How to apply euclidean distance to dataframe. Calculate each row - python

Please help me, I have the problem. It's been about 2 weeks but I don't get it yet.
So, I want to use "apply" in dataframe, which I got from Alphavantage API.
I want to apply euclidean distance to each row of dataframe.
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries
from services.KEY import getApiKey
ts = TimeSeries(key=getApiKey(), output_format='pandas')
And in my picture I got this
My chart (sorry can't post image because of my reputation)
In my code
stock, meta_data = ts.get_daily_adjusted(symbol, outputsize='full')
stock = stock.sort_values('date')
open = stock['1. open'].values
low = stock['3. low'].values
high = stock['2. high'].values
close = stock['4. close'].values
sorted_date = stock.index.get_level_values(level='date')
stock_numpy_format = np.stack((sorted_date, open, low
,high, close), axis=1)
df = pd.DataFrame(stock_numpy_format, columns=['date', 'open', 'low', 'high', 'close'])
df = df[df['open']>0]
df = df[(df['date'] >= "2016-01-01") & (df['date'] <= "2018-12-31")]
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
df['close_next'] = df['close'].shift(-1)
df['daily_return'] = df['close'].pct_change(1)
df['daily_return'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
stock_numeric_close_dailyreturn = df['close', 'daily_return']
stock_normalized = (stock_numeric_close_dailyreturn - stock_numeric_close_dailyreturn.mean()) / stock_numeric_close_dailyreturn.std()
euclidean_distances = stock_normalized.apply(lambda row: distance.euclidean(row, date_normalized) , axis=1)
distance_frame = pd.DataFrame(data={"dist": euclidean_distances, "idx":euclidean_distances.index})
distance_frame.sort_values("dist", inplace=True)
second_smallest = distance_frame.iloc[1]["idx"]
most_similar_to_date = df.loc[int(second_smallest)]["date"]
And I want that my chart like this
The chart that I want
And the code from this picture
distance_columns = ['Close', 'DailyReturn']
stock_numeric = stock[distance_columns]
stock_normalized = (stock_numeric - stock_numeric.mean()) / stock_numeric.std()
stock_normalized.fillna(0, inplace = True)
date_normalized = stock_normalized[stock["Date"] == "2016-06-29"]
euclidean_distances = stock_normalized.apply(lambda row: distance.euclidean(row, date_normalized), axis = 1)
distance_frame = pandas.DataFrame(data = {"dist": euclidean_distances, "idx": euclidean_distances.index})
distance_frame.sort_values("dist", inplace=True)
second_smallest = distance_frame.iloc[1]["idx"]
most_similar_to_date = stock.loc[int(second_smallest)]["Date"]
I tried to figure it out, the "apply" in the df.apply from pandas format and from pandas.csv_reader is different.
Is there any alternative to have same output in different format (pandas and csv)
Thank you!
nb: sorry if my english bad.


Programming a prediction model, code runs but doesnt give output

My code runs properly but it will not provide output as it should. I am not sure where the issue is occurring. Could someone help me correct it? Do you need the CSV too?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/replicates/Replicate 3 Gilts just measures.csv")
# removing the irrelevant columns
cols_to_drop = ["animal"]
df = df.drop(columns=cols_to_drop,axis=1)
# first five rows of data frame after removing columns
deep_df = df.copy(deep = True)
numerical_columns = [col for col in df.columns if (df[col].dtype=='int64' or
df[numerical_columns].describe().loc[['min','max', 'mean','50%'],:]
df[df['i1000.0'] == df['i1000.0'].min()]
This is where the issue occurs
i1000_bucket = df.groupby(pd.cut(df["i1000.0"],bins=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]))
number_bucket = df.groupby(pd.cut(df["i1000.0"],bins=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]))
i1000_bucket = ((i1000_bucket.sum()["i1000.0"] / i1000_bucket.size())*100 , 2)
number_bucket = round((number_bucket.sum()["i1000.0"] / number_bucket.size())*100 , 2)
The graph appears but nothing actually plots
x = [str(i)+"-"+str(i+10) for i in range(10,91,10)]
plt.title("1000.0 comparisons")

