regime switching multivariate garch - python

I have a regression with 4 independent variables and a dependent variable. I want to implement a Regime switching GARCH model but have been unable to find a package in R,Python or Matlab. MSGARCH package available in R is for uni-variate series series, apart from this I haven't come across any available packages.
Is there any available package?

In Matlab, there is available the MS_Regress-Matlab, which can be connected to the
MFE toolbox of Sheppard for more functionalities.
Let me know if this helps, or if you have found any other way.

There is a MATLAB code developed recently to handle the multivariate MS GARCH model, check this link


Do we have an implementation of Bayesian structural time series in Python?

We are looking for a close pythonian implementation of the r library bsts.
To be precise, I'm looking for something that allows me to emulate the functionality of 'add_regressor' from fbprophet.
Have already tried Pybsts (the kernel kept dying), and
According to a thread on tensorflow_probability Github account, it doesn't support multivariate mode yet.
Any help would be appreciated.
This blog post from Tensorflow Probability shows how to add an exogenous regressor with the TFP structural time series tools. In particular, check out the usage of the temperature_effect variable in the Example: Forecasting Demand for Electricity section!
I recently wrote a version of R's bsts package in Python. It doesn't have all of bsts's features, but it does have options for level, trend, seasonality, and regression. The syntax closely follows statsmodels' UnobservedComponents module. You can find the code and description of the package here:

How to perform adjoint sensitivity in Python (preferably through CVODE)

I want to implement the adjoint sensitivity analysis in python, in order to determine the gradient of my objective function with respect to some parameters. In specific the objective function depends on the solution of a differential equation which in turn depends on said parameters which I am looking to find the optimum of.
To perform this there are numerous good packages both in Julia (see here), as well as CVODES from SUNDIALS, however the latter which does apparently have a wrapper made for python, does not include sensitivity analysis capabilities according to this link. Furthermore, I have looked into SALib for sensitivity analysis, but as far as I understand this refers to some other type of 'sensitivity analysis' and therefore adjoint or even forward sensitivity analysis is not included (correct me if I am wrong on this one).
Thus my question is, does a version of CVODES exist in python with sensitivity analysis capabilities, or is there there any other package where one can use in order to perform adjoint sensitivity analys?
You can easily call Julia code / packages from Python with pyjulia.
You can try Assimulo, which is a Python wrapper of the SUNDIALS suite. I've been using it for some years now and it works pretty robustly. So far, I have performed forward sensitivity analysis on ODE systems with moderate number of states/parameters using CVODEs (less than 20 states, less than 10 parameters). It works pretty well in terms of robustness (can handle stiff problems, and also supports a variety of linear solvers for sparse problems) and speed, and also supports DAEs through IDAs.
I have installed Assimulo using conda, which deals with all the dependency tree (including SUNDIALS in its more recent version). Finally, I'm not aware whether adjoint sensitivity analysis can be performed using Assimulo. If you find something, let us all know.

mixed integer quadratic programming in python

I was wondering if someone could give me some guidance in setting up my objective.
I am trying to minimise variance in python with some cardinality constraints on the number of assets in my portfolio. I am not sure what package would help me do this. And if there was a working example for the above.
Below is a MIQP model that illustrates how we can model a portfolio problem with the number assets limited to be between minAssets and maxAssets. If an asset is in the portfolio, furthermore its fraction is limited to be between fmin and fmax.
In this link you can also see how you can try to solve this problem with just a series of linear MIP problems.
MIQP solvers are readily available: CVXPY/ECOS_BB, Cplex, and Gurobi are a few examples. These are all callable from Python. A simple portfolio QP model would be a good starting point (no doubt such a model is available in the examples for any of these solvers).
You may have a look at some links, which are about python package CVXOPT:

Complete separation of logistic regression data

I've been running some large logistic regression models in SAS, which take 4+ hours to converge. Recently however I acquired access to a Hadoop cluster and can use Python to fit the same models much faster (something more like 10-15 minutes).
Problematically, I have some complete/quasi-complete separation of data points in my data which results in failure to converge; I was using the FIRTH command in SAS to produce robust parameter estimates despite that, but there seems to be no equivalent option for Python, either in sklearn or statsmodels (I'm mostly using the latter).
Is there another way to get around this problem in Python?
AFAIK, there is no Firth penalization available in Python. Statsmodels has an open issue but nobody is working on it at the moment.
As alternative it would be possible to use a different kind of penalization, e.g. as available in sklearn or maybe statsmodels.
The other option is to change the observed response variable. Firth can be implemented by augmenting the dataset. However, I don't know of any recipe or prototype for this in Python.
Statsmodels has ongoing work on penalization but currently the emphasis is on feature/variable selection (elastic net, SCAD) and quadratic penalization for generalized additive models GAM, especially for splines.
Firth uses data dependent penalization which does not fit the generic penalization framework where the penalization structure is a data independent "prior".
Conditional likelihood is another way to work around perfect separation. This is in a Statsmodels PR that is basically ready to use:

Python machine learning sklearn.linear_model vs custom code

I am new to machine learning and Python. I am trying to understand when to use the functions in sklearn.linear_model (linearregression and logisticregression) and when to implement my own code for the same. Any suggestions or references will be highly appreciated.
I recommend you use as much as possible the functions given by sklearn or another ML library (I like TensorFlow). That's because it's very difficult to get the performance of any library. They are calculating in a low level of the operating system, meanwhile the common users don't implement the computational actions outside the python environment.
Moreover, python by itself is not very efficient in relation to the data structures. For example,a simple array is implemented as a LinkedList. The ML libraries use Numpy to their computations to get a better performance.
