I would like to train a convolutional recurrent neural network for video frame prediction. The individual frames are quite big so it is challenging to fit the entire training data in memory at once. As such, I followed some tutorials online to create a custom data generator. When testing it, it seems to work but it is slower by a factor of at least 100 than using the pre-loaded data directly. Since I can only fit about a batch size of 8 on the GPU I understand that the data needs to be generated really fast, however, this does not seem to be the case.
I train my model on a single P100 and have 32 GB of memory available to be used by up to 16 cores.
class DataGenerator(tf.keras.utils.Sequence):
def __init__(self, images, input_images=5, predict_images=5, batch_size=16, image_size=(200, 200),
self.images = images
self.input_images = input_images
self.predict_images = predict_images
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.image_size = image_size
self.channels = channels
self.nr_images = int(len(self.images)-input_images-predict_images)
def __len__(self):
return int(np.floor(self.nr_images) / self.batch_size)
def __getitem__(self, item):
# Randomly select the beginning image of each batch
batch_indices = random.sample(range(0, self.nr_images), self.batch_size)
# Allocate the output images
x = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.input_images,
*self.image_size, self.channels), dtype='uint8')
y = np.empty((self.batch_size, self.predict_images,
*self.image_size, self.channels), dtype='uint8')
# Get the list of input an prediction images
for i in range(self.batch_size):
list_images_input = range(batch_indices[i], batch_indices[i]+self.input_images)
list_images_predict = range(batch_indices[i]+self.input_images,
for j, ID in enumerate(list_images_input):
x[i, ] = np.load(np.reshape(self.images[ID], (*self.imagesize, self.channels))
# Read in the prediction images
for j, ID in enumerate(list_images_predict):
y[i, ] = np.load(np.reshape(self.images[ID], (*self.imagesize, self.channels))
return x, y
# Training the model using fit_generator
params = {'batch_size': 8,
'input_images': 5,
'predict_images': 5,
'image_size': (100, 100),
'channels': 1
data_path = "input_frames/"
input_images = sorted(glob.glob(data_path + "*.png"))
training_generator = DataGenerator(input_images, **params)
model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, epochs=10, workers=6)
I would have expected that Keras will prepare the next data batch while the current batch is being processed on the GPU but it does not seem to catch up. In other words, preparing the data before sending it to the GPU seems to be the bottleneck.
Any idea on how to improve the performance of a data generator like this? Is there something missing that guarantees that the data is being prepared in a timely manner?
Thanks a lot!
When you use fit_generator, there is a workers= setting that can be used to scale up the number of generator workers. However you should ensure that the 'item' parameter in getitem is taken into account in order to ensure that the different workers (which are not synchronised) return different values depending on item index. i.e. instead of random sample, perhaps just return a slice of the data based on the index. You can shuffle the entire dataset before starting in order to make sure the dataset order is randomised.
Can you please try with use_multiprocessing=True? These are the numbers I observe on my GTX 1080Ti based system with the data generator you provided.
model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, epochs=10, workers=6)
148/148 [==============================] - 9s 60ms/step
model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, epochs=10, workers=6, use_multiprocessing=True)
148/148 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step
You can try the prefetching of tf.data.Dataset. The prefetching allows you to compute the next batch(es) using your CPU while your GPU computes the gradient descent in the same time. Be careful: you need to change the numpy array into tf.constant in the data generator. Then try:
import tensoflow as tf
generator = DataGenerator(images)
spec = [tf.TypeSpec(shape=(generator.batch_size, generator.input_images,
*generator.image_size, generator.channels), dtype='uint8'),
tf.TypeSpec(shape=(generator.batch_size, generator.predict_images,
*generator.image_size, generator.channels), dtype='uint8')
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(DataGenerator, output_signature=spec)
dataset.batch(batch_size).prefetch(-1) # this order is important
# a custom training loop is better than model.fit() otherwise prefetching can fail
def train_loop():
You can change the "-1" in prefetch() to another value like 1, 2 or more to get the maximum speed depending on your machine and the batch size.
this blog helps in setting up input data pipeline with tf.data and it also is much more efficient than using ImageDataGenerators and the code is also explained by using a custom data directory.