Weird Time-Series Graph Using Pycaret and plotly

I am trying to visualize Air Quality Data as time-series charts using pycaret and plotly dash python libraries , but i am getting very weird graphs, below is my code:
import pandas as pd
import as px
data = pd.read_csv('E:/Self Learning/Djang_Dash/2019-2020_5.csv')
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
#data.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
# combine store and item column as time_series
data['OBJECTID'] = ['Location_' + str(i) for i in data['OBJECTID']]
#data['AQI_Bins_AI'] = ['Bin_' + str(i) for i in data['AQI_Bins_AI']]
data['time_series'] = data[['OBJECTID']].apply(lambda x: '_'.join(x), axis=1)
data.drop(['OBJECTID'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# extract features from date
data['month'] = [i.month for i in data['Date']]
data['year'] = [i.year for i in data['Date']]
data['day_of_week'] = [i.dayofweek for i in data['Date']]
data['day_of_year'] = [i.dayofyear for i in data['Date']]
for i in data['time_series'].unique():
subset = data[data['time_series'] == i]
subset['moving_average'] = subset['CO'].rolling(window = 30).mean()
fig = px.line(subset, x="Date", y=["CO","moving_average"], title = i, template = 'plotly_dark')
require needful help in this regard,
here is my sample data Google Drive Link
data has not been provided in a usable way. Sought out publicly available similar data. found:
using this data, with a couple of cleanups of your code, no issues with plots. I suspect your data has one of these issues
date is not datetime64[ns] in your data frame
date is not sorted, leading to lines being drawn in way you have noted
by refactoring way moving average is calculated, you can use animation instead of lots of separate figures
get some data
import kaggle.cli
import sys, math
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile
import as px
# download data set
sys.argv = [
] + "datasets download rohanrao/air-quality-data-in-india".split(
" "
zfile = ZipFile("")
print([f.filename for f in zfile.infolist()])
plot using code from question
import pandas as pd
import as px
from pathlib import Path
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
# data = pd.read_csv('E:/Self Learning/Djang_Dash/2019-2020_5.csv')
# use kaggle data
# dfs = {f.filename:pd.read_csv( for f in zfile.infolist() if f.filename in ['station_day.csv',"stations.csv"]}
# data = pd.merge(dfs['station_day.csv'],dfs["stations.csv"], on="StationId")
# data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'])
# # kaggle data is different from question, make it compatible with questions data
# data = data.assign(OBJECTID=lambda d: d["StationId"])
# sample data from google drive link
data2 = pd.read_csv(Path.home().joinpath("Downloads").joinpath("AQI.csv"))
data2["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(data2["Date"])
data = data2
# as per very first commment - it's important data is ordered !
data = data.sort_values(["Date","OBJECTID"])
data['time_series'] = "Location_" + data["OBJECTID"].astype(str)
# clean up data, remove rows where there is no CO value
data = data.dropna(subset=["CO"])
# can do moving average in one step (can also be used by animation)
if StrictVersion(pd.__version__) < StrictVersion("1.3.0"):
data["moving_average"] = data.groupby("time_series",as_index=False)["CO"].rolling(window=30).mean().to_frame()["CO"].values
data["moving_average"] = data.groupby("time_series",as_index=False)["CO"].rolling(window=30).mean()["CO"]
# just first two for purpose of demonstration
for i in data['time_series'].unique()[0:3]:
subset = data.loc[data['time_series'] == i]
fig = px.line(subset, x="Date", y=["CO","moving_average"], title = i, template = 'plotly_dark')
can use animation
y=["CO", "moving_average"],
).update_layout(yaxis={"range":[data["CO"].min(), data["CO"].quantile(.97)]})

Error calculating r squared with statsmodels for multiple yfinance data in a DataFrame

