Breadth First Search with list of coordinates python - python

I am building a simple A.I for a "spider game" (pretty much the same concept as the snake game but the moving logic is a bit different). I am trying to implement a BFS algorithm such that the spider finds the path that leads it to the ant. The algorithm seems to work for several iterations but when I run it outside of the debugger it gets a None value inside the node_list and that makes the other methods fail (since you cannot get the next move for anything).
This is the BFS algorithm:
def BFS(spider_state, ant_state):
goal = False
count = 0
initial_node = Node(spider_state, None, 0)
node_list = [initial_node]
initial_ant_state = ant_state
while goal == False or len(node_list) == 0:
e = node_list.pop(0)
future_ant_state = initial_ant_state
for i in range(0, e.depth):
future_ant_state = get_next_ant_move(border_choice, initial_ant_state)
for move in POSSIBLE_MOVES:
count += 1
next_node = Node(None, None, None)
next_node.state = get_next_spider_move(deepcopy(e.state), move)
next_node.parent = e
next_node.depth = e.depth + 1
if next_node.state == future_ant_state:
goal = True
return node_list
class Node():
def __init__(self, state, parent, depth):
self.state = state
self.parent = parent
self.depth = depth
Spider and ant are represented as a simple list of x and y positions:
spider = [15, 35]
ant = [20, 10]
The get next move methods look like this:
def get_next_spider_move(spidy, move):
if spidy:
# check the bounds and assign the new value to spidy
spidy = spider_bounds(spidy)
# farthest right
if move == 0:
spidy[1] += 2
spidy[0] -= 1
# furhter up and right
if move == 1:
spidy[1] += 1
spidy[0] -= 2
# backwords
if move == 2:
spidy[0] += 1
# farthest left
if move == 3:
spidy[1] -= 2
spidy[0] -= 1
# furhter up and to the left
if move == 4:
spidy[1] += 1
spidy[0] -= 2
# one left
if move == 5:
spidy[1] -= 1
# one right
if move == 6:
spidy[1] -= 1
# side right
if move == 7:
spidy[1] += 1
spidy[0] += 1
# side left
if move == 8:
spidy[1] -= 1
spidy[0] -= 1
# if no valid direction was given
return spidy
raise ValueError('spidy must contain an x and y position. %s', spidy, ' was found')
The resulting error when run:
File "", line 141, in <module>
path = BFS(spider, ant)
File "", line 130, in BFS
next_node.state = get_next_spider_move(deepcopy(e.state), move)
File "", line 100, in get_next_spider_move
raise ValueError('spidy must contain an x and y position. %s', spidy, ' was found')
ValueError: ('spidy must contain an x and y position. %s', None, ' was found')

You have a logic error at the bottom of your move function. The last complete statement is
if move == 8:
spidy[1] -= 1
spidy[0] -= 1
# if no valid direction was given
return spidy
Your comment is incorrect: the else clause is executed by any move other than 8. If the move is 8, then you return None, as you've skipped the statement that returns spidy.
As the first comment mentioned, you will do better with if ... elif ... else as your logic structure. Even better than that, follow the many on-line examples for moving an item: make a list or dict of the moves, something like this:
move_dir = [
(-1, +2), # move 0
(-2, +1), # move 1
(+1, 0), # move 2
... # fill in the rest
if move in range(len(move_dir)):
spidy[0] += move_dir[move[0]]
spidy[1] += move_dir[move[1]]
return spidy
raise ValueError ...


Mancala AI completes the game and wins in one round instead of playing one turn

I'm working on a Mancala game where players get to play against an AI. the code is complete, the Mancala game functionality is found within the Mancala_helpers, the AI algorithm is a MinMax tree and is found in the MinMax file, and finally the game itself. everything runs fine except for when the AI plays, if the AI starts the game immediately ends, it moves all the rocks from its pits in one round. and if I start I can only play one move before it does the same. I cannot understand what's happening, at first, I thought maybe I had a problem within the function of mancala helpers where they did not switch turns properly and the AI kept playing. but I ran multiple tests and that part is working fine. I cant identify the issue, help, please. if anyone also has suggestions for a better evaluation function then that would be great. thanks
