ReceivedTime of the mail is not showing in python - python

I am trying to read my mail and see the received time in outlook 2016 using MAPI.
I am able to see the subject of the mail not able to see the receivedTime of the mail. I know that "Receivedtime" is there to get the received time of the mail, but while the program is executed,
a popup is coming, telling that python has stopped working
I know it is not due to any machine problem rather some problem in my code.
Here is my code.
def arrange(mailbox):
global spam
timeperiod() # stores required date in spam[] list
msgs.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", True)
p=msgs.restrict(" [ReceivedTime] >= '"+spam[2]+"'") #and [ReceivedTime] >= '" +spam[1]+"'
for m in list1:
if m.Unread:
return p
#Calling it
print(len(ctm1)) #Working fine
for message in ctm1:
print (message.subject) #Also works good
print (message.receivedTime) # Here is the problem, it's not showing
i have tried Senton property as well, but it's not working . So any guesses why the senton or receivedTime properties are not working???
updated code :
def printlist(box1) :
for message in box1:
if message.Class==43 :
# print('true')
print (message)
#.senderEmailAddress) #working
#print(message.SentOn.strftime("%d-%m-%y")) #not working
#print (message.receivedTime) #not working

I was also having trouble with the .ReceivedTime breaking the program when I compile the .py script to an .exe using auto-py-to-exe.
Here's where the error occurs underneath this try: statement
received_year = str(email.ReceivedTime)[0:4]
received_month = str(email.ReceivedTime)[5:7]
received_day = str(email.ReceivedTime)[8:10]
This works PERFECTLY well inside of my IDE (PyCharm), but once I've compiled it to .exe, it breaks here.
I've updated pywin32 to the most up-to-date version (228) and also tried using 224 to see if it was a version issue (it wasn't).
BUT!! Going through this, I FOUND THE BUG! When you compile to .exe with auto-py-to-exe, it does not include the package "win32timezone" which the .ReceivedTime portion needs to run correctly. So you need to import this package for it to work.
All you have to do to fix this is include this at the top of your .py script before compiling to .exe:
import win32timezone
Let me know if this works for anyone else facing this issue!

Most likely you run into an item other than MailItem - you can also have ReportItem and MeetingItem objects in your Inbox; none of them expose the ReceivedTime property.
Check that message.Class property == 43 (olMail) before accessing any other MailItem specific properties.

Please try the below:
print([x.ReceivedTime for x in messages])


TypeError: 'Pyre' object is not subscriptable (I'm getting this error even though it was never there before)

I started working with Pyrebase recently and it's been going smoothly. However, today, I started getting an error from an update statement that I wasn't getting before.
I didn't change anything in the code.
The statement triggering the TypeError is:
'creatorId' is a key from a dictionary I've saved in a JSON file. In a previous step, I ran a loop to get the value of creatorId, which is what I'm using here.
creator_name is a discord username (username#discriminator):
creator = bot.get_user(x['creatorId'])
creator_name = + "#" + creator.discriminator
request is also a discord username: request = bot.get_user(payload.user_id). I'm using str() here because it doesn't let me update Firebase with a Member object, and therefore, I have to turn request (which is a Discord username) into a string.
The error is:
TypeError: 'Pyre' object is not subscriptable
Also, I'm running the code on, and a few times before, showed me errors where none were there, so that may also be a cause. But that usually solved itself when I refreshed the page. This error does not solve itself like that.
Any and all help is appreciated. Please let me know if I've forgotten any important details.
Ok, figured it out.
What I did was this:
I created a new variable to store x['CreatorId']:
creator_id = x['creatorId']
Afterwards, I replaced the x['creatorId'] in the update statement with the new variable. So, the new code looks like this:

