Select parent child element when child element matches text using selenium - python

I have html like so:
<div class="card">
<a>View Item</a>
<div class="card">
<a>View Item</a>
I want to select the card matching "Bar" and click the "View Item" link. I tried
cards = browser.find_elements_by_class_name('card')
for card in cards:
if card.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Bar'):
item_anchor = card.find_element_by_partial_link_text('View Item')
However I get the error:
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"partial link text","selector":"Bar"}

Try using the EC and below xpath.
Option 1:
Check if the link exist and then click (you can add the attributes to link in the xpath, if you are looking for any specific link)
link =WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,"//div[#class='card' and div[normalize-space(.)='Bar']]/a")))
if (link):
Options 2:
Using different xpath and len
links =WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH,"//div[#class='card']/div[normalize-space(.)='Bar']/following-sibling::a[normalize-space(.)='View Item']")))
if len(links)>0:
Option 3:
If you are not sure there are any levels present between B and A you can use the below xpath.
links =WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH,"//div[normalize-space(.)='Bar']/ancestor::div[#class='card']//a[normalize-space(.)='View Item']")))
if len(links)>0:

If you want to click on View Item of Bar, you can directly use this xpath :
//div[text()='Bar']/following-sibling::a[text()='View Item']
However introducing webdriver wait would a great idea for stability as mentioned by #supputuri

There are two ways to handle this situation based on your UI behavior:
1) If UI is fixed, use this xpath to identify and use click() to click on it.
2) If you are taking data from any external sources (like Database or Excel), pass your expected value (like Bar or Foo) as a parameter to the xpath method like below:
Define a class called Element like as below:
public class Element {
private WebElement element;
private WebDriver driver;
private String xpath;
// Constructor will wrap web element into Object and will allow to use any of the method declared below
public Element(String xpath) {
this.driver = new ChromeDriver();
this.xpath = xpath;
this.element = this.driver.findElement(By.xpath(this.xpath));
public void click() {;
Create POM class and write a methods like below:
public class PageObjectClass {
private Element elementToClick(String value) {
return new Element("//*[#class='card']/div[.='" + value + "']/following-sibling::a");
public void clickOnViewItemsLink(String value) {
By this way, you can click on any of View Item link just by passing value as a parameter

This can be achieved by a single line of code by using the correct xpath.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[text()='Bar']/following-sibling::a[text()='View Item']")).click();


How to click on specific text in a paragraph?

I have a paragraph element as follows:
<p>You have logged in successfully. <em>LOGOUT</em></p>
Clicking on "LOGOUT" will initiate a logout procedure (e.g display a confirmation prompt).
How do I simulate this clicking on "LOGOUT" using Selenium WebDriver?
To find and click the "LOGOUT" text with python, you can use the following code:
logout = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//em[text()='LOGOUT']")
This could help :
Execute button Click with Selenium
As a preach :
You should first, try to analize the general basic components offered for your tool, and the interactions with external systems (selection, executions, listening).
Based on the first link offered as a resource your code should be some like :
package postBlo;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chromse.ChromeDriver;
public class singleClickButton {
public singleClickButton() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.setProperty("", "./exefiles/chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver = new ChromeDriver();
//Referen an input component and set a values
driver.findElement("id-html-tag")).sendKeys("someValue text");
/* ## Execution of button by using id
You could use both methods to identify the element you need :
By using "xpath" expression wich allows you to navigate between elements by using expressions
By using id-identifier
Chose one of both.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/elemnts-container-button/button\r\n" + "")).click();
As a mention I'm not related to Selenium but still the logic it's alike.

How to fix 'Unable to find element with css selector' in Selenium on IE

I'm setting up a Selenium script on IE 11 to interact with checkboxs and radio buttons and am running into errors regarding CSS selectors not being found. I am able to get the script to log me in and navigate to the correct area using other CSS selectors.
Here is the result of Inspect Element on the checkbox that I am trying to work with.
<input name="AltrntProxyInd1" id="AltrntProxyInd" style="display: block; visibility: visible;" onclick="if(this.value != "Y"){ this.value = "Y"; countInstrucType(this, 'AltrntProxy' , 'Y'); } else{ this.value = "N"; countInstrucType(this, 'AltrntProxy' , 'N'); } fnRefreshInstructionGroup(this); if(typeof(fnChangedNotificationFunction) != "undefined") { fnChangedNotificationFunction(this); }" type="checkbox" value="Y" xp2="0" xp1="Instruction" csentry="" cshidden="0" cshiddenorig="0" csentryorig="O" vo="N" CSEntryBeforeHide="O">
When I try and use
I am given the error Unable to find element with css selector == [id="AltrntProxyInd"]
My current workaround is to use the following code, which targets a separate CSS element and then TABs down to the desired element. This is giving me the desired outcome, but I want to eliminate the tabbing and work with the element directly.
browser.find_element_by_id("urlAccountSpecialHandler").send_keys(Keys.TAB * 11)
AltProxyBox = browser.switch_to.active_element
Please let me know if a screenshot of the webform would be needed/helpful in diagnosing this issue. Thank you.

