I defined a scalar _log_alpha and an optimizer to otimize it.
self._log_alpha = torch.log(torch.ones(1) * alpha).to(get_device()).requires_grad_(True)
self._log_alpha_optimizer = optim.Adam([self._log_alpha], lr=lr)
If I start training from the very beginning, it works just fine. The _log_alpha changes a little bit every time I call
However, if I train several steps, and save the optimizer's state_dict and _log_alpha
ckpt = {'log_alpha_optimizer_state_dict': self._log_alpha_optimizer.state_dict(),
'log_alpha': self._log_alpha}
torch.save(ckpt, save_dir)
and then load them to resume training
ckpt = torch.load(load_dir, map_location=torch.device(get_device()))
self._log_alpha = ckpt['log_alpha']
the _log_alpha won't change anymore.
I also defined some nn.Modules, whose optimizers still work after saving and loading. I wonder which part of the _log_alpha_optimizer is wrong?
We are currently working on a project in which we change a cGAN architecture on Tensorflow to see if we get better results than standard cGANs. Due to the fact that we implement a progressivly growing architecture we would like to reset the AdamOptimizer from Tensorflow after each phase transition. Nonetheless we still did not manage to do so. We tried multiple approaches but either we get the error message "Graph is finalized and cannot be modified" or the parameters do not get reset.
Would be very thankful if somebody could give a hint or a general approach.
You just have to define the optimizer, gather the Adam variables and their initializers. Then, during the training, you can re-initialize the variables by running the initializers.
The following minimal example should point you in the right direction
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1))
y_hat = tf.layers.Dense(10)(x)
y = 10
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(y_hat, y))
train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)
adam_vars = [var for var in tf.all_variables() if "adam" in var.name.lower()]
adam_reset = [var.initializer for var in adam_vars]
with tf.Session() as sess:
# do stuff with your model: train, evaluate, whatever
# when the reset condition is met, run:
I just trained a CNN to recognise sunspots with tensorflow. My model is pretty much the same as this.
The problem is that I cannot find anywhere a clear explanation on how to make predictions with the checkpoint generated by the training phase.
Tried using the standard restore method:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('./model/model.ckpt.meta')
but then I cannot figure out how to run it.
Tried using tf.estimator.Estimator.predict() like this:
# Create the Estimator (should reload the last checkpoint but it doesn't)
sunspot_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(
model_fn=cnn_model_fn, model_dir="./model")
# Set up logging for predictions
# Log the values in the "Softmax" tensor with label "probabilities"
tensors_to_log = {"probabilities": "softmax_tensor"}
logging_hook = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(
tensors=tensors_to_log, every_n_iter=50)
# predict with the model and print results
pred_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"x": pred_data},
pred_results = sunspot_classifier.predict(input_fn=pred_input_fn)
but what it does is spitting out <generator object Estimator.predict at 0x10dda6bf8>.
While if I use the same code but with tf.estimator.Estimator.evaluate() it works like a charm (reloads the model, performs evaluation and sends it to TensorBoard).
I know there are many similar questions but I couldn't really find the way that worked for me.
sunspot_classifier.predict(input_fn=pred_input_fn) returns generator. So pred_results is generator object. To get value from it you need to iterate it by next(pred_results)
The solution is
I've trained a CNN model in TensorFlow eager mode. Now I'm trying to restore the trained model from a checkpoint file but haven't got any success.
All the examples (as shown below) I've found are talking about restoring checkpoint to a Session. But what I need is to restore the model into eager mode, i.e. without creating a session.
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Restore variables from disk.
saver.restore(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")
Basically what I need is something like:
model = tfe.restore('model.ckpt')
and then I can use the model to make predictions.
Can someone please help?
The example code can be found at: mnist eager mode demo
I've tried to follow the steps from #Jay Shah 's answer and it almost worked but the restored model doesn't have any variables in it.
model2 = MNISTModel()
The original model has lots of variables in it.:
[<tf.Variable 'mnist_model_1/conv2d/kernel:0' shape=(5, 5, 1, 32) dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[[[ -8.25184360e-02, 6.77833706e-03, 6.97569922e-02,...
Eager Execution is still a new feature in TensorFlow, and was not included in the latest version, so not all features, are supported, but fortunately, loading a model from a saved checkpoint is.
You'll need to use the tfe.Saver class (which is a thin wrapper over the tf.train.Saver class), and your code should look something like this:
saver = tfe.Saver([x, y])
Where [x,y] represents the list of variables and/or models you wish to restore. This should precisely match the variables passed when the saver that created the checkpoint was initially created.
More details, including sample code, can be found here, and the API details of the saver can be found here.
Ok, after spending a few hours running the code in line-by-line mode, I've figured out a way to restore a checkpoint to a new TensorFlow Eager Mode model.
Using the examples from TF Eager Mode MNIST
After your model has been trained, find the latest checkpoint(or the checkpoint you want) index file from the checkpoint folder created in the training process, such as 'ckpt-25800.index'. Use only the filename 'ckpt-25800' while restoring in step 5.
