GDAL : Reprojecting netCDF file - python

I am trying to convert netCDF files to EPSG:3857 for use with Mapbox by using GDAL. This would be .nc to .nc conversion. Not to raster. I am open to using GDAL or other methods to do this. This data must be reprojected before it goes to a console app - and this process is taking weeks to find a solution for - I figured it was simple.
I am working on colorizing satellite data. There are 3 .nc files (blue, red, and infrared) that when combined and processed create a color image. After the 3 files are downloaded (from Amazon AWS), a python console app does the processing and dumps a .jpg to the same folder. The source code for that application is Located here so you may validate the data. (It is slow as the files are super high resolution).
The code I have tried is :
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857
However, there have been several other variations tried and nothing works.
I am not a professional with this, but should I even be using gdalwarp to do this? I only want to change the projection - nothing else, so the python app can still work with the data. It must be able to create the .jpg using the reprojected files.
The following links are samples of the data that needs to be converted :
.nc file on AWS > Color Channel 1 (Blue 1km resolution)
.nc file on AWS > Color Channel 2 (Red, Higher 0.5km resolution & larger file size)
.nc file on AWS > Color Channel 3 (Infrared - serves as green)
Additionaly, someone else online has accomplished this using a similar projection via the pyproj module at (Mine must be EPSG:3857 for use with Mapbox). If the python code were modified to do this all in one go, that would be great too. I am opening a bounty as the final hope.
I do not know python, so I have been attempting GDAL for the most part- however working python code added to my source code to achieve the expected result (or a working GDAL script) will earn the bounty.

Here is my solution:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar 4 17:39:45 2019
#author: Guy Serbin
import os, sys, glob, argparse
from osgeo import gdal, osr
from scipy.misc import imresize
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Script to create CONUS true color image from GOES 16 L1b data.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--indir', type = str, default = r'C:\Data\Freelancer\DavidHolcomb', help = 'Input directory name.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', type = str, default = None, help = 'Output directory name.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--proj', type = int, default = 3857, help = 'Output projection, must be EPSG number.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.indir:
print('ERROR: --indir not set. exiting.')
elif not os.path.isdir(args.indir):
print('ERROR: --indir not set to a valid directory path. exiting.')
if not args.outdir:
print('WARNING: --outdir not set. Output will be written to --indir.')
args.outdir = args.indir
o_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
# based upon code ripped from
# Path of netCDF file
netcdf_red = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.indir, 'OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3C02_G16_s*.nc'))[0]
netcdf_green = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.indir, 'OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3C03_G16_s*.nc'))[0]
netcdf_blue = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.indir, 'OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3C01_G16_s*.nc'))[0]
baselist = os.path.basename(netcdf_blue).split('_')
outputfilename = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'OR_ABI-L1b-RadC-M3TrueColor_1_G16_{}.tif'.format(baselist[3]))
print('Output file will be: {}'.format(outputfilename))
tempfile = os.path.join(args.outdir, 'temp.tif')
# Specify the layer name to read
layer_name = "Rad"
# Open netcdf with gdal
print('Opening red band file: {}'.format(netcdf_red))
dsR = gdal.Open("NETCDF:{0}:{1}".format(netcdf_red, layer_name))
print('Opening green band file: {}'.format(netcdf_green))
dsG = gdal.Open("NETCDF:{0}:{1}".format(netcdf_green, layer_name))
print('Opening blue band file: {}'.format(netcdf_blue))
dsB = gdal.Open("NETCDF:{0}:{1}".format(netcdf_blue, layer_name))
red_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
i_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
GeoT = dsG.GetGeoTransform()
red_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(red_srs, o_srs)
transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(i_srs, o_srs)
# Read full data from netcdf
print('Reading red band into memory.')
red = dsR.ReadAsArray(0, 0, dsR.RasterXSize, dsR.RasterYSize)
print('Resizing red band to match green and blue bands.')
red = imresize(red, 50, interp = 'bicubic')
print('Reading green band into memory.')
green = dsG.ReadAsArray(0, 0, dsG.RasterXSize, dsG.RasterYSize)
print('Reading blue band into memory.')
blue = dsB.ReadAsArray(0, 0, dsB.RasterXSize, dsB.RasterYSize)
red[red < 0] = 0
green[green < 0] = 0
blue[blue < 0] = 0
# Stack data and output
print('Stacking data.')
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
stack = driver.Create('/vsimem/stack.tif', dsB.RasterXSize, dsB.RasterYSize, 3, gdal.GDT_Int16)
print('Warping data to new projection.')
warped = gdal.Warp('/vsimem/warped.tif', stack, dstSRS = o_srs, outputType = gdal.GDT_Int16)
print('Writing output to disk.')
outRaster = gdal.Translate(outputfilename, '/vsimem/warped.tif')
outRaster = None
red = None
green = None
blue = None
tmp_ds = None
dsR = None
dsG = None
dsB = None
print('Processing complete.')