It also enhances the performance with prefetch, cache.
Prefetch processes the next batch while the current batch is being used.
So I'm trying to manually split my training data into separate batches such that I can easily access them via indexing, and not relying on DataLoader to split them up for me, since that way I won't be able to access the individual batches by indexing. So I attempted the following:
train_data = datasets.ANY(root='data', transform=T_train, download=True)
BS = 200
num_batches = len(train_data) // BS
sequence = list(range(len(train_data)))
np.random.shuffle(sequence) # To shuffle the training data
subsets = [Subset(train_data, sequence[i * BS: (i + 1) * BS]) for i in range(num_batches)]
train_loader = [DataLoader(sub, batch_size=BS) for sub in subsets] # Create multiple batches, each with BS number of samples
Which works during training just fine.
However, when I attempted another way to manually split the training data I got different end results, even with all the same parameters and the following settings ensured:
device = torch.device('cuda')
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
I only split the training data the following way this time:
train_data = list(datasets.ANY(root='data', transform=T_train, download=True)) # Cast into a list
BS = 200
num_batches = len(train_data) // BS
np.random.shuffle(train_data) # To shuffle the training data
train_loader = [DataLoader(train_data[i*BS: (i+1)*BS], batch_size=BS) for i in range(num_batches)]
But this gives me different results than the first approach, even though (I believe) that both approaches are identical in manually splitting the training data into batches. I even tried not shuffling at all and loading the data just as it is, but I still got different results (85.2% v.s 81.98% accuracy). I even manually checked that the loaded images from the batches match; and are the same using both methods.
The training scheme used in both ways:
for e in trange(epochs):
for loader in train_loader:
for x, y in loader:
x, y = x.to(device, non_blocking=True), y.to(device, non_blocking=True)
loss = F.cross_entropy(m1(x), y)
Can somebody please explain to me why these differences arise (and if there's a better way)?
T_train transformation contains some random transformations (H_flip, crop) and when using it along with the first train_loader the time taken during training was: 24.79s/it, while the second train_loader took: 10.88s/it (even though both have the exact same number of parameters updates/steps). So I decided to remove the random transformations from T_train; then the time taken using the first train_loader was: 16.99s/it, while the second train_loader took: 10.87s/it. So somehow, the second train_loader still took the same time (with or without the random transformations). Thus, I decided to visualize the image outputs from the second train_loader to make sure that the transformations were applied, and indeed they were! So this is really confusing and I'm not quite why they're giving different results.
I am facing slow training runs and I have tried to scale up the training procedure by using Tensorflow's Strategy API to utilize all 4 GPUs.
I'm using MirrorStrategy and using experimental_distribute_dataset to partition the dataset.
Nature of my training data is a mix of both sparse matrices and dense matrices. I'm using a generator to construct my dataset (which picks random indices to pick from the data). However, in my current version of TF (2.1) generators don't support sparse matrices. The sparse_matrix does not have a static size and is a Ragged tensor.
This bit is ugly and a workaround, but I'm passing my sparse_matrix_list directly to the train function, and index into it by having a global queue that gets populated by pushing the random indices inside generator.
Now this approach was working fine, but it was way too slow, and I wanted to try training with all GPUs. This gets even more problematic as I have to manually partition the sparse_matrix_list into num_workers splits.
However, the main problem right now is that the training procedure does not seem to be parallel and the replicas (GPUs) seem to be running sequentially.. I verified this through nvidia-smi and logs in the train_process function.
