Python BeautifulSoup page drill down - python

I have a python script which scrapes information from an Amazon page using a list of keywords stored in a .txt file. I have almost all the information I need in the page below:
The bit missing is the seller info (for example: by ZETA) for which I need to drill down in all product pages as the one below:
I guess I need a while loop inside get_data function but I'm not sure how to implement this. See below for the code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
from selenium import webdriver
import re
import datetime
from collections import deque
import logging
import csv
class AmazonScaper(object):
def __init__(self,keywords, output_file='example.csv',sleep=2):
self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='chromedriver.exe') #Add path to your Chromedriver
self.keyword_queue = deque(keywords) #Add the start URL to our list of URLs to crawl
self.output_file = output_file
self.sleep = sleep
self.results = []
def get_page(self, keyword):
return self.browser.page_source
except Exception as e:
def get_soup(self, html):
if html is not None:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
return soup
def get_data(self,soup,keyword):
results ='.s-result-list [data-asin]')
for a, b in enumerate(results):
soup = b
header = soup.find('h5')
result = a + 1
title = header.text.strip()
link = soup.find('a', attrs={'class': 'a-link-normal a-text-normal'})
url = link['href']
url = re.sub(r'/ref=.*', '', str(url))
url = "None"
# Extract the ASIN from the URL - ASIN is the breaking point to filter out if the position is sponsored
ASIN = re.sub(r'.*/dp/', '', str(url))
# Extract Score Data using ASIN number to find the span class
#<span class="a-icon-alt">4.3 out of 5 stars</span>
score = soup.select_one('.a-icon-alt')
score = score.text
score = score.strip('\n')
score = re.sub(r' .*', '', str(score))
score = "None"
# Extract Number of Reviews in the same way
reviews = soup.select_one("href*='#customerReviews']")
reviews = reviews.text.strip()
reviews = "None"
# And again for Prime
PRIME = soup.select_one('[field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=*"]')
PRIME = PRIME['field-lbr_brands_browse-bin']
#<i class="a-icon a-icon-prime" role="img" aria-label="Amazon Prime"></i>
PRIME = "None"
seller = ""
seller = ""
seller = "None"
data = {keyword:[keyword,str(result),seller,title,ASIN,score,reviews,PRIME,"%B %d, %Y")]}
except Exception as e:
return 1
def csv_output(self):
keys = ['Keyword','Rank','seller','Title','ASIN','Score','Reviews','Prime','Dates']
with open(self.output_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as outputfile:
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(outputfile, keys)
for item in self.results:
for key,value in item.items():
outputfile.write(",".join('"' + item + '"' for item in value)+"\n") # Add "" quote character so the CSV accepts commas
def run_crawler(self):
while len(self.keyword_queue): #If we have keywords to check
keyword = self.keyword_queue.popleft() #We grab a keyword from the left of the list
html = self.get_page(keyword)
soup = self.get_soup(html)
time.sleep(self.sleep) # Wait for the specified time
if soup is not None: #If we have soup - parse and save data
self.csv_output() # Save the object data to csv
if __name__ == "__main__":
keywords = [str.replace(line.rstrip('\n'),' ','+') for line in
open('keywords.txt')] # Use our file of keywords & replaces spaces with +
ranker = AmazonScaper(keywords) # Create the object
ranker.run_crawler() # Run the rank checker

On the search page, each search item is contained in tags like:
<div data-asin="B0089TV3CS" data-index="1" class="sg-col-4-of-24 sg-col-4-of-12 sg-col-4-of-36 s-result-item sg-col-4-of-28 sg-col-4-of-16 AdHolder sg-col sg-col-4-of-20 sg-col-4-of-32" data-cel-widget="search_result_1">
Look right at the end of the above line. You can see the pattern that all search results follow. So you can use a regex search on the div tags with class attributes like so:
search_results = soup.findall("div", {"data-cel-widget": re.compile(r"search_result_\d")})
Now you can loop through each search result, and extract the links to the individual product pages, noting that the links are contained in tags like:
<a class="a-link-normal a-text-normal" href="/Sterling-Necklace-Infinity-Pendant-Jewellery/dp/B07BPSPD14/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=cross&qid=1555066092&s=gateway&sr=8-8">
I'm not familiar with selenium, but if I were using the requests module, I'd use it to load each product page in the loop, make a BeautifulSoup from it, and then look for the following tag, which is where the seller info is contained:
<a id="bylineInfo" class="a-link-normal" href="/ZETA/b/ref=bl_dp_s_web_1658218031?ie=UTF8&node=1658218031&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=ZETA">ZETA</a>


BeautifulSoup (Python): how grab text-string next to a tag (that may or may not exist)?