win32com.client.Dispatch works, win32com.client.GetActiveObject doesnt

Im using python 2.7.9, windows 7...
The overall goal: Have another application access our custom com server (already running at this point) and send it a message to be displayed. Obviously, there needs to be a single server, multiple clients.
Im trying to use some custom code as a com server. The class was created as:
class StatusServerClass:
_public_methods_ = ...
_reg_progid_ = "CseStatusServerLib.CseStatusServer"
_reg_verprogid_ = "CseStatusServerLib.CseStatusServer"
_reg_progid_ = "CseStatusServerLib.CseStatusServer"
_reg_clsid_ = "{<GUID here>}"
_reg_desc_ = 'CSE Status Server'
_typelib_guid_ = "{<typelib GUID here>}"
_typelib_version_ = 1, 0 # Version 1.0
_reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
_reg_threading_ = "Apartment" # Not used?
def __init__.....
and registered using:
I can see it in regedit and as far as i know, it looks ok.
The GUID is right, name is right.
Now when i go to use it, this works just fine:
self.StatusClient = Dispatch('CseStatusServerLib.CseStatusServer')
but when i want to attach to a running instance from another exe (or even another python window for debug) using:
it just gives me:
dispatch = pythoncom.GetActiveObject(resultCLSID)
com_error: (-2147221021, 'Operation unavailable', None, None)
Tells me that its not registered?
Ive tried using the GUID, Ive tried using pythoncom.GetObject with both the ID and the GUID... no luck.
Ive tried comtypes package and get the same thing.
Any ideas on what im doing wrong? Why does Dispatch find it by name, but GetActiveObject gets mad?
Seems that Dispatch working by name would suggest that the registering worked?
What else can i verify in the regedit?
UPDATED 6/6/2016
In case you haven't realized yet, I know very little about this. But I have read that for win32com.client.GetActiveObject() to work, the server needs to be in the "running object table"... and its not.
So, I found some more example code that i used to register the class this way:
import win32com.server.util
wrapped = win32com.server.util.wrap(StatusServerClass)
handle = pythoncom.RegisterActiveObject(wrapped,
and that does allow the server to show in the running object table, and i can get this:
testSW = win32com.client.GetActiveObject("CseStatusServerLib.CseStatusServer")
to return without error.
So now, I can use Dispatch or GetActiveObject just fine in python, pythonWin, and even interact with the server in Excel/VB <-> python and it appears to share namespsace.
I still cant get this IE-based third party app to use the existing server... even with GetActiveObject. Always wants to create new instance and use its own namespace... not good
Is there something with IE or Chrome that would prevent the existing server from being used? Again, it works fine in Excel/VB. The application is supposed to execute "python" (which works fine in idle, pythonwin and cmdline), but doesnt execute the com server stuff when called from IE/Chrome App (although other python functions like file writing work just fine).
Also, seeing as how i know very little about this, by all means, suggest a better way of doing this: starting a server in python as a singleton and then accessing it from another application.

Pubnub Access Management with Python

I am trying to use Pubnub Access Management with Python by I always get an error message saying that the 'Signature Does not Match'. I know their documentation says that this means that the Secret/Publish/Subscribe keys may be wrong but I have triple checked that they are correct. Also checked in Pubnub developer console and it works fine from there.
Here is the method that I am using:
def get_pubnub_token(request, connector_id):
pubnub = Pubnub(settings.PUBKEY, settings.SUBKEY, secret_key=settings.PUB_SECRET_KEY)
authkey = str(uuid.uuid4())
result = pubnub.grant(channel=connector_id+"-pnpres", auth_key=authkey, read=True, write=True, ttl=60)
if result['error']:
return HttpResponse(status=result['status'])
result = pubnub.grant(channel=connector_id, auth_key=authkey, read=True, write=True, ttl=60)
if result['error']:
return HttpResponse(status=result['status'])
result = pubnub.grant(channel=connector_id+"-stream", auth_key=authkey, read=True, write=True, ttl=60)
if result['error']:
return HttpResponse(status=result['status'])
jsonstr = get_json(authkey)
return HttpResponse(jsonstr, content_type='application/json')
I wonder if anyone has done this before and if they could give me any tips as to why I could be seeing this error.
Which version of the SDK are you on?
Also, this may also happen because your system clock is not set to NTP. Can you verify its set to NTP, and try again?
If it persists, please contact us at and we'd be happy to help trace the issue down with you.
There were problems using version 3.7.1 of the SDK in python 3.4.3. They were addressed by Pubnub's developers some time last night and it seems to have been resolved in their development code. I guess they will put it into the production code some time in the near future.

