I would like to make a scrollable Frame.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self):
self.metrics = []
self.content = ttk.Frame(root)
self.v = Scrollbar(root, orient = "vertical")
self.class_label = Label(self.content, text = "labels")
self.A_label = Label(self.content, text = "A")
self.A_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.A_input = self.A_entry.get()
self.A_hint = Label(self.content, text = "A")
self.B_label = Label(self.content, text = "B")
self.B_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.B_input = self.B_entry.get()
self.B_hint = Label(self.content, text = "B")
self.C = Label(self.content, text = "C")
self.space = Label(self.content, text = "")
self.D_label = Label(self.content, text = "D")
self.D_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.D_hint = Label(self.content, text = "D")
self.E_label = Label(self.content, text = "E")
self.E_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.E_hint = Label(self.content, text = "D")
self.F_label = Label(self.content, text = "F")
self.F_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.F_hint = Label(self.content, text = "F")
self.G_label = Label(self.content, text = "G")
self.G_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.G_hint = Label(self.content, text = "G")
self.H_label = Label(self.content, text = "H")
self.H_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.H_hint = Label(self.content, text = "H")
self.I_label = Label(self.content, text = "I")
self.I_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.I_hint = Label(self.content, text = "I")
self.J_label = Label(self.content, text = "J")
self.J_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.J_hint = Label(self.content, text = "J")
self.K_label = Label(self.content, text = "K")
self.K_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.K_hint = Label(self.content, text = "K")
self.space2 = Label(self.content, text = "")
self.L_label = Label(self.content, text = "L")
self.L_entry = Entry(self.content, width = 5)
self.content.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.v.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = NS)
self.class_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.A_label.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self.A_entry.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
self.A_hint.grid(row = 1, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.B_label.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.B_entry.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
self.B_hint.grid(row = 2, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.C.grid(row = 3, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.space.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
self.D_label.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
self.D_entry.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
self.D_hint.grid(row = 6, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.E_label.grid(row = 7, column = 0)
self.E_entry.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
self.E_hint.grid(row = 7, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.F_label.grid(row = 8, column = 0)
self.F_entry.grid(row = 8, column = 1)
self.F_hint.grid(row = 8, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.G_label.grid(row = 9, column = 0)
self.G_entry.grid(row = 9, column = 1)
self.G_hint.grid(row = 9, column = 3, sticky = "w")
self.H_label.grid(row = 10, column = 0)
self.H_entry.grid(row = 10, column = 1)
self.H_hint.grid(row = 10, column = 3, sticky = "w", columnspan = 2)
self.I_label.grid(row = 11, column = 0)
self.I_entry.grid(row = 11, column = 1)
self.I_hint.grid(row = 11, column = 3, sticky = "w", columnspan = 2)
self.J_label.grid(row = 12, column = 0)
self.J_entry.grid(row = 12, column = 1)
self.J_hint.grid(row = 12, column = 3, sticky = "w", columnspan = 2)
self.K_label.grid(row = 13, column = 0)
self.K_entry.grid(row = 13, column = 1)
self.K_hint.grid(row = 13, column = 3, sticky = "w", columnspan = 2)
self.space2.grid(row = 14, column = 0)
self.L_label.grid(row = 19, column = 0)
self.L_entry.grid(row = 19, column = 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
new_window = MainWindow()
In this first example, the button in the scrollbar does appear but it can't scroll and when I change the window's size, the scrollbar doesn't move.
If I'm not mistaken, I need to create a canvas within my frame and put everything inside this canvas. However, I read that I'm also supposed to put an inner frame inside the canvas. How am I supposed to do it?
