black',zorder=100) #Change zorder so label is over plot
ax[i,j].imshow(data,cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
ax[i,j].set_yticklabels('') #To remove arbitrary numbers on y axis
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels('') #To remove arbitrary numbers on y axis
elif element == 'unhealthy':
ax[i,j].text(4.5,4.5, 'unhealthy',fontsize=15, ha='center' ,color='black',zorder=100)
ax[i,j].set_yticklabels('') #To remove arbitrary numbers on y axis
ax[i,j].set_xticklabels('') #To remove arbitrary numbers on x axis
element_index+=1 #Add 1 to the index so we get the next value for the next plot


Adding a colorbar whose color corresponds to the different lines in an existing plot

My dataset is in the form of :
Data[0] = [headValue,x0,x1,..xN]
Data[1] = [headValue_ya,ya0,ya1,..yaN]
Data[2] = [headValue_yb,yb0,yb1,..ybN]
Data[n] = [headvalue_yz,yz0,yz1,..yzN]
I want to plot f(y*) = x, so I can visualize all Lineplots in the same figure with different colors, each color determined by the headervalue_y*.
I also want to add a colorbar whose color matching the lines and therefore the header values, so we can link visually which header value leads to which behaviour.
Here is what I am aiming for :(Plot from Lacroix B, Letort G, Pitayu L, et al. Microtubule Dynamics Scale with Cell Size to Set Spindle Length and Assembly Timing. Dev Cell. 2018;45(4):496–511.e6. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2018.04.022)
I have trouble adding the colorbar, I have tried to extract N colors from a colormap (N is my number of different headValues, or column -1) and then adding for each line plot the color corresponding here is my code to clarify:
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Data = [['Time',0,0.33,..200],[0.269,4,4.005,...11],[0.362,4,3.999,...16.21],...[0.347,4,3.84,...15.8]]
headValues = [0.269,0.362,0.335,0.323,0.161,0.338,0.341,0.428,0.245,0.305,0.305,0.314,0.299,0.395,0.32,0.437,0.203,0.41,0.392,0.347]
# the differents headValues_y* of each column here in a list but also in Data
# with headValue[0] = Data[1][0], headValue[1] = Data[2][0] ...
cmap ='rainbow') # I choose my colormap
rgba = [] # the color container
for value in headValues:
rgba.append(cmap(value)) # so rgba will contain a different color for each headValue
fig, (ax,ax1) = plt.subplots(2,1) # creating my figure and two axes to put the Lines and the colorbar
c = 0 # index for my colors
for i in range(1, len(Data)):
ax.plot( Data[0][1:], Data[i][1:] , color = rgba[c])
# Data[0][1:] is x, Data[i][1:] is y, and the color associated with Data[i][0]
c += 1
fig.colorbar( mpl.colors.ListedColormap(rgba)), cax=ax1, orientation='horizontal')
# here I create my scalarMappable for my lineplot and with the previously selected colors 'rgba'
The current result:
How to add the colorbar on the side or the bottom of the first axis ?
How to properly add a scale to this colorbar correspondig to different headValues ?
How to make the colorbar scale and colors match to the different lines on the plot with the link One color = One headValue ?
I have tried to work with scatterplot which are more convenient to use with scalarMappable but no solution allows me to do all these things at once.
Here is a possible approach. As the 'headValues' aren't sorted, nor equally spaced and one is even used twice, it is not fully clear what the most-desired result would be.
Some remarks:
The standard way of creating a colorbar in matplotlib doesn't need a separate subplot. Matplotlib will reduce the existing plot a bit and put the colorbar next to it (or below for a vertical bar).
Converting the 'headValues' to a numpy array allows for compact code, e.g. writing rgba = cmap(headValues) directly calculates the complete array.
Calling cmap on unchanged values will map 0 to the lowest color and 1 to the highest color, so for values only between 0.16 and 0.44 they all will be mapped to quite similar colors. One approach is to create a norm to map 0.16 to the lowest color and 0.44 to the highest. In code: norm = plt.Normalize(headValues.min(), headValues.max()) and then calculate rgba = cmap(norm(headValues)).
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
headValues = np.array([0.269, 0.362, 0.335, 0.323, 0.161, 0.338, 0.341, 0.428, 0.245, 0.305, 0.305, 0.314, 0.299, 0.395, 0.32, 0.437, 0.203, 0.41, 0.392, 0.347])
x = np.linspace(0, 200, 500)
# create Data similar to the data in the question
Data = [['Time'] + list(x)] + [[val] + list(np.sqrt(4 * x) * val + 4) for val in headValues]
headValues = np.array([d[0] for d in Data[1:]])
order = np.argsort(headValues)
inverse_order = np.argsort(order)
cmap ='rainbow')
rgba = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(headValues))) # evenly spaced colors
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
for i in range(1, len(Data)):
ax.plot(Data[0][1:], Data[i][1:], color=rgba[inverse_order[i-1]])
# Data[0][1:] is x, Data[i][1:] is y, and the color associated with Data[i-1][0]
cbar = fig.colorbar(, orientation='vertical',
ticks=np.linspace(0, 1, len(rgba) * 2 + 1)[1::2])
Alternatively, the colors can be assigned using their position in the colormap, but without creating
cmap ='rainbow')
norm = plt.Normalize(headValues.min(), headValues.max())
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
for i in range(1, len(Data)):
ax.plot(Data[0][1:], Data[i][1:], color=cmap(norm(Data[i][0])))
cbar = fig.colorbar(, norm=norm))
To get ticks for each of the 'headValues', these ticks can be set explicitly. As putting a label for each tick will result in overlapping text, labels that are too close to other labels can be replaced by an empty string:
cbar2 = fig.colorbar(, norm=norm), ticks=headValues)
cbar2.set_ticklabels([val if val < next - 0.007 else '' for val, next in zip(headValues[:-1], headValues[1:])]
+ [headValues[-1]])
At the left the result of the first approach (colors in segments), at the right the alternative colorbars (color depending on value):

