expand the size of QPaintDevice after it is initialzed - python

A little Context
I'm trying to make a QSplashScreen with a custom animation. I've tried many different approaches, with each failures. Mostly, my main technique was to create a new Class which inherits from QSplashScreen and then plan with the paintEvent(). It worked... ish. The animation is not the problem, It is really the QPaintDevice which seems corrupted.
Because I was calling the super(classname, self).__init__(args) only way after in my init and passing it arguments that I modified in the init, I always had corrupted pixels; The image was in weird tones and had lines of colorful pixels in the background. Sometimes it is patterns sometimes it is completely random.
I have tried changing every line of code and the only thing that removed those lines was calling the super() at the beginning of the __init__. Unfortunately, I was making a frame that I was passing to the init. Now that this isn't possible, I would like to modify the size of the QPaintDevice on which my QSplashScreen initializes, because my animation is displayed beyond that frame. I won't post all the code since the custom animation is quite heavy.
Minimal Working Exemple
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QSplashScreen, QMainWindow
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSize, pyqtSignal, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QPainter, QIcon, QBrush
import time, sys
class FakeAnimatedSplash(QSplashScreen):
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.newFrame = QPixmap(self.image.size()+QSize(0, 20))
super(FakeAnimatedSplash, self).__init__(self.newFrame, Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
def showEvent(self, event):
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.fillRect(self.rect(), Qt.transparent)
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
painter.drawPixmap(self.image.rect(), self.image)
painter.drawEllipse(QPoint(0, 110), 8, 8)
class App(QApplication):
def __init__(self, sys_argv):
super(App, self).__init__(sys_argv)
self.main = QMainWindow()
def newSplash(self):
pixmap = QPixmap("yourImage.png")
smallerPixmap = pixmap.scaled(100, 100, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)
splash = FakeAnimatedSplash(smallerPixmap)
start = time.time()
while time.time() < start + 10:
def main():
app = App(sys.argv)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Potential Solution
Changing the super() to the beginning makes it work but reduces the QPaintDevice window which hides my animation. I would like to expand it, but there are no methods which can do it after the initialization.
def __init__(self, image):
super(LoadingDotsSplash, self).__init__(image, QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
self.image = image
# here a function or method that changes the size of the QPaintDevice

The problem is that newFrame is an uninitialized QPixmap and for efficiency reasons the pixels are not modified so they have random values, and that is because the size of the FakeAnimatedSplash is larger than the QPixmap that is painted. The solution is to set the value of the newFrame pixels to transparent:
class FakeAnimatedSplash(QSplashScreen):
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
pix = QPixmap(self.image.size() + QSize(0, 20))
super(FakeAnimatedSplash, self).__init__(pix, Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.fillRect(self.rect(), Qt.transparent)
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
painter.drawPixmap(self.image.rect(), self.image)
painter.drawEllipse(QPoint(0, 110), 8, 8)


How to limit the area in QGraphicsScene where a custom QGraphicsItem can be moved?

