I want to add data (dictionaries) to a dictionary, where every added dictionary represent a new row. It is a iterative process and it is not known what column names a new added dictionary(row) could have. In the end I want a pandas dataframe. Furthermore I have to write the dataframe every 1500 rows to a file ( which is a problem, because after 1500 rows, it could of course happen that new data is added which has columns that are not present in the already written 1500 rows to the file).
I need a approach which is very fast (maybe 26ms per row). My approach is slow, because it has to check every data if it has new column names and in the end it has to reread the file, to create a new file where all columns have the same lengths. The data comes from a queue which is processed in another process.
import pandas as pd
def writingData(exportFullName='path', buffer=1500, maxFiles=150000, writingQueue):
imagePassed = 0
with open(exportFullName, 'a') as f:
columnNamesAllList = []
columnNamesAllSet = set()
dfTempAll = pd.DataFrame(index=range(buffer), columns=columnNamesAllList)
columnNamesUpdated = False
for data in iter(writingQueue.get, "STOP"):
dfTemp = pd.DataFrame([data],index=[imagesPassed])
if set(dfTemp).difference(columnNamesAllSet):
columnNamesUpdated = True
columnNamesUpdated = False
if columnNamesUpdated:
dfTempAll = dfTemp.combine_first(dfTempAll)
dfTempAll.iloc[imagesPassed - 1] = dfTemp.iloc[0]
imagesPassed += 1
if imagesPassed == buffer:
dfTempAll.dropna(how='all', inplace=True)
dfTempAll.to_csv(f, sep='\t', header=True)
dfTempAll = pd.DataFrame(index=range(buffer), columns=columnNamesAllList)
imagePassed = 0
Reading it in again:
dfTempAll = pd.DataFrame( index=range(maxFiles), columns=columnNamesAllList)
for number, chunk in enumerate(pd.read_csv(exportFullName, delimiter='\t', chunksize=buffer, low_memory=True, memory_map=True,engine='c')):
dfTempAll.iloc[number*buffer:(number+1*buffer)] = pd.concat([chunk, columnNamesAllList]).values#.to_csv(f, sep='\t', header=False) # , chunksize=buffer
#dfTempAll = pd.concat([chunk, dfTempAll])
dfTempAll.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True).to_csv(exportFullName, sep='\t', header=True)
Small example with dataframes
So to make it clear. Lets say I have a 4 row already existent dataframe (in the real case it could have 150000 rows like in the code above), where 2 rows are already filled with data and I add a new row it could look like this with the exception that the new data is a dictionary in the raw input:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(index=range(4),columns=['A','B','D'], data={'A': [1, 2, 'NaN', 'NaN'], 'B': [3, 4,'NaN', 'NaN'],'D': [3, 4,'NaN', 'NaN']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(index=[2],columns=['A','C','B'], data={'A': [0], 'B': [0],'C': [0] })#
Say I have a table that looks something like:
| ExperienceModifier|ApplicationId | ExperienceModifier|RatingModifierId | ExperienceModifier|ActionResults |
| | | |
I would like to grab all of the columns that lead with 'ExperienceModifier' and stuff the results of that into its own dataframe. How would I accomplish this with pandas?
You can try pandas.DataFrame.filter
If you want to get columns only contains ExperienceModifier at the beginning.
Ynjxsjmh's answer will get all columns that contain "ExperienceModifier". If you literally want columns that start with that string, rather merely contain it, you can do new_df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col[:18] == 'ExperienceModifier']]. If all of the desired columns have | after "ExperienceModifier", you could also do new_df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col.split('|')[0] == 'ExperienceModifier']]. All of these will create a view of the dataframe. If you want a completely separate dataframe, you should copy it, like this: new_df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col.split('|')[0] == 'ExperienceModifier']].copy(). You also might want to create a multi-index by splitting the column names on | rather than creating a separate dataframe.