You can use rioxarray to do this. An example of doing so is here:
Here is an example targeted for your use case:
import rioxarray
xds = rioxarray.open_rasterio("")
Dimensions: (band: 1, x: 5000, y: 3000)
* y (y) float64 1.584e+06 1.585e+06 ... 4.588e+06 4.589e+06
* x (x) float64 -3.627e+06 -3.626e+06 ... 1.381e+06 1.382e+06
* band (band) int64 1
spatial_ref int64 0
Data variables:
Rad (band, y, x) int16 ...
DQF (band, y, x) int8 ...
CRS.from_wkt('PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["unknown",DATUM["unnamed",SPHEROID["Spheroid",6378137,298.2572221]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]]],PROJECTION["Geostationary_Satellite"],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-75],PARAMETER["satellite_height",35786023],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],EXTENSION["PROJ4","+proj=geos +lon_0=-75 +h=35786023 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs +sweep=x"]]')
Then, reproject:
xds_3857 ="epsg:3857")
Dimensions: (band: 1, x: 7693, y: 4242)
* x (x) float64 -1.691e+07 -1.691e+07 ... -5.892e+06 -5.891e+06
* y (y) float64 7.714e+06 7.712e+06 ... 1.641e+06 1.64e+06
* band (band) int64 1
spatial_ref int64 0
Data variables:
Rad (band, y, x) int16 1023 1023 1023 1023 ... 1023 1023 1023 1023
DQF (band, y, x) int8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
creation_date: 2019-09-25 01:02:54.590053
Write to netcdf:


Using a Data Converter to Display 3D Volume as Images

I would like to write a data converter tool. I need analyze the bitstream in a file to display the 2D cross-sections of a 3D volume.
The dataset I am trying to view can be found here:
It's the file titled: burned_wood_with_tape_1664x512x256_12bit.raw (832 MB)
Would extremely appreciate some direction. Willing to award a bounty if I could get some software to display the dataset as images using a data conversion.
As I'm totally new to this concept, I don't have code to show for this problem. However, here's a little something I tried using inspiration from other questions on SO:
import rawpy
import imageio
path = "Datasets/burned_wood_with_tape_1664x512x256_12bit.raw"
for item in path:
item_path = path + item
raw = rawpy.imread(item_path)
rgb = raw.postprocess()
Down below I implemented next visualization.
Example RAW file burned_wood_with_tape_1664x512x256_12bit.raw consists of 1664 samples per A-scan, 512 A-scans per B-scan, 16 B-scans per buffer, 16 buffers per volume, and 2 volumes in this file, each sample is encoded as 2-bytes unsigned integer in little endian order, only 12 higher bits are used, lower 4 bits contain zeros. Samples are centered approximately around 2^15, to be precise data has these stats min 0 max 47648 mean 32757 standard deviation 454.5.
I draw gray images of size 1664 x 512, there are total 16 * 16 * 2 = 512 such images (frames) in a file. I draw animated frames on screen using matplotlib library, also rendering these animation into GIF file. One example of rendered GIF at reduced quality is located after code.
To render/draw images of different resulting resolution you need to change code line with plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'], this fig size contains (widht_in_inches, height_in_inches), by default DPI (dots per inch) equals to 100, meaning that if you want to have resulting GIF of resolution 720x265 then you need to set this figure size to (7.2, 2.65). Also resulting GIF contains animation of a bit smaller resolution because axes and padding is included into resulting figure size.
My next code needs pip modules to be installed one time by command python -m pip install numpy matplotlib.
Try it online!
# Needs: python -m pip install numpy matplotlib
def oct_show(file, *, begin = 0, end = None):
import os, numpy as np, matplotlib, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, matplotlib.animation
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7.2, 2.65) # (4.8, 1.75) (7.2, 2.65) (9.6, 3.5)
sizeX, sizeY, cnt, bits = 1664, 512, 16 * 16 * 2, 12
stepX, stepY = 16, 8
fps = 5
fsize, opened_here = None, False
if type(file) is str:
fsize = os.path.getsize(file)
file, opened_here = open(file, 'rb'), True
by = (bits + 7) // 8
if end is None and fsize is not None:
end = fsize // (sizeX * sizeY * by)
imgs = [] * sizeY * sizeX * by)
a = - begin) * sizeY * sizeX * by)
a = np.frombuffer(a, dtype = np.uint16)
a = a.reshape(end - begin, sizeY, sizeX)
amin, amax, amean, stdd = np.amin(a), np.amax(a), np.mean(a), np.std(a)
print('min', amin, 'max', amax, 'mean', round(amean, 1), 'std_dev', round(stdd, 3))
a = (a.astype(np.float32) - amean) / stdd
a = np.maximum(0.1, np.minimum(a * 128 + 128.5, 255.1)).astype(np.uint8)
a = a[:, :, :, None].repeat(3, axis = -1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.08, right = 0.99, bottom = 0.06, top = 0.97)
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
title = ax.text(
0.5, 1.02, f'Frame {i}',
size = plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'],
ha = 'center', transform = ax.transAxes,
imgs.append([ax.imshow(a[i], interpolation = 'antialiased'), title])
ani = matplotlib.animation.ArtistAnimation(plt.gcf(), imgs, interval = 1000 // fps)
print('Saving animated frames to GIF...', flush = True) + '.gif', writer = 'imagemagick', fps = fps)
print('Showing animated frames on screen...', flush = True)
if opened_here:
Example output GIF:
I don't think it's a valid RAW file at all.
If you try this code:
import rawpy
import imageio
path = 'Datasets/burned_wood_with_tape_1664x512x256_12bit.raw'
raw = rawpy.imread(path)
rgb = raw.postprocess()
You will get a following error:
----> 5 raw = rawpy.imread(path)
6 rgb = raw.postprocess()
~\Anaconda3\envs\py37tf2gpu\lib\site-packages\rawpy\ in imread(pathOrFile)
18 d.open_buffer(pathOrFile)
19 else:
---> 20 d.open_file(pathOrFile)
21 return d
rawpy\_rawpy.pyx in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.open_file()
rawpy\_rawpy.pyx in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.handle_error()
LibRawFileUnsupportedError: b'Unsupported file format or not RAW file'

Convert mha 3d images into 2d images in Python (2015 brats challenge dataset)