How to debug PyQt5 appcrash on exit

I have been developing a PyQt5 software for a while now. I have managed to package my Python 3 PyQt5 software with py2exe fine in past with everything working perfectly.
However, now I have encountered an issue where the packaged exe-program will crash when user exits. More specifically I get APPCRASH with following details
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Sotilasmatrikkelit.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 54467a51
Fault Module Name: PyQt5.QtCore.pyd
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 549be77e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0010c185
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1035
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I never get this crash when running the software from Pycharm during the development. Any idea of how to debug this or what could be the cause in general?
I suspect this might have something to do with memory management (that PyQt doesn't delete all the resources properly on exit and therefore segfaults) but does anyone have any good suggestions to figure out the exact problem without better debug information? Should I try to do some kind of cleanup on exit? Atm I start the software like this:
def start():
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
fixingtool = Mainwindow(app)
Additional investigation seems to suggest that I get Access Violation which is caused by C++ null-pointer. Sounds scary since I don't know too much of PyQt debugging. Anyway, I found an area on my businesslogic code which if removed will remove the problem. However, this code has nothing to do with PyQt and is just regular Python code and shouldn't differ in any way. Strangest part is that if I remove certain functions from the code, problem disappears even though functions are not called during runtime meaning that just importing the file with those functions cause the problem. Below is a code sample:
import re
from books.karelians.extraction.extractors.baseExtractor import BaseExtractor
from books.karelians.extraction.extractionExceptions import *
from books.karelians.extraction.extractors.dateExtractor import DateExtractor
from shared import textUtils
from books.karelians.extractionkeys import KEYS
from interface.valuewrapper import ValueWrapper
from shared import regexUtils
from books.karelians.extraction.extractors.professionextractor import ProfessionExtractor
class SpouseExtractor(BaseExtractor):
def extract(self, text, entry):
super(SpouseExtractor, self).extract(text)
self.entry = entry
self.PATTERN = r"Puol\.?(?P<spousedata>[A-ZÄ-Öa-zä-ö\s\.,\d-]*)(?=(Lapset|poika|tytär|asuinp))"
self.NAMEPATTERN = r"(?P<name>^[\w\s\.-]*)"
self.hasSpouse = False
self.spouseName = ""
self.profession = {KEYS["profession"] : ValueWrapper("")}
return self._constructReturnDict()
def initVars(self,text):
def _findSpouse(self, text):
self.foundSpouse = regexUtils.safeSearch(self.PATTERN, text, self.OPTIONS)
self.hasSpouse = True
except regexUtils.RegexNoneMatchException:
def _findSpouseName(self, text):
name = regexUtils.safeSearch(self.NAMEPATTERN, text, self.OPTIONS)
self.spouseName ="name").strip()
except regexUtils.RegexNoneMatchException:
self.errorLogger.logError(SpouseNameException.eType, self.currentChild)
def _findProfession(self, text):
professionExt = ProfessionExtractor(self.entry, self.errorLogger, self.xmlDocument)
self.profession = professionExt.extract(text, self.entry)
def _setFinalMatchPosition(self):
#Dirty fix for inaccuracy in positions which would screw the Location extraction
self.matchFinalPosition = self.foundSpouse.end() + self.matchStartPosition - 4
def _constructReturnDict(self):
return {KEYS["spouse"]: ValueWrapper({ KEYS["hasSpouse"]: ValueWrapper(self.hasSpouse),KEYS["spouseName"]: ValueWrapper(self.spouseName), KEYS["spouseProfession"]: ValueWrapper(self.profession[KEYS["profession"]].value) })}
Here if I remove or comment away all functions "initVars()" program exits properly. What gives?
This isn't really a solution to a problem itself but I'm leaving this here in case someone encounters a similar issue.
Today I decided to try cx_freeze instead of py2exe figuring that maybe the problem is with py2exe since the whole issue is not happening when running the application with normal python interpreter.
Turns out I was right and problem seemed to magically disappear after I packaged the app using cx_freeze instead of py2exe. I didn't do any changes to code. Someone more knowledgeable than me about how py2exe and cx_freeze work might be able to explain the difference. My wild guess is that for some reason the exiting from the Python interpreter is not handled perfectly in py2exe case somehow messing the end garbage cleanup. I have no idea if this is py2exe's or my fault by not configuring py2exe properly.
In any case I'm happy it works now since yesterday was a really frustrating day.