The accepted answer does easly the job but I still attach my "hand made version" that works:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
lst = [[1, 2, 3, 4],[1, 2, 3, 4],[1, 2, 3, 4]]
column_names = [['ExperienceModifier|ApplicationId', 'ExperienceModifier|RatingModifierId', 'ExperienceModifier|ActionResults','OtherName|ActionResults']]
data = pd.DataFrame(lst, columns = column_names)
old_and_dropped_dataframes = []
for i in np.arange(0,len(column_names[0])):
splits=re.findall(r"[\w']+", column_names[0][i])
if "ExperienceModifier" in splits:
new_dataframe = data.iloc[:,[i]]
old_and_dropped_dataframe = data.iloc[:,[i]]
ExperienceModifier_dataframe = pd.concat(new_dataframes,axis=1)
OtherNames_dataframe = pd.concat(old_and_dropped_dataframes,axis=1)
This script creates two new dataframes starting from the initial dataframe: one that contains the columns whose names start with ExperienceModifier and an other one that contains the columns that do not start with ExperienceModifier.
I need to import and transform xlsx files. They are written in a wide format and I need to reproduce some of the cell information from each row and pair it up with information from all the other rows:
[Edit: changed format to represent the more complex requirements]
Source format
1.1.22 00:00
2.1.22 10:05
1.1.22 03:00
5.1.22 20:16
Target format
1.1.22 00:00
2.1.22 10:05
1.1.22 03:00
5.1.22 20:16
The following code works fine to transform the data, but the process is really, really slow:
def transform(data_in):
data = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
# Determine number of processes entered in a single row of the original file
steps_per_row = int((data_in.shape[1] - (len(columns) - 2)) / len(process_matching) + 1)
data_in = data_in.to_dict("records") # Convert to dict for speed optimization
for row_dict in tqdm(data_in): # Iterate over each row of the original file
new_row = {}
# Set common columns for each process step
for column in column_matching:
new_row[column] = row_dict[column_matching[column]]
for step in range(0, steps_per_row):
rep = str(step+1) if step > 0 else ""
# Iterate for as many times as there are process steps in one row of the original file and
# set specific columns for each process step, keeping common column values identical for current row
for column in process_matching:
new_row[column] = row_dict[process_matching[column]+rep]
data = data.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) # append dict of new_row to existing data
data.index.name = "SortKey"
data[timestamp].replace(r'.000', '', regex=True, inplace=True) # Remove trailing zeros from timestamp # TODO check if works as intended
data.replace(r'^\s*$', float('NaN'), regex=True, inplace=True) # Replace cells with only spaces with nan
data.dropna(axis=0, how="all", inplace=True) # Remove empty rows
data.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) # Remove empty columns
data.dropna(axis=0, subset=[timestamp], inplace=True) # Drop rows with empty Timestamp
data.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN values with empty cells
return data
Obviously, iterating over each row and then even each column is not at all how to use pandas the right way, but I don't see how this kind of transformation can be vectorized.
I have tried using parallelization (modin) and played around with using dict or not, but it didn't work / help. The rest of the script literally just opens and saves the files, so the problem lies here.
I would be very grateful for any ideas on how to improve the speed!
The df.melt function should be able to do this type of operation much faster.
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID' : [1, 2],
'Property' : ['A', 'B'],
'Info1' : ['x', 'a'],
'Info2' : ['y', 'b'],
'Info3' : ['z', 'c'],
data=df.melt(id_vars=['ID','Property'], value_vars=['Info1', 'Info2', 'Info3'])
** Edit to address modified question **
Combine the df.melt with df.pivot operation.