I want to use SimpleITK or wedpy to convert the 3d images into 2d images.
Or i want to get a three-dimensional matrix, and then i divide the three-dimensional matrix into some two-dimensional matrices.
import SimpleITK as ITK
import numpy as np
#from import load
image = ITK.ReadImage(url)
frame_num, width, height = image_array.shape
Then only get it:155 240 240
but i want to get [[1,5,2,3,1...],[54,1,3,5...],[5,8,9,6....]]
Just to add to Dave Chen's answer, as it is unclear if you want to get a set of 2D SimpleITK images or numpy arrays. The following code covers all three available options:
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
url = "my_file.mha"
image = sitk.ReadImage(url)
max_index = image.GetDepth() # or image.GetWidth() or image.GetHeight() depending on the axis along which you want to extract
# As list of 2D SimpleITK images
list_of_2D_images = [image[:,:,i] for i in range(max_index)]
# As list of 2D numpy arrays which cannot be modified (no data copied)
list_of_2D_images_np_view = [sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image[:,:,i]) for i in range(max_index)]
# As list of 2D numpy arrays (data copied to numpy array)
list_of_2D_images_np = [sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image[:,:,i]) for i in range(max_index)]
Also, if you really want to work with URLs and not local files I would suggest looking at the remote download approach used in the SimpleITK notebooks repository, the relevant file is
That's not a big deal.
CT images have originally all numbers in int16 type so you don't need to handle float numbers.. In this case, we can think that we can easily change from int16 to uint16 only removing negative values in the image (CT images have some negative numbers as pixel values). Note that we really need uint16, or uint8 type so that OpenCV can handle it... as we have a lot of values in the CT image array, the best choice is uint16, so that we don't lose too much precision.
Ok, now you just need to do as follows:
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import cv2
mha = sitk.ReadImage('/mha/directory') #Importing mha file
array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mha) #Converting to array int16 (default)
#Translating each slice to the positive side
for m in range(array.shape[0]):
array[m] = array[m] + abs(np.min(array[m]))
array = np.around(array, decimals=0) #remove any float numbers if exists.. probably not
array = np.asarray(array, dtype='uint16') #From int16 to uint16
After these steps the array is just ready to be saved as png images using opencv.imwrite module:
for image in array:
cv2.imwrite('/dir/to/save/'+'name_image.png', image)
Note that by default SimpleITK handles .mha files by the axial view. I really don't know how to change it because I've never needed it before. Anyway, in this case with some searches you can find something.
I'm not sure exactly what you want to get. But it's easy to extract a 2d slice from a 3d image in SimpleITK.
To get a Z slice where Z=100 you can do this:
zslice = image[100]
To get a Y slice for Y=100:
yslice = image[:, 100]
And a X slice for X=100:
xslice = image[:, :, 100]
#zivy#Dave Chen
I've solved my problem.In fact, running this code will give you 150 240*240 PNG pictures.It's i want to get.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import random
import progressbar
from glob import glob
from skimage import io
np.random.seed(5) # for reproducibility
progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[progressbar.Bar('*', '[', ']'), progressbar.Percentage(), ' '])
class BrainPipeline(object):
A class for processing brain scans for one patient
INPUT: (1) filepath 'path': path to directory of one patient. Contains following mha files:
flair, t1, t1c, t2, ground truth (gt)
(2) bool 'n4itk': True to use n4itk normed t1 scans (defaults to True)
(3) bool 'n4itk_apply': True to apply and save n4itk filter to t1 and t1c scans for given patient. This will only work if the
def __init__(self, path, n4itk = True, n4itk_apply = False):
self.path = path
self.n4itk = n4itk
self.n4itk_apply = n4itk_apply
self.modes = ['flair', 't1', 't1c', 't2', 'gt']
# slices=[[flair x 155], [t1], [t1c], [t2], [gt]], 155 per modality
self.slices_by_mode, n = self.read_scans()
# [ [slice1 x 5], [slice2 x 5], ..., [slice155 x 5]]
self.slices_by_slice = n
self.normed_slices = self.norm_slices()
def read_scans(self):
goes into each modality in patient directory and loads individual scans.
transforms scans of same slice into strip of 5 images
print('Loading scans...')
slices_by_mode = np.zeros((5, 155, 240, 240))
slices_by_slice = np.zeros((155, 5, 240, 240))
flair = glob(self.path + '/*Flair*/*.mha')
t2 = glob(self.path + '/*_T2*/*.mha')
gt = glob(self.path + '/*more*/*.mha')
t1s = glob(self.path + '/**/*T1*.mha')
t1_n4 = glob(self.path + '/*T1*/*_n.mha')
t1 = [scan for scan in t1s if scan not in t1_n4]
