Update marker in Gmaps + Jupyter using widgets - python

I'm studying gmaps and I'm trying refresh gmap marker using widgets.button, but I cannot refresh map when I click in button.
Maybe is a simple question, but I'm trying it for hours and can't solve.
Follow my code.
from IPython.display import display
import ipywidgets as widgets
import gmaps
class AcledExplorer(object):
Jupyter widget for exploring the ACLED dataset.
The user uses the slider to choose a year. This renders
a heatmap of civilian victims in that year.
def __init__(self):
self.marker_locations = [(None, None)]
self._slider = None
self._slider2 = None
title_widget = widgets.HTML(
'<h3>MY TEST, my test</h3>'
'<h4>test1 ACLED project</h4>'
map_figure = self._render_map(-15.7934036, -47.8823172)
control = self._render_control()
self._container = widgets.VBox([title_widget, control, map_figure])
def render(self):
def on_button_clicked(self, b):
latitude = self.FloatSlider1.value
longitude = self.FloatSlider2.value
print("Button clicked.")
self.markers = gmaps.marker_layer([(latitude, longitude)])
return self._container
def _render_control(self):
""" Render the widgets """
self.FloatSlider1 = widgets.FloatSlider(
self.FloatSlider2 = widgets.FloatSlider(
self.button = widgets.Button(
controls = widgets.VBox(
[self.FloatSlider1, self.FloatSlider2, self.button])
return controls
def _render_map(self, latitude, longitude):
""" Render the initial map """
self.marker_locations = [(latitude, longitude)]
brasilia_coordinates = (-15.7934036, -47.8823172)
fig = gmaps.figure(center=brasilia_coordinates, zoom_level=3)
self.markers = gmaps.marker_layer(self.marker_locations)
return fig
I start creating widgets, after I link values from Sliders to button. I need refresh marker position when click in button.
In function on_button_click I can view that news values of latitude and longitude are being getting from slider bar, so I'm update self.marker, maybe my mistake stay here.

Problem with your code
In on_button_click, you are not actually updating the marker layer. You currently write:
self.markers = gmaps.marker_layer([(latitude, longitude)])
but that just sets the markers attribute of your class. What you actually want to do is mutate the set of markers in your marker layer. The simplest change you can make is to change that line to:
self.markers.markers = [gmaps.Marker(location=(latitude, longitude))]
This mutates the markers attribute of your marker layer — basically the list of markers. Every time you press plot, it destroys the marker on the map and replaces it with a new one at an updated location.
Improving your solution
Using the high-level factory methods like marker_layer can obscure how jupyter-gmaps uses widgets internally. To make it somewhat more understandable, let's introduce a _create_marker() method that creates a gmaps.Marker object:
def _create_marker(self, latitude, longitude):
return gmaps.Marker(location=(latitude, longitude))
We can now use this in the initial render:
def _render_map(self, latitude, longitude):
""" Render the initial map """
brasilia_coordinates = (-15.7934036, -47.8823172)
fig = gmaps.figure(center=brasilia_coordinates, zoom_level=3)
self.marker_layer = gmaps.Markers()
initial_marker = self._create_marker(latitude, longitude)
self.marker_layer.markers = [initial_marker] # set the first marker
return fig
Note that I have renamed self.markers to self.marker_layer to make it clear it's a layer.
Finally, the update code is now:
def on_button_clicked(self, _):
latitude = self.FloatSlider1.value
longitude = self.FloatSlider2.value
# look how closely the following two lines match the construction code
new_marker = self._create_marker(latitude, longitude)
self.marker_layer.markers = [new_marker]


I'm using reportlab to draw line charts, but I don't know how to pass parameters to my chart class to customize the content

