I want to update a row. So I issued the command -
conn = sqlite3.connect("W:\\webtracker\\database\\webtracker.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT URL FROM WebsiteDetail where screenshot_processed = false")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
cur.execute('''UPDATE WebsiteDetail SET screenshot_processed = true WHERE URL = ?''',(row[0],))
However, it doesnt update the value. What is the problem?
There is not error being thrown
row[0] is a string
You need to commit these changes. Your for loop should look like this:
for row in rows:
cur.execute('''UPDATE WebsiteDetail SET screenshot_processed = true WHERE URL = ?''',(row[0],))
I am trying to capture the only the record from a PostgreSQL statement. The select statements outputs one row with column named as updated_at and the value is a timestamp- '2008-01-01 00:50:01'. I want to just capture/collect that value so when I call that variable, it just outputs '2008-01-01 00:50:01'.
Here is my code:
def get_etl_record():
pg_hook = PostgresHook(postgre_conn_id="post", schema='schema1')
connection = pg_hook.get_conn()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor2 = connection.cursor()
latest_update_query = "select max(updated_at) from my_table group by updated_at"
#results= cursor.fetchall()
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
rows = [dict(zip(columns, row[0])) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
However this code doesnt give me an output.
Any ideas or suggestions?
There is no way to do what you want, but 3 ways to do very similar:
cursor = connection.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchone()
max_updated_at = result[0]
dict_cur = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
dict_cur.execute('select max(updated_at) as max_updated_at ...')
result = dict_cur.fetchone()
max_updated_at = result['max_updated_at']
nt_cur = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor)
nt_cur.execute('select max(updated_at) as max_updated_at ...')
result = nt_cur.fetchone()
max_updated_at = result.max_updated_at
write python program to create a mysql table and insert data into this table,the program is as follows:
def pre_data_db_manage(type,data):
conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", passwd="********", db="facebook_info",charset="utf8")
cur = conn.cursor()
if type == "pre_davi_group_members_data":
is_exist_table_sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'fb_pre_davi_group_members_posts'"
if cur.execute(is_exist_table_sql) == 0:
create_table_sql = '''CREATE TABLE fb_pre_davi_group_members_posts (id bigint not null primary key auto_increment,userID bigint,userName varchar(128),userURL varchar(256),
postTime varchar(128),postText text,postTextLength int,likesCount int,sharesCount int,commentsCount int,postTextPolarity varchar(64),postTextSubjectivity varchar(64))'''
r = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]')
for item in data:
if "'" in item["PostText"]:
item["PostText"] = item["PostText"].replace("'"," ")
if "\\" in item["PostText"]:
item["PostText"] = item["PostText"].replace("\\","\\\\")
for i in item["PostText"]:
result = r.match(i)
if result == None:
print("in re")
item['PostText'] = item['PostText'].replace(i, ' ')
if "nan" in item["SharesCount"]:
item["SharesCount"] = 0
if "nan" in item["LikesCount"]:
item["LikesCount"] = 0
if "nan" in item["CommentsCount"]:
item["CommentsCount"] = 0
if "nan" in item["PostTextLength"]:
item["PostTextLength"] = 0
item["PostTextLength"] = int(item["PostTextLength"])
item["LikesCount"] = int(item["LikesCount"])
item["SharesCount"] = int(item["SharesCount"])
item["CommentsCount"] = int(item["CommentsCount"])
if type == "pre_davi_group_members_data":
insert_sql = '''INSERT INTO fb_pre_davi_group_members_posts (userID,userName,userURL,
postTime,postText,postTextLength,likesCount,sharesCount,commentsCount,postTextPolarity,postTextSubjectivity) VALUES
except Exception as e:
print("insert error")
and write call statement as follows:
type = "pre_davi_group_members_data"
pre_data_db_manage(type, df_list)
however,when execute this program, found that no data have been inserted into table:fb_pre_davi_group_members_posts,
in the mysql order line, write:
select count(*) from fb_pre_davi_group_members_posts;
the result is 0
could you please tell me the reason and how to solve it
I need to retrieve results from my sqlite3 database 160 rows at a time, and repeat that until there are no rows left for my query, this is what I have:
conn = sqlite3.connect("C:\\Users\\%s\\AppData\\Roaming\\GridcoinResearch\\reports\\Rain.db" % user_account)
c = conn.cursor()
conn.text_factory = str
address = c.execute('select Address from NNDATA where NeuralMagnitude != 0 and NeuralMagnitude is not null and CPID in (select cpids from GRIDCOINTEAM)').fetchmany(160)
conn.text_factory = float
nn_mag = c.execute('select NeuralMagnitude from NNDATA where NeuralMagnitude != 0 and NeuralMagnitude is not null and CPID in (select cpids from GRIDCOINTEAM)').fetchmany(160)
while True:
if nn_mag == ():
The reason for sys.exit is I have a bunch of other code to go between conn.close() and while True:, so when the last loop is done I can exit the program. Right now its doing the first pass then the cmd.exe is hanging.
EDIT: Just relaised I dont tell the loop to select the NEXT 160, oh dear!
The fetchmany attribute returns an empty list if there is no item lefts so you can just check the validation of its result. Also note that you should remove the limit from your query and the fetchall. Because the whole essence of using fetchmany is to fetch limited results from your cursor object.
chunk_size = 160
while True:
result = nn_mag.fetchmany(chunk_size)
if not result:
# do something with result
OK the full answer is:
conn = sqlite3.connect("C:\\Users\\%s\\AppData\\Roaming\\GridcoinResearch\\reports\\Rain.db" % user_account)
c = conn.cursor()
position = 00
while True:
conn.text_factory = str
address_db = c.execute('select Address from NNDATA where NeuralMagnitude != 0 and NeuralMagnitude is not null and CPID in (select cpids from GRIDCOINTEAM) limit {}, 160'.format(position)).fetchall()
conn.text_factory = float
rac_db = c.execute('select rac from GRIDCOINTEAM where rac != 0 and rac is not null limit {}, 160'.format(position)).fetchall()
if not address_db:
position += 160
Here is my code snippet...
First I've called __execute_query function to insert some rows and then to select few rows..
However, if executed a select query the function returns None or Empty rows... However manual sql query returns few rows..
def __execute_query(self, query, parameters = [], set_row_id = False):
conn = MySQL.get_conn()
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, parameters)
result = None
query_type = query[0:query.find(" ")]
query_type = query_type.lower()
if query_type in ('insert', 'update', 'delete'):
result = cursor.rowcount > 0
if result:
if query_type == 'insert' and set_row_id == True:
Update the object with the newly saved row ID and mark
the object as not new.
self.__new_row = False
self.__row_id = conn.insert_id()
if self.__row_id == 0 or self.__row_id == "0":
self.__row_id = cursor.lastrowid
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result