I cant figure out how to start the server using a python command.
s = subprocess.Popen('"D:\MC SERVER 2k19\server.jar" -jar server.jar java', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
This code runs without error but doesn't start the server in cmd.
It's got to do with how you're passing your arguments.
subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', 'server.jar'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, cwd='D:\MC SERVER 2k19')
If you need to start a Java program using CMD process from Python and show the window, you can use subprocess to call open another CMD terminal and run the command.
In Windows you will need to CMD-escape spaces in the path you passing to the secondary CMD process. This is done with the carrot ^
proc = subprocess.Popen(
['start', 'cmd', '/k', "D:\\MC^ SERVER^ 2k19\\server.jar",
'-jar', 'server.jar', 'java'],
Keep in mind you will NOT be able to retrieve any output from the secondary CMD process from Python.
I.e. the process will return nothing.
# returns:
(b'', b'')
Hey i'm trying to run a shell Script with python using the Following lines:
import subprocess
shellscript = subprocess.Popen(["displaySoftware.sh"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
returncode = shellscript.wait()
But when I run the Program it says that it can't find the .sh file.
Your command is missing "sh", you have to pass "shell=True" and "yes\n" has to be encoded.
Your sample code should look like this:
import subprocess
shellscript = subprocess.Popen(["sh displaySoftware.sh"], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE )
returncode = shellscript.wait()
This method might be better:
import subprocess
shellscript = subprocess.Popen(["displaySoftware.sh"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
returncode = shellscript.communicate(input='yes\n'.encode())[0]
When running this on my machine the "displaySoftware.sh" script, that is in the same directory as the python script, is successfully executed.
We're having an issue kicking off a subprocess.Popen within an airflow operator. We're using the following code to kick off sqlcl:
import subprocess
cmd = '/usr/local/bin/sqlcl -V'
p = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, shell=True,
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''):
self.log.info('%s', line)
# we have also tried p.communicate() and p.poll() here
The snippet above works when run from ipython but hangs with no output when run from within airflow. Any suggestions?
I need to gzip files of size more than 10 GB using python on top of shell commands and hence decided to use subprocess Popen.
Here is my code:
outputdir = '/mnt/json/output/'
inp_cmd='gzip -r ' + outputdir
pipe = Popen(["bash"], stdout =PIPE,stdin=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
cmd = bytes(inp_cmd.encode('utf8'))
stdout_data,stderr_data = pipe.communicate(input=cmd)
It is not gzip-ing the files within output directory.
Any way out?
The best way is to use subprocess.call() instead of subprocess.communicate().
call() waits till the command is executed completely while in Popen(), one has to extrinsically use wait() method for the execution to finish.
Have you tried it like this:
output_dir = "/mnt/json/output/"
cmd = "gzip -r {}".format(output_dir)
proc = subprocess.Popen(
out, err = proc.communicate()
when I run this subprocess command from python, it seems like python stalls and never outputs anything :
msg = subprocess.call(['/Users/admirmonteiro/bin/Praat', '/Users/admirmonteiro/tmp/tmp.praat'])
but when I run the command itself from the terminal, it runs and closes as it should :
Praat /tmp/tmp.praat
Is anyone able to tell me why python is not finishing up the code and is stalling and not outputting anything?
thanks !
You could try making sure the stdin and stdout (or other file descriptors) are not causing the problem:
p = subprocess.POpen(
['/Users/admirmonteiro/bin/Praat', '/Users/admirmonteiro/tmp/tmp.praat'],
print p.communicate()
print p.wait()
it seems you have exchanged the arguments.
msg = subprocess.call(['/Users/admirmonteiro/bin/Praat', '/Users/admirmonteiro/tmp/tmp.praat'])
should be
msg = subprocess.call([ '/Users/admirmonteiro/tmp/tmp.praat','/Users/admirmonteiro/bin/Praat'])
There's a file named startup.cmd that sets some environment variables, runs some preparation commands, then does:
start "startup" cmd /k
Which opens a command shell named startup. The manual process I'm trying to automate is to then enter the following command into this shell: get startup.xml. I thought the correct way to do this in Python would be something like this:
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen('startup.cmd', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
getcommand = 'get startup.xml'
servercommand = 'startserver'
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate()
print stdoutdata
print stderrdata
But those commands don't seem to be executing in the shell. What am I missing? Also, the command shell appears regardless of whether shell is set to True or False.
I found this warning in subprocess's document,
Warning Use communicate() rather than .stdin.write, .stdout.read or .stderr.read to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS pipe buffers filling up and blocking the child process.
So my suggestion is to use communicate to send your command.
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen('startup.cmd', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
command = 'get startup.xml\n'
command += 'startserver\n'
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate(command)
print stdoutdata
print stderrdata
This is a new process, so one cannot communicate directly with Popen.