I have no prior experience with distributed training, and not sure why this would be the case, and I would really appreciate it if someone has pointers for a better way of handling this mix of spare and dense data. I'm currently facing a huge bottleneck in fetching my data which underutilizes the GPUs (fluctuates between 10-30%)
def distributed_train_step(inputs, sparse_matrix_list):
per_replica_losses = strategy.experimental_run_v2(train_process, args=(inputs, sparse_matrix_list)
return strategy.reduce(tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM, per_replica_losses,
def train_process(inputs, sparse_matrix_list):
worker_id = tf.distribute.get_replica_context().replica_id_in_sync_group
replica_batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
slice_start = replica_batch_size * worker_id
replica_sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix_list[slice_start:slice_start + replica_batch_size]
return train_step(inputs, replica_sparse_matrix)
def train_step(inputs, sparse_matrix_list):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
outputs, mu, sigma, feat_out, logit = model(inputs)
loss = K.backend.mean(custom_loss(inputs, sparse_matrix_list)
return loss
def get_batch_data(sparse_matrix_list):
# Queue with the random indices into the training data (List of Lists with each
# entry len == batch_size)
# train_indicie is a global q
next_batch_indicies = train_indicies.get()
batch_sparse_list = sparse_matrix_list[next_batch_indicies]
dist_dataset = strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(train_dataset)
for batch, inputs in enumerate(dist_dataset, 1):
# sparse_matrix_list is passed to this main "train" function from outside this module.
batch_sparse_matrix_slice = get_batch_data(sparse_matrix_list)
loss = distributed_train_step(inputs, batch_sparse_matrix_slice)
I need to train a model on a dataset that required more memory than my GPU has. what is the best practice for feeding the dataset to model?
here is my steps:
first of all, I load dataset using batch_size
builder = tfds.builder('mnist')
datasets = builder.as_dataset(batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
the second step i prepare data
for record in raw_train_ds.take(1):
train_images, train_labels = record['image'], record['label']
train_images = train_images.numpy().astype(np.float32) / 255.0
train_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(train_labels)
and then i feed data to the model
history = model.fit(train_images,train_labels, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, validation_split=0.2)
but at step 2 I prepared data for the first batch and missed the rest batches because the model.fit is out of the loop scope (which, as I understand, works for one, first batch only).
On the other hand, I can't remove take(1) and move the model.fit method under the cycle. Because yes, in this case, I will handle all batches, but at the same time model.fill will be called at the end on each iteration and in this case, it also will not work properly
so, how I should change my code to be able to work appropriately with a big dataset using model.fit? could you point article, any documents, or just advise how to deal with it? thanks
In my post below (approach 1) I describe one approach on how to solve the problem - are there any other better approaches or it is only one way how to solve this?
You can pass the whole dataset to fit for training. As you can see in the documentation, one of the possible values of the first parameter is:
A tf.data dataset. Should return a tuple of either (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights).
So you just need to convert your dataset to that format (a tuple with input and target) and pass it to fit:
builder = tfds.builder('mnist')
datasets = builder.as_dataset(batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
raw_train_ds = datasets['train']
train_dataset_fit = raw_train_ds.map(
lambda x: (tf.cast.dtypes(x['image'], tf.float32) / 255.0, x['label']))
history = model.fit(train_dataset_fit, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS)
One problem with this is that it does not support a validation_split parameter but, as shown in this guide, tfds already gives you the functionality to have the splits of the data. So you would just need to get the test split dataset, transform it as above and pass it as validation_data to fit.
Approach 1
Thank #jdehesa I changed my code :
load dataset - in reality, it doesn't load data into memory till the first call 'next' from the dataset iterator. and even then, I think the iterator will load a portion of data (batch) with a size equal in BATCH_SIZE
raw_train_ds, raw_validation_ds = builder.as_dataset(split=["train[:90%]", "train[10%:]"], batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
collected all required transformation into one method
def prepare_data(x):
train_images, train_labels = x['image'], x['label']
# TODO: resize image
train_images = tf.cast(train_images,tf.float32)/ 255.0
# train_labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(train_labels,num_classes=NUM_CLASSES)
train_labels = tf.one_hot(train_labels,NUM_CLASSES)
return (train_images, train_labels)
applied these transformations to each element in batch (dataset) using the method td.data.Dataset.map
train_dataset_fit = raw_train_ds.map(prepare_data)
and then fed this dataset into model.fit - as I understand the model.fit will iterate through all batches in the dataset.