The following problem occurs when using reportlab for charting.
Summary of the problem:
I am building the pdf framework via the prep template and the code for the chart panel is as follows:
<drawing module="line" function="LineChart">
<param name="chart.data">{{data.data}}</param>
<param name="other param">other data</param>
I customize the chart content via LineChart in line.py:
class LineChart(_DrawingEditorMixin, Drawing):
def __init__(self, width=355, height=100, *args, **kw):
Drawing.__init__(self, width, height, *args, **kw)
self._add(self, SimpleTimeSeriesPlot(), name='chart', validate=None, desc=None)
self.chart.x = 40
self.chart.y = 40
self.chart.width = self.width - 2 * self.chart.x
self.chart.height = self.width - 2 * self.chart.y
# x axis
self.chart.xValueAxis.xLabelFormat = '{YYYY}/{mm}/{dd}'
self.chart.xValueAxis.labels.fontName = 'Helvetica'
self.chart.xValueAxis.labels.fontSize = 7
# same configure ......
# y axis
# self.chart.yValueAxis.labels.fontName = "SimKai"
# same configure ......
In the main function I call it in the following way
data = {}
data["data"] = {"data1": [("20200101", 1), ("20200201", 2), ...][("20210101", 2), ("20210201", 4), ...]}
data = jsondict.condJSONSafe(data)
ns = dict(data=data, bb2rml=bb2rml)
template = preppy.getModule('rml/t.prep')
rmlText = template.getOutput(ns, quoteFunc=preppy.stdQuote)
pdf_file_name = "t" + '.pdf'
rml2pdf.go(rmlText, outputFileName=pdf_file_name)
print('saved %s' % pdf_file_name)
I have the following main questions:
the order of execution of the code, according to my debugging results, the order of execution seems to be main.py -> initialize LineChart -> set the final parameter via prep, is this correct?
If I follow the above flow, it seems that the content defined in <param name="xxx"> is set directly as a data item at the end, so if I want to customize the data and modify the chart settings based on the data, how can I do this?
I didn't find a suitable way to pass parameters to LineChart,The parameters passed in <param name=""> seem to be used only last, for example, chart.data (chart is the name I created) means: chart.data = data.data, if I want to do something with the data in LineChart or pass other parameters to use it how should I do it?

Bokeh: gridplot to components flexible layout option

using gridplot(), I can easily layout different plots on a grid, using components() the combined html for all plots is returned to my view as a single variable, div_combined.
I would like to include some descriptions above each plot laid out in my gridplot html, but don't know how to modify the div_combined in my view. would I be better off to not use gridplot, and just return each plot html separately, then create the additional grid html?
from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.plotting import figure
p1,p2,p3,p4 = figure()
grid = gridplot([[p1, p2], [p3, p4]], plot_width=563, plot_height=325)
script_combined, div_combined = components(grid)
msg = 'Dashboard'
return render_template('grid_view_with_desc.html', msg=msg, script_combined=script_combined, div_combined=div_combined)
Instead of using:
p1,p2,p3,p4 = figure()
Try this:
p1 = figure(plot_width=563, plot_height=325, title='P1 title goes here')
p2 = figure(plot_width=563, plot_height=325, title='P2 title goes here')
p3 = figure(plot_width=563, plot_height=325, title='P3 title goes here')
p4 = figure(plot_width=563, plot_height=325, title='P4 title goes here')
Should work...?

