Scipy: epsilon neighborhood by sparse similarity with threshold - python

I am wondering if scipy offers the option to implement a primitive but memory-friendly approach to epsilon neighborhood search:
Compute pairwise similarity for my data, but set all similarities smaller than a threshold epsilon to zero on the fly and then output result directly as sparse matrix.
For example scipy.spatial.distance.pdist() is really fast, but the memory limit is reached early compared to my time limit, at least if I take squareform().
I know there are O(n*log(n)) solutions in this case but for now it would be enough if the result could be sparse. Also obviously I would have to use a similarity as opposed to a distance, but that should not be such a big problem, should it.

As long as you can recast your similarity measure in terms of a distance metric (say 1 minus the similarity) then the most efficient solution is to use sklearn's BallTree.
Otherwise you could build a your own scipy.sparse.csr_matrix matrix by comparing each point against the other $ i -1$ points and throwing away all values smaller than the threshold.
Without knowing your specific similarity metric, this code should roughly do the trick:
import scipy.sparse as spsparse
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import numpy as np
def sparse_similarity(X, epsilon=0.99, Y=None, similarity_metric=cosine_similarity):
X : ndarray
An m by n array of m original observations in an n-dimensional space.
Nx, Dx = X.shape
if Y is None:
Ny, Dy = Y.shape
assert Dx==Dy
data = []
indices = []
indptr = [0]
for ix in range(Nx):
xsim = similarity_metric([X[ix]], Y)
_ , kept_points = np.nonzero(xsim>=epsilon)
indptr.append(indptr[-1] + len(kept_points))
return spsparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(Nx,Ny))
X = np.random.random(size=(1000,10))
sparse_similarity(X, epsilon=0.95)


vectorized / linear algebra distance between points?

Suppose I have an array of points,
import numpy as np
pts = np.random.rand(100,3) # 1000 points, X, Y, Z along second dimension
The naive approach to calculate the distance between each combination of points involves a double for loop and will be excruciatingly slow for large numbers of points,
def euclidian_distance(p1, p2):
d = p2 - p1
return np.sqrt(d**2).sum()
out = np.empty((pts.shape[0], pts.shape[0]))
pts_swapped = pts.swapaxes(0,1)
for idx, point in enumerate(pts_swapped):
for idx2, point_inner in enumerate(pts_swapped):
out[idx,idx2] = euclidian_distance(point, point_inner)
How do I vectorize this calculation?
Take a look at the scipy.spatial.distance.cdist. I'm not sure but i assume that scipy optimized this quite a lot. If you use the pts array for both inputs, I assume you'll get an M x M array with zeros on the diagonal . function

Vectorizing or boosting time for an interpolation in Python

I have to boost the time for an interpolation over a large (NxMxT) matrix MTR, where:
N is about 8000;
M is about 10000;
T represents the number of times at which each NxM matrix is calculated (in my case it's 23).
I have to compute the interpolation element-wise, on all the T different times, and return the interpolated values over a different array of times (T_interp, in my case with lenght 47) so, as output, I want an NxMxT_interp matrix.
The code snippet below defines the function I built for the interpolation, using scipy.interpolate.Rbf (y is the array MTR[i,j,:], x is the times array with length T, x_interp is the new array of times with length T_interp:
# Interpolate without nans
def interp(x,y,x_interp,**kwargs):
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
mask = np.isnan(y)
y_mask =,mask = mask)
x_new = [x[i] for i in np.where(~mask)[0]]
if len(y_mask.compressed()) == 0:
return [np.nan for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
elif len(y_mask.compressed()) == 1:
return [y_mask.compressed() for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
interp = Rbf(x_new,y_mask.compressed(),**kwargs)
y_interp = interp(x_interp)
return y_interp
I tried to achieve my goal either by looping over the NxM elements of the MTR matrix:
new_MTR = np.empty((N,M,T_interp))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
new_MTR[i,j,:]=interp(times,MTR[i,j,:],New_times,function = 'linear')
or by using the np.apply_along_axis funtion:
new_MTR = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: interp(times,x,New_times,function = 'linear'),2,MTR)
In both cases I extimated the time it takes to perform the whole operation and it appears to be slightly better for the np.apply_along_axis function, but still it will take about 15 hours!!
Is there a way to reduce this time? Maybe by vectorizing the entire operation? I don't know much about vectorizing and how it can be done in a situation like mine so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Jaccard's distance matrix with tensorflow