So I tried this:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
options = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]
root = Tk()
root.title("random software")
content = ttk.Frame(root)
vscrollbar = Scrollbar(content, orient=VERTICAL)
scrollable_canvas = Canvas(content)
inner_frame = Frame(scrollable_canvas)
A_label = Label(content, text = "A")
A_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
A_hint = Label(content, text = "lorem")
B_label = Label(content, text = "B")
B_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
B_hint = Label(content, text = "ipsum")
C_label = Label(content, text = "C")
C_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
C_hint = Label(content, text = "dolor")
D_label = Label(content, text = "D")
D_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
D_hint = Label(content, text = "sit")
E_label = Label(content, text = "E")
E_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
E_hint = Label(content, text = "amet")
F_label = Label(content, text = "F")
F_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
F_hint = Label(content, text = "consectetur")
G_label = Label(content, text = "G")
G_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
G_hint = Label(content, text = "adipiscing")
H_label = Label(content, text = "H")
H_entry = Entry(content, width = 5)
H_hint = Label(content, text = "elit")
selected_option = StringVar()
option_label = OptionMenu(content, selected_option, *options)
content.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
vscrollbar.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = NS)
option_label.grid(row = 5, column = 1)
A_label.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
A_entry.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
A_hint.grid(row = 6, column = 3, sticky = "w")
B_label.grid(row = 7, column = 0)
B_entry.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
B_hint.grid(row = 7, column = 3, sticky = "w")
C_label.grid(row = 8, column = 0)
C_entry.grid(row = 8, column = 1)
C_hint.grid(row = 8, column = 3, sticky = "w")
D_label.grid(row = 9, column = 0)
D_entry.grid(row = 9, column = 1)
D_hint.grid(row = 9, column = 3, sticky = "w")
E_label.grid(row = 10, column = 0)
E_entry.grid(row = 10, column = 1)
E_hint.grid(row = 10, column = 3, sticky = "w")
F_label.grid(row = 11, column = 0)
F_entry.grid(row = 11, column = 1)
F_hint.grid(row = 11, column = 3, sticky = "w")
G_label.grid(row = 12, column = 0)
G_entry.grid(row = 12, column = 1)
G_hint.grid(row = 12, column = 3, sticky = "w")
H_label.grid(row = 13, column = 0)
H_entry.grid(row = 13, column = 1)
H_hint.grid(row = 13, column = 3, sticky = "w")
In this case, the scrollbar isn't extended from top to bottom, it doesn't appear on the right side of the window and when I change the window's size the scrollbar doesn't move. Why isn't it extended on the right side (like the first case) and how to make the scrollbar scrollable?
I saw a few answers with pack but I would like to continue using grid.
Based on the answer from Ovski, I managed to get this:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
options = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]
root = Tk()
root.title("random software")
content = ttk.Frame(root)
scrollable_canvas = Canvas(content)
vscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(content, orient=VERTICAL, command = scrollable_canvas.yview)
lambda e: scrollable_canvas.configure(scrollregion = scrollable_canvas.bbox("all")))
inner_frame = Frame(scrollable_canvas)
scrollable_canvas.create_window((0, 0), window = inner_frame, anchor = "nw")
A_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "A")
A_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
A_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "lorem")
B_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "B")
B_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
B_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "ipsum")
C_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "C")
C_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
C_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "dolor")
D_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "D")
D_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
D_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "sit")
E_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "E")
E_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
E_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "amet")
F_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "F")
F_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
F_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "consectetur")
G_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "G")
G_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
G_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "adipiscing")
H_label = Label(inner_frame, text = "H")
H_entry = Entry(inner_frame, width = 5)
H_hint = Label(inner_frame, text = "elit")
content.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
scrollable_canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
vscrollbar.grid(row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "NS" + "E")
A_label.grid(row = 6, column = 0)
A_entry.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
A_hint.grid(row = 6, column = 3, sticky = "w")
B_label.grid(row = 7, column = 0)
B_entry.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
B_hint.grid(row = 7, column = 3, sticky = "w")
C_label.grid(row = 8, column = 0)
C_entry.grid(row = 8, column = 1)
C_hint.grid(row = 8, column = 3, sticky = "w")
D_label.grid(row = 9, column = 0)
D_entry.grid(row = 9, column = 1)
D_hint.grid(row = 9, column = 3, sticky = "w", columnspan = 2)
E_label.grid(row = 10, column = 0)
E_entry.grid(row = 10, column = 1)
E_hint.grid(row = 10, column = 3, sticky = "w")
F_label.grid(row = 11, column = 0)
F_entry.grid(row = 11, column = 1)
F_hint.grid(row = 11, column = 3, sticky = "w")
G_label.grid(row = 12, column = 0)
G_entry.grid(row = 12, column = 1)
G_hint.grid(row = 12, column = 3, sticky = "w")
H_label.grid(row = 13, column = 0)
H_entry.grid(row = 13, column = 1)
H_hint.grid(row = 13, column = 3, sticky = "w")
The idea behind this is that grid and pack should be combined to get the best result. In this case, using grid with a scrollbar wouldn't really work because the scrollbar would be stuck in its case. By putting every widget in a canvas, the canvas can be aligned using pack and the scrollbar will stick to the border.
