I'm using joind table inheritance here.
class BaseEntity(Base):
some_col = Column(String)
base_relationship = relationship("some_relationship", backref="depends_on_who_inherits_me")
class SubEntity(BaseEntity):
some_unique_col = Column(String)
Because the specific backref name will only become known in the run-time(in this case, it should be SubEntity, but it should be able to be inheritable by unlimited subclasses), I need depends_on_who_inherits_me part a variable, or more specifically, the inheriting sub-class's name, instead of a string. So each sub-class will have a relationship referring to a third-party class, while having it referring back to that particular sub-class by its appropriate name.
However, because this is outside of any method, I can't use self to flexibly refer to the instances.
How to implement this idea? Thanks.
One way you might achieve this is with a Mixin that uses declared_attr.cascading.
Here's the mixin class:
class Mixin:
def related_entity(cls):
if has_inherited_table(cls):
return relationship(
The cascading flag on declared_attr will make sqlalchemy attempt to render the 'mixed in' attribute on every class in the hierarchy. Or as the docs put it:
This is a special-use modifier which indicates that a column or
MapperProperty-based declared attribute should be configured
distinctly per mapped subclass, within a mapped-inheritance scenario.
The has_inherited_table() function, allows us to determine within the mixin if we are dealing with the BaseEntity or a subclass, so that we only add the relationships on to the subclasses.
The mixin is then inherited into the BaseEntity model:
class BaseEntity(Base, Mixin):
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
related_id = sa.Column(
sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('relatedentity.id'))
discriminator = sa.Column(sa.String)
def __mapper_args__(cls):
if has_inherited_table(cls):
args = {'polymorphic_identity': cls.__name__.lower()}
args = {'polymorphic_on': cls.discriminator}
return args
As you mentioned in your question that you are using joined table inheritance, I've defined the __mapper_args__ on BaseEntity using a #declared_attr method so that the polymorphic_identity also can be automatically generated from the class name for the subclasses.
So with this configuration, every subclass of BaseEntity will apply a relationship attribute on RelatedEntity named after the subclass. Here's the full working example:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import (declarative_base, declared_attr,
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
class BaseClass:
def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.__name__.lower()
Base = declarative_base(cls=BaseClass)
engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite://', echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
class Mixin:
def related_entity(cls):
if has_inherited_table(cls):
return relationship(
class BaseEntity(Base, Mixin):
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
related_id = sa.Column(
sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('relatedentity.id'))
discriminator = sa.Column(sa.String)
def __mapper_args__(cls):
if has_inherited_table(cls):
args = {'polymorphic_identity': cls.__name__.lower()}
args = {'polymorphic_on': cls.discriminator}
return args
class RelatedEntity(Base):
""" Class that is related to all `BaseEntity` subclasses"""
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
class SubEntity(BaseEntity):
""" Will generate `RelatedEntity.subentity`"""
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('baseentity.id'),
class OtherEntity(BaseEntity):
""" Will generate `RelatedEntity.otherentity`"""
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('baseentity.id'),
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = Session()
rel_inst = RelatedEntity()
print(rel_inst.subentity, rel_inst.otherentity)
# [<__main__.SubEntity object at 0x0000023487D42C18>] [<__main__.OtherEntity object at 0x0000023487D60278>]
The reason we can't define the related_entity() declared_attr method in BaseModel is because SQLAlchemy will not honor the cascade, and there will be no relationships generated (becuase the if has_inherited_table(cls): block prevents BaseModel from generating one). From the docs:
The flag only applies to the use of declared_attr on declarative mixin
classes and __abstract__ classes; it currently has no effect when used
on a mapped class directly.