Python, ArcObjects, and .AppRef: how to get from IAppROT to IMxDocument?

I am writing an external Python/comtypes script (in PythonWin) that needs to get a reference to the current ArcGIS 10.0 ArcMap session (through the ArcObjects COM). Because the script is outside the application boundary, I am getting the application reference through the AppROT (running object table). The first code snippet below is the main Python driver module. In it is a function GetApp() to grab an application reference from the AppROT. This code works fine and returns IApplication on the singleton AppRef object. Makes sense, and that's what the ArcObjects reference seems to indicate. Now, my main goal is to get to an IMxDocument. In the main loop, I get to an IDocument successfully and can print the title. The next line, though, a Query Interface, throws an error - NameError: name 'esriArcMapUI' is not defined. The error occurs consistently, even after closing PythonWin and reopening (which you always want to try before you conclude that you have a problem). [BTW, the second code snippet is the CType() function for QI, defined in and imported from the module.] So, here are my questions:
(1) What COM object is the IDocument on?
(2) How do I get from my IDocument to the intended IMxDocument? Do I need to create a new MxDocument object first? [Sorry. Two questions there.]
(3) If I don't have to create a new object, then how do I do the QI?
I did a lot of ArcObjects work in VB6 quite a few years ago, so explicit QI's and namespaces are putting the screws to me at the moment. Once I can get to an IMxDocument I will be home free. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me with this.
Also, I apologize for the formatting of the code below. I could not figure out how to get Python code to format correctly. Indentation doesn't work, and some of the Python code is interpreted as formatting characters.
=== code: main py module ===
import sys, os
import comtypes
from SignHelpers import *
def GetApp(app):
"""Get a hook into the current session of ArcMap; \n\
Execute GetDesktopModules() and GetStandaloneModules() first"""
print "GetApp called" ####
import comtypes.gen.esriFramework as esriFramework
import comtypes.gen.esriArcMapUI as esriArcMapUI
import comtypes.gen.esriCarto as esriCarto
pAppROT = NewObj(esriFramework.AppROT, esriFramework.IAppROT)
iCount = pAppROT.Count
print "appROT count = ", iCount ####
if iCount == 0:
print 'No ArcGIS application currently running. Terminating ...'
return None
for i in range(iCount):
pApp = pAppROT.Item(i) #returns IApplication on AppRef
if pApp.Name == app:
print "Application: ", pApp.Name ####
return pApp
print 'No ArcMap session is running at this time.'
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Wrap needed ArcObjects type libraries (.olb)...
... code omitted ...
GetDesktopModules(dtOLB) #These force comtypes to generate
GetStandaloneModules(saOLB) #the Python wrappers for .olb's
#Connect to ArcMap
pApp = GetApp("ArcMap")
pDoc = pApp.Document #IDocument on current Document object
print pDoc.Title
pMxDoc = CType(pDoc, esriArcMapUI.IMxDocument) #QI to IMxDocument on MxDocument
=== code for CType() ===
def CType(obj, interface):
newobj = obj.QueryInterface(interface)
return newobj
return None
Scoping error (per the comments):
The import comtypes.gen.esriArcMapUI as esriArcMapUI statement needed to define the esriArcMapUI namespace was being run within the GetApp() function, so the namespace was local to the function.