I have a QGraphicsScene where I have QGraphicsItems. These items are movable and I can move them all over the QGraphicsScene but I would like to limit the area where these items can be moved. The sizes of the QGraphicsScene don't have to change. I would really appreciate if someone gave me an example of how to do it in python.
Here's what I have now
from PySide2.QtCore import QPointF
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QGraphicsView, \
QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsPolygonItem, QApplication
from PySide2.QtGui import QPen, QColor, QBrush, QPolygonF
class Test(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Test, self).__init__(parent)
self.resize(1000, 800)
self.layout_ = QVBoxLayout()
self.view_ = GraphicsView()
class GraphicsView(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self):
super(GraphicsView, self).__init__()
self.scene_ = QGraphicsScene()
self.polygon_creation = self.PolyCreation()
self.scene_.setSceneRect(0, 0, 400, 400)
def polyCreator(self):
polygon = self.polygon_creation.polygon()
new_poly = self.scene().addPolygon(polygon)
new_poly.setPos(0, 0)
class PolyCreation(QGraphicsPolygonItem):
def __init__(self):
def poly(self):
self.poly_points = (QPointF(0, 0),
QPointF(0, 50),
QPointF(50, 50),
QPointF(50, 0))
self.shape = QPolygonF(self.poly_points)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication([])
win = Test()
I've also found an answer in cpp, but I can't understand it very well, so if someone could "translate" it in python that'd be great too.
Here's the link restrict movable area of qgraphicsitem (Please check #Robert's answer)
The concept is to restrict the new position before it's finally applied.
To achieve so, you need to also set the ItemSendsGeometryChanges flag and check for ItemPositionChange changes, then compare the item bounding rect with that of the scene, and eventually return a different position after correcting it.
class PolyCreation(QGraphicsPolygonItem):
def __init__(self):
QPointF(0, 0),
QPointF(0, 50),
QPointF(50, 50),
QPointF(50, 0)
| self.ItemIsMovable
| self.ItemIsFocusable
| self.ItemSendsGeometryChanges
def itemChange(self, change, value):
if change == self.ItemPositionChange and self.scene():
br = self.polygon().boundingRect().translated(value)
sceneRect = self.scene().sceneRect()
if not sceneRect.contains(br):
if br.right() > sceneRect.right():
if br.x() < sceneRect.x():
if br.bottom() > sceneRect.bottom():
if br.y() < sceneRect.y():
return br.topLeft()
return super().itemChange(change, value)
class GraphicsView(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self):
super(GraphicsView, self).__init__()
self.scene_ = QGraphicsScene()
self.scene_.setSceneRect(0, 0, 400, 400)
the above code will obviously only work properly for top level items (not children of other items);
it will work as long as the item doesn't have any transformation applied (rotation, scale, etc.); if you want to support that, you have to consider the sceneTransform() to get the actual bounding rect of the polygon;
it doesn't consider the pen width, so if the item has a thick pen, the resulting polygon may go beyond the scene boundaries; to avoid that, use the actual boundingRect() of the item and adjust it by using half the pen width;
avoid nested classes, they are rarely required and they only tend to make code unnecessarily convoluted;
you were not actually using that subclass, since you're in fact adding another polygon item based on the polygon of that instance;
all items are always positioned at (0, 0) by default, specifying it again is pointless;
shape() is an existing (and quite important) function of all items, you shall not overwrite it;

pyside/pyqt how to animate an arc simply?