I have the following simplified database access layer and two tables:
class DataAccessLayer():
def __init__(self):
conn_string = "mysql+mysqlconnector://root:root#localhost/"
self.engine = create_engine(conn_string)
Session = sessionmaker()
self.session = Session()
class MatchesATP(Base):
__tablename__ = "matches_atp"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "belgarath", "extend_existing": True}
ID_M = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ID_T_M = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("oncourt.tours_atp.ID_T"))
class TournamentsATP(Base):
__tablename__ = "tours_atp"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "oncourt", "extend_existing": True}
ID_T = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
NAME_T = Column(String(255))
I want to be able to switch the schema names for the two tables to test databases as follows:
belgarath to belgarath_test
oncourt to oncourt_test
I've tried adding:
self.session.connection(execution_options={"schema_translate_map": {"belgarath": belgarath, "oncourt": oncourt}})
To the bottom of DataAccessLayer and then initialising the class with two variables as follows:
def __init__(self, belgarath, oncourt):
However, when I build the following query:
dal = DataAccessLayer("belgarath_test", "oncourt_test")
query = dal.session.query(MatchesATP)
I get the following SQL:
SELECT belgarath.matches_atp.`ID_M` AS `belgarath_matches_atp_ID_M`, belgarath.matches_atp.`ID_T_M` AS `belgarath_matches_atp_ID_T_M`
FROM belgarath.matches_atp
This is still referencing the belgarath table.
I also can't figure out a way of changing the schema of the foreign key of oncourt.tours_atp.ID_T at the same time as the tables.
Are there individual solutions or a combined solution to my issues?
You might wanna decorate your subclassed Base declarative model with the #declared_attr decorator.
Try this--
In a base class for your models, say __init__.py...
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, declared_attr
SCHEMA_MAIN = 'belgarath' # figure out how you want to retrieve this
SCHEMA_TEST = 'belgarath_test'
class _Base(object):
def __table_args__(cls):
return {'schema': SCHEMA_MAIN}
Base = declarative_base(cls=_Base)
Base.metadata.schema = SCHEMA_MAIN
Now that you have a Base that subclasses _Base with the main schema already defined, all your other models will subclass Base and do the following:
from . import Base, declared_attr, SCHEMA_TEST
class TestModel(Base):
def __table_args__(cls):
return {'schema': SCHEMA_TEST}
Changing a schema for a foreign key could look like this:
class TournamentsATP(Base):
__tablename__ = "tours_atp"
__table_args__ = {"schema": "oncourt", "extend_existing": True}
ID_T = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
NAME_T = Column(String(255))
match_id = Column('match_id', Integer, ForeignKey(f'{__table_args__.get("schema")}.matches_atp.id'))
Where match_id is a foreign key to matches_atp.id by using the __table_args[schema] element defined at the class level via #declared_attr.
It only took me 18 months to figure this out. Turns out I needed to add the schema_translate_map to an engine and then create the session with this engine:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(conn_str, echo=False)
schema_engine = engine.execution_options(schema_translate_map={<old_schema_name>: <new_schema_name>})
NewSession = sessionmaker(bind=schema_engine)
session = NewSession()
All ready to roll...
Assuming your goal is to:
have dev/test/prod schemas on a single mysql host
allow your ORM classes to be flexible enough to be used in three different environments without modification
Then John has you most of the way to one type of solution. You could use #declared_attr to dynamically generate __table_args__ as he has suggested.
You could also consider using something like flask-sqlalchemy that comes with a built-in solution for this:
import os
DB_ENV = os.getenv(DB_ENV)
'belgarath': 'mysql+mysqlconnector://root:root#localhost/belgarath{}'.format(DB_ENV),
'oncourt': 'mysql+mysqlconnector://root:root#localhost/oncourt{}'.format(DB_ENV)
class MatchesATP(Base):
__bind_key__ = "belgarath"
ID_M = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ID_T_M = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("oncourt.tours_atp.ID_T"))
class TournamentsATP(Base):
__bind_key__ = "oncourt"
ID_T = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
NAME_T = Column(String(255))
Basically this method allows you to create a link to a schema (a bind key), and that schema is defined at run-time via the connection string. More information at the flask-sqlalchemy link.
I have Models in my Flask app. I create tables from those models, and insert data into those tables. However, when I insert into those tables I want to log what I am inserting and which table I am inserting into. I have a "create" class method in my BaseModel which all other Models inherit from. I want to log the class name of the inherited Model in this "create" method. When I do so using
it gives me the value "DefaultMeta". I want it to give me the Model name, for example, User.