scans = [flair[0], t1[0], t1[1], t2[0], gt[0]] # directories to each image (5 total)
if self.n4itk_apply:
print('-> Applyling bias correction...')
for t1_path in t1:
self.n4itk_norm(t1_path) # normalize files
scans = [flair[0], t1_n4[0], t1_n4[1], t2[0], gt[0]]
elif self.n4itk:
scans = [flair[0], t1_n4[0], t1_n4[1], t2[0], gt[0]]
for scan_idx in xrange(5):
# read each image directory, save to self.slices
slices_by_mode[scan_idx] = io.imread(scans[scan_idx], plugin='simpleitk').astype(float)
for mode_ix in xrange(slices_by_mode.shape[0]): # modes 1 thru 5
for slice_ix in xrange(slices_by_mode.shape[1]): # slices 1 thru 155
slices_by_slice[slice_ix][mode_ix] = slices_by_mode[mode_ix][slice_ix] # reshape by slice
return slices_by_mode, slices_by_slice
def norm_slices(self):
normalizes each slice in self.slices_by_slice, excluding gt
subtracts mean and div by std dev for each slice
clips top and bottom one percent of pixel intensities
if n4itk == True, will apply n4itk bias correction to T1 and T1c images
print('Normalizing slices...')
normed_slices = np.zeros((155, 5, 240, 240))
for slice_ix in xrange(155):
normed_slices[slice_ix][-1] = self.slices_by_slice[slice_ix][-1]
for mode_ix in xrange(4):
normed_slices[slice_ix][mode_ix] = self._normalize(self.slices_by_slice[slice_ix][mode_ix])
return normed_slices
def _normalize(self, slice):
INPUT: (1) a single slice of any given modality (excluding gt)
(2) index of modality assoc with slice (0=flair, 1=t1, 2=t1c, 3=t2)
OUTPUT: normalized slice
b, t = np.percentile(slice, (0.5,99.5))
slice = np.clip(slice, b, t)
if np.std(slice) == 0:
return slice
return (slice - np.mean(slice)) / np.std(slice)
def save_patient(self, reg_norm_n4, patient_num):
INPUT: (1) int 'patient_num': unique identifier for each patient
(2) string 'reg_norm_n4': 'reg' for original images, 'norm' normalized images, 'n4' for n4 normalized images
OUTPUT: saves png in Norm_PNG directory for normed, Training_PNG for reg
print('Saving scans for patient {}...'.format(patient_num))
progress.currval = 0
if reg_norm_n4 == 'norm': #saved normed slices
for slice_ix in progress(xrange(155)): # reshape to strip
strip = self.normed_slices[slice_ix].reshape(1200, 240)
if np.max(strip) != 0: # set values < 1
strip /= np.max(strip)
if np.min(strip) <= -1: # set values > -1
strip /= abs(np.min(strip))
# save as patient_slice.png
io.imsave('Norm_PNG/{}_{}.png'.format(patient_num, slice_ix), strip)
elif reg_norm_n4 == 'reg':
for slice_ix in progress(xrange(155)):
strip = self.slices_by_slice[slice_ix].reshape(1200, 240)
if np.max(strip) != 0:
strip /= np.max(strip)
io.imsave('Training_PNG/{}_{}.png'.format(patient_num, slice_ix), strip)
for slice_ix in progress(xrange(155)): # reshape to strip
strip = self.normed_slices[slice_ix].reshape(1200, 240)
if np.max(strip) != 0: # set values < 1
strip /= np.max(strip)
if np.min(strip) <= -1: # set values > -1
strip /= abs(np.min(strip))
# save as patient_slice.png
io.imsave('n4_PNG/{}_{}.png'.format(patient_num, slice_ix), strip)
def n4itk_norm(self, path, n_dims=3, n_iters='[20,20,10,5]'):
INPUT: (1) filepath 'path': path to mha T1 or T1c file
(2) directory 'parent_dir': parent directory to mha file
OUTPUT: writes n4itk normalized image to parent_dir under orig_filename_n.mha
output_fn = path[:-4] + '_n.mha'
# run path n_dim n_iters output_fn'python ' + path + ' ' + str(n_dims) + ' ' + n_iters + ' ' + output_fn, shell = True)
def save_patient_slices(patients, type):
INPUT (1) list 'patients': paths to any directories of patients to save. for example- glob("Training/HGG/**")
(2) string 'type': options = reg (non-normalized), norm (normalized, but no bias correction), n4 (bias corrected and normalized)
saves strips of patient slices to approriate directory (Training_PNG/, Norm_PNG/ or n4_PNG/) as patient-num_slice-num
for patient_num, path in enumerate(patients):
a = BrainPipeline(path)
a.save_patient(type, patient_num)
def s3_dump(directory, bucket):
dump files from a given directory to an s3 bucket
INPUT (1) string 'directory': directory containing files to save
(2) string 'bucket': name od s3 bucket to dump files
''''aws s3 cp' + ' ' + directory + ' ' + 's3://' + bucket + ' ' + '--recursive')
def save_labels(fns):
INPUT list 'fns': filepaths to all labels
progress.currval = 0
for label_idx in progress(range(len(labels))):
slices = io.imread(labels[label_idx], plugin = 'simpleitk')
for slice_idx in range(len(slices)):
io.imsave(r'{}_{}L.png'.format(label_idx, slice_idx), slices[slice_idx])
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = r'G:\work\deeplearning\BRATS2015_Training\HGG\brats_2013_pat0005_1\VSD.Brain.XX.O.MR_T1.54537\VSD.Brain.XX.O.MR_T1.54537.mha'
labels = glob(url)
# patients = glob('Training/HGG/**')
# save_patient_slices(patients, 'reg')
# save_patient_slices(patients, 'norm')
# save_patient_slices(patients, 'n4')
# s3_dump('Graveyard/Training_PNG/', 'orig-training-png')