--------------------------Mancala helpers--------------
# TODO: implement pad(num)
# Return a string representation of num that is always two characters wide.
# If num does not already have two digits, a leading "0" is inserted in front.
# This is called "padding". For example, pad(12) is "12", and pad(1) is "01".
# You can assume num is either one or two digits long.
def pad(num: int) -> str:
x = str(num)
if len(x) > 1:
return x
return "0"+x
# TODO: implement pad_all(nums)
# Return a new list whose elements are padded versions of the elements in nums.
# For example, pad_all([12, 1]) should return ["12", "01"].
# Your code should create a new list, and not modify the original list.
# You can assume each element of nums is an int with one or two digits.
def pad_all(nums: list) -> list:
x = []
for i in nums:
return x
# TODO: implement initial_state()
# Return a (player, board) tuple representing the initial game state
# The initial player is player 0.
# board is list of ints representing the initial mancala board at the start of the game.
# The list element at index p should be the number of gems at position p.
def initial_state() -> tuple:
return (0, [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0])
# TODO: implement game_over(state)
# Return True if the game is over, and False otherwise.
# The game is over once all pits are empty.
# Your code should not modify the board list.
# The built-in functions "any" and "all" may be useful:
def game_over(state: tuple) -> bool:
lst = state[1]
if (lst[0] == lst[1] == lst[2] == lst[3] == lst[4] == lst[5] == 0) or (lst[7] == lst[8] == lst[9] == lst[10] == lst[11] == lst[12] == 0):
return True
return False
# TODO: implement valid_actions(state)
# state is a (player, board) tuple
# Return a list of all positions on the board where the current player can pick up gems.
# A position is a valid move if it is one of the player's pits and has 1 or more gems in it.
# For example, if all of player's pits are empty, you should return [].
# The positions in the returned list should be ordered from lowest to highest.
# Your code should not modify the board list.
def valid_actions(state: tuple) -> list:
actions = []
lst = state[1]
player = state[0]
if player == 0:
for i in range(6):
if lst[i] > 0:
return actions
for i in range(6):
if lst[i+7] >0: actions.append(i+7)
return actions
# TODO: implement mancala_of(player)
# Return the numeric position of the given player's mancala.
# Player 0's mancala is on the right and player 1's mancala is on the left.
# You can assume player is either 0 or 1.
def mancala_of(player: int) -> int:
if player ==0: return 6
elif player==1: return 13
# TODO: implement pits_of(player)
# Return a list of numeric positions corresponding to the given player's pits.
# The positions in the list should be ordered from lowest to highest.
# Player 0's pits are on the bottom and player 1's pits are on the top.
# You can assume player is either 0 or 1.
def pits_of(player: int) -> list:
if player ==0:
return [0,1,2,3,4,5]
elif player==1:
return [7,8,9,10,11,12]
# TODO: implement player_who_can_do(move)
# Return the player (either 0 or 1) who is allowed to perform the given move.
# The move is allowed if it is the position of one of the player's pits.
# For example, position 2 is one of player 0's pits.
# So player_who_can_do(2) should return 0.
# You can assume that move is a valid position for one of the players.
def player_who_can_do(move: int) -> int:
if move in [0,1,2,3,4,5] : return 0
elif move in [7,8,9,10,11,12]: return 1
# TODO: implement opposite_from(position)
# Return the position of the pit that is opposite from the given position.
# Check the pdf instructions for the definition of "opposite".
def opposite_from(position: int) -> int:
d_p_1 = {}
return d_p_1[position]