I recently began learning Python, but rather with a complex project I had already started in Excel. I have used different guides for the code I have used so far, tweaked to my needs.
I am using 'yfinance' to gather data for multiple cryptocurrencies in a specific time period from Yahoo! Finance. Also, 'stats models' to obtain alpha, beta and r squared using a DataFrame created with all cryptocurrencies and an additional column with the mkt. return (x variable).
I am having the following error: ValueError: endog and exog matrices are different sizes. I saw another question/answer regarding this error, but it did not seem to relate to my issue.
The error takes place in line 87 [model = sm.OLS(Y2,X_)] of the following code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
import yfinance as yf
df1 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("BTC-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df2 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("ETH-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df3 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("XRP-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df4 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("BCH-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df5 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("USDT-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df6 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("BSV-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df7 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("LTC-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df8 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("BNB-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df9 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("EOS-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df10 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("LINK-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df11 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("XMR-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
df12 = pdr.get_data_yahoo("BTG-USD", start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
return_btc = df1.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_eth = df2.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_xrp = df3.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_bch = df4.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_usdt = df5.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_bsv = df6.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_ltc = df7.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_bnb = df8.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_eos = df9.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_link = df10.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_xmr = df11.Close.pct_change()[1:]
return_btg = df12.Close.pct_change()[1:]
d = {"BTC Return":return_btc, "ETH Return":return_eth, "XRP Return":return_xrp, "BCH Return":return_bch,
"USDT Return":return_usdt, "BSV Return":return_bsv, "LTC Return":return_ltc, "BNB Return":return_bnb,
"EOS Return":return_eos, "LINK Return":return_link, "XMR Return":return_xmr, "BTG Return":return_btg}
df = pd.DataFrame(d) # new data frame with all returns data
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=["Date", "BTC Return", "ETH Return", "XRP Return", "BCH Return", "USDT Return", "BSV Return",
"LTC Return", "BNB Return", "EOS Return", "LINK Return", "XMR Return", "BTG Return"])
avg_row = df.mean(axis=1)
return_mkt = avg_row
d1 = {"BTC Return":return_btc, "ETH Return":return_eth, "XRP Return":return_xrp, "BCH Return":return_bch,
"USDT Return":return_usdt, "BSV Return":return_bsv, "LTC Return":return_ltc, "BNB Return":return_bnb,
"EOS Return":return_eos, "LINK Return":return_link, "XMR Return":return_xmr, "BTG Return":return_btg, "MKT Return":return_mkt}
df = pd.DataFrame(d1)
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels import regression
X = return_mkt.values
Y1 = return_btc
Y2 = return_eth
#Y3 = return_xrp
def linreg(x,y):
x = sm.add_constant(x)
model = regression.linear_model.OLS(y,x).fit()
# we are removing the constant
x = x[:, 1]
return model.params[0], model.params[1]
X_ = sm.add_constant(X) # artificially add intercept to x, as advised in the docs
model = sm.OLS(Y1,X_)
results =
rsquared = results.rsquared
alpha, beta = linreg(X,Y1)
def linreg(x,y):
x = sm.add_constant(x)
model = regression.linear_model.OLS(y,x).fit()
# we are removing the constant
x = x[:, 1]
return model.params[0], model.params[1]
X_ = sm.add_constant(X) # artificially add intercept to x, as advised in the docs
model = sm.OLS(Y2,X_)
results =
rsquared = results.rsquared
alpha, beta = linreg(X,Y2)
The error is located in the second def, as I am trying to compute the previously mentioned statistics for each cryptocurrency. Thus, the 1st def is for BTC (Y1), the 2nd def is for ETH (Y2), and so on (Y3,...).
The entire code was fine when I had only the function for BTC at the end, the error occurred when I tried to add more of the same function for the others.
Fundamentally, the problem is that because Ethereum (and all other cryptos) started later than bitcoin, there are null values for the price every day for the first few years, which can't be handled. So you have to take just the values where they are not null.
However, there are many things in your code which you could factor out so that you don't repeat yourself unnecessarily. You made an attempt at that with the linreg function, but then you re-defined it for the second crypto, which shouldn't be necessary.
Here is a quick re-write which addresses both the fundamental problem and hopefully illustrates what I mean above. The output is a dataframe with the statistics you're looking for, by cryptocurrency. The goal is to write as much of the code 'generically', and then just provide a list of cryptos that you are interested in.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
import datetime
import yfinance as yf
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels import regression
cryptos = ["BTC", "ETH", "XRP"] # Here you can specify the cryptos you want. I just used 3 for demonstration
# The rest of the code is not specific to any one crypto
def get_and_process_data(c):
raw_data = pdr.get_data_yahoo(c + '-USD', start="2015-01-01", end="2020-01-01")
return raw_data.Close.pct_change()[1:]
df = pd.DataFrame({c: get_and_process_data(c) for c in cryptos})
df['avg_return'] = df.mean(axis=1) # avg market return
def model(x, y):
# Calculate r-squared
X = sm.add_constant(x) # artificially add intercept to x, as advised in the docs
model = sm.OLS(y,X).fit()
rsquared = model.rsquared
# Fit linear regression and calculate alpha and beta
X = sm.add_constant(x)
model = regression.linear_model.OLS(y,X).fit()
alpha = model.params[0]
beta = model.params[1]
return rsquared, alpha, beta
results = pd.DataFrame({c: model(df[df[c].notnull()]['avg_return'], df[df[c].notnull()][c]) for c in cryptos}).transpose()
results.columns = ['rsquared', 'alpha', 'beta']

Computing a chi square statistic from scratch using numpy/pandas, matrix computations

