I'm new to flask. I used url_for function to locate twilio xml file for responding the call. I'm running my app in local host. While Executing this code it returns unable to find that xml file error.
The error number is 21205
my route is:
#app.route('/scall', methods=['POST'])
def scall():
account_sid = '***************'
auth_token = '***************'
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
phonenumber = request.form['phonenumber']
call = client.calls.create(
url="url_for('templates', filename='res.xml')",
to='+91' + phonenumber,
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Your problem is that Twilio is trying to find that XML file in a place it doesn't have access to.
When you pass the url parameter, you're simply telling Twilio what to do when a call is answered. So Twilio then makes an HTTP request to that XML file which will hopefully have TwiML it understands.
What you need to do instead is give it a URL that is accessible publically. There are a few options for how to do this:
Host the XML somewhere accessible (S3, Dropbox, your webserver, etc)
Create a TwiML Bin inside the Twilio console and point directly to it.
Use a tool like ngrok to expose your localhost and point to that URL from within your code.
Hope this helps you out.
I am using flask and flask email for sending an email. When I work on I used the localhost as a base url. I deployed it on the server and email sent is still showing with localhost address.
For example
base_url = "http://localhost:"
I sent an email(i am using flask-mail) with the url and I can login with the url.
With the same script when I deployed on the server I am getting with same localhost address.I need the server URL should be the base url.
To debug this I tried
I am getting 404 error in the browser if I use this. I dont want to change the initializtion of base_url because I have to use both in the local as well as in the server.
How can I do that?
You can get the URL to the currently running app through request.host_url. But what you really want to to do to get an external URL to a specific part of your application, is to use url_for as you'd do when referencing your regular endpoints, but with the parameter _external=True:
Given that you have:
def login():
You can generate an external URL by using:
from flask import (
url = url_for('login', _external=True)
This will also take into account any proxies in front of your application if you need that, as long as you've used the ProxyFix middleware when setting up your app object.
Since this uses the same mechanism as Flask uses when generating URLs between different pages, it should behave just as you want - i.e. it'll work both on localhost and on the remote host.
I am learning django and trying to complete my first webapp.
I am using shopify api & boilder plate (starter code) and am having an issue with the final step of auth.
Specifically, the redirect URL -- it's using HTTP:// when it should NOT and I don't know how to change it..
#in my view
def authenticate(request):
shop = request.GET.get('shop')
print('shop:', shop)
if shop:
scope = settings.SHOPIFY_API_SCOPE
redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('shopify_app_finalize')) #try this with new store url?
print('redirect url', redirect_uri) # this equals http://myherokuapp.com/login/finalize/
permission_url = shopify.Session(shop.strip()).create_permission_url(scope, redirect_uri)
return redirect(permission_url)
return redirect(_return_address(request))
Which is a problem because my app uses the Embedded Shopify SDK which causes this error to occur at the point of this request
Refused to frame 'http://my.herokuapp.com/' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "child-src 'self' https://* shopify-pos://*". Note that 'frame-src' was not explicitly set, so 'child-src' is used as a fallback.
How do i change the URL to use HTTPS?
Thank you so much in advance. Please let me know if I can share any other details but my code is practically identical to that starter code
This is what the Django doc says about build_absolute_uri:
Mixing HTTP and HTTPS on the same site is discouraged, therefore
build_absolute_uri() will always generate an absolute URI with the
same scheme the current request has. If you need to redirect users to
HTTPS, it’s best to let your Web server redirect all HTTP traffic to
So you can do two things:
Make sure your site runs entirely on HTTPS (preferred option): Setup your web server to use HTTPS, see the Heroku documentation on how to do this. Django will automatically use HTTPS for request.build_absolute_uri if the incoming request is on HTTPS.
I'm not sure what gets passed in the shop parameter but if it contains personal data I'd suggest to use HTTPS anyway.
Create the URL yourself:
url = "https://{host}{path}".format(
host = request.get_host(),
path = reverse('shopify_app_finalize'))
But you will still need to configure your server to accept incoming HTTPS requests.
I'm developing a Twilio app that leverages the Machine Detection features. I make a request using the Twilio python client as follows:
import twilio
twilio_client = Client(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN)
call = twilio_client.calls.create(
url=EXTERNAL_URL + '/call',
status_callback=EXTERNAL_URL + '/call_status',
status_callback_event=["initiated", "ringing", "answered",
"completed", "no-answer", "busy",
"failed", "canceled", "queued"],
but when I try to access the call.answered_by field I discover that the value is None. I also get back None when I use the call status API to fetch the call status 10 seconds later:
call = twilio_client.calls(sid).fetch()
Also in my my webhook that I register at `EXTERNAL_URL + '/call_status' to get notifications I don't get an 'AnsweredBy' field. I've also made sure I enabled the feature in the Twilio web console. What else I am missing?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Thanks to Andy and Alex in the comments, I think they actually do cover everything.
