Configure Django/Celery to send tasks to different broker - python

The system is running a Django server (1.11.5) with Celery (4.0.0) and RabbitMQ as broker.
It is necessary to send some tasks to a remote server to be processed there. This new server will have its own RabbitMQ installed to use it as broker. The problem comes when on the server where Django is running we need to select which of the tasks keep running on the local machine and which are sent to the new server.
Due to some architecture reasons is not possible to solve this using queues, tasks must be sent to the new broker.
Is it possible to create two different Celery apps in Django (each one pointing to a different broker) which their own tasks each one? How can it be done?

You can create two celery app and rename to to avoid auto import.
from celery import Celery
app1 = Celery('hello', broker='amqp://guest#localhost//')
def hello1():
return 'hello world from local'
from celery import Celery
app2 = Celery('hello', broker='amqp://guest#remote//')
def hello2():
return 'hello world from remote'
and for shared task:
from celery import shared_task
def add(x, y):
return x + y
When you run your celery worker node:
celery --app=PACKAGE.celery_app:app worker


How to determine the name of a task in celery?

I have a fastAPI app where I want to call a celery task
I can not import the task as they are in two different code base. So I have to call it using its name.
imagery = Celery(
"imagery", broker=os.getenv("BROKER_URL"), backend=os.getenv("REDIS_URL")
#imagery.task(bind=True, name="filter")
def filter_task(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
print('running task')
The celery worker is running with this command:
celery worker -A worker.imagery -P threads --loglevel=INFO --queues=imagery
Now in my FastAPI code base I want to run the filter task.
So my understanding is I have to use the celery.send_task() function
In I have
from celery import Celery, states
from celery.execute import send_task
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse, PlainTextResponse
from app import models
app = FastAPI()
tasks = Celery(broker=os.getenv("BROKER_URL"), backend=os.getenv("REDIS_URL"))"/filter", status_code=201)
async def upload_images(data: models.FilterProductsModel):
TODO: use a celery task(s) to query the database and upload the results to S3
data = ['ok', 'un test']
data = ['ok', 'un test']
result = tasks.send_task('workers.imagery.filter', args=list(data))
return PlainTextResponse(f"here is the id: {str(result.ready())}")
After calling the /filter endpoint, I don't see any task being picked up by the worker.
So I tried different name in send_task()
How come my task never get picked up by the worker and nothing shows in the log?
Is my task name wrong?
The worker process run in docker. Here is the fullpath of the file on its disk. : /workers/
So if I follow the import schema. the name of the task would be workers.worker.filter but this does not work, nothing get printed in the logs of docker. Is a print supposed to appear in the STDOUT of the celery cli?
Your Celery worker is subscribed to the imagery queue only . On the other hand, you try to send the task to the default queue (if you did not change configuration, the name of that queue is celery) with result = tasks.send_task('workers.imagery.filter', args=list(data)). It is not surprising you do not see task being executed by your worker as you have been sending tasks to the default queue whole time.
To fix this, try the following:
result = tasks.send_task('workers.imagery.filter', args=list(data), queue='imagery')
OP Here.
This is the solution I used.
task = signature("filter", kwargs=data.dict() ,queue="imagery")
res = task.delay()
As mentioned by #DejanLekic I had to specify the queue.

Issues when using rpc:// as a backend for celery application (while amqp:// backend works)

I have a simple celery application with two tasks, a_func() and b_func().
After starting the celery worker, I am calling a_func.apply_async(), and a_func, when running on worker is calling b_func.apply_async().
When using 'amqp://' as a backend everything is working well.
However, when using 'rpc://' as a backend, I am having problems.
I am trying to get the state and the return value of the tasks.
For the a_func() task, there is no problem. However for b_func() I am getting state = 'PENDING' forever, and get() is stuck forever.
I am using:
celery version 4.3.0.
rabbitmq version 3.5.7 as broker.
python 2.7.
ubuntu version 16.0.4 LTS.
Worker cmd:
celery -A celery_test worker --loglevel=inf
celery application:
app = Celery('my_app',
a_func and b_func tasks:
def a_func():
print "A"
return "A"
def b_func():
print "B"
return "B"