I was just looking at and wanted to recreate the example "Example chi-squared test for categorical data".
I feel that the approach I've taken might have room for improvement, so was wondering how that might be done.
Here's the code:
csv = """\
White collar,90,60,104,95
Blue collar,30,50,51,20
No collar,30,40,45,35
observed_workers = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv), index_col=0)
col_sums = dt.apply(sum)
row_sums = dt.apply(sum, axis=1)
l = list(x[1] * (x[0] / col_sums.sum()) for x in itertools.product(row_sums, col_sums))
expected_workers = pd.DataFrame(
np.array(l).reshape((3, 4)),
chi_squared_stat = (
((observed_workers - expected_workers) ** 2).div(expected_workers).sum().sum()
This returns the correct value, but is probably ignorant of a nicer approach using some particular numpy / pandas methods.
With numpy/scipy:
csv = """\
White collar,90,60,104,95
Blue collar,30,50,51,20
No collar,30,40,45,35
import io
from numpy import genfromtxt, outer
from scipy.stats.contingency import margins
observed = genfromtxt(io.StringIO(csv), delimiter=',', skip_header=True, usecols=range(1, 5))
row_sums, col_sums = margins(observed)
expected = outer(row_sums, col_sums) / observed.sum()
chi_squared_stat = ((observed - expected)**2 / expected).sum()
With pandas:
import io
import pandas as pd
csv = """\
White collar,90,60,104,95
Blue collar,30,50,51,20
No collar,30,40,45,35
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv))
df_melt = df.melt(id_vars ='work_group', var_name='group', value_name='observed')
df_melt['col_sum'] = df_melt.groupby('group')['observed'].transform(np.sum)
df_melt['row_sum'] = df_melt.groupby('work_group')['observed'].transform(np.sum)
total = df_melt['observed'].sum()
df_melt['expected'] = df_melt.apply(lambda row: row['col_sum']*row['row_sum']/total, axis=1)
chi_squared_stat = df_melt.apply(lambda row: ((row['observed'] - row['expected'])**2) / row['expected'], axis=1).sum()

Pandas Time Series and groupby

[Edited to more clearly state root problem, which behaves differently if you use numpy 1.8 as dmvianna points out]
I have a DataFrame that has time stamps add other data. In the end I would like to not use a formatted time as the index because it messes with matplotlibs 3d plotting. I also want to preform a groupby to populate some flag fields. This is causing me to run into a number of weird errors. The first two work as I would expect. Once I bring pd.to_datetime into the picture it starts throwing errors.
runs as expected:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.random.randint(100000, size=1000),
'type':np.random.randint(10, size=1000),
df['high'] = 0
def high_low(group):
if group.value.mean() > .5:
group.high = 1
return group
grouped = df.groupby('type')
df = grouped.apply(high_low)
works fine:
df = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.random.randint(100000, size=1000),
'type':np.random.randint(10, size=1000),
df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time, unit='s')
df['high'] = 0
def high_low(group):
if group.value.mean() > .5:
group.high = 1
return group
grouped = df.groupby('type')
df = grouped.apply(high_low)
throws error:
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (3, 1016), indices imply (3, 1000)
df = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.random.randint(100000, size=1000),
'type':np.random.randint(10, size=1000),
df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time, unit='s')
df = df.set_index('time')
df['high'] = 0
def high_low(group):
if group.value.mean() > .5:
group.high = 1
return group
grouped = df.groupby('type')
df = grouped.apply(high_low)
throws error:
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (3, 1016), indices imply (3, 1000)
df = pd.DataFrame({'time':np.random.randint(100000, size=1000),
'type':np.random.randint(10, size=1000),
df['epoch'] = df.time
df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time, unit='s')
df = df.set_index('time')
df = df.set_index('epoch')
df['high'] = 0
def high_low(group):
if group.value.mean() > .5:
group.high = 1
return group
grouped = df.groupby('type')
df = grouped.apply(high_low)
Anyone know what I'm missing / doing wrong?
Instead of using pd.to_datetime, I would use np.datetime64. It will work in columns and offers the same functionality as you expect from a datetime.index (np.datetime64 is a building block for datetime.index).
import numpy as np
data['time2'] = np.datetime64(data.time, 's')
Check the Docs
This would also lead to the same result:
import pandas as pd
data['time2'] = pd.to_datetime(data.time, unit='s')
Notice though that I'm using pandas 0.12.0 and Numpy 1.8.0. Numpy 1.7 has issues referred to in the comments below.