train_dataset_fit = raw_train_ds.map(prepare_data)
history = model.fit(train_dataset_fit, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS)
I used this code (https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/models/blob/master/samples/outreach/blogs/segmentation_blogpost/image_segmentation.ipynb#scrollTo=tkNqQaR2HQbd) for my data tensorflow pipeline. But I don't understand how it works. They are telling that "During training time, our model would never see twice the exact same picture". But how does this work? I only use tf.data Map-Function with _augment-Function once. Does this happen every step at my model.fit Function?
I tried to verify my _augment function with printing out something. But this will only occur at the first time and not every epoch.
def get_baseline_dataset(filenames,
num_x = len(filenames)
# Create a dataset from the filenames and labels
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((filenames, labels))
# Map our preprocessing function to every element in our dataset, taking
# advantage of multithreading
dataset = dataset.map(_process_pathnames, num_parallel_calls=threads)
if preproc_fn.keywords is not None and 'resize' not in preproc_fn.keywords:
assert batch_size == 1, "Batching images must be of the same size"
dataset = dataset.map(preproc_fn, num_parallel_calls=threads)
if shuffle:
dataset = dataset.shuffle(num_x)
# It's necessary to repeat our data for all epochs
dataset = dataset.repeat().batch(batch_size)
return dataset
tr_cfg = {
'resize': [img_shape[0], img_shape[1]],
'scale': 1 / 255.,
'hue_delta': 0.1,
'horizontal_flip': True,
'width_shift_range': 0.1,
'height_shift_range': 0.1
tr_preprocessing_fn = functools.partial(_augment, **tr_cfg)
train_ds = get_baseline_dataset(x_train_filenames,
I am quoting the essential steps from https://cs230-stanford.github.io/tensorflow-input-data
I suggest you to skim through the article once for details.
To summarize, one good order for the different transformations is:
create the dataset
shuffle (with a big enough buffer size)
map with the actual work (preprocessing, augmentation…) using multiple parallel calls.
This should give what you desire because "augmentation" is after "repeat".
Hope it helps.
I'm currently working with a big image dataset (~60GB) to train a CNN (Keras/Tensorflow) for a simple classification task.
The images are video frames, and thus highly correlated in time, so I shuffled the data already once when generating the huge .hdf5 file...
To feed the data into the CNN without having to load the whole set at once into memory I wrote a simple batch generator (see code below).
Now my question:
Usually it is recommended to shuffle the data after each training epoch right? (for SGD convergence reasons?) But to do so I'd have to load the whole dataset after each epoch and shuffle it, which is exactly what I wanted to avoid using the batch generator...
So: Is it really that important to shuffle the dataset after each epoch and if yes how could I do that as efficiently as possible?
Here is the current code of my batch generator:
def generate_batches_from_hdf5_file(hdf5_file, batch_size, dimensions, num_classes):
Generator that returns batches of images ('xs') and labels ('ys') from a h5 file.
filesize = len(hdf5_file['labels'])
while 1:
# count how many entries we have read
n_entries = 0
# as long as we haven't read all entries from the file: keep reading
while n_entries < (filesize - batch_size):
# start the next batch at index 0
# create numpy arrays of input data (features)
xs = hdf5_file['images'][n_entries: n_entries + batch_size]
xs = np.reshape(xs, dimensions).astype('float32')
# and label info. Contains more than one label in my case, e.g. is_dog, is_cat, fur_color,...
y_values = hdf5_file['labels'][n_entries:n_entries + batch_size]
#ys = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_values, num_classes)
ys = to_categorical(y_values, num_classes)
# we have read one more batch from this file
n_entries += batch_size
yield (xs, ys)
Yeah, shuffling improves performance since running the data in the same order each time may get you stuck in suboptimal areas.
Don't shuffle the entire data. Create a list of indices into the data, and shuffle that instead. Then move sequentially over the index list and use its values to pick data from the data set.