Question about the efficiency of two codes that look similar - python

The followings are the question Beautiful Arrangement(LeetCode 526) and two pieces of codes to the question. code 1 and code 2 look the same to me but I don't understand why code 1 takes much more time than code 2. Can somebody help me figure out the reason? Thanks in advance!
Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 <= i <= N) in this array:
The number at the ith position is divisible by i.
i is divisible by the number at the ith position.
Now given N, how many beautiful arrangements can you construct?
code 1:
def countArrangement(self, N: int) -> int:
def dfs(cur,N,seen):
if cur==N:
return 1
res = 0
for i in seen:
if (cur+1)%i==0 or i%(cur+1)==0:
res += dfs(cur+1,N,seen-{i})
return res
seen = set(range(1,N+1))
return dfs(0,N,seen)
code 2:
def countArrangement(self, N: int) -> int:
def count(i,X):
if i==1: return 1
return sum(count(i-1,X-{x}) for x in X if i%x==0 or x%i==0)
return count(N,set(range(1,N+1)))


How do to split the 2 digit numbers in a list into single digits?

So I am doing an assignment in school where I am given a range of numbers and the result is basically to find the number of numbers that can be divided by a factor digit, f, and contain the "must-have" digit, m. So I used list comprehension in my code and I have a list that contains all the numbers in the range that can be divided by f. But I need help on how to make a list that only has the numbers that have the "must-have" digit m.
def find_winner(f, m, n):
a = [x for x in range(1, n+1) if x % f == 0]
b = list(map(int, str(a[0])))
c = [z for z in b if z == str(m)]
return len(c)
Firstly you don't need to loop over all the numbers from 0 to n if you just want the ones that are divisible by f, when you can instead loop with a step of f.
Secondly, if you want to check whether digit is contained in the string, you could use string representation.
For example:
def find_winner(f, m, n):
digit_string = str(m)
if len(digit_string) != 1:
raise ValueError('m must be a one-digit number')
valid_numbers = [x for x in range(f, n+1, f) if digit_string in str(x)]
return len(valid_numbers)
If you have not yet covered exceptions, you might want to replace the raise ... line with a print statement and something like return None.
Here is a rather simple way of doing this:
def find_solutions(numbers, factor, digit):
solutions = 0
for i in range(len(numbers)):
if (numbers[i]%factor == 0 and str(digit) in str(numbers[i])):
solutions += 1
return solutions
If you care about the solutions then you could do this:
def find_solutions(numbers, factor, digit):
solutions = []
for i in range(len(numbers)):
if (numbers[i]%factor == 0 and str(digit) in str(numbers[i])):
return solutions
Please give some thought as to what is happening here as opposed to just copying it and feel free to reply if you have anything to say. By the way, I have tried to name your variables appropriately for clarity.

My python recursive function won't return and exceeds maximum recursive depth

I simply do not understand why this is not returning the value and stopping the recursion. I have tried everything but it seems to just keep on going no matter what I do. I am trying to get the program to get the loop to compare the first two values of the list if they are the same return that it was the first value. If they were not, add the first and second values of each list and compare, etc etc until it reaches the end of the list. If the sum of the values in each list never equal each other at any point then return 0.
It is supposed to take three inputs:
A single integer defining the length of the next two inputs
First set of input data
Second set of input data
Ex input
1 3 3
2 2 2
It should output a single number. In the case of the example data, it should output 2 because the sum of the lists equalled at the second value.
N = int(input())
s1 = input().split()
s2 = input().split()
count = 0
def func1(x,y):
if x == y:
elif (N - 1) == count:
count + 1
return(func1(x + int(s1[count]), y + int(s2[count])))
days = func1(int(s1[0]),int(s2[0]))
I am sorry in advance if I really messed up the formatting or made some dumb mistake, I am pretty new to programming and I have never posted on here before. Thanks in advance :)
The problem is that you never actually update the variable count. However, just writing:
count += 1
is not going to work either without declaring the variable global:
def func1(x, y):
global count
That said, global variables increase code complexity and break re-enterability, i.e. the same function can no longer be called twice, not to mention about concurrency. A much cleaner way is to make count a function argument, it will look like this (the code not tested and is here for illustration only):
N = int(input())
s1 = [int(c) for c in input().split()]
s2 = [int(c) for c in input().split()]
def func1(x, y, count=0):
if x == y:
return count
elif count == N - 1:
return 0
return(func1(x + s1[count], y + s2[count]), count + 1)
days = func1(int(s1[0]),int(s2[0]))
To answer "How would you go about solving this problem then" – If I understood the problem correctly, the aim is to find the index where the "running total" of the two lists is the same. If so,
def func1(s1, s2):
total_a = 0
total_b = 0
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(s1, s2)):
total_a += a
total_b += b
if total_a == total_b:
return i
return 0
print(func1([1, 3, 3], [2, 2, 2]))
does the trick. (I've elided the input bits here – this function just works with two lists of integers.)