Here is a working example of a frame, containing a canvas, containing an "inner_frame" holding a grid of labels.
Included a function that handles scroll events, but this only works if you have a single scrollable area as it locks the scrollwheel to the application, not the frame.
There is also a part (read the comments) to handle resizing of the window.
import tkinter as tk
# mouse wheel scrolling with reduced speed
def on_mouse_wheel(event):
canvas.yview('scroll', int(-1 * event.delta / 120), 'units')
root = tk.Tk()
root.bind('<MouseWheel>', on_mouse_wheel) # bind mousewheel to root, this only works if you have a single scroll area
window_width = 400
window_height = 200
table_columns = 4
table_rows = 30
main_frame = tk.Frame(root)
main_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # frame goes to the left
canvas = tk.Canvas(main_frame)
canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
v_scroll = tk.Scrollbar(main_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=canvas.yview)
v_scroll.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) # scrollbar goes to the right
'<Configure>', lambda e: canvas.configure(scrollregion=canvas.bbox(tk.ALL))
) # adjust scrolling area on resize
inside_frame = tk.Frame(canvas) # frame where you put your actual content
canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=inside_frame, anchor=tk.N) # adding the inside_frame to the canvas
# an example grid with some data
for y in range(table_rows):
for x in range(table_columns):
tk.Label(inside_frame, text=f'{y}:{x}', borderwidth=1, relief=tk.SOLID, width=10).grid(column=x, row=y)
This is the way I handle scrollbars for all my GUI applications and it seems to be the only way if you want to scroll widgets other then a textbox or a treeview.
Conclusion: Use the pack manager to arrange the main frame, canvas and inner frame and put all your content inside the inner frame with whatever window manager you like.
UPDATE: Your modified code from the first example
I removed ttk as it is not needed and refactored the coded a bit.
import tkinter as tk
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self, root: tk.Tk):
self.root = root
self.main_frame = tk.Frame(root)
self.main_frame.pack(fill=tk.Y, expand=1)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.main_frame, width=100)
self.canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y)
self.v = tk.Scrollbar(self.main_frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.canvas.yview)
self.v.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)
self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda e: self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox(tk.ALL)))
self.inner_frame = tk.Frame(self.canvas)
self.canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.inner_frame, anchor=tk.NW)
self.class_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="labels")
self.A_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="A")
self.A_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.A_input = self.A_entry.get()
self.A_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="A")
self.B_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="B")
self.B_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.B_input = self.B_entry.get()
self.B_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="B")
self.C = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="C")
self.space = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="")
self.D_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="D")
self.D_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.D_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="D")
self.E_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="E")
self.E_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.E_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="D")
self.F_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="F")
self.F_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.F_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="F")
self.G_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="G")
self.G_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.G_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="G")
self.H_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="H")
self.H_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.H_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="H")
self.I_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="I")
self.I_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.I_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="I")
self.J_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="J")
self.J_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.J_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="J")
self.K_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="K")
self.K_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.K_hint = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="K")
self.space2 = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="")
self.L_label = tk.Label(self.inner_frame, text="L")
self.L_entry = tk.Entry(self.inner_frame, width=5)
self.class_label.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.A_label.grid(row=1, column=0)