Plotting images side by side using matplotlib

I was wondering how I am able to plot images side by side using matplotlib for example something like this:
The closest I got is this:
This was produced by using this code:
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2)
axarr[0,0] = plt.imshow(image_datas[0])
axarr[0,1] = plt.imshow(image_datas[1])
axarr[1,0] = plt.imshow(image_datas[2])
axarr[1,1] = plt.imshow(image_datas[3])
But I can't seem to get the other images to show. I'm thinking that there must be a better way to do this as I would imagine trying to manage the indexes would be a pain. I have looked through the documentation although I have a feeling I may be look at the wrong one. Would anyone be able to provide me with an example or point me in the right direction?
See the answer from #duhaime if you want a function to automatically determine the grid size.
The problem you face is that you try to assign the return of imshow (which is an matplotlib.image.AxesImage to an existing axes object.
The correct way of plotting image data to the different axes in axarr would be
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2)
The concept is the same for all subplots, and in most cases the axes instance provide the same methods than the pyplot (plt) interface.
E.g. if ax is one of your subplot axes, for plotting a normal line plot you'd use ax.plot(..) instead of plt.plot(). This can actually be found exactly in the source from the page you link to.
One thing that I found quite helpful to use to print all images :
_, axs = plt.subplots(n_row, n_col, figsize=(12, 12))
axs = axs.flatten()
for img, ax in zip(imgs, axs):
You are plotting all your images on one axis. What you want ist to get a handle for each axis individually and plot your images there. Like so:
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)
For more info have a look here:
For complex layouts, you should consider using gridspec:
If the images are in an array and you want to iterate through each element and print it, you can write the code as follows:
plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # specifying the overall grid size
for i in range(25):
plt.subplot(5,5,i+1) # the number of images in the grid is 5*5 (25)
Also note that I used subplot and not subplots. They're both different
Below is a complete function show_image_list() that displays images side-by-side in a grid. You can invoke the function with different arguments.
Pass in a list of images, where each image is a Numpy array. It will create a grid with 2 columns by default. It will also infer if each image is color or grayscale.
list_images = [img, gradx, grady, mag_binary, dir_binary]
show_image_list(list_images, figsize=(10, 10))
Pass in a list of images, a list of titles for each image, and other arguments.
show_image_list(list_images=[img, gradx, grady, mag_binary, dir_binary],
list_titles=['original', 'gradx', 'grady', 'mag_binary', 'dir_binary'],
figsize=(20, 10),
Here's the code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def img_is_color(img):
if len(img.shape) == 3:
# Check the color channels to see if they're all the same.
c1, c2, c3 = img[:, : , 0], img[:, :, 1], img[:, :, 2]
if (c1 == c2).all() and (c2 == c3).all():
return True
return False
def show_image_list(list_images, list_titles=None, list_cmaps=None, grid=True, num_cols=2, figsize=(20, 10), title_fontsize=30):
Shows a grid of images, where each image is a Numpy array. The images can be either
RGB or grayscale.
images: list
List of the images to be displayed.
list_titles: list or None
Optional list of titles to be shown for each image.
list_cmaps: list or None
Optional list of cmap values for each image. If None, then cmap will be
automatically inferred.
grid: boolean
If True, show a grid over each image
num_cols: int
Number of columns to show.
figsize: tuple of width, height
Value to be passed to pyplot.figure()
title_fontsize: int
Value to be passed to set_title().
assert isinstance(list_images, list)
assert len(list_images) > 0
assert isinstance(list_images[0], np.ndarray)
if list_titles is not None:
assert isinstance(list_titles, list)
assert len(list_images) == len(list_titles), '%d imgs != %d titles' % (len(list_images), len(list_titles))
if list_cmaps is not None:
assert isinstance(list_cmaps, list)
assert len(list_images) == len(list_cmaps), '%d imgs != %d cmaps' % (len(list_images), len(list_cmaps))