# TODO: implement play_turn(move, board)
# Return the new game state after the given move is performed on the given board.
# The return value should be a tuple (new_player, new_board).
# new_player should be the player (0 or 1) whose turn it is after the move.
# new_board should be a list representing the new board state after the move.
# Parameters:
# board is a list representing the current state of the game board before the turn is taken.
# move is an int representing the position where the current player picks up gems.
# You can assume that move is a valid move for the current player who is taking their turn.
# Check the pdf instructions for the detailed rules of taking a turn.
# It may be helpful to use several of the functions you implemented above.
# You will also need control flow such as loops and if-statements.
# Lastly, the % (modulo) operator may be useful:
# (x % y) returns the remainder of x / y
# from:
def play_turn(move: int, board: list) -> tuple:
player = player_who_can_do(move)
new_board = board
gems = new_board[move]
new_board[move] = 0
hasht = {}
hasht[0] =1
hasht[1] = 0
if player ==0:
x =0
offset = 1
gems_counter = gems
for i in range(gems):
if i + move + offset == 13: offset += 1
elif (i+move+offset) - 14 == 13: offset += 1
if i + move +offset > 13:
gem_position = (i+move+offset) - 14
gem_position = i + move + offset
new_board[gem_position] += 1
gems_counter -= 1
if gems_counter ==0 and gem_position==6: x = 1
if gems_counter==0 and gem_position in pits_of(0) and new_board[gem_position] == 1 and new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)] > 0:
gems_from_myside = new_board[gem_position]
gems_from_opside = new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)]
new_board[6] = gems_from_myside+gems_from_opside
new_board[gem_position] = 0
new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)] = 0
return (hasht[x],new_board)
if player ==1:
x_2 = 1
offset = 1
gems_counter2 = gems
for i in range(gems):
if i + move + offset == 6: offset += 1
elif (i+move+offset) - 14 == 6: offset += 1
if i + move +offset > 13:
gem_position = (i+move+offset) - 14
gem_position = i + move + offset
new_board[gem_position] += 1
gems_counter2 -= 1
if gems_counter2 == 0 and gem_position == 13: x_2 = 0
if gems_counter2==0 and gem_position in pits_of(1) and new_board[gem_position] == 1 and new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)] > 0:
gems_from_myside = new_board[gem_position]
gems_from_opside = new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)]
new_board[13] = gems_from_myside+gems_from_opside
new_board[gem_position] = 0
new_board[opposite_from(gem_position)] = 0
return (hasht[x_2],new_board)
# TODO: implement clear_pits(board)
# Return a new list representing the game state after clearing the pits from the board.
# When clearing pits, any gems in a player's pits get moved to that player's mancala.
# Check the pdf instructions for more detail about clearing pits.
def clear_pits(board: list) -> list:
length = len(board)
middle_index = length // 2
first_half = board[:middle_index]
second_half = board[middle_index:]
for i in range(6):
first_half[6] += first_half[i]
second_half[6] += second_half[i]
second_half[i] = 0
return (first_half+second_half)
# This one is done for you.
# Plays a turn and clears pits if needed.
def perform_action(action, state):
player, board = state
new_player, new_board = play_turn(action, board)
if 0 in [len(valid_actions((0, new_board))), len(valid_actions((1, new_board)))]:
new_board = clear_pits(new_board)
return new_player, new_board
# TODO: implement score_in(state)
# state is a (player, board) tuple
# Return the score in the given state.
# The score is the number of gems in player 0's mancala, minus the number of gems in player 1's mancala.
def score_in(state: tuple) -> int:
lst = state[1]
return lst[6] - lst[13]
# TODO: implement is_tied(board)
# Return True if the game is tied in the given board state, False otherwise.
# A game is tied if both players have the same number of gems in their mancalas.
# You can assume all pits have already been cleared on the given board.
def is_tied(board: list) -> bool:
if board[mancala_of(0)] - board[mancala_of(1)] == 0: return True
else: return False
# TODO: implement winner_of(board)
# Return the winning player (either 0 or 1) in the given board state.
# The winner is the player with more gems in their mancala.
# You can assume it is not a tied game, and all pits have already been cleared.
def winner_of(board: list) -> int:
if board[mancala_of(0)] > board[mancala_of(1)]: return 0
elif board[mancala_of(0)] < board[mancala_of(1)]: return 1
# TODO: implement string_of(board)
def string_of(board: list) -> str:
new_board = pad_all(board)
return '\n {} {} {} {} {} {}\n {} {}\n {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(new_board[12],new_board[11],new_board[10],new_board[9],new_board[8],new_board[7],new_board[13],new_board[6],new_board[0],new_board[1],new_board[2],new_board[3],new_board[4],new_board[5])
-----------------------MinMax AI-------------------------------------------------------------
from os import stat
import numpy as np
from mancala_helpers import *
# A simple evaluation function that simply uses the current score.
def simple_evaluate(state):
return score_in(state)