python read and convert raw 3d image file

I am working with ct scans medical images in raw format. It is basically a 3d matrix of voxels (512*512*nb of slices). I'd like to extract each slice of the file into separate files.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# reading the raw image into a string. The image files can be found at:
f = open('test01.raw', 'rb')
img_str =
# converting to a uint16 numpy array
img_arr = np.fromstring(img_str, np.uint16)
# get the first image and plot it
im1 = img_arr[0:512*512]
im1 = np.reshape(im1, (512, 512))
The result definitely looks like a chest ct scan, but the texture of the image is strange, as if the pixels were misplaced.
Some relevant info might be located in the associated .mhd info file, but I'm not sure where to look:
ObjectType = Image
NDims = 3
BinaryData = True
BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
CompressedData = False
TransformMatrix = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Offset = 0 0 0
CenterOfRotation = 0 0 0
AnatomicalOrientation = RPI
ElementSpacing = 0.697266 0.697266 0.7
DimSize = 512 512 459
ElementType = MET_SHORT
ElementDataFile = test01.raw
Try it this way:
Dim_size=np.array((512,512,459), #Or read that from your mhd info File
f = open(FileName,'rb') #only opens the file for reading
if you are Memory limited read the file in chunks
f = open(FileName,'rb') #only opens the file for reading
for i in range(0,Dim_size[2]):
#Do something with the Slice
A good way to show what's actually in the raw- File would also be to read it in ImageJ. For reading such ITK compatible files, there is even a PlugIn available, but direct raw import should also work.