# create data
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID' : [1, 2, 3],
'Property' : ['A', 'B', 'C'],
'Activity1name' : ['a', 'a', 'a'],
'Activity1timestamp' : ['1_1_22', '1_1_23', '1_1_24'],
'Activity2name' : ['b', 'b', 'b'],
'Activity2timestamp' : ['2_1_22', '2_1_23', '2_1_24'],
# melt dataframe
df_melted = df.melt(id_vars=['ID','Property'],
value_vars=['Activity1name', 'Activity1timestamp',
'Activity2name', 'Activity2timestamp',],
# merge categories, i.e. Activity1name Activity2name become Activity
df_melted.loc[df_melted['variable'].str.contains('name'), 'variable'] = 'Activity'
df_melted.loc[df_melted['variable'].str.contains('timestamp'),'variable'] = 'Timestamp'
# add category ids (dataframe may need to be sorted before this operation)
u_category_ids = np.arange(1,len(df_melted.variable.unique())+1)
category_ids = np.repeat(u_category_ids,len(df)*2).astype(str)
df_melted.insert(0, 'unique_id', df_melted['ID'].astype(str) +'_'+ category_ids)
# pivot table
table = df_melted.pivot_table(index=['unique_id','ID','Property',],
columns='variable', values='value',
aggfunc=lambda x: ' '.join(x))
table = table.reset_index().drop(['unique_id'], axis=1)
Using pd.melt, as suggested by #Pantelis, I was able to speed up this transformation so extremely much, it's unbelievable. Before, a file with ~13k rows took 4-5 hours on a brand-new ThinkPad X1 - now it takes less than 2 minutes! That's a speed up by factor 150, just wow. :)
Here's my new code, for inspiration / reference if anyone has a similar data structure:
def transform(data_in):
# Determine number of processes entered in a single row of the original file
steps_per_row = int((data_in.shape[1] - len(column_matching)) / len(process_matching) )
# Specify columns for pd.melt, transforming wide data format to long format
id_columns = column_matching.values()
var_names = {"Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung":data_in["Auftragsschrittbeschreibung"].replace(" ", np.nan).dropna().values[0]}
var_columns = ["Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung"]
for _ in range(2, steps_per_row+1):
var_names["Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" + str(_)] = data_in["Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" + str(_)].replace(" ", np.nan).dropna().values[0]
except IndexError:
var_names["Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" + str(_)] = data_in.loc[0,"Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" + str(_)]
var_columns.append("Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" + str(_))
data = pd.melt(data_in, id_vars=id_columns, value_vars=var_columns, var_name="ActivityName", value_name=timestamp)
data.replace(var_names, inplace=True) # Replace "Erledigungstermin Auftragsschrittbeschreibung" with ActivityName
data.sort_values(["Auftrags-\npositionsnummer",timestamp], ascending=True, inplace=True)
# Improve column names
data.index.name = "SortKey"
column_names = {v: k for k, v in column_matching.items()}
data.rename(mapper=column_names, axis="columns", inplace=True)
data[timestamp].replace(r'.000', '', regex=True, inplace=True) # Remove trailing zeros from timestamp
data.replace(r'^\s*$', float('NaN'), regex=True, inplace=True) # Replace cells with only spaces with nan
data.dropna(axis=0, how="all", inplace=True) # Remove empty rows
data.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) # Remove empty columns
data.dropna(axis=0, subset=[timestamp], inplace=True) # Drop rows with empty Timestamp
data.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN values with empty cells
return data
I have data that I want to retrieve from a couple of text files in a folder. For each file in the folder, I create a pandas.DataFrame to store the data. For now it works correctly and all the fils has the same number of rows.
Now what I want to do is to add each of these dataframes to a 'master' dataframe containing all of them. I would like to add each of these dataframes to the master dataframe with their file name.
I already have the file name.
For example, let say I have 2 dataframes with their own file names, I want to add them to the master dataframe with a header for each of these 2 dataframes representing the name of the file.