How to cache bokeh plots using redis

I'm using bokeh server to render a timeseries graph over a map. As the timeseries progresses, the focus of the map moves.
The code below works, but each progression creates a call that goes off to the google api (GMAP) to get the backdrop. This then takes time to render. At points where the timeseries has shifted the focus a few times in quick succession, the backdrop hasn't had time to render before it is updated.
I've been trying to work out if/how these requests can be made in advance, cached (using redis), enabling the user is able to view the cache with all data already loaded for each tick on the timeseries.
import settings
from bokeh.plotting import figure, gmap
from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource, Slider, GMapOptions, GMapPlot, Range1d, Button
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn, HTMLTemplateFormatter
from bokeh.layouts import column, row, gridplot, layout
from bokeh.io import show, export_png, curdoc
from filehandler import get_graph_data
Get arguments from request
args = curdoc().session_context.request.arguments
pk = int(args.get('pk')[0])
get data for graph from file and initialise variables
#load data into dictionary from file referenced by pk
data_dict = get_graph_data(pk)
no_of_markers = data_dict.get('markers')
length_of_series = data_dict.get('length')
series_data = data_dict.get('data') #lat/lon position of each series at each point in time
series_names = series_data.get('series_names') #names of series
range_x_axis = data_dict.get('xaxis') #min/max lat co-ords
range_y_axis = data_dict.get('yaxis') #min/max lon co-ords
Build data
graph_source = ColumnDataSource(series_data)
Build markers to show current location
markers = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lon=[], lat=[]))
Build mapping layer
def create_map_backdrop(centroid, zoom, tools):
Create the map backdrop, centered on the starting point
Using GoogleMaps api
map_options = GMapOptions(lng=centroid[1],
return gmap(google_api_key=settings.MAP_KEY,
#set map focus
centroid = (graph_source.data['lats'][0][0],
Build Plot
tools="pan, wheel_zoom, reset"
p = create_map_backdrop(centroid, 18, tools)
p.toolbar.logo = None
p.circle(x='lon', y='lat', source=markers)
User Interactions
def animate_update():
tick = slider.value + 1
slider.value = tick
def slider_update(attr, old, new):
Updates all of the datasources, depending on current value of slider
start = timer()
if slider.value>series_length:
tick = slider.value
lons, lats = [], []
marker_lons, marker_lats = [], []
while i < no_of_markers:
#update lines
#update markers
#update iterators
i += 1
#update marker display
markers.data['lon'] = marker_lons
markers.data['lat'] = marker_lats
#update line display
graph_source.data['lons'] = lons
graph_source.data['lats'] = lats
#set map_focus
map_focus_lon = series_data['lons'][tick]
map_focus_lat = series_data['lats'][tick]
#update map focus
p.map_options.lng = map_focus_lon
p.map_options.lat = map_focus_lat
slider = Slider(start=0, end=series_length, value=0, step=5)
slider.on_change('value', slider_update)
callback_id = None
def animate():
global callback_id
if button.label == "► Play":
button.label = "❚❚ Pause"
callback_id = curdoc().add_periodic_callback(animate_update, 1)
button.label = "► Play"
button = Button(label="► Play", width=60)
Display plot
grid = layout([[p, data_table],
[slider, button],
I've tried caching the plot data (p), but it looks like this is persisted before the call to the google api is made.
I've explored caching the map tiles direct from the api and then stitching them into the plot as a background image (using bokeh ImageURL), but I can't get ImageUrl to recognise the in-memory image.
The server documentation suggests that redis can be used as a backend so I wondered whether this might speed thing up, but when I try to start it bokeh serve myapp --allow-websocket-origin= --backend=redis I get --backend is not a recognised command.
Is there a way to either cache the fully rendered graph (possibly the graph document itself), whilst retaining the ability for users to interact with the plot; or to cache the gmap plot once it has been rendered and then add it to the rest of the plot?
If this was standalone Bokeh content (i.e. not a Bokeh server app) then you serialize the JSON representation of the plot with json_items and re-hydrate it explicitly in the browser with Bokeh.embed_items. That JSON could potentially be stored in Redis, and maybe that would be relevant. But a Bokeh server is not like that. After the initial session creation, there is never any "whole document" to store or cache, just a sequence of incremental, partial updates that happen over a websocket protocol. E.g. the server says "this specific data source changed" and the browser says "OK I should recompute bounds and re-render".
That said, there are some changes I would suggest.
The first is that you should not update CDS columns one by one. You should not do this:
markers.data['lon'] = marker_lons
markers.data['lat'] = marker_lats
This will generate two separate update events and two separate re-render requests. Apart from the extra work this causes, it's also the case that the first update is guaranteed to have mismatched old/new coordinates. Instead, you should always update CDS .data dict "atomically", in one go:
source.data = new_data_dict
Addtionally, you might try curdoc().hold to collect updates into fewer events.

method can't be called from inside for loop?