# Implement a better evaluation function that outperforms the simple one.
def better_evaluate(state):
#lst = state[1]
#return score_in(state)/2
return None
# depth-limited minimax as covered in lecture
def minimax(state, max_depth, evaluate):
# returns chosen child state, utility
# base cases
if game_over(state): return None, score_in(state)
if max_depth == 0: return None, evaluate(state)
# recursive case
children = [perform_action(action, state) for action in valid_actions(state)]
results = [minimax(child, max_depth-1, evaluate) for child in children]
_, utilities = zip(*results)
player, board = state
if player == 0: action = np.argmax(utilities)
if player == 1: action = np.argmin(utilities)
return children[action], utilities[action]
# runs a competitive game between two AIs:
# better_evaluation (as player 0) vs simple_evaluation (as player 1)
def compete(max_depth, verbose=True):
state = initial_state()
while not game_over(state):
player, board = state
if verbose: print(string_of(board))
if verbose: print("--- %s's turn --->" % ["Better","Simple"][player])
state, _ = minimax(state, max_depth, [better_evaluate, simple_evaluate][player])
score = score_in(state)
player, board = state
if verbose:
print("Final score: %d" % score)
return score
if __name__ == "__main__":
score = compete(max_depth=4, verbose=True)
----------------------------------------playing the game---------------------------
from os import stat
from mancala_helpers import *
from mancala_minimax import minimax, simple_evaluate
def get_user_action(state):
actions = list(map(str, valid_actions(state)))
player, board = state
prompt = "Player %d, choose an action (%s): " % (player, ",".join(actions))
while True:
action = input(prompt)
if action in actions: return int(action)
print("Invalid action, try again.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
max_depth = 1
state = initial_state()
while not game_over(state):
player, board = state
if player == 0:
action = get_user_action(state)
state = perform_action(action, state)
print("--- AI's turn --->")
state, _ = minimax(state, max_depth, simple_evaluate)
player, board = state
if is_tied(board):
print("Game over, it is tied.")
winner = winner_of(board)
print("Game over, player %d wins." % winner)
the entire problem was in the mancala helper file. in the function play_turn() the 2nd line new_board = board. this was causing the issue because the original state should be immutable to work properly. any changes on new_board were also affecting board. the following new_board = copy.deepcopy(board) fixed everything. the function copy.deepcopy() creates a completely new copy, any changes applied to one of them does not affect the other.

Simulation task, I'm stuck with producing correct output

I have been tasked with producing a simple program that simulates the actions of a vehicle from a list of command stored & accessed within a text file.
The expected output would look something like this;
Loading simulation...
Speed = 5, Gear = 1, Direction = 0
Speed = 10, Gear = 1, Direction = 0
Changing up...
Current gear = 2
Speed = 15, Gear = 2, Direction = 0
Speed = 20, Gear = 2, Direction = 0
Yet my output looks like this;
Loading Simulation....
Car Gear is First (1)
Car Gear is First (1)
Speed = 5, Gear = 1, Direction = [-1, 0, 1]
Car Gear is First (1)
Speed = 0, Gear = 1, Direction = [-1, 0, 1]
Car Gear is First (1)
Car Gear is First (1)
Speed = 5, Gear = 1, Direction = [-1, 0, 1]
Car Gear is First (1)
Speed = 0, Gear = 1, Direction = [-1, 0, 1]
Car Gear is First (1)
When I run my code in Idle, i get no errors of any kind, when i use Thonny, it gives me the folloing error when it analyses the code:
Line 113 : Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.
Line 113 : Unused argument 'selected_gear'
Below is a copy of my code also:
LEFT = -1
#gears and allowable speeds are as follows:
#zero (reverse) (speed -1 to -10). Max reverse speed of car is -10
#one (speed 0 to 10)
#two (speed 10 to 20)
#three (speed 20 to 30)
#four (speed 30 to 45)
#five (speed 45 to 80). Max speed of car is 80
#gears change automatically, one gear at a time
#direction values are similar to numbers on clock face
#0 = 12 = straight on. All other directions = 1-11
class Car:
def __init__(self):
self.speed = 0
self.gear = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
self.direction = [-1,0,1]
self.broken = False #indicates whether car is broken
self.simulation = []
self.simulation_loaded = False
def accelerate(self):
if self.broken:
print("Car is broken!")
if self.gear == REVERSE:
self.speed -= 5
self.speed += 5
if self.speed > 80:
self.speed = 80
if self.speed < -10:
self.speed = -10
def brake(self):
if self.broken:
print("Car is broken...")