I think my title explains it pretty well the problem I am facing. Let's look at a picture of the problem. (You can find the web-page at this adress, however it has probably changed).
I have highlighted the text that I want to grab in blue, this is the model-year 2008. Now, it is not necessary for the seller to submit the model-year, so this may or may not exist. But when it does exist it always follows the <i> tag with class ="fa fa-calender". My solution so far has been to grab all the text whitin <p class="result-details> ... </p>" (this then becomes a list) and then choose the second element, conditioned on that <i class="fa fa-calender> ... </i> exists. Otherwise I do not grab anything.
Now, it seems as this does not work in general since that text that comes before the second element can be aranged into more than one element if has a whitespace in it. So, is there any way (any function) that can grab a text string that neighbours another tag as seen in my picture?
PS: if I have made myself unclear, I just want to fetch the year 2008 from the post on the web page if it exists.
In this situation my code erroneously gives my the word "Hjulvältar" (bulldozer in english) instead of the year 2008.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import date
import requests
url_avvikande = ['bomliftar','teleskop-bomliftar','kompakta-sjalvgaende-bomlyftar','bandschaktare','reachstackers','staplare']
today =
url_main = ''
produktgrupper = ['lantbruksmaskiner','transportfordon','skogsmaskiner','entreprenadmaskiner','materialhantering','gronytemaskiner']
kategorier = {
'lantbruksmaskiner': ['traktorer','sjalvgaende-falthackar','skordetroskor','atv','utv:er','snoskotrar'],
'transportfordon': ['fordonstruckar','elektriska-fordon','terrangfordon'],
'skogsmaskiner': ['skog-skordare','skog-gravmaskiner','skotare','drivare','fallare-laggare','skogstraktorer','lunnare','terminal-lastare'],
'entreprenadmaskiner': ['gravlastare','bandgravare','minigravare-7t','hjulgravare','midigravmaskiner-7t-12t','atervinningshanterare','amfibiska-gravmaskiner','gravmaskiner-med-frontskopa','gravmaskiner-med-lang-rackvidd','gravmaskiner-med-slapskopa','rivningsgravare','specialgravmaskiner','hjullastare','kompaktlastare','minilastmaskiner','bandlastare','teleskopiska-hjullastare','redaskapshallare','gruvlastare','truckar-och-lastare-for-gruvor','bergborriggar','teleskoplastare','dumprar','minidumprar','gruvtruckar','banddumprar','specialiserade-dragare','vaghyvlar','vattentankbilar','allterrangkranar','terrangkranar-grov-terrang','-bandgaende-kranar','saxliftar','bomliftar','teleskop-bomliftar','personhissar-och-andra-hissar','kompakta-sjalvgaende-bomlyftar','krossar','mobila-krossar','sorteringsverk','mobila-sorteringsverk','bandschaktare','asfaltslaggningsmaskiner','--asfaltskallfrasmaskiner','tvavalsvaltar','envalsvaltar','jordkompaktorer','pneumatiska-hjulvaltar','andra-valtar','kombirullar','borrutrustning-ytborrning','horisontella-borrutrustning','trenchers-skar-gravmaskin'],
'materialhantering': ['dieseltruckar','eldrivna-gaffeltruckar','lpg-truckar','gaffeltruckar---ovriga','skjutstativtruck','sidlastare','teleskopbomtruckar','terminaltraktorer','reachstackers','ovriga-materialhantering-maskiner','staplare-led','staplare','plocktruck-laglyftande','plocktruck-hoglyftande','plocktruck-mediumlyftande','dragtruck','terrangtruck','4-vagstruck','smalgangstruck','skurborsttorkar','inomhus-sopmaskiner','kombinationsskurborstar'],
'gronytemaskiner': ['kompakttraktorer','akgrasklippare','robotgrasklippare','nollsvangare','plattformsklippare','sopmaskiner','verktygsfraktare','redskapsbarare','golfbilar','fairway-grasklippare','green-grasklippare','grasmattevaltar','ovriga-gronytemaskiner']
url = ''
mappar = ['Lantbruk', 'Transportfordon', 'Skogsmaskiner', 'Entreprenad', 'Materialhantering', 'Grönytemaskiner']
index = -1
status = True
for produktgrupp in kategorier:
index += 1
mapp = mappar[index]
save_path = f'/home/protector.local/vika99/webscrape_mascus/Annonser/{mapp}'
underkategorier = kategorier[produktgrupp]
for underkategori in underkategorier:
if underkategori != 'borrutrustning-ytborrning' and status:
status = False
if underkategori in url_avvikande:
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/{underkategori}'
elif underkategori == 'gravmaskiner-med-frontskopa':
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnat-{underkategori}'
elif underkategori == 'borrutrustning-ytborrning':
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnad-{underkategori}'
url = f'{url_main}/{produktgrupp}/begagnade-{underkategori}'
file_name = f'{save_path}/{produktgrupp}_{underkategori}_{today}.txt'
sida = 1
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
while True:
html_text = None
soup = None
links = None
while links == None:
html_text = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'lxml')
links = soup.find('ul', class_ = 'page-numbers')
annonser = soup.find_all('li', class_ = 'col-row single-result')
for annons in annonser:
modell = annons.find('a', class_ = 'title-font').text
if annons.p.find('i', class_ = 'fa fa-calendar') != None:
tillverkningsar = annons.find('p', class_ = 'result-details').text.strip().split(" ")[1]
tillverkningsar = 'Ej angiven'
pris = annons.find('span', class_ = 'title-font no-ws-wrap').text
except AttributeError:
pris = annons.find('span', class_ = 'title-font no-price').text
url_part = None
sida += 1
url_part = links.find('a', text = f'{sida}')['href']
except TypeError:
print(f'Avläsning av underkategori klar.')
url = f'{url_main}{url_part}'
As you loop the listings you can test if that calendar icon class is present, if it is then grab the next_sibling
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
r = requests.get('')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
listings ='.single-result')
for listing in listings:
calendar = listing.select_one('.fa-calendar')
if calendar is not None:
print('Not present')