Why are the images produced from a numpy array incorrect

I have written a python program which takes x, y, c values (c being charge) from a particle detector and converts them to grey scale heat map images. An example of what the program produces is below. What should be shown is several clusters of grey-white areas on a black background representing particle collisions with the screen. I know this because the PIXELMAN program which we use with the particle detector shows what it looks like, my program just lets you do it without the detector plugged in.
def heatMap(self):
directory = str(self.varRun.get())
if directory == "None selected" :
tkMessageBox.showinfo("ERROR", "No run was selected")
filename = askopenfilename(title = "Choose a new Image to import", initialdir=directory)
if filename[-4:] != ".txt":
tkMessageBox.showinfo("ERROR", "You must select a .txt image")
with open(filename,'r') as f:
for x, y, c in reader:
maxC = max(clist)
array = np.zeros((256, 256))
for i in range (0, len(xlist)-1):
rgbValue = (float(clist[i]) / float(maxC)) * 255
array[ylist[i],xlist[i]] = rgbValue
array = sp.ndimage.zoom(array, 2, order=0)
imageFromArray = Image.fromarray(array, "1")[:-4] + ".png"))
newPhoImg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageFromArray)
self.ImageViewer.image = newPhoImg
The routine which asks for the file and displays it is above. Any help with discovering why the image does not form properly is appreciated. I have checked that xlist, ylist and clist all get the correct values inserted into them from the text file I just don't know what goes wrong from there. A sample of an input file is:
2 0 43.000000
3 0 65.000000
4 0 67.000000
5 0 33.000000
7 0 44.000000
8 0 102.000000
9 0 59.000000
10 0 31.000000
11 0 42.000000
12 0 29.000000
13 0 125.000000
14 0 115.000000
247 255 38.000000
Obviously this continues all the way down to y values of 255
Now that this is solved two images produced were:
As I mentioned in a comment, this line
imageFromArray = Image.fromarray(array, "1")
is suspect. You are converting a floating point array to a 1-bit image (see
Try changing that line to
imageFromArray = Image.fromarray(array).convert('L')
Then imageFromArray will be an 8-bit image which can be saved as a PNG file.

Calculate NDVI using Python

I know that the NDVI equation is
I'm trying to calculate it using python. I've got this so far:
inRaster = ('Landsat.tif')
out_NDVI_file = ('NDVI.tif')
red = arcpy.Describe(inRaster+'/Band_3')
NIR = arcpy.Describe(inRaster+'/Band_4')
num =
denom =
NDVI =, denom)
but i get this error message,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\abc\", line 32, in <module>
num =
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'geoprocessing describe data object' and 'geoprocessing describe data object'
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
If you replace
red = arcpy.Describe(inRaster+'/Band_3')
NIR = arcpy.Describe(inRaster+'/Band_4')
red ='/Band_3')
NIR ='/Band_4')
your script should work as expected.
The following script calculates NDVI from 4-band NAIP imagery, where band 4 = nIR and band 3 = Red. You need the spatial analyst extension for this.
Keep in mind that Landsat TM Band 4 = nIR & Band 3 = Red and Landsat 8 Band 5 = nIR and Band 4 = Red. USGS Reference
# Calculates NDVI from multispectral imagery
import arcpy, string
from arcpy import env
from import*
env.workspace = r'C:\Your\workspace'
input = r'C:\Your\raster.tif'
result = "outputName.tif"
# You may need to change the band combinations.
# This is for 4-band NAIP imagery or Landsat TM.
NIR = input + "\Band_4"
Red = input + "\Band_3"
NIR_out = "NIR.tif"
Red_out = "Red.tif"
arcpy.CopyRaster_management(Red, Red_out)
Num = - Raster(Red_out))
Denom = + Raster(Red_out))
NIR_eq =, Denom)