What I have tried now is the following:
# T0 data
t0_path = "C:/Users/AlexandreOuimet/Box Sync/Analyse Opto/Crunch/GF data crunch/T0/*.txt"
t0_folder = glob.glob(t0_path)
t0_data = pd.DataFrame()
for file in t0_folder:
raw_data = parseGFfile(file)
file_data = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=['wavelength', 'max', 'min'])
file_name = getFileName(file)
t0_data.insert(loc=len(t0_data.columns), column=file_name, value=file_data)
Could someone help me with this please?
Thank you :)
I think I was not clear enough, this is what I am expecting as an output:
You may be looking for the concat function. Here's an example:
import pandas as pd
A = pd.DataFrame({'Col1': [1, 2, 3], 'Col2': [4, 5, 6]})
B = pd.DataFrame({'Col1': [7, 8, 9], 'Col2': [10, 11, 12]})
a_filename = 'a_filename.txt'
b_filename = 'b_filename.txt'
A['filename'] = a_filename
B['filename'] = b_filename
C = pd.concat((A, B), ignore_index = True)
Col1 Col2 filename
0 1 4 a_filename.txt
1 2 5 a_filename.txt
2 3 6 a_filename.txt
3 7 10 b_filename.txt
4 8 11 b_filename.txt
5 9 12 b_filename.txt
There are a couple changes to make here in order to make this happen in an easy way. I'll list the changes and reasoning below:
Specified which columns your master DataFrame will have
Instead of using some function that it seems like you were trying to define, you can simply create a new column called "file_name" that will be the filepath used to make the DataFrame for every record in that DataFrame. That way, when you combine the DataFrames, each record's origin is clear. I commented that you can make edits to that particular portion if you want to use string methods to clean up the filenames.
At the end, don't use insert. For combining DataFrames with the same columns (a union operation if you're familiar with SQL or with set theory), you can use the append method.
# T0 data
t0_path = "C:/Users/AlexandreOuimet/Box Sync/Analyse Opto/Crunch/GF data crunch/T0/*.txt"
t0_folder = glob.glob(t0_path)
t0_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['wavelength', 'max', 'min','file_name'])
for file in t0_folder:
raw_data = parseGFfile(file)
file_data = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=['wavelength', 'max', 'min'])
file_data['file_name'] = file #You can make edits here
t0_data = t0_data.append(file_data,ignore_index=True)
I have a CSV file with the following columns of interest
fields = ['column_0', 'column_1', 'column_2', 'column_3', 'column_4', 'column_5', 'column_6', 'column_7', 'column_8', 'column_9']
for each of these columns, there are 153 lines of data, containing only two values: -1 or +1
My problem is that, for each column, I would like to save the frequencies of each -1 and +1 values in comma-separated style line by line in a CSV file. I have the following problems when I do the following:
>>>df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', skipinitialspace=True, usecols=fields)
>>>print df['column_2'].value_counts()
1 148
-1 5
>>>df['column_2'].value_counts().to_csv('result.txt', index=False )
Then, when I open results.txt, here is what I found
Which is obviously what I dont want, I want the values in the same line of the text file separated by comma (e.g., 148, 5).
The second problem I have happens when one of the frequencies are zero,
>>> print df['column_9'].value_counts()
1 153
>>> df['column_9'].value_counts().to_csv('result.txt', index=False )
Then, when I open results.txt, here is what I found
I also dont want that behavior, I would like to see 153, 0
So, in summary, I would like to know how to do that with Pandas
Given one column, save its different values frequencies in the same line of a csv file and separated by commas. For example:
If there is a value with frequency 0, put that in the CSV. For example:
Append these frequency values in different lines of the same CSV file. For example:
Can I do that with pandas? or should I move to other python lib?
Example with some dummy data:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1],
'col2': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
'col3': [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1]})
counts = df.apply(pd.Series.value_counts).fillna(0).T
-1 1
col1 3.0 3.0
col2 0.0 6.0
col3 4.0 2.0
You can then export this to csv.
See this answer for ref:
How to get value counts for multiple columns at once in Pandas DataFrame?