if self.speed < 0:
self.speed += 5
if self.speed > 0:
self.speed = 0
elif self.speed > 0:
self.speed -= 5
if self.speed < 0:
self.speed = 0
def turn_steering_wheel(self, direction_change):
if self.broken:
print("Car is broken...")
if self.gear == REVERSE:
print ("Car is in reverse...")
if direction_change == RIGHT:
self.direction = -1
print("Reversing Right")
elif direction_change == REVERSE:
self.direction = 12
elif direction_change == LEFT:
self.direction = 1
print("Reversing Left")
elif self.gear == FORWARD:
if direction_change == LEFT:
self.direction = -1
print("Turning Left")
elif direction_change == STRAIGHT:
self.direction = 0
print("Moving Forward")
elif direction_change == RIGHT:
self.direction = 1
print("Turning Right")
def change_gear(self, selected_gear = FORWARD):
if self.broken:
print("Car is broken...")
return self.broken
# if self.gear == 0 and self.speed >= 0:
# print("you are going forward while in reverse gear...")
# return self.broken
# elif self.gear >= 1 and self.speed <= -1:
# print("you are going reverse while in foward gear...")
# return self.broken
if self.speed <= -1:
self.gear = 0
print("Car Gear is Neutral (0)")
return self.gear
elif self.speed <= 10:
self.gear = 1
print("Car Gear is First (1)")
elif self.speed <= 20:
self.gear = 2
print("Car Gear is Second (2)")
elif self.speed <= 30:
self.gear = 3
print("Car Gear is Third (3)")
elif self.speed <= 40:
self.gear = 4
print("Car Gear is Fourth (4)")
elif self.speed <= 50:
self.gear = 5
print("Car Gear is Fifth (5)")
#check to see if car is going forward when reverse is selected and vice versa
#work out what gear you need to be in based on car’s speed
#Loop one gear at a time, either changing up or down, to get to required gear
print("Changing up...")
def display_stats(self):
print(f"Speed = {self.speed}, Gear = {self.gear}, Direction = {self.direction}")
def load_simulation(self, filename):
file = open(filename)
line = file.readline()
while line !='':
line = file.readline()
self.simulation_loaded = True
return self.simulation
def run_simulation(self):
if self.simulation_loaded == False:
print("Error - Simulation.txt file is present")
print("Loading Simulation....")
for action in self.simulation:
if action == "FORWARD":
self.change_gear (FORWARD)
elif action == "ACCELERATE":
elif action == "LEFT":
elif action == "RIGHT":
'''***WHEN USING SELF.DIRECTION(LEFT)/(RIGHT) the following error is given:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\Bsc Computer Forensics - Laptop\Software-Dev\", line 207, in <module>
File "C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\Bsc Computer Forensics - Laptop\Software-Dev\", line 183, in run_simulation
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable*** '''
elif action == "BRAKE":
self.change_gear (REVERSE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_car = Car()
Would I please be able to ask if anyone could explain what the errors im getting mean and where in my code I need to be looking, its got me feeling a little lost now - I've tried to research them, fix them but anyhting I try either seems to have no impact or gives errors that otherwise don't exist.
The errors occur in your change_gear() function, although they are more like warnings and should not pose serious problems:
Line 113 : Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.
The first two return statements return a value while the others don't. This is inconsistent and makes the code harder to understand. Since you don't actually use the returned values anywhere, you can remove them (i.e. use plain return).
Line 113 : Unused argument 'selected_gear'
You don't use the selected_gear argument anywhere inside change_gear(). You can remove it to get rid of the warning/error.

Python BFS program not returning grid and path, on maze with obstacles and solutions

I have imported a text file with numbers as the following example:
3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 3
The goal is to read in the text file, format it as a grid (i.e a 10 by 10 grid) which I am able to do, and then sort through the list of lists to reach the solution where the number 3 is an obstacle, number 1 is start point and number 2 is the solution, I am attempting to use a BFS algorithm where the agent can move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.