Flask and Celery on Heroku: sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (psycopg2.DatabaseError) SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac

I'm trying to deploy a flask app on heroku that uses background tasks in Celery. I've implemented the application factory pattern so that the celery processes are not bound to any one instance of the flask app.
This works locally, and I have yet to see an error. But when deployed to heroku, the same results always occur: the celery task (I'm only using one) succeeds the first time it is run, but any subsequent celery calls to that task fail with sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (psycopg2.DatabaseError) SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac. If I restart the celery worker, the cycle continues.
There are multiple issues that show this same error, but none specify a proper solution. I initially believed implementing the application factory pattern would have prevented this error from manifesting, but it's not quite there.
In app/ I create the celery and db objects:
celery = Celery(__name__, broker=Config.CELERY_BROKER_URL)
db = SQLAlchemy()
def create_app(config_name):
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
My file creates the actual Flask app object:
import os
from app import celery, create_app
app = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG', 'default'))
And I start celery with this command:
celery worker -A app.flask_celery.celery --loglevel=info
This is what the actual celery task looks like:
def task_process_stuff(stuff_id):
stuff = Stuff.query.get(stuff_id)
stuff.processed = True
return stuff
Which is invoked by:
task_process_stuff.apply_async(args=[], countdown=10)
Library Versions
Flask 0.12.2
SQLAlchemy 1.1.11
Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.2
Celery 4.0.2
The solution was to add db.engine.dispose() at the beginning of the task, disposing of all db connections before any work begins:
def task_process_stuff(stuff_id):
stuff = Stuff.query.get(stuff_id)
stuff.processed = True
return stuff
As I need this functionality across all of my tasks, I added it to task_prerun:
def on_task_init(*args, **kwargs):

celery apply_async choking rabbit mq

I am using celery's apply_async method to queue tasks. I expect about 100,000 such tasks to run everyday (number will only go up). I am using RabbitMQ as the broker. I ran the code a few days back and RabbitMQ crashed after a few hours. I noticed that apply_async creates a new queue for each task with x-expires set at 1 day. My hypothesis is that RabbitMQ chokes when so many queues are being created. How can I stop celery from creating these extra queues for each task?
I also tried giving the queue parameter to the apply_async and assigned a x-message-ttl to that queue. Messages did go this new queue, however they were immediately consumed and never reached the ttl of 30sec that I had put. And this did not stop celery from creating those extra queues.
Here's my code:
from celery import task, chain
chain(task1.s(a), task2.s(b),)
.apply_async(link_error=error_handler.s(a), queue="async_tasks_queue")
from celery.result import AsyncResult
def error_handler(uuid, a):
#Handle error
def task1(a):
#Do something
return a
def task2(a, b):
#Do something more
app = Celery(
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
app.amqp.queues.add("async_tasks_queue", queue_arguments={'durable' : True , 'x-message-ttl': 30000})
From the celery logs:
[2016-01-05 01:17:24,398: INFO/MainProcess] Received task:
[2016-01-05 01:17:24,834: INFO/MainProcess] Received task:
RabbitMQ had 2 new queues by the names "615e094c2ec945689fe182ead2cd303b" and "bf9a0a948e714ad69eaa359f93446a3f" when these tasks were executed
My code is running on Django 1.7.7, celery 3.1.17 and RabbitMQ 3.5.3.
Any other suggestions to execute tasks asynchronously are also welcome
Try using a different backend - I recommend Redis. When we tried using Rabbitmq as both broker and backend we discovered that it was ill suited to the broker role.

Have Celery broadcast return results from all workers

Is there a way to get all the results from every worker on a Celery Broadcast task? I would like to monitor if everything went ok on all the workers. A list of workers that the task was send to would also be appreciated.
No, that is not easily possible.
But you don't have to limit yourself to the built-in amqp result backend,
you can send your own results using Kombu (,
which is the messaging library used by Celery:
from celery import Celery
from kombu import Exchange
results_exchange = Exchange('myres', type='fanout')
app = Celery()
def something():
res = do_something()
with app.producer_or_acquire(block=True) as producer:
{'result': res},
producer_or_acquire will create a new kombu.Producer using the celery
broker connection pool.