I'm looking for a solution, to animate this arc from 0 - 360°. I'm relative new to Pyside/Pyqt and I don't find such a simple solution (only beginner "unfriedly"). I tried it with while loops aswell, but it doesn't works. At the moment I don't understand this animation system, but I want to work on it.
import sys
from PySide6 import QtCore
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtGui import QBrush, QPen, QPainter
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 600)
def paintEvent(self, event):
self.anim = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self, b"width", duration=1000) #<- is there a documentation for b"width", b"geometry"?
start = 0
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 5, Qt.SolidLine))
painter.drawArc(100, 100, 400, 400, 90 * 16, start * 16) # I want to make the change dynamicly
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MainWindow()
QPropertyAnimation is used to animate Qt properties of any QObject. If you refer to self (the current instance of QMainWindow), then you can animate all properties of a QMainWindow and all inherited properties (QMainWindow inherits from QWidget, so you can animate all the QWidget properties as well).
In your case, you're trying to animate the width property of the window, and that's certainly not what you want to do.
Since what you want to change is a value that is not a property of the window, you cannot use QPropertyAnimation (unless you create a Qt property using the #Property decorator), and you should use a QVariantAnimation instead.
Then, a paintEvent is called by Qt every time the widget is going to be drawn (which can happen very often), so you cannot create the animation there, otherwise you could end up with a recursion: since the animation would require a repaint, you would create a new animation everytime the previous requires an update.
Finally, consider that painting on a QMainWindow is normally discouraged, as a Qt main window is a special kind of QWidget intended for advanced features (menus, status bar, etc) and uses a central widget to show the actual contents.
The correct approach is to create and set a central widget, and implement the painting on that widget instead.
Here is a revised and working version of your code:
class ArcWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.anim = QtCore.QVariantAnimation(self, duration=1000)
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.black, 5, Qt.SolidLine))
100, 100, 400, 400, 90 * 16, self.anim.currentValue() * 16)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 600)
self.arcWidget = ArcWidget()
The valueChanged connection ensures that everytime the value changes the widget schedules an update (thus calling a paintEvent as soon as the event queue allows it), then you can use the current value of the animation to draw the actual arc.
Thanks #musicamante for the solution regarding animating arc using QAnimationProperty
Modified #musicmante code to create a loading effect guess it will help developers and might save their time who are trying to make loading effect using Qt
#!/usr/bin/env python3.10
import sys
import string
import random
from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QMainWindow, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout,
QApplication, QWidget)
from PySide6.QtCore import (Qt, QVariantAnimation)
from PySide6.QtGui import (QPen, QPainter, QColor)
class Arc:
colors = list(string.ascii_lowercase[0:6]+string.digits)
shades_of_blue = ["#7CB9E8","#00308F","#72A0C1", "#F0F8FF",
"#007FFF", "#6CB4EE", "#002D62", "#5072A7",
"#002244", "#B2FFFF", "#6F00FF", "#7DF9FF","#007791",
"#ADD8E6", "#E0FFFF", "#005f69", "#76ABDF",
"#6A5ACD", "#008080", "#1da1f2", "#1a1f71", "#0C2340"]
shades_of_green = ['#32CD32', '#CAE00D', '#9EFD38', '#568203', '#93C572',
'#8DB600', '#708238', '#556B2F', '#014421', '#98FB98', '#7CFC00',
'#4F7942', '#009E60', '#00FF7F', '#00FA9A', '#177245', '#2E8B57',
'#3CB371', '#A7F432', '#123524', '#5E8C31', '#90EE90', '#03C03C',
'#66FF00', '#006600', '#D9E650']
def __init__(self):
self.diameter = random.randint(100, 600)
#cols = list(Arc.colors)
#_col = "#"+''.join(cols[:6])
#self.color = QColor(_col)
#self.color = QColor(Arc.shades_of_blue[random.randint(0, len(Arc.shades_of_blue)-1)])
self.color = QColor(Arc.shades_of_green[random.randint(0, len(Arc.shades_of_green)-1)])
self.span = random.randint(40, 150)
self.direction = 1 if random.randint(10, 15)%2 == 0 else -1
self.startAngle = random.randint(40, 200)
self.step = random.randint(100, 300)
class ArcWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.arcs = [Arc() for i in range(random.randint(10, 20))]
def initUI(self):
self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground, True)
def startAnime(self):
self.anim = QVariantAnimation(self, duration = 2000)
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self)
#painter.setPen(QPen(QColor("#b6faec"), 5, Qt.SolidLine))
# 100, 100, 400, 400, 90*16,
# self.anim.currentValue() * 16)
#width = 400
#height = 400
#painter.drawArc(self.width()/2 -width/2, self.height()/2 - height/2, 400, 400, self.anim.currentValue()*16, 45*16)
for arc in self.arcs:
painter.setPen(QPen(arc.color, 6, Qt.SolidLine))
painter.drawArc(self.width()/2 - arc.diameter/2,
self.height()/2 - arc.diameter/2, arc.diameter,
arc.diameter, self.anim.currentValue()*16*arc.direction+arc.startAngle*100, arc.span*16)
#print(f"currentValue : {self.anim.currentValue()}")
#arc.startAngle = random.randint(50, 200)
if self.anim.currentValue() == 360:
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle("Animate Arc")
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 600)
self.arcWidget = ArcWidget()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainWindow = MainWindow()
$ ./arc_widget.py