Here is my create method in my BaseModel:
class BaseModel(db.Model):
__abstract__ = True
__table_args__ = {"extend_existing": True}
id = db.Column(
create_date = db.Column(
update_date = db.Column(
def create(cls, **kwargs):
current_app.logger.info('Creating {} with args: {}'.format(cls.__class__.__name__, kwargs))
obj = cls(**kwargs)
return obj
How can I achieve this? Is it possible?
cls.__class__.__name__ is the class's class's name. You want the class's name. That's cls.__name__.
I have two models and one-to-one relationship between them. I would like to access columns of ItemData through Item (e.g. item = Item(); item.value). I tried to overwrote __getattr__, but this method is intensively used by SQLAlachemy base model. Any help appreciated.
class Item(Model):
__tablename__ = "item_data"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
data = relationship("ItemData", back_populates="_item", uselist=False,
class ItemData(Model):
__tablename__ = "items_data"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
_item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("items.id"))
_item = relationship("Item", back_populates="data",
value = Column(Integer)
I solved the problem by writing class decorator which should be apply to Item.
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
def direct_data_getter(cls):
'''Provide direct access to attributes of data.'''
fields = set(cls.data_cls.__mapper__.columns.keys()) - set(dir(cls))
for field in fields:
method = hybrid_property(
lambda self, field=field: getattr(self.data, field)
setattr(cls, field, method)
return cls
Let’s say we have several sqlalchemy models for catalogues:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
Base = declarative_base()
class Plane(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Plane'
plane_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
class Car(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Car'
car_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
Now for import/export purposes we want to relate these to external ids. So for Plane we would write:
class PlaneID(Base):
issuer = Column(String(32), primary_key=True)
external_id = Column(String(16), primary_key=True)
plane_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Plane.plane_id))
plane = relationship(Plane, backref='external_ids')
A CarID model would be defined in exactly the same way.
What are possibilities to automate this process?
Maybe we could use a mixin, factory, decorator or meta class. How would we generate the dynamically named Columns then? It would be good to be able to add more Columns to the generated models as needed. For example:
class CarID(ExternalID):
valid_from = Column(Date)
You can subclass DeclarativeMeta - the metaclass used in declarative_base function:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta, declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
class ExternalObject(DeclarativeMeta):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes):
if 'issuer' not in attributes:
attributes['issuer'] = Column(String(32), primary_key=True)
if 'external_id' not in attributes:
attributes['external_id'] = Column(String(16), primary_key=True)
if name[-2:] == 'ID':
ext_cls_name = name[:-2]
attr_rel = ext_cls_name.lower()
attr_id = '%s_id' % attr_rel
if attr_rel in attributes or attr_id in attributes:
# Some code here in case 'car' or 'car_id' attribute is defined in new class
attributes[attr_id] = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('%s.%s' % (ext_cls_name, attr_id)))
attributes[attr_rel] = relationship(ext_cls_name, backref='external_ids')
new_cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes)
return new_cls
ExternalID = declarative_base(metaclass=ExternalObject)
After that you can create subclass from ExternalID and add another attributes like you did for CarID.
I tried the following, and it seems to work:
class BaseModel(db.Model):
__abstract__ = True
row_ver = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
def __mapper_args__(cls):
return {'version_id_col': cls.row_ver}
def to_dict(self):
res = dict()
for c in self.__table__.columns:
value = getattr(self, c.name)
if isinstance(value, date):
res[c.name] = value.isoformat()
elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
res[c.name] = str(value)
res[c.name] = value
return res
class Account(BaseModel):
__tablename__ = 'account'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
I'm not sure whether it is a proper way of augmenting the declarative base class, that is db.Model class. Is there anything wrong with the above code?
Also related: Is it possible to create custom declarative base by inheriting from db.Model (which itself is declarative base), something like below:
class Base(db.Model):
#some code here
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
BaseModel = declarative_base(cls=Base)
class Account(BaseModel)
To customize db.Model, declare a superclass of flask_sqlalchemy.Model and pass it to model_class as shown below.
from flask_sqlalchemy import Model, SQLAlchemy
class AppModel(Model):
row_ver = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
db = SQLAlchemy(model_class=AppModel)
class Account(db.Model):
class Thing(db.Model):
Note that Account and Thing inherit from db.Model, not AppModel.