I believe you could do what you want like this
import io
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'column_1': [1,-1,1], 'column_2': [1,1,1]})
with io.StringIO() as stream:
# it's easier to transpose a dataframe so that the number of rows become columns
# .to_frame to DataFrame and .T to transpose
df['column_1'].value_counts().to_frame().T.to_csv(stream, index=False)
print(stream.getvalue()) # check the csv data
But I would suggest something like this since you would have to otherwise specify that one of the expected values were missing
with io.StringIO() as stream:
# it's easier to transpose a dataframe so that the number of rows become columns
# .to_frame to DataFrame and .T to transpose
counts = df[['column_1', 'column_2']].apply(lambda column: column.value_counts())
counts = counts.fillna(0)
counts.T.to_csv(stream, index=False)
print(stream.getvalue()) # check the csv data
Here is an example with three columns c1, c2, c3 and data frame d which is defined before the function is invoked.
import pandas as pd
import collections
def wcsv(d):
dc=[dict(collections.Counter(d[i])) for i in d.columns]
for i in dc:
if -1 not in list(i.keys()):
if 1 not in list(i.keys()):
w=pd.DataFrame([ list(j.values()) for j in dc],columns=['1','-1'],index=['c1','c2','c3'])
I have a data frame that I want to remove duplicates on column named "sample" and the add string information in gene and status columns to new column as shown in the attached pics.
Thank you so much in advance
below is the modified version of data frame.where gene in rows are replaced by actual gene names
Here, df is your Pandas DataFrame.
def new_1(g):
return ','.join(g.gene)
def new_2(g):
return ','.join(g.gene + '-' + g.status)
new_1_data = df.groupby("sample").apply(new_1).to_frame(name="new_1")
new_2_data = df.groupby("sample").apply(new_2).to_frame(name="new_2")
new_data = pd.merge(new_1_data, new_2_data, on="sample")
new_df = pd.merge(df, new_data, on="sample").drop_duplicates("sample")
If you wish to have "sample" as a column instead of an index, then add
new_df = new_df.reset_index(drop=True)
Lastly, as you did not specify which of the original rows of duplicates to retain, I simply use the default behavior of Pandas and drop all but the first occurrence.
I converted your example to the following CSV file (delimited by ',') which I will call "data.csv".
I load this data as
# Default delimiter is ','. Pass `sep` argument to specify delimiter.
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
Running the code above and printing the dataframe produces the output
sample gene status new_1 new_2
0 ppar p53 gain p53,gata,nb p53-gain,gata-gain,nb-loss
3 srty nf1 gain nf1,cat,cd23 nf1-gain,cat-gain,cd23-gain
6 tygd brac1 loss brac1,brac2,ras brac1-loss,brac2-gain,ras-loss
This is exactly the expected output given in your example.
Note that the left-most column of numbers (0, 3, 6) are the remnants of the index of the original dataframes produced after the merges. When you write this dataframe to file you can exclude it by setting index=False for df.to_csv(...).
Edit 2
I checked the CSV file you emailed me. You have a space after the word "gene" in the header of your CSV file.
Change the first line of your CSV file from
sample,gene ,status
Also, there are spaces in your entries. If you wish to remove them, you can
# Strip spaces from entries. Only works for string entries
df = df.applymap(lambda x: x.strip())
Might not be the most efficient solution but this should get you there:
samples = []
genes= []
statuses = []
for s in set(df["sample"]):
#grab unique samples
#get the genes for each sample and concatenate them
g = df["gene"][df["sample"]==s].str.cat(sep=",")
#loop through the genes for the sample and get the statuses
status = ''
for gene in g.split(","):
gene_status = df["status"][(df["sample"] == s) & (df["gene"] == gene)].to_string(index=False)
status += gene
status += "-"
status += gene_status
status += ','
#create new df
new_df = pd.DataFrame({'sample': samples,
'new': genes,
'new1': statuses})