Create padding when fixed aspect ratio QWidget cannot fill entire window

A custom widget (class name MyLabel, inherits QLabel) has a fixed aspect ratio 16:9.
When I resize my window, the label is top-left aligned unless the window happens to be 16:9, in which case it fills the window perfectly.
How do I get the label to be centered? I have looked at size policies, alignments, using spaceitems and stretch, but I cannot seem to get it working as desired.
Here is a minimal reproducible example:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt
from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QWidget
class MyLabel(QLabel):
def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
super().__init__(text, parent)
self.setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen") # Just for visibility
def resizeEvent(self, event):
# Size of 16:9 and scale it to the new size maintaining aspect ratio.
new_size = QSize(16, 9)
new_size.scale(event.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
# Main widget and layout, and set as centralWidget
self.main_layout = QVBoxLayout()
self.main_widget = QWidget()
# Add button to main_layout
label = MyLabel("Hello World")
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = MainWindow()
Examples of desired outcome:
Examples of actual outcome:
Qt unfortunately doesn't provide a straight forward solution for widgets that require a fixed aspect ratio.
There are some traces in old documentation, but the main problem is that:
all functions related to aspect ratio (hasHeightForWidth() etc) for widgets, layouts and size policies are only considered for the size hint, so no constraint is available if the widget is manually resized by the layout;
as the documentation reports changing the geometry of a widget within the moveEvent() or resizeEvent() might lead to infinite recursion;
it's not possible to (correctly) control the size growth or shrinking while keeping aspect ratio;
For the sake of completeness, here's a partial solution to this issue, but be aware that QLabel is a very peculiar widget that has some constraints related to its text representation (most importantly, with rich text and/or word wrap).
class MyLabel(QLabel):
lastRect = None
isResizing = False
def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
super().__init__(text, parent)
self.setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgreen")
def restoreRatio(self, lastRect=None):
if self.isResizing:
rect = QRect(QPoint(),
QSize(16, 9).scaled(self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
if not lastRect:
lastRect = self.geometry()
if rect != lastRect:
self.isResizing = True
self.isResizing = False
self.lastRect = None
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return True
def heightForWidth(self, width):
if self.pixmap():
return width * self.pixmap().height() / self.pixmap().width()
return width * 9 / 16
def sizeHint(self):
if self.pixmap():
return self.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def moveEvent(self, event):
self.lastRect = self.geometry()
def resizeEvent(self, event):
Since the purpose is to display an image, another possibility is to manually paint everything on your own, for which you don't need a QLabel at all, and you can just override the paintEvent of a QWidget, but for performance purposes it could be slightly better to use a container widget with a child QLabel: this would theoretically make things a bit faster, as all the computation is completely done in Qt:
class ParentedLabel(QWidget):
def __init__(self, pixmap=None):
self.child = QLabel(self, scaledContents=True)
if pixmap:
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
def updateChild(self):
if self.child.pixmap():
r = self.child.pixmap().rect()
size = self.child.pixmap().size().scaled(
self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
r = QRect(QPoint(), size)
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return bool(self.child.pixmap())
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return width * self.child.pixmap().height() / self.child.pixmap().width()
def sizeHint(self):
if self.child.pixmap():
return self.child.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def moveEvent(self, event):
def resizeEvent(self, event):
Finally, another possibility is to use a QGraphicsView, which is probably the faster approach of all, with a small drawback: the image shown based on the given size hint will probably be slightly smaller (a couple of pixels) than the original, with the result that it will seem a bit "out of focus" due to the resizing.
class ViewLabel(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, pixmap=None):
self.setStyleSheet('ViewLabel { border: 0px solid none; }')
scene = QGraphicsScene()
self.pixmapItem = QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap)
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
def updateScene(self):
self.fitInView(self.pixmapItem, Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
def hasHeightForWidth(self):
return not bool(self.pixmapItem.pixmap().isNull())
def heightForWidth(self, width):
return width * self.pixmapItem.pixmap().height() / self.pixmapItem.pixmap().width()
def sizeHint(self):
if not self.pixmapItem.pixmap().isNull():
return self.pixmapItem.pixmap().size()
return QSize(160, 90)
def resizeEvent(self, event):

How to scale a QPixmap preserving aspect and centering the image?