I am trying to print the sequence of steps that is taken to reach the closest solution (i.e 2) from the beginning point(i.e 1). The numbers are formatted as strings/ text. The program I have written seems to be running but it never prints a solution or terminates. The move sequence that is to be printed as a solutions is in the format of:
'Move Down'
'Move UP'
ETC. where each move is on a newline
I am attaching my code below and any help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated
import queue
def read_user_input():
file_name = input('Enter the name of your file :\n')
return file_name
def read_to_grid():
file_name = read_user_input()
for nums in open(file_name):
line = list(nums.split())
result = []
for _ in range(0, len(line), 10):
result.append(line[_:_ + 10])
return result
def print_grid(result, path=''):
for x, pos in enumerate(result[0]):
if pos == '0':
start = x
i = start
j = 0
pos = set()
for move in path:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
j -= 1
elif move == 'Move Down':
j += 1
pos.add((j, i))
for j, row in enumerate(result):
for i, col in enumerate(row):
if (j, i) in pos:
print('#', end='')
print(col + ' ', end='')
def valid(result, moves):
for x, pos in enumerate(result[0]):
if pos == '0':
start = x
i = start
j = 0
for move in moves:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
j -= 1
elif move == 'Move Down':
j += 1
if not (0 <= i < len(result[0]) and 0 <= j < len(result)):
return False
elif (result[i][j] == '3'):
return False
return True
def find_goal(result, moves):
for x, pos in enumerate(result[0]):
if pos == '0':
start = x
i = start
j = 0
for move in moves:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
j -= 1
elif move == 'Move Down':
j += 1
if result[j][i] == '2':
print('Found: ' + moves)
print_grid(result, moves)
return True
return False
nums = queue.Queue()
add = ''
result = read_to_grid()
while not find_goal(result, add):
add = nums.get()
for j in ['Move Left', 'Move Right', 'Move Up', 'Move Down']:
put = add + j
if valid(result, put):
Ok Ryan answer already says everything, here however is your code working though is not efficient in anyway, the only things I changed that is worth is that instead of using a list of list you can just use a list, and the valid function now check the traveled path so that it can know where it has been so it won't loop.
import queue
# Read name file from user
def read_user_input():
file_name = input('Enter the name of your file :\n')
return file_name
# Read file and return list of list[10]
def read_to_grid():
with open(read_user_input()) as file:
for nums in file:
line = list(nums.split())
return line
# Shows a text grid
def print_grid(result, path=[]):
for x, pos in enumerate(result):
if pos == '1':
start = x
i = start
#j = 0
pos = set()
for move in path:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
i -= 10
elif move == 'Move Down':
i += 10
for i, celd in enumerate(result):
if i % 10 == 0:
if i in pos:
print('# ', end='')
print(celd + ' ', end='')
# Validates coordinates and traveled path
def valid(result, moves):
for x, pos in enumerate(result):
if pos == '1':
start = x
i = start % 10
j = start // 10
# Where we start
travel = [(j,i)]
for move in moves:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
j -= 1
elif move == 'Move Down':
j += 1
# Check if we have already been there
if (j, i) in travel:
return False
travel += [(j,i)]
# Check coordinates
if i >= 10 or i < 0 or j >= len(result) // 10 or j < 0:
return False
elif result[i+j*10] == '3':
return False
return True
# Return true if 2 is reached
def find_goal(result, moves):
for x, pos in enumerate(result):
if pos == '1':
start = x
i = start
#j = 0
for move in moves:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
i -= 10
elif move == 'Move Down':
i += 10
if result[i] == '2':
print('Found: ',' '.join(moves))
print_grid(result, moves[0:-1])
return True
return False
nums = queue.Queue()
result = read_to_grid()
add = []
while not find_goal(result, add):
if not nums.empty():
add = nums.get()
for j in ['Move Left', 'Move Right', 'Move Up', 'Move Down']:
put = add + [j]
if valid(result, put):
I cleaned up a little:
import queue
# Read name file from user
def read_user_input():
file_name = input('Enter the name of your file :\n')
return file_name
# Read file and return list of list[10]
def read_to_grid():
with open(read_user_input()) as file:
for nums in file:
line = list(nums.split())
return line
# Shows a text grid
def print_grid(result, path=[]):
pos = set()
for (x,y), _ in path:
i = x + y*10
for i, celd in enumerate(result):
if i % 10 == 0:
if i in pos:
print('# ', end='')
print(celd + ' ', end='')
# Validates coordinates and traveled path
def valid(result, moves):
# Unpack
(i,j), _ = moves[-1]
# Check if already traveled
if any(x == i and y == j for (x,y), __ in moves[:-1]):
return False
# Check coordinates
if i >= 10 or i < 0 or j >= len(result) // 10 or j < 0:
return False
elif result[i+j*10] == '3':
return False
return True
# Return true if 2 is reached
def find_goal(result, moves):
# Unpack
(i,j), _ = moves[-1]
if result[i+j*10] == '2':
#Print moves
output = 'Found: '
for (x,y), _ in moves:
output += " "+_
#Print grid
print_grid(result, moves[1:-1])