num_images = len(list_images)
num_cols = min(num_images, num_cols)
num_rows = int(num_images / num_cols) + (1 if num_images % num_cols != 0 else 0)
# Create a grid of subplots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize)
# Create list of axes for easy iteration.
if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
list_axes = list(axes.flat)
list_axes = [axes]
for i in range(num_images):
img = list_images[i]
title = list_titles[i] if list_titles is not None else 'Image %d' % (i)
cmap = list_cmaps[i] if list_cmaps is not None else (None if img_is_color(img) else 'gray')
list_axes[i].imshow(img, cmap=cmap)
list_axes[i].set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize)
for i in range(num_images, len(list_axes)):
_ =
As per matplotlib's suggestion for image grids:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4., 4.))
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, # similar to subplot(111)
nrows_ncols=(2, 2), # creates 2x2 grid of axes
axes_pad=0.1, # pad between axes in inch.
for ax, im in zip(grid, image_data):
# Iterating over the grid returns the Axes.
I end up at this url about once a week. For those who want a little function that just plots a grid of images without hassle, here we go:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def plot_image_grid(images, ncols=None, cmap='gray'):
'''Plot a grid of images'''
if not ncols:
factors = [i for i in range(1, len(images)+1) if len(images) % i == 0]
ncols = factors[len(factors) // 2] if len(factors) else len(images) // 4 + 1
nrows = int(len(images) / ncols) + int(len(images) % ncols)
imgs = [images[i] if len(images) > i else None for i in range(nrows * ncols)]
f, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3*ncols, 2*nrows))
axes = axes.flatten()[:len(imgs)]
for img, ax in zip(imgs, axes.flatten()):
if np.any(img):
if len(img.shape) > 2 and img.shape[2] == 1:
img = img.squeeze()
ax.imshow(img, cmap=cmap)
# make 16 images with 60 height, 80 width, 3 color channels
images = np.random.rand(16, 60, 80, 3)
# plot them
Sample code to visualize one random image from the dataset
def get_random_image(num):
return image
Call the function
random_num=random.randint(0, len(images))
Display cluster of random images from the given dataset
#Making a figure containing 16 images
lst=random.sample(range(0,len(images)), 16)
for index,value in enumerate(lst):
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
Plotting images present in a dataset
Here rand gives a random index value which is used to select a random image present in the dataset and labels has the integer representation for every image type and labels_dict is a dictionary holding key val information
fig,ax = plt.subplots(5,5,figsize = (15,15))
ax = ax.ravel()
for i in range(25):
rand = np.random.randint(0,len(image_dataset))
image = image_dataset[rand]
ax[i].imshow(image,cmap = 'gray')

Add a legend for an animation (of Artists) in matplotlib

I have made an animation from a set of images like this (10 snapshots):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import time
infile = open ('out.txt')
frame_counter = 0
N_p = 100
N_step = 10
N_line = N_p*N_step
for s in xrange(N_step):
x, y = [], []
for i in xrange(N_p):
data = infile.readline()
raw = data.split()
xnp = np.array(x)
ynp = np.array(y)
fig = plt.figure(0)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
for x, y in zip(xnp, ynp):
cir = Circle(xy = (x, y), radius = 1)
ax.set_xlim(-10, 150)
ax.set_ylim(-10, 150)
fig.savefig("step.%04d.png" % frame_counter)
frame_counter +=1
Now I want to add a legend to each image showing the time step.
For doing this I must set legends to each of these 10 images. The problem is that I have tested different things like ax.set_label , cir.set_label, ...
and I get errors like this:
UserWarning: No labelled objects found. Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots
According to this error I must add label to my individual plots, but since this is a plot of Artists, I don't know how I can do this.
If for whatever reason you need a legend, you can show your Circle as the handle and use some text as the label.
ax.legend(handles=[cir], labels=["{}".format(frame_counter)])
If you don't really need a legend, you can just use some text to place inside the axes.
ax.text(.8,.8, "{}".format(frame_counter), transform=ax.transAxes)