Python need help figuring inclusive

Full disclosure, I am in school and I missed a problem on codingbat assignment 2 weeks ago, I am hoping I can get some direction here so that I can learn for the future
my problem was
Given a string and an int n, return a string made of the first n characters of the string, followed by the first n-1 characters of the string, inclusive (i.e. 0 <= n and n <= len(str)).
d_2('ydu', 2) → 'ydy'
d_2('yoda', 3) → 'yod'
d_2('yoda', 1) → '1'
The farthest I could get was:
def d_2(string, n):
string = string[:-n:]
return string
this would return 2 right answers
if I did
def d_2(string, n):
string = string[:-n:10]
return string
it would return 3 right answers.
I am sure it is a very simple thing, but my brain just is not picking it out, any direction
You can try making a loop to construct the string a = string[:n-1] + string[:n-2] + string[:n-3] .... until n is equal to 0.
def echo_first(string, n):
while n > 0:
a += string[:n]
n -= 1
return a
You could try with Recursive Functions to call the function itself until n==1:
def echo_first(string, n):
return string[:1] if n==1 else string[:n]+echo_first(string, n-1)

Leetcode Python Issue

While Trying to solve few question from LeetCode I am facing a really weird issue.
Question 26: Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
Given nums = [1,1,2],
Your function should return length = 2, with the first two elements of
nums being 1 and 2 respectively.
It doesn't matter what you leave beyond the new length.
In order to code this question I used :
class Solution(object):
def removeDuplicates(self, nums):
nums = list(set(nums))
return len(nums)
what this code is doing is first converting the list into a set and
then back to list, which in turn will remove the Duplicates
But when I am trying to submit this code to the leetcode solution, modified length of nums is returned but when the program is trying to access the nums array it is not updated.
This is only Happening in Leetcode editor, in my system If I try to print the nums, the modified value is displayed, not sure what is wrong.
Now the same case is Happening to other question as well, for example:
Rotate Array
Rotate an array of n elements to the right by k steps.
For example, with n = 7 and k = 3, the array [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] is rotated to [5,6,7,1,2,3,4].
My solution to this problem is as follows:
class Solution(object):
def rotate(self, nums, k):
newIndex = k % len(nums)
nums = nums[newIndex+1:len(nums)] + nums[0:newIndex+1]
print nums
But again I am amazed by the output I am getting back from the submission.
Note Here in the "Your STDOUT" we can see the list is modified accordingly.
link to the Screenshot
Please let me know if anyone else is facing this issue or anyone knows the solution to this.
Turns out the solution to this is to use: nums[:] = nums[newIndex+1:len(nums)] + nums[0:newIndex+1].
Doing nums = nums[newIndex+1:len(nums)] + nums[0:newIndex+1] simply changes the reference, while nums[:] changes the values of the list.
You can use
sudo service network-manager restart
what was happening in your code is the length you were returning is been used to travel the nums in back-end to print the unique values of the nums list. So, the requirement off the problem was the length you returned will be traveled from index 0 to the length returned. Hence with returning the length of unique values, we also have to modify the original list i.e., nums .
Solution for the 1st link
class Solution:
def removeDuplicates(self, nums):
if(len(nums) == 0):
return 0
elif len(nums) == 1 :
return 1
l = 1
for i in range (1,len(nums)):
if nums[i] != nums[i-1] :
nums[l] = nums[i]
return l