I want to use an image (svg file) as background in an QMdiArea. I load the image as QPixmap and scale it in the resizeEvent method to the size of the QMdiArea using
self._background_scaled = self._background.scaled(self.size(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
But that puts the image in the upper left corner and repeats it in either X or Y. I want the image to be centered.
How do I scale the QPixmap so it is resized preserving aspect ratio but then add borders to get the exact size?
The setBackground() method accepts a QBrush that is built based on the QPixmap you pass to it, but if a QBrush is built based on a QPixmap it will create the texture (repeating elements) and there is no way to change that behavior. So the solution is to override the paintEvent method and directly paint the QPixmap:
import sys
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
def create_pixmap(size):
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(size)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(pixmap)
return pixmap
class MdiArea(QtWidgets.QMdiArea):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(100, 100)
self._background = pixmap
def background(self):
return self._background
def background(self, background):
self._background = background
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.viewport())
background_scaled = self.background.scaled(
self.size(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio
background_scaled_rect = background_scaled.rect()
painter.drawPixmap(background_scaled_rect.topLeft(), background_scaled)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
mdiarea = MdiArea()
mdiarea.background = create_pixmap(QtCore.QSize(100, 100))

How do I draw on a Qlabel with QPainter when multithreading with QThreadpool?

Please excuse me if my description isn't perfect, I'm still pretty new at PyQt and also Python in general. If you have recommendations on how to improve the question, please let me know.
I'm trying to draw on a Pixmap-QLabel, which is part of a QMainWindow, with QPainter. The QPainter is called in a loop, because the drawing is updated after a fixed duration. Drawing on the Pixmap works as intended, the problem I have is that the label always opens in a new window, instead of being placed on the QLabel inside the original QMainWindow.
I suspect that the reason for that is that I'm calling the QPainter from a Worker-class-object which is created by the QThreadpool-object. If I call the QPainter from inside the initialization of the GUI, the Pixmap-label is created as part of the QMainWindow as intended. Unfortunately the multithreading is necessary so the GUI stays responsive while the QLabel is updating.
The GUI itself is created with QtCreator, and simply loaded into the script.
Here's my code:
import os
import sys
import time
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, uic
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel, QPushButton, QMainWindow
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QPainter, QPen, QPaintEvent
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
class Ui(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Ui, self).__init__()
self.counter = 0
# load ui which can be designed with Qt Creator
uic.loadUi("ui/paintEvent_Loop.ui", self)
# find the QLabel where the picture should be placed
self.pixmap_label = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QLabel, "pixmap_label")
# creating the pixmap-label here works as intended
'''self.draw_label = PixmapLabel(self.pixmap_label)
self.draw_label.setGeometry(130, 50, 911, 512)
self.label = self.findChild(QLabel, "label")
# find the button with the name "cancel_button"
self.cancel_button = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, "cancel_button")
# find the start_button button
self.start_button = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, "start_button")
self.pause_cont_button = self.findChild(QPushButton, "pause_cont_button")
# create the QThreadPool object to manage multiple threads
self.threadpool = QThreadPool()
print("Multithreading with maximum %d threads" % self.threadpool.maxThreadCount())
self.run_loop = True
# show application
def close_application(self):
def toggle_pause_continue(self):
changes the value of boolean run_loop to pause and continue the loop through the samples in the chosen scene
if self.run_loop:
self.run_loop = False
self.run_loop = True
def start_loop(self):
# hide start_button and show pause_cont_button
# start one further thread managed by threadpool
worker = Worker()
class PixmapLabel(QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(PixmapLabel, self).__init__(parent=parent)
def paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent) -> None:
# initiate QPainter instance
painter = QPainter(window.draw_label)
# open image
picture = QPixmap(os.getcwd() + '/test-image.png')
myPicturePixmap = picture.scaled(self.size(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
# draw red box on it
painter.drawPixmap(self.rect(), myPicturePixmap)
pen = QPen(Qt.red, 3)
painter.drawRect(10, 10, 100, 100)
class Worker(QRunnable):
# worker thread
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
print("Thread start")
for self.i in range(0, 50):
# create pixmap_label with drawings
# FIXME: make pixmap-label part of original GUI
window.draw_label = PixmapLabel(window.pixmap_label)
window.draw_label.setGeometry(130, 50, 911, 512)
while window.run_loop == False:
# show image for 0.5 seconds, then update image
# print in terminal to know that we are finished
print("Thread complete")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Ui()
The image I'm using:
