How to pull last cell in column using openpyxl in python - python

I created a small program that writes to an excel file. I have another program that needs to read the last entry (in column A) every day. Since there is a new data imported into the excel file every day, the cell that I need to capture is different.
I'm looking to see if there is a way for me to grab the last cell in Column A using openpyxl in python?
I don't have much experience with this, so I wasn't sure where to start.
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('text.xlsx')
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')

try this, it should get the entire A column and take the last entry:


Opening an Excel File in Python Disables Dynamic Arrays

I have an excel workbook that uses functions like OFFSET, UNIQUE, and FILTER which spill into other cells. I'm using python to analyze and write some data to the workbook, but after doing so these formulas revert into normal arrays. This means they now take up a fixed number of cells (however many they took up before opening the file in python) instead of adjusting to fit all of the data. I can revert the change by selecting the formula and hitting enter, but there are many of these formulas it's more work to fix them than to just print the data to a text file and paste it into excel manually. Is there any way to prevent this behavior?
I've been using openpyxl to open and save the workbook, but after encountering this issue also tried xlsxwriter and the dataframe to excel function from pandas. Both of them had the same issue as openpyxl. For context I am on python 3.11 and using the most recent version of these modules. I believe this issue is on the Python side and not the Excel side, so I don't think changing Excel settings will help, but maybe there is something there I missed.
I've created an empty workbook with two sheets, one called 'main' and one called 'input'. The 'main' sheet will analyze data from the 'input' sheet which will be entered with openpyxl. The data will just be values in the first column.
In cell A1 of the 'main' sheet, enter =OFFSET(input!A1,0,0,COUNTA(input!A:A),1).
This formula will just show a copy of the data. Since there currently isn't any data it gives a #REF! error, so it only takes up one cell.
Now I'll run the following python code to add the numbers 0-9 into the first column of the input sheet:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('workbook.xlsx')
ws = wb['input']
for i in range(10):
When opening the new file, cell A1 on the 'main' sheet only has the first value, 0, instead of the range 0--9. When selecting the cell, you can see the formula is now {=OFFSET(input!A1,0,0,COUNTA(input!A:A),1)}. The curly brackets make it an array, so it wont spill. By hitting enter in the formula the array is removed and the sheet properly becomes the full range.
If I can get this simple example to work, then expanding it to the data I'm using shouldn't be a problem.

Freeze Panes first two rows and column with openpyxl

Trying to freeze the first two rows and first column with openpyxl, however, whenever doing such Excel says that the file is corrupted and there is no freeze.
Current code:
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
worksheet = workbook[first_sheet]
freeze_panes = Pane(xSplit=2000, ySplit=3000, state="frozen", activePane="bottomRight")
worksheet.sheet_view.pane = freeze_panes
Took a look at the documentation, however, there is little explanation on parametere setting.
Desired output:
Came across this answer, however, it fits a specific use case, hence, wanted to make a general question for future reference:
How to split Excel screen with Openpyxl?
To freeze the first two rows and first column, use the sample code below... ws.freeze_panes works. Note that, like you would do in excel, select the cell above and left of which you want to freeze. So, in your case, the cell should be B3. Hope this is what you are looking for.
import openpyxl
mycell = ws['B3']
ws.freeze_panes = mycell'Sample.xlsx')

How to append data to the last row (every time) of an Excel file?

I am looking for a way to append data from a Python program to an excel sheet. For this, I chose the openpyxl library to save this data.
My problem is how to put new data in the excel file without losing the current data, in the last row of the sheet. I look into the documentation but I did not see any answer.
I do not know if this library has a method to add new data or I need to make a logic to this task.
The last row of the sheet can be found using max_row():
from openpyxl import load_workbook
#load the workbook, and put the sheet into a variable
wb = load_workbook(filename=myFileName)
ws = wb['Sheet1']
#max_row is a sheet function that gets the last row in a sheet.
newRowLocation = ws.max_row +1
#write to the cell you want, specifying row and column, and value :-)
ws.cell(column=1,row=newRowLocation, value="aha! a new entry at the end")
What you're looking for is the Worksheet.append method:
Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet.
If it’s a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column
If it’s a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters)
So no need to check for the last row. Just use this method to always add the data at the end.
ws.append(["some", "test", "data"])

Using Python to load template excel file, insert a DataFrame to specific lines and save as a new file

I'm having troubles writing something that I believe should be relatively easy.
I have a template excel file, that has some visualizations on it with a few spreadsheets. I want to write a scripts that loads the template, inserts an existing dataframe rows to specific cells on each sheet, and saves the new excel file as a new file.
The template already have all the cells designed and the visualization, so i will want to insert this data only without changing the design.
I tried several packages and none of them seemed to work for me.
Thanks for your help! :-)
I have written a package for inserting Pandas DataFrames to Excel sheets (specific rows/cells/columns), it's called pyxcelframe:
It has very simple and short documentation, and the method you need is insert_frame
So, let's say we have a Pandas DataFrame called df which we have to insert in the Excel file ("MyWorkbook") sheet named "MySheet" from the cell B5, we can just use insert_frame function as follows:
from pyxcelframe import insert_frame
from openpyxl import load_workbook
workbook = load_workbook("MyWorkbook.xlsx")
worksheet = workbook["MySheet"]
row_range=(5, 0),
col_range=(2, 0))
0 as the value of the second element of row_range or col_range means that there is no ending row or column specified, if you need specific ending row/column you can replace 0 with it.
Sounds like a job for xlwings. You didn't post any test data, but modyfing below to suit your needs should be quite straight-forward.
import xlwings as xw
wb = xw.Book('your_excel_template.xlsx')
wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('A1').value = df[your_selected_rows]'new_file.xlsx')

Delete excel row with Python

I'm doing some testing using python-excel modules. I can't seem to find a way to delete a row in an excel sheet using these modules and the internet hasn't offered up a solution. Is there a way to delete a row using one of the python-excel modules?
In my case, I want to open an excel sheet, read the first row, determine if it contains some valid data, if not, then delete it.
Any suggestions are welcome.
xlwt provides as the module name suggests Excel writer (creation rather than modification) funcionality.
xlrd on the other hand provides Excel reader funcionality.
If your source excel file is rather simple (no fancy graphs, pivot tables, etc.), you should proceed this way:
with xlrd module read the contents of the targeted excel file, and then with xlwt module create new excel file which contains the necessary rows.
If you, however are running this on windows platform , you might be able to manipulate Excel directly through Microsoft COM objects, see old book reference.
I was having the same issue but found a walk around:
Use a custom filter process (Reader>Filter1>Filter2>...>Writer) to generate a copy of the source excel file but with a blank column inserted at the front. Let's call this file augmented.xls.
Then, read augmented.xls into a xlrd.Workbook object, rb, using xlrd.open_workbook().
Use xlutils.copy.copy() to convert rb into a xlwt.Workbook object, wb.
Set the value of the first column of each of the to-be-deleted rows as "x" (or other values as a marker) in wb.
Save wb back to augmented.xls.
Use another custom filter process to generate a resulting excel file from augmented.xls by omitting those rows with "x" in the first column and shifting all columns one column left (equivalent to deleting the first column of markers).
Information and examples of defining a filter process can be found in
Hope this help in some way.
You can use the library openpyxl. When opening a file it is both for reading and for writing. Then, with a simple function you can achieve that:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook(filename)
ws =
first_row = ws[1]
# Your code here using first_row
if first_row not valid:
ws.delete_rows(1, amount=1)