Find the Duplicate Number

Given an array nums containing n + 1 integers where each integer is between 1 and n (inclusive), prove that at least one duplicate number must exist. Assume that there is only one duplicate number, find the duplicate one.
My solution:
def findDuplicate(nums):
slow = fast = finder = 0
while fast is not None:
slow = nums[slow]
fast = nums[nums[fast]]
if fast is slow:
return slow
return False
nums = [1,2,2,3,4]
print findDuplicate(nums)
My above solution works and gives me o/p 2 but it doesn't work for every input for example it doesn't work for [11,15,17,17,14] or [3,1,2,6,2,3] and gives me error IndexError: list index out of range. I am not able to find patterns and am not able to track down the exact problem. Also tried to change my while condition:
while fast is not None and nums[nums[fast]] is not None:
your help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Since the numbers are between 1 and n and you have been told there is only one duplicate, you can use difference between the sum of the numbers in the array and the sum of numbers from 1 to n to get the duplicate.
def findDuplicate(l):
n = len(l) - 1 # Get n as length of list - 1
return sum(l) - (n * (n + 1) / 2) # n*(n+1)/2 is the sum of integers from 1 to n
So the duplicate is the sum of the list - n*(n+1)/2
Of course, this doesn't generalize to finding duplicates for any list. For that case, you need to use #Jalepeno112 's answer.
The fact that the first one works is a fluke. Let's look at what it does on the first pass.
nums = [1,2,2,3,4]
# slow starts as index 0. So now, you've reassigned slow to be nums[0] which is 1.
# so slow equals 1
slow = nums[slow]
# now you are saying that fast equals nums[nums[0]].
# nums[0] is 1. nums[1] is 2
# so fast = 2
fast = nums[nums[fast]]
On the next pass, slow will be nums[1] which is 2. fast will be nums[nums[2]] which is nums[2] which is 2. At this point slow and fast are equal.
In your second example, you are getting an IndexError because of fast = nums[nums[fast]] If the value at nums[fast] is not a valid index, then this code will fail. Specifically in the second example, nums[0] is 11. nums doesn't have an element at index 11, so you get an error.
What you really want to be doing is performing a nested for loop on the array:
# range(0,len(nums)-1) will give a list of numbers from [0, to the length of nums-1)
# range(1, len(nums)) does the same,
# except it will start at 1 more than i is currently at (the next element in the array).
# So it's range is recomputed on each outer loop to be [i+1, length of nums)
for i in range(0,len(nums)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(nums)):
# if we find a matching element, return it
if nums[i] == nums[j]:
return nums[i]
# if we don't find anything return False
return False
There are likely other more Pythonic ways to achieve this, but that wasn't your original question.
first you must ensure all numbers in list satisfy your constrains.
to find duplicated numbers in a list Use Counter in collections it will return each number and number of occurrence example :
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> l=Counter([11,15,17,17,14])
>>> l
Counter({17: 2, 11: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1})
to get the most common one use :
>>> l.most_common(n=1)
[(17, 2)]
where n is the number most common numbers you want to get
def duplicates(num_list):
if type(num_list) is not list:
print('No list provided')
if len(num_list) is 0 or len(num_list) is 1:
print('No duplicates')
for index,numA in enumerate(num_list):
num_len = len(num_list)
for indexB in range(index+1, num_len):
if numA == num_list[indexB]:
print('Duplicate Number:'+str(numA))
n= int(input("the number of digit is :"))
l=[0 for k in range(n)]
for j in range(0,n):
l[j]=int(input("the component is"))
b=0; c=0
for i in range(n):
if l[i]== l[n-1-i]:
if b==1:
print("duplicate found! it is",l[c])
elif b==0:
print("no duplicate")
The answer is unfinished. It tries to convert the array to a linked list. So far it found where the slow pointer and fast pointer met, but this is the halfway solution. To get the solution, we need to initialize another pointer from the beginning of the linked list and walk towards each other. When they meet, that point is the where cycle is detected, in our question it is where the single point is:
class Solution:
def findDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
while True:
if slow==fast:
while True:
if slow==slow2:
return slow2