I really don't now why I can't call the method setTRSKey from inside my for loop. Am I missing something? This makes no sense to me at all. Pycharm declares it as an unsolved reference
Here is the code:
import math
import nuke
originNode = nuke.selectedNode()
world_matrix = originNode['world_matrix'] # this is an iArray Knob with 16 fields
mResult = nuke.math.Matrix4() # Matrix to copy iArray to
# Ask user for Frame Range operation
ret = nuke.getFramesAndViews('Frame range', '%s-%s' % (nuke.root().firstFrame(), nuke.root().lastFrame()))
if ret != None:
nuke.nodeCopy("%clipboard%") # creating node duplicate
newNode = nuke.nodePaste("%clipboard%") # creating origin node duplicate
frange = nuke.FrameRange(ret[0]) # convert to frange object
for frame in frange:
for i in xrange(0, 16):
mResult[i] = world_matrix.valueAt(frame)[i]
mResult.transpose() # row become columns and vice versa
mTranslate = nuke.math.Matrix4(mResult)
mRotate = nuke.math.Matrix4(mResult)
mScale = nuke.math.Matrix4(mResult)
translate = (mTranslate[12], mTranslate[13], mTranslate[14])
rotateRad = mRotate.rotationsZXY()
rotate = (math.degrees(rotateRad[0]), math.degrees(rotateRad[1]),
math.degrees(rotateRad[2])) # convert from radiants to defrees
scale = (mScale.xAxis().x, mScale.yAxis().y, mScale.zAxis().z)
setTRSKey(frame, translate, rotate, scale)
print "User canceled the operation"
def setTRSKey(frame, translate, rotate, scale):
print type(translate(0))
newNode['translate'].setValueAt(translate(0), frame, 0)
newNode['translate'].setValueAt(translate(1), frame, 1)
newNode['translate'].setValueAt(translate(2), frame, 2)
edit: Example with classes where loadDataFromScript is called before defining
class Connecthor(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
allowedNodes = ["Read", "Write", "Merge", "Keymix", "ChannelMerge", "Roto", "RotoPaint", "Copy", "Shuffle", "PostageStamp", "Camera", "Camera2", "ScanlineRender", "Connector", "ReadGeo", "ReadGeo2", "BackdropNode"]
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Connecthor, self).__init__(parent)
popupmenu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.btn_settings)
#popupmenu.addAction("save links for script", self.writeListDictToJson)
#popupmenu.addAction("import links from json", self.readJsonToDict)
popupmenu.addAction("save links for script (manual)", self.saveDatatoScript)
popupmenu.addAction("settings", self.opensetting)
self.btn_settings.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconpath, "settings.png")))
self.btn_addSelectedNodes.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconpath, "add.png")))
# #Loading test Json
In Python you must define functions before they are called. Move your setTRSKey definition above the for loop. Generally speaking, function definitions are one of the very first things in the file after imports, though this is not always the case.

AttributeError: Class instance has no attribute 'xyz'