self.A_entry.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.A_hint.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="w")
self.B_label.grid(row=2, column=0)
self.B_entry.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.B_hint.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="w")
self.C.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky="w")
self.space.grid(row=4, column=0)
self.D_label.grid(row=6, column=0)
self.D_entry.grid(row=6, column=1)
self.D_hint.grid(row=6, column=3, sticky="w")
self.E_label.grid(row=7, column=0)
self.E_entry.grid(row=7, column=1)
self.E_hint.grid(row=7, column=3, sticky="w")
self.F_label.grid(row=8, column=0)
self.F_entry.grid(row=8, column=1)
self.F_hint.grid(row=8, column=3, sticky="w")
self.G_label.grid(row=9, column=0)
self.G_entry.grid(row=9, column=1)
self.G_hint.grid(row=9, column=3, sticky="w")
self.H_label.grid(row=10, column=0)
self.H_entry.grid(row=10, column=1)
self.H_hint.grid(row=10, column=3, sticky="w", columnspan=2)
self.I_label.grid(row=11, column=0)
self.I_entry.grid(row=11, column=1)
self.I_hint.grid(row=11, column=3, sticky="w", columnspan=2)
self.J_label.grid(row=12, column=0)
self.J_entry.grid(row=12, column=1)
self.J_hint.grid(row=12, column=3, sticky="w", columnspan=2)
self.K_label.grid(row=13, column=0)
self.K_entry.grid(row=13, column=1)
self.K_hint.grid(row=13, column=3, sticky="w", columnspan=2)
self.space2.grid(row=14, column=0)
self.L_label.grid(row=19, column=0)
self.L_entry.grid(row=19, column=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
new_window = MainWindow(tk.Tk())
Im trying to append the input numbers to my array data everytime I click the button "agregar", however it seems like it only appends the value i just inserted and completely forgets about the previous append. I don't get any error messaged with that one. Also, when I click "iniciar" it should draw ovals with the values in data but I get the error
TypeError: Iniciar() missing 1 required positional argument: 'data'
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and would appreciate it if anyone could help.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from array import *
import random
tk = Tk()
tk.title('Bubble Sort')
tk.maxsize(900, 600)
tk.config(bg = 'black')
algoritmo = StringVar()
def dibujar(data):
cHeight = 380
cWidth = 600
#para escalar
algoWidth = cWidth / (len(data) + 1)
algoHeight = cWidth / (len(data) + 1)
offset = 20
spacing = 10
tamData = [i / max(data) for i in data]
for i, height in enumerate(tamData):
#top left
x0 = i * algoWidth + offset + spacing
y0 = cHeight - height * 50
#botom right
x1 = (i+1) * algoWidth + offset
y1 = cHeight
c.create_oval(x0,y0,x1,y1, fill = 'red')
c.create_text(x0+2,y0, anchor = SW, text=str(data[i]))
def Iniciar(data):
print("Se selecciono: " + algoritmo.get())
def agregar():
data = array('i', [1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
input = int(inputVal.get())
print("valor input:")
def limpiar():
box = Frame(tk, width = 600, height = 200, bg = 'black' )
box.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx=10, pady=5)
c = Canvas(tk, width = 600, height = 380, bg = 'grey')
c.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx=10, pady=5)
label = Label(box, text='Lista Algoritmos: ', font = ("Arial",15), borderwidth=1, bg = "black" , fg = 'white')
label.grid(row=0,column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky = W)
menu = ttk.Combobox(box, textvariable = algoritmo, values=['BUBBLE SORT', 'MERGE SORT', 'HASH TABLES', 'ARBOL AVL', 'ARBOLES ROJO Y NEGRO'])
menu.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
botonStart = Button(box, text = 'Iniciar', command = Iniciar, bg = 'lime green')
botonStart.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
label = Label(box, text='Insertar valor: ', font = ("Arial",15), borderwidth=1, bg = "black" , fg = 'white')
label.grid(row=1,column=0, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = W)
inputVal = Entry(box)
inputVal.grid(row=1,column=1, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = W)
botonAdd = Button(box, text = 'Agregar', command = agregar, bg = 'lime green')
botonAdd.grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = W)
botonClear = Button(box, text = 'Limpiar', command = limpiar, bg = 'lime green')
botonClear.grid(row = 1, column = 3, padx = 5, pady = 5, sticky = W)
You are defining Iniciar here:
def Iniciar(data):
print("Se selecciono: " + algoritmo.get())
But when you call it below you aren't passing a data argument to it
botonStart = Button(box, text = 'Iniciar', command = Iniciar, bg = 'lime green')
this my situation. I'm learning how to use python (I just started) to create a GUI with Tkinter. One requirement of my application is to be able to store "DateEntry", while investigating I came across with tkcalendar DateEntry. The problem is that DateEntry is created as a class but my already created window(GUI) is a class as well and I don't know how to combine the class DateEntry into my class client which creates a mainwindow, I think that's beyond my knowledge. I want a DateEntry to be displayed in another toplevel() window when the button "Fecha Check-in" is used. Can anyone explain how to do it?