Extract text from custom <h2> in <div> elements by BeautifulSoup

Hi i try to extract the name from h2 but an error occurs and names are extracted from other <h2> I want to extract names from <h2> specified from only <div class="poap serp-container lawyer"><div class="gray_border"><div class="col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-9 col-xs-8 text_container"><h2 class=""indigo_text>Hi My name is Mark</h2></div></div></div>
import requests
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from itertools import zip_longest
name = []
page_num = 1
phone = []
logo = []
website = []
links = []
while True:
result = requests.get(f"{page_num}/")
src = result.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(src, "lxml")
page_limit = int("126")
if(page_num > page_limit // 20):
print("page ended, terminate")
names = soup.find_all("h2", {"class":"indigo_text"})
for i in range(len(names)) :
for link in links:
result = requests.get(link)
src = result.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(src, "lxml")
phones = soup.find("a", {"class":"profile-phone-header profile-contact-btn"})
logos = soup.find("div", {"class":"photo-container"})
websites = soup.find("a", {"class":"profile-website-header","id":"firm_website"})
page_num +=1
print("page switched")
file_list = [name, phone, website, logo]
exported = zip_longest(*file_list)
with open("/Users/dsoky/Desktop/fonts/Moaaz.csv", "w") as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile)
I hope you guys can help me solve this problem
Select your tag more specific for example with following css selector:
names ='div.poap h2')
or with all the classes:
names =' h2.indigo_text')
Note This answer just focus to main point in question, code could be imporved to avoid some side effects.