How to select a value from a drop-down using Selenium from a website with special setting- Python

Note: I particularly deal with this website
How can I use selenium with Python to get the reviews on this page to sort by 'Most recent'?
What I tried was:
driver.find_element_by_id('sort-order-dropdown').send_keys('Most recent')
from this didn't cause any error but didn't work.
Then I tried
from import Select
select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('sort-order-dropdown'))
select.select_by_visible_text('Most recent')
I've got: Message: Element <select id="sort-order-dropdown" class="a-native-dropdown" name=""> is not clickable at point (66.18333435058594,843.7999877929688) because another element <span class="a-dropdown-prompt"> obscures it
This one
element = driver.find_element_by_id('sort-order-dropdown')
li = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('#sort-order-dropdown > option:nth-child(2)')
from this caused the same error msg
This one from this caused the same error also
So, I'm curious to know if there is any way that I can select the reviews to sort from the most recent first.
Thank you
This worked for me using Java:
public void amazonTest() throws InterruptedException {
String URL = "";
String menuSelector = ".a-dropdown-prompt";
String menuItemSelector = ".a-dropdown-common .a-dropdown-item";
WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(menuSelector));;
List<WebElement> menuItem = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(menuItemSelector));
You can reuse the element names and follow a similar path using Python.
The key points here are:
Click on the menu itself
Click on the second menu item
It is a better practice not to hard-code the item number but actually read the item names and select the correct one so it works even if the menu changes. This is just a note for future improvement.
This is how the same can be done in Python.
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
URL = "";
menuSelector = ".a-dropdown-prompt";
menuItemSelector = ".a-dropdown-common .a-dropdown-item";
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
elem = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(menuSelector)
elemItems = []
elemItems = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(menuItemSelector)
Just to keep in mind, css selectors are a better alternative to xpath as they are much faster, more robust and easier to read and change.
This is the simplified version of what I did to get the reviews sorted from the most recent ones. As "Eugene S" said above, the key point is to click on the button itself and select/click the desired item from the list. However, my Python code use XPath instead of selector.
# click on "Top rated" button
# this one select the "Most recent"

How can I click button or div tag dynamically until it disappear from page using selenium python?

Using this link I want all reviews from that page.
I have used xpaths(given in sample code) to click load more until it disappear from that page,but my solution fails and giving following errors.
Error- Message: Element is no longer attached to the DOM Stacktrace
in _read_status
raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''
Sample Code with xpaths
xpath_content='//div[#class = "load-more"]'
Is there any solution which may not fail in any case? How can I click on load more until it disappear form that page or Is there any other way to get all reviews from this page?
One more thing I am using firepath to generate review's xpath which is .//*[#id='reviews-container']/div1/div[3]/div1/div/div/div[3]/div/div1/div
Is there a way to get our own xpath instead using firepath?
This is a java solution for your problem. You can use the same logic for python as well
public static void loadAll(WebDriver driver) {
while (true) {
//Using findElements to get list of elements so that it wont throw exception if element is not present
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class='load-more']"));
//If the size is zero that means load more element is not present so breaking the loop
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
//Assigning first element to a variable
WebElement loadEl = elements.get(0);
//Getting text of element
String text = loadEl.getText().toLowerCase();
//check if text contains load more, as, if it is loading it will have ... ,so we cant click at that time
if (text.contains("load more")) {;
//if text contains 1 to 4 means [for ex "Load More 4"] this is the last click so breaking the loop
if (text.matches("load more [1-4]")) {

Unable to perform click action in selenium python

I'm writing a test script using selenium in python. I have a web-page containing a tree-view object like this:
I want to traverse over the menu to go to the desired directory. Respective HTML code for plus/minus indications is this:
<a onclick="changeTree('tree', 'close.gif', 'open.gif');">
<img id="someid" src="open.gif" />
The src attribute of the image can be either open.gif or close.gif.
I can detect weather there is a plus or minus by simply checking the src attribute of the img tag. I can also easily access to the parent tag, a, by using .find_element_by_xpath("..").
The problem is that I can't perform the click action not on the img nor the a tag.
I'v tried webdriver.Actions(driver).move_to_element(el).click().perform(); but it did not work.
I think I should mention that there is no problem in accessing the elements, since I can print all their attributes; I just can't perform actions on them. Any help?
Here's the js code for collapsing and expanding the tree:
function changeTree(tree, image1, image2) {
if (!isTreeviewLocked(tree)) {
var image = document.getElementById("treeViewImage" + tree);
if (image.src.indexOf(image1)!=-1) {
image.src = image2;
} else {
image.src = image1;
if (document.getElementById("treeView" + tree).innerHTML == "") {
return true;
} else {
changeMenu("treeView" + tree);
return false;
} else {
return false;
I Googled for some hours and I found out that there is a problem about triggering the Javascript events and the click action from web-driver. Additionally I have a span tag in my web-page that has an onclick event and I also have this problem on it.
After some tries like .execute_script("changeTree();"), .submit(), etc, I have solved the issue by using the ActionChains class. Now, I can click in all elements that they have java-script events as onclick. The code that I have used is this:
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
el = driver.find_element_by_id("someid")
I don't know if it occurred just to me or what, but I found out that I should find the element right before the key command; otherwise the script does not perform the action. I think it would be related to staling elements or something like that; anyway, thanks all for their attention.