For the class below, I'm getting this exception:
AttributeError: LineIntensityProfileLogic instance has no attribute 'probeVolume'
How can I solve this issue? Thanks
class LineIntensityProfileLogic(ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic):
"""This class should implement all the actual
computation done by your module. The interface
should be such that other python code can import
this class and make use of the functionality without
requiring an instance of the Widget.
Uses ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic base class, available at:
def hasImageData(self,volumeNode):
"""This is a dummy logic method that
returns true if the passed in volume
node has valid image data
if not volumeNode:
print('no volume node')
return False
if volumeNode.GetImageData() == None:
print('no image data')
return False
return True
def takeScreenshot(self,name,description,type=-1):
# show the message even if not taking a screen shot
if self.enableScreenshots == 0:
lm = slicer.app.layoutManager()
# switch on the type to get the requested window
widget = 0
if type == slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.FullLayout:
# full layout
widget = lm.viewport()
elif type == slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.ThreeD:
# just the 3D window
widget = lm.threeDWidget(0).threeDView()
elif type == slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.Red:
# red slice window
widget = lm.sliceWidget("Red")
elif type == slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.Yellow:
# yellow slice window
widget = lm.sliceWidget("Yellow")
elif type == slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.Green:
# green slice window
widget = lm.sliceWidget("Green")
# default to using the full window
widget = slicer.util.mainWindow()
# reset the type so that the node is set correctly
type = slicer.qMRMLScreenShotDialog.FullLayout
# grab and convert to vtk image data
qpixMap = qt.QPixmap().grabWidget(widget)
qimage = qpixMap.toImage()
imageData = vtk.vtkImageData()
annotationLogic = slicer.modules.annotations.logic()
annotationLogic.CreateSnapShot(name, description, type, self.screenshotScaleFactor, imageData)
def run(self,volumeNode1,volumeNode2,rulerNode,enableScreenshots=0,screenshotScaleFactor=1):
Run the actual algorithm
print('LineIntensityProfileLogic run() called')
1. get the list(s) of intensity samples along the ruler
2. set up quantitative layout
3. use the chart view to plot the intensity sampless
1. get the list of samples
if not rulerNode or (not volumeNode1 and not volumeNode2):
print('Inputs are not initialized')
volumeSamples1 = None
volumeSamples2 = None
if volumeNode1:
volumeSamples1 = self.probeVolume(volumeNode1, rulerNode)
if volumeNode2:
volumeSamples2 = self.probeVolume(volumeNode2, rulerNode)
print('volumeSamples1 = '+str(volumeSamples1))
print('volumeSamples2 = '+str(volumeSamples2))
imageSamples = [volumeSamples1, volumeSamples2]
legendNames = [volumeNode1.GetName()+' - '+rulerNode.GetName(), volumeNode2.GetName+' - '+rulerNode.GetName()]
self.showChart(imageSamples, legendNames)
self.delayDisplay('Running the aglorithm')
self.enableScreenshots = enableScreenshots
self.screenshotScaleFactor = screenshotScaleFactor
return True
def probeVolume(self,volumeNode,rulerNode):
# get ruler endpoints coordinates in RAS
p0ras = rulerNode.GetPolyData().GetPoint(0)+(1,)
p1ras = rulerNode.GetPolyData().GetPoint(1)+(1,)
# Convert RAS to IJK coordinates of the vtkImageData
ras2ijk = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
p0ijk = [int(round(c)) for c in ras2ijk.MultiplyPoint(p0ras)[:3]]
p1ijk = [int(round(c)) for c in ras2ijk.MultiplyPoint(p1ras)[:3]]
# Create VTK line that will be used for sampling
line = vtk.vtkLineSource()
# Create VTK probe filter and sample the image
probe = vtk.vtkProbeFilter()
# return VTK array
return probe.GetOutput().GetPointData().GetArray('ImageScalars')
def showChart(self, samples, names):
print("Logic showing chart")
# Switch to a layout containing a chart viewer
lm = slicer.app.layoutManager()
# Initialize double array MRML node for each sample list since this is ,
# what chart view MRML node needs
doubleArrays = []
for sample in samples:
arrayNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(slicer.vtkMRMLDoubleArrayNode())
array = arrayNode.GetArray()
nDataPoints = sample.GetNumberOfTuples()
for i in range(nDataPoints):
array.SetComponent(i, 0, i)
array.SetComponent(i, 1, sample.GetTuple(i))
array.SetComponent(i, 2, 0)
# Get the chart view MRML node
cvNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClass('vtkMRMLChartViewNode')
cvNode = cvNodes.GetNextItemAsObject()
# Create a new chart node
chartNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(slicer.vtkMRMLChartNode())
for pairs in zip(names, doubleArrays):
chartNode.AddArray(pairs[0], pairs[1], GetID())
You seem to be using 2 spaces for indentation.
But for the function - probeVolume , it is indented 4 spaces , which caused it to be inside function run , are you sure that indentation is correct?
Not just probeVolume , function - showChart is also indented 4 spaces,