this is the image
This is the code:
from tkcalendar import DateEntry
from datetime import date
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import *
import sqlite3
#year = datetime.date.today().year
#month = datetime.date.today().month
class client:
def __init__(self, window):
self.wind = window
self.wind.title('Start Bits CheckIn-CheckOut')
#self.wind.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
#self.wind.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
frame_2 = Label(self.wind, text = 'Registro de huéspedes')
frame_2.grid(row = 0, column = 0, pady = 5)
frame = LabelFrame(self.wind, text = 'Datos personales', borderwidth=4, relief="raised")
frame.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 10, pady = 2, sticky = W + E)
# #label ID
L_ID = Label(frame, text = 'Cédula: ').grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 1)
self.ID = Entry(frame, width = 25)
self.ID.grid(row = 1, column = 1, columnspan = 2)
#label Nombre
L_name = Label(frame, text = 'Nombres: ').grid(row = 2, column =0, padx = 1, pady = 2)
self.nombre = Entry(frame, width = 25)
self.nombre.grid(row = 2, column = 1, columnspan = 2)
#label last
L_last = Label(frame, text = 'Apellidos: ').grid(row = 3, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 2)
self.last = Entry(frame, width = 25)
self.last.grid(row = 3, column = 1, columnspan = 2)
#label contact phone
L_phone = Label(frame, text = 'Teléfono: ').grid(row = 4, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 2)
self.phone = Entry(frame, width = 25)
self.phone.grid(row = 4, column = 1, columnspan = 2)
#label email
L_mail = Label(frame, text = 'Email: ').grid(row = 5, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 2)
self.mail = Entry(frame, width = 25)
self.mail.grid(row = 5, column = 1, columnspan = 2)
#label CheckIn
L_ChkIN = Label(frame, text = 'Check-In: ').grid(row = 6, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 5)
ttk.Button(frame, text = 'Fecha Check-In', command = self.fecha_In).grid(row = 6, column = 2)
#label CheckOut
L_ChkOut = Label(frame, text = 'Check-Out').grid(row = 7, column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 5)
#button registrar
ttk.Button(frame, text = 'Registrar' ).grid(row = 2, column = 6, padx = 10)
#button actualizar
ttk.Button(frame, text = 'Actualizar').grid(row = 4, column = 6, padx = 10)
def fecha_In(self):
self.fecha_in = Toplevel()
self.fecha_in.title = 'Fecha Check-In'
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = Tk()
style = ttk.Style(window)
alien = PhotoImage(file = "Start Bits.png")
fondo = Label(window, image = alien).grid(row = 8, column = 0)
application = client(window)
I'm following the examples in our text and I can't see any issue with the code that would cause this particular issue, it is saying lotnumsred isn't defined and I can't figure out why. Keeps returning NameError: name 'lotnumsred' is not defined.
from tkinter import *
import random
def pickrando():
addnumred = random.randint(1, 35)
window = Tk()
producebutton = Button(window, text = "Produce a Drawing", command = pickrando())
producebutton.grid(padx=10, pady = 10, row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 4, sticky = NSEW)
lotnumsred = StringVar()
lotnumswhite = StringVar()
whiteentry = Entry(window, state = "readonly", textvariable = lotnumswhite, width = 10)
whiteentry.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)
redentry = Entry(window, state = "readonly", textvariable = lotnumsred, width = 3)
redentry.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = W)
whitelabel = Label(window, text = "White balls:")
whitelabel.grid(padx = 2, pady = 5, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = E)
redlabel = Label(window, text = "Red ball:")
redlabel.grid(padx = 2, pady = 5, row = 2, column = 0, sticky = E)
Should be putting a random number in the entry field for the red number, I know that white isn't in the code atm I removed it because it was originally having the same problem and I thought it was something else. So I don't expect the white numbers to work.
from tkinter import *
import random
def pickrando():
addnumred = random.randint(1, 35)
window = Tk()
producebutton = Button(window, text = "Produce a Drawing", command = pickrando())
producebutton.grid(padx=10, pady = 10, row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 4, sticky = NSEW)
lotnumsred = StringVar()
lotnumswhite = StringVar()
whiteentry = Entry(window, state = "readonly", textvariable = lotnumswhite, width = 10)
whiteentry.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)
redentry = Entry(window, state = "readonly", textvariable = lotnumsred, width = 3)
redentry.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = W)
whitelabel = Label(window, text = "White balls:")
whitelabel.grid(padx = 2, pady = 5, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = E)
redlabel = Label(window, text = "Red ball:")
redlabel.grid(padx = 2, pady = 5, row = 2, column = 0, sticky = E)
You are accessing lotnumsred in the function pickrando(). So that means lotnumsred must be defined before you call that function. But pickrando() is supposed to be called whenever a Button is created. But what's actually happening is its being called on line 8
That is why you are getting the error, since pickrando() is being called, before the 10th line where lotnumsred is being definied.
You can change it by doing command = pickrando