Start a new python terminal and enable TensorFlow Eager mode by running:
Create a new instance of the MNISTMOdel:
model_new = MNISTModel()
Initialise the variables for model_new by running a dummy train process once.(This step is important. Without initialising the variables first, they can't be restored by the following step. However I can't find another way to initialise variables in Eager mode other than what I did below.)
model_new(tfe.Variable(np.zeros((1,784),dtype=np.float32)), training=True)
Restore the variables to model_new using the checkpoint identified in step 1.
If restore process is successful, you should see something like:
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from ./tf_checkpoints/ckpt-25800
Now the checkpoint has been successfully restored to model_new and you can use it to make predictions on new data.
I like to share TFLearn library which is Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. With the help of this library you can easily save and restore a model.
Saving a model
model = tflearn.DNN(net) #Here 'net' is your designed network model.
#This is a sample example for training the model
model.fit(train_x, train_y, n_epoch=10, validation_set=(test_x, test_y), batch_size=10, show_metric=True)
Restore a model
model = tflearn.DNN(net)
For more example of tflearn you can check some site like...
My first CNN in TFLearn.
Github Link
First you save your model in a checkpoint by doing following:
saver.save(sess, './my_model.ckpt')
In above line you are saving you session in "my_model.ckpt" checkpoint
Following code restores the model
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, './my_model.ckpt')
When you restore the session as a model then you restores your model from the ckpt
For eager mode to save :
For eager mode to restore :
sess is an object of class Network. Any object of class Network can be saved and restored. A quick explanation of network objects :-
class TwoLayerNetwork(tfe.Network):
def __init__(self, name):
super(TwoLayerNetwork, self).__init__(name=name)
self.layer_one = self.track_layer(tf.layers.Dense(16, input_shape=(8,)))
self.layer_two = self.track_layer(tf.layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(16,)))
def call(self, inputs):
return self.layer_two(self.layer_one(inputs))
After constructing an object and calling the Network, a list of variables
created by tracked Layers is available via Network.variables:
sess = TwoLayerNetwork(name="net") # sess is object of Network
output = sess(tf.ones([1, 8]))
print([v.name for v in sess.variables])
This example prints variable names, one kernel and one bias per
`tf.layers.Dense` layer:
These variables can be passed to a `Saver` (`tf.train.Saver`, or
`tf.contrib.eager.Saver` when executing eagerly) to save or restore the
tfe.save_network_checkpoint(sess,'./my_model.ckpt') # saving the model
tfe.restore_network_checkpoint(sess,'./my_model.ckpt') # restoring
Saving variables with tfe.Saver().save() :
for epoch in range(epochs):
all_variables = model.variables + optimizer.variables()
# save the varibles
And then reload saved variables with tfe.Saver().restore() :
tfe.Saver((model.variables + optimizer.variables())).restore(checkpoint_prefix)
Then the model is loaded with the saved variables, and no need to create a new one as in #Stefan Falk 's answer.
I am training neural nets with TensorFlow, and the model's training is working using a custom implementation of batch gradient descent. I have a logging function which records validation error, and it gets down to about 2.6%. I'm saving the model every 10 epochs using a tf.train.Saver.
However, when I load the variables into memory again using a tf.train.Saver with the same script, the model performs poorly--with about the performance it does when the weights are randomly initialized. I have inspected the constitutional filters in the checkpoint and they don't seem to be random however.
I have not included all of my code, since its around 400 lines long, but I've included what seem to be important sections here and summarized the other functionality.
class ModelTrainer:
def __init__(self, ...hyperparameters...):
# Intitialize datasets and hyperparameters
for each gpu
# Create loss function and gradient assigned to this gpu using tf.device("/gpu:n")
with tf.device("/cpu:0")
# Average and clip gradients from the gpu's
# Create this batch gradient descent operation for each trainable variable
variable.assign_sub(learning_rate * averaged_and_clipped_gradient).op
def train(self, ...hyperparameters...)
saver = train.Saver(tf.all_variables(), max_to_keep = 30)
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
if starting_point is not None: # Used to evaluate existing models
saver.restore(sess, starting_point)
for i in range(number_of_batches)
# ... Get training batch ...
gradients = sess.run(calculate_gradients, feeds = training_batch)
# Average "gradients" variable across multiple batches
# Must be done because of GPU memory limitations
if i % meta_batch_size == 0:
feeds = gradients_that_have_been_averaged_across_multiple_batches)
# Log validation error
if i % save_after_n_batches == 0:
saver.save(sess, "some-filename", global_step=self.iter_num)
As expected, running these two functions creates a set of checkpoint files called "some-filename-40001" or whatever other iteration number the training is at when that file is saved. Unfortunately when I load these checkpoints back in using the start_point parameter they perform on par with random initialization.
Initially I assumed it was something to do with the way I'm training the model, since I haven't found anyone else with this issue, but the validation error behaves as expected.
Edit: More odd results. After more experimentation, I have found that when I load the saved model using the code:
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("saved-checkpoint-40.meta")
saver.restore(sess, "saved-checkpoint-40")
# ... Use model in some way ...
I get different, but still incorrect results.