The key here is that the AnsweredBy field will be sent as part of the webhook to the URL you set as the url parameter in the API request. In this case, that is the URL EXTERNAL_URL + '/call'.
The AnsweredBy field should eventually appear in the REST API for the call resource itself, but the way to use it is via the webhook.
Let me know if this helps at all.
Anyone know if this is possible?
I just want to automate dropping some documents into my onedrive for business account.
I tried
import onedrivesdk
from onedrivesdk.helpers import GetAuthCodeServer
from onedrivesdk.helpers.resource_discovery import ResourceDiscoveryRequest
redirect_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
client_id = 'appid'
client_secret = 'mysecret'
discovery_uri = 'https://api.office.com/discovery/'
http = onedrivesdk.HttpProvider()
auth = onedrivesdk.AuthProvider(http,
auth_url = auth.get_auth_url(redirect_uri)
code = GetAuthCodeServer.get_auth_code(auth_url, redirect_uri)
auth.authenticate(code, redirect_uri, client_secret, resource=resource)
# If you have access to more than one service, you'll need to decide
# which ServiceInfo to use instead of just using the first one, as below.
service_info = ResourceDiscoveryRequest().get_service_info(auth.access_token)[0]
client = onedrivesdk.OneDriveClient(service_info.service_resource_id + '/_api/v2.0/', auth, http)
I registered an APP and got a secret and id. But when I ran this I got scope is invalid errors. Plus it tries to launch a webpage which isn't great for a command line kinda environment. I think this SDK might be outdated as well because originally this script had login.microsoftonline, but that wasn't reachable so I changed it to login.live.com.
I wrote this sample code you posted. You replaced the auth_server_URLwith the authentication URL for Microsoft Account authentication, which can only be used to access OneDrive (the consumer product). You need to continue using the login.microsoftonline.com URL to log into your OneDrive for Business account.
You are correct that this pops up a dialog. However, you can write a little supporting code so that only happens the first time you log into a particular app. Follow these steps (assuming you are using the default implementation of AuthProvider:
Use the sample code above up through the line auth.redeem_refresh_token()
The AuthProvider will now have a Session object, which caches the credentials of the current user and session. Use AuthProvider.save_session() to save the credentials for later.
Next time you start your app, use AuthProvider.load_session() and AuthProvider.refresh_token() to retrieve the previous session and refresh the auth token. This will all be headless.
Take note that the default implementation of SessionBase (found here) uses Pickle and is not safe for product use. Make sure to create a new implementation of Session if you intend to deploy this app to other users.
Onerive's website shows "Not Yet" on "OneDrive SDK for Python" to "OneDrive for Business"
The github sample codes did not work for me either, it tried to popup a window of authentication, but IE can not find the address:
or removed all the "-" in client id
Either way, I got the same result, IE did not show the popup with a line "This page can’t be displayed"
I have created a web service in django and its hosted on a shared server.The django web service respond to request from a game made in unity. But whenever game tries to request a django Web service url the server send empty resonse.Response is always:
WWW Error: server return empty string
The Unity webplayer expects a http served policy file named "crossdomain.xml" to be available on the domain you want to access with the WWW class, (although this is not needed if it is the same domain that is hosting the unity3d file).So I placed a file "crossdomain.xml" at the root of my domain ,but still i am getting same empty reply.Help plz...
I tried it through browser my service works fine and reply with proper response.And you know what My game can communicate to django web service when both are running on local machine.But now the django project is hosted on actual server and when game tried accessing service it never get response :(
urlpatterns = patterns('',
def CrossDomain(request):
f = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'jsondata/crossdomain.xml', 'r')
data = f.read()
return HttpResponse(data, mimetype="application/xml")
def ReadFile(request):
f = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+'jsondata/some_file.json', 'r')
data = f.read()
return HttpResponse(data, mimetype="application/javascript")
def Test(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello", mimetype="text/plain")
As I said using django for this is slight overkill because you could just serve them. Point aside though. If your serving on a different server it could be
A) Connection problems mean that your response is lost
B) Firewall issues mean that the request mean something
C) The server isn't setup correctly and therefore it justs get an error.
You need to test the response on the server. so is you access the page on the server through your browser. If so then make the game make a request and check the server error and access logs. In the apache access log you should see something like
GET "/url" 200 each time a request is made.
If you don't see any request getting through then either the request isn't made or its been lost.
If you do then the problem is in the code somewhere.