Add either a density or box plot to the margins of a plot in Matplotlib

I have a scatter plot in linear scale. I want to add a box plot to the margins (left and bottom) of my scatter plot like this figure from Marginal Histograms and Box Charts?
Here is my current working solution, share your thoughts on it or make a better suggestion.
ax.plot(df['vcnt'], df['ecnt'], 'ko', alpha=0.5)
# Save the default tick positions, so we can reset them..
tcksx = ax.get_xticks()
tcksy = ax.get_yticks()
ax.boxplot(df['ecnt'], positions=[min(tcksx)], notch=True, widths=1.)
ax.boxplot(df['vcnt'], positions=[min(tcksy)], vert=False, notch=True, widths=1.)
ax.set_yticks(tcksy) # pos = tcksy
ax.set_xticks(tcksx) # pos = tcksx
ax.set_yticklabels([int(j) for j in tcksy])
ax.set_xticklabels([int(j) for j in tcksx])
You can achieve this by creating additional axes for the bar plots.
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x_data = np.random.randn(100)
y_data = -x_data + np.random.randn(100)*0.5
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['vcnt'] = x_data
df['ecnt'] = y_data
left = 0.1
bottom = 0.1
top = 0.8
right = 0.8
main_ax = plt.axes([left,bottom,right-left,top-bottom])
# create axes to the top and right of the main axes and hide them
top_ax = plt.axes([left,top,right - left,1-top])
right_ax = plt.axes([right,bottom,1-right,top-bottom])
main_ax.plot(df['vcnt'], df['ecnt'], 'ko', alpha=0.5)
# Save the default tick positions, so we can reset them..
tcksx = main_ax.get_xticks()
tcksy = main_ax.get_yticks()
right_ax.boxplot(df['ecnt'], positions=[0], notch=True, widths=1.)
top_ax.boxplot(df['vcnt'], positions=[0], vert=False, notch=True, widths=1.)
main_ax.set_yticks(tcksy) # pos = tcksy
main_ax.set_xticks(tcksx) # pos = tcksx
main_ax.set_yticklabels([int(j) for j in tcksy])
main_ax.set_xticklabels([int(j) for j in tcksx])
# set the limits to the box axes

Trying to visualize a sorted table with matplotlib (parallel coordinates?)

I'm trying to visualize a sorted table (sorted on a column). My ideal result should be something like
visualization of a sorted table
Any suggestion on how to reach this goal with matplotlib?
I'have already tried with suggestions given here and here but I'm looking for something fancier like that in the attached image.
Thanks in advance,
Matplotlib does not support this directly, but it is fairly easy to replicate the plot that you have linked to.
The function below does something similar given a 2d array of data. It can be sorted or not, the function doesn't really care.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import numpy as np
def sorted_table_plot(data, labels, categories, cmap=None, ax=None):
# check if an axes was supplied
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
# check if a colormap was supplied
if cmap is None:
cmap =
# generate the grid arrays with the coordinates for the annotations
yy, xx = np.mgrid[:data.shape[0], :data.shape[1]]
x = xx.flatten()
y = yy.flatten()
d = data.flatten()
# a norm object which we will use with the colorbar
norm = plt.Normalize(d.min(), d.max())
# iterate over the data points and draw the labels
for di, xi, yi in zip(d, x, y):
color = cmap(norm(di))
hsv = mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(color[:3])
fc = 'w' if hsv[2] < 0.7 else 'k'
ax.annotate(str(di), xy=(xi,yi), xycoords="data",
va="center", ha="center", color=fc,
bbox=dict(boxstyle="circle", fc=color))
# iteratve over all the appearing values and draw the lines
for i in np.unique(data):
xi, yi = x[d==i], y[d==i]
idx = np.argsort(xi)
plt.plot(xi[idx], yi[idx],, lw=2)
# add the axes labels
# adjust the axes ranges
ax.set_xlim(xx[0,0] - 0.5, xx[-1,-1] + 0.5)
ax.set_ylim(yy[-1,-1] + 0.5, yy[0,0] - 0.5)
Now, you can simply call it on a data array. In the following I created a random array, since you didn't care to supply an example data set.
# fix the seed for reproducability
# create random data
data = np.tile(np.arange(1,8), (3,1)).T
labels = map(lambda x: 'label ' + str(x), data[:,1])
categories = map(lambda x: 'cat ' + str(x), np.arange(data.shape[1])+1)
for i in range(1,data.shape[1]):
# shuffle all but the first column
# call the function and show the plot
sorted_table_plot(data, labels, categories)