return True
return False
# Return new position and which movement was done.
def move(pos, dir):
(x, y), _ = pos
if dir == 'Move Left':
x -= 1
elif dir == 'Move Right':
x += 1
elif dir == 'Move Up':
y -= 1
elif dir == 'Move Down':
y += 1
return (x, y), dir
nums = queue.Queue()
result = read_to_grid()
# Find the starting position
for x, pos in enumerate(result):
if pos == '1':
start = x
add = [((start % 10, start // 10),'')]
while not find_goal(result, add):
if not nums.empty():
add = nums.get()
for j in ['Move Left', 'Move Right', 'Move Up', 'Move Down']:
put = add + [move(add[-1],j)]
if valid(result, put):
Whilst debugging your code I ran into some endless loops and other bugs when it came to your 'valid' and 'find_goal' functions.
In my experience with breadth first search its best to treat each point as a node (coordinates in this case) and to have your queue consist of lists of paths that are currently being tried. Where each path is a list of each node thats transversed. Typically you don't want to visit the same node more than once in a given path so you'll have to keep track of this information rather than soley 'left', 'right', etc...
All that said, I built-off your code and created a function that would return the valid adjacent nodes when given a node accounting for grid bound, not being a 3 and wether the node has been visited or not. Then for the BFS part the queue starts with a list containing the starting node (I made a function to find where the 1 was). Then while a queue exists the BFS will pop off the current path, get the last node in that path, find all valid adjacent nodes. With each valid adjacent node a new path entry will be added to the queue consisting of the old path + the adjacent node. If one of the adjacent nodes is a goal it will end the search and return the path. I've included the directional information in the path so that you can parse that out.
This should print off a path to the nearest 2 as such:
[((5, 0), ''), ((5, 1), 'Down'), ((6, 1), 'Right'), ((6, 2), 'Down'), ((7, 2), 'Right'), ((7, 3), 'Down'), ((7, 4), 'Down'), ((7, 5), 'Down')]
You'll see the ...sorted(path_queue, key=lambda... that line isn't needed but is a lazy way to prioritize the queue, always trying the shortest current path. If you remove it you'll see you still get a valid path but its much longer.
def read_user_input():
file_name = input('Enter the name of your file :\n')
return file_name
def read_to_grid():
file_name = read_user_input()
for nums in open(file_name):
line = list(nums.split())
result = []
for _ in range(0, len(line), 10):
result.append(line[_:_ + 10])
int_result = []
for i, row in enumerate(result):
for col in row:
return int_result
def print_grid(result, path=''):
for x, pos in enumerate(result[0]):
if pos == 0:
start = x
i = start
j = 0
pos = set()
for move in path:
if move == 'Move Left':
i -= 1
elif move == 'Move Right':
i += 1
elif move == 'Move Up':
j -= 1
elif move == 'Move Down':
j += 1
pos.add((j, i))
for j, row in enumerate(result):
for i, col in enumerate(row):
if (j, i) in pos:
print('#', end='')
print(str(col) + ' ', end='')
def find_start_node(grid):
for i, row in enumerate(grid):
if 1 in row:
return ((row.index(1), i), '')
return (None, None)
def valid_adj(cur_node, grid, visited):
x = cur_node[0][0]
y = cur_node[0][1]
adj = []
if ((y + 1) < 10) and (grid[y + 1][x] != 3) and not (any((x, y + 1) in node for node in visited)):
adj.append(((x, y + 1), 'Down'))
if ((x + 1) < 10) and (grid[y][x + 1] != 3) and not (any((x + 1, y) in node for node in visited)):
adj.append(((x + 1, y), 'Right'))
if ((y - 1) >= 0) and (grid[y - 1][x] != 3) and not (any((x, y - 1) in node for node in visited)):
adj.append(((x, y - 1), 'Up'))
if ((x - 1) >= 0) and (grid[y][x - 1] != 3) and not (any((x - 1, y) in node for node in visited)):
adj.append(((x - 1, y), "Left"))
return adj
def BFS(grid):
start_node = find_start_node(grid)
path_queue = [[start_node]]
while path_queue:
path_queue = sorted(path_queue, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) # More optimized to guarantee shortest path, not needed
cur_path = path_queue.pop()
cur_node = cur_path[-1]
if cur_node not in cur_path[:].pop():
adj = valid_adj(cur_node, grid, cur_path)
for node in adj:
new_path = list(cur_path)
if grid[node[0][1]][node[0][0]] == 2:
print('path found')
return new_path
return -1
grid = read_to_grid()

(Pygame) What is wrong with this function?