Beautiful soup how select <a href> and <td> elements with whitespaces

I'm trying to use BeautifulSoup to select the date, url, description, and additional url from table and am having trouble accessing them given the weird white spaces:
So far I've written:
import urllib
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def make_soup(url):
thepage = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
soupdata = BeautifulSoup(thepage, "html.parser")
return soupdata
soup = make_soup('')
test1 = soup.findAll("td", {"nowrap" : "nowrap"})
test2 = [item.text.strip() for item in test1]
With bs4 4.7.1 you can use :has and nth-of-type in combination with next_sibling to get those columns
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests, re
def make_soup(url):
the_page = requests.get(url)
soup_data = BeautifulSoup(the_page.content, "html.parser")
return soup_data
soup = make_soup('')
releases = []
links = []
dates = []
descs = []
addit_urls = []
for i in'td:nth-of-type(1):has([href^="/litigation/litreleases/"])'):
sib_sib = i.next_sibling.next_sibling.next_sibling.next_sibling
releases+= [i.a.text]
links+= [i.a['href']]
dates += [i.next_sibling.next_sibling.text.strip()]
descs += [re.sub('\t+|\s+',' ',sib_sib.text.strip())]
addit_urls += ['N/A' if sib_sib.a is None else sib_sib.a['href']]
result = list(zip(releases, links, dates, descs, addit_urls))
Unfortunately there is no class or id HTML attribute to quickly identify the table to scrape; after experimentation I found it was the table at index 4.
Next we ignore the header by separating it from the data, which still has table rows that are just separations for quarters. We can skip over these using a try-except block since those only contain one table data tag.
I noticed that the description is separated by tabs, so I split the text on \t.
For the urls, I used .get('href') rather than ['href'] since not every anchor tag has an href attribute from my experience scraping. This avoids errors should that case occur. Finally the second anchor tag does not always appear, so this is wrapped in a try-except block as well.
data = []
table = soup.find_all('table')[4] # target the specific table
header, *rows = table.find_all('tr')
for row in rows:
litigation, date, complaint = row.find_all('td')
except ValueError:
continue # ignore quarter rows
id = litigation.text.strip().split('-')[-1]
date = date.text.strip()
desc = complaint.text.strip().split('\t')[0]
lit_url = litigation.find('a').get('href')
comp_url = complaint.find('a').get('href')
except AttributeError:
comp_ulr = None # complaint url is optional
info = dict(id=id, date=date, desc=desc, lit_url=lit_url, comp_url=comp_url)

How do I only print the links that contain certain text in the description on that page?

Im trying to open the links that contain certain words on that page. And if the words are present on that page such as "engineering" then return the link if not pass.
here is what I have so far: The inputs I put are engineering and location is north york
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import webbrowser
import time
jobsearch = input("What type of job?: ")
location = input("What is your location: ")
url = ("" + jobsearch + "&l=" + location)
base_url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
rcontent = r.content
prettify = BeautifulSoup(rcontent, "html.parser")
filter_words = ['chemical engineering', 'instrumentation', 'QA']
all_job_url = []
filtered_job_links = []
http_flinks = []
flinks = []
def get_all_joblinks(): # obtains all the links on the search page
for tag in prettify.find_all('a', {'data-tn-element':"jobTitle"}):
link = tag['href']
def filter_links():
for eachurl in all_job_url: # iterates through each link
rurl = requests.get(base_url + eachurl)
content = rurl.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
summary = soup.get_text()
#supposed to filter links based on certain words within text on link page
if any(word in summary for word in filter_words):
for filtered_link in soup.find_all('link', {'rel':'canonical'}):
flink = filtered_link['href'] # obtains only filtered links
if "http:" in flink:
#website = webbrowser.open_new(base_url + flink)
def search_job():
while True:
print("no job matches found")
# opens the web page of job search if entries are found
website = webbrowser.open_new(url)

Python (BeautifulSoup) - For Loop returns all results for one div, instead of the one value expected