So, i have been working on a snake game made in Pygame. So far, everything is fine, except for one problem: When the snake eats the fruit, the fruit (that randomly spawns) sometimes appears inside the snake's body. So, to avoid this, i made this function:
def random_fruit(body_pos):
global general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y # Fruit rectangle coordinates
while True:
general_fruit_x = randrange(window[0] // snake.w) * snake.w # (Snake is a pygame.Rect)
general_fruit_y = randrange(window[1] // snake.h) * snake.h
if len(list(filter(lambda z: body_pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y), body_pos))) > 0:
continue # If the spawning position of the fruit is the same as the snake's body, we continue the loop
break # If not, we are done
set_obj_coordinates(general_fruit, general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) # set fruit random position
And implemented it in the main game loop:
if fruit_eated:
random_ind1 = random_ind2
snake_len += 1
random_fruit(snake_pos) # snake_pos is a list of tuples with all snake's body coordinates
for m in range(3):
snake_imgs[random_ind1][m] = img("snake_" + snake_colors[random_ind1] + str(m + 1)) # Reset snake image
random_ind2 = randint(0, 3)
if x_move < 0:
rotate_imgs(90, random_ind1)
if x_move > 0:
rotate_imgs(-90, random_ind1)
if y_move > 0:
rotate_imgs(180, random_ind1)
if y_move < 0:
But it seems that the random_fruit function ignores the condition of the snake's body.
Here is the complete code:
You have to check if any position of the body is equal to the new random position of the fruit:
if len(list(filter(lambda z: body_pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y), body_pos))) > 0:`
if any(pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) for pos in body_pos):
random_fruit function:
def random_fruit(body_pos):
global general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y
while True:
general_fruit_x = randrange(window[0] // snake.w) * snake.w
general_fruit_y = randrange(window[1] // snake.h) * snake.h
if not any(pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) for pos in body_pos):
set_obj_coordinates(general_fruit, general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y)

Binary Search not working when it should be

I have a binary search that searches a list from a user given input of an email. I get no errors and I get no output from it. I can't see where its going wrong?
def BubbleSort(logindata):
NoSwaps = 1
N = len(logindata)
logindata = list(logindata)
while NoSwaps == 1:
Count = 1
NoSwaps = 0
for Count in range(N-1):
if logindata[Count] > logindata[Count+1]:
temp = logindata[Count]
logindata[Count] = logindata[Count+1]
return tuple(logindata)
def BinarySearch(logindata,ItemSought):
ItemFound = False
SearchFailed = False
while ItemFound == False or SearchFailed == False:
Midpoint = (First + Last) // 2
if logindata[Midpoint] == ItemSought:
print("Item Found")
ItemFound = True
print("Item Found")
elif logindata[Midpoint][0] > ItemSought:
Last = Midpoint - 1
First = Midpoint + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
ItemSought=input("Enter username")
if logindata[Midpoint] == ItemSought:
you compare list with a string. So I think you need
if logindata[Midpoint][0] == ItemSought:
You never terminate the search. If the item isn't in the list, you get to a stable midpoint and loop infinitely. If you do find the item, you loop infinitely on that (see Yehven's answer).
I traced it with the additions you see here:
SearchFailed = False
iter = 0
while iter < 10 and (ItemFound == False or SearchFailed == False):
iter += 1
Midpoint = (First + Last) // 2
print (First, Midpoint, Last, ItemSought)
if logindata[Midpoint] == ItemSought:
Note that you don't ever change SearchFailed. For instance, when I search for "harry", the loop hits a stable infinite point at (0, -1, -2) for First, Middle, Last.
Is that enough of a hint to let you fix it yourself?