I am creating a Food Hygiene scraper. I have got to the point where I can successfully get the name and addresses of all the restaurants based on what postcode is entered by the user.
I have attempted to get the food hygiene rating value to be displayed for
each result as well.
This value is stored the following way on the web page:
<div class="rating-image" style="clear: right;">
<a href="/business/abbey-community-college-newtownabbey-antrim-992915.html" title="View Details">
<img src="" alt="5 (Very Good)">
I am trying to extract the img alt text
My code is below:
import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class RestaurantScraper(object):
def __init__(self, pc):
self.pc = pc # the input postcode
self.max_page = self.find_max_page() # The number of page available
self.restaurants = list() # the final list of restaurants where the scrape data will at the end of process
def run(self):
for url in self.generate_pages_to_scrape():
restaurants_from_url = self.scrape_page(url)
self.restaurants += restaurants_from_url # we increment the restaurants to the global restaurants list
def create_url(self):
Create a core url to scrape
:return: A url without pagination (= page 1)
return "" + self.pc + \
def create_paginated_url(self, page_number):
Create a paginated url
:param page_number: pagination (integer)
:return: A url paginated
return self.create_url() + "&page={}".format(str(page_number))
def find_max_page(self):
Function to find the number of pages for a specific search.
:return: The number of pages (integer)
r = requests.get(self.create_url())
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
pagination_soup = soup.findAll("div", {"id": "paginator"})
pagination = pagination_soup[0]
page_text = pagination("p")[0].text
return int(page_text.replace('Page 1 of ', ''))
def generate_pages_to_scrape(self):
Generate all the paginated url using the max_page attribute previously scraped.
:return: List of urls
return [self.create_paginated_url(page_number) for page_number in range(1, self.max_page + 1)]
def scrape_page(self, url):
This is coming from your original code snippet. This probably need a bit of work, but you get the idea.
:param url: Url to scrape and get data from.
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
g_data = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "search-result"})
ratings ='div.rating-image img[alt]')
restaurants = list()
for item in g_data:
name = print (item.find_all("a", {"class": "name"})[0].text)
print (item.find_all("span", {"class": "address"})[0].text)
for rating in ratings:
bleh = rating['alt']
print (bleh)
return restaurants
if __name__ == '__main__':
pc = input('Give your post code')
scraper = RestaurantScraper(pc)
print ("{} restaurants scraped".format(str(len(scraper.restaurants))))
The way I have attempted this to gather each hygiene rating for each restaurant is using a for loop as shown below:
for rating in ratings:
bleh = rating['alt']
print (bleh)
The problem is that when the script is run that under the name and address of each restaurant, it displays all of the food hygiene ratings for all restaurants on the page, whereas I need each single rating to be displayed under each single restaurant
Incorrect output of all ratings being displayed
I am thinking that this may be an incorrect position of the for loop?
Many thanks to anyone who looks at this, and to anyone who provides guidance
Got this working, seems I forgot to add the for loop for the ratings to a try except block. After adding it to this block the single ratings for each restaurant are displayed correctly.
Below is the fully working code
import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class RestaurantScraper(object):
def __init__(self, pc):
self.pc = pc # the input postcode
self.max_page = self.find_max_page() # The number of page available
self.restaurants = list() # the final list of restaurants where the scrape data will at the end of process
def run(self):
for url in self.generate_pages_to_scrape():
restaurants_from_url = self.scrape_page(url)
self.restaurants += restaurants_from_url # we increment the restaurants to the global restaurants list
def create_url(self):
Create a core url to scrape
:return: A url without pagination (= page 1)
return "" + self.pc + \
def create_paginated_url(self, page_number):
Create a paginated url
:param page_number: pagination (integer)
:return: A url paginated
return self.create_url() + "&page={}".format(str(page_number))
def find_max_page(self):
Function to find the number of pages for a specific search.
:return: The number of pages (integer)
r = requests.get(self.create_url())
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
pagination_soup = soup.findAll("div", {"id": "paginator"})
pagination = pagination_soup[0]
page_text = pagination("p")[0].text
return int(page_text.replace('Page 1 of ', ''))
def generate_pages_to_scrape(self):
Generate all the paginated url using the max_page attribute previously scraped.
:return: List of urls
return [self.create_paginated_url(page_number) for page_number in range(1, self.max_page + 1)]
def scrape_page(self, url):
This is coming from your original code snippet. This probably need a bit of work, but you get the idea.
:param url: Url to scrape and get data from.
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
g_data = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "search-result"})
ratings ='div.rating-image img[alt]')
restaurants = list()
for item in g_data:
name = print (item.find_all("a", {"class": "name"})[0].text)
print (item.find_all("span", {"class": "address"})[0].text)
for rating in ratings:
bleh = rating['alt']
print (bleh)[0].text
return restaurants
if __name__ == '__main__':
pc = input('Give your post code')
scraper = RestaurantScraper(pc)
print ("{} restaurants scraped".format(str(len(scraper.restaurants))))
The part which solved the problem was this:
for rating in ratings:
bleh = rating['alt']
print (bleh)[0].text
return restaurants