I would like to compute a distance matrix using the Jaccard distance. And do so as fast as possible. I used to use scikit-learn's pairwise_distances function. But scikit-learn doesn't plan to support GPU, and there's even a known bug that makes the function slower when run in parallel.
My only constraint is that the resulting distance matrix can then be fed to scikit-learn's DBSCAN clustering algorithm. I was thinking about implementing the computation with tensorflow but couldn't find a nice and simple way to do it.
PS: I have reasons to precompute the distance matrix instead of letting DBSCAN do it as needed.
Hej I was facing the same problem.
Given the idea that the jaccard similarity is the ratio of true postives (tp) to the sum of true positives, false negatives (fn) and false positives (fp), I came up with this solution:
def jaccard_distance(self):
tp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(, self.prediction), 1)
fn = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(, 1-self.prediction), 1)
fp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(, self.prediction), 1)
return 1 - (tp / (tp + fn + fp))
Hope this helps!
I am not a tensorflow expert, but here is the solution I got. As far as I know, the only ways in tensorflow to do a computation on all-pairs of a list is to do a matrix multiplication or use the broadcasting rules, this solution uses both at some point.
So let's assume we have an input boolean matrix of n_samples rows, one per set, and n_features columns, one per possible element. A value True in the i-th row, j-th column means the i-th set contains the element j. Just like scikit-learn's pairwise_distances expect. We can then proceed as follow.
Cast the matrix to numbers, getting 1 for True and 0 for False.
Multiply the matrix by its own transpose. This produce a matrix where each element M[i][j] contains size of the intersection between the i-th and j-th sets.
Compute a cardv vector that contains the cardinality of all the sets by summing the input matrix by rows.
Make a row and a column vector from cardv.
Compute 1 - M / (cardvrow + cardvcol - M). The broadcasting rules will do all the work when adding a row and a column vector.
This algorithm as a whole seems a bit hack-ish, but it works and produce results within a reasonable margin from the result computed by scikit-learn's pairwise_distances function. A better algorithm should probably make a single pass on every pair of input vectors and compute only half of the matrix as it is symmetric. Any improvement is welcome.
setsin = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(N, M))
sets = tf.cast(setsin, tf.float16)
mat = tf.matmul(sets, sets, transpose_b=True, name="Main_matmul")
#mat = tf.cast(mat, tf.float32, name="Upgrade_mat")
#sets = tf.cast(sets, tf.float32, name="Upgrade_sets")
cardinal = tf.reduce_sum(sets, 1, name="Richelieu")
cardinalrow = tf.expand_dims(cardinal, 0)
cardinalcol = tf.expand_dims(cardinal, 1)
mat = 1 - mat / (cardinalrow + cardinalcol - mat)
I used float16 type as it seems much faster than float32. Casting to float32 might only be useful if the cardinals are large enough to make them inaccurate or if more precision is needed when performing the division. But even when the casts are needed, it seems to be still relevant to do the matrix multiplication as float16.

Array is too big for euclidean distance

my_array is a sparse 78000 x 200 matrix of zeros and ones; many rows are only zeros. I am trying to calculate the euclidean distance. Further I use the multidimensional scaling to get the coordinates of every column (every column is a word in a vocabulary).
I get the error "array is too big" while calculating the euclidean distance. There are other similar questions, but I don't know how to apply it in this case. What I imagine is that if I reduce the precision of the "dist array" it will be less big, but I don't know how to do that. May also be working with sparse matrices or np.memmap, but the my_array is not a problem. The problem starts when it tries to keep all the distance values, so I need to integrate it during the dist array calculation. The dist array is a 78000 x 78000 matrix.
So my question is, how do I integrate any of these techniques in the calculation of the euclidean distance?
Or would it make sense to loop through dist(x, y) = sqrt(dot(x, x) - 2 * dot(x, y) + dot(y, y))? And adjust the data type somewhere in there?
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
my_array = np.array(Y[2:])
dist = euclidean_distances(my_array)
mds = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=1)
pos = mds.fit_transform(dist)

Compute numpy array pairwise Euclidean distance except with self

edit: this question is not specifically about calculating distances, rather the most efficient way to loop through a numpy array, specifying that for index i all comparisons should be made with the rest of the array, as long as the second index is not i.
I have a numpy array with columns (X, Y, ID) and want to compare each element to each other element, but not itself. So, for each X, Y coordinate, I want to calculate the distance to each other X, Y coordinate, but not itself (where distance = 0).
Here is what I have - there must be a more "numpy" way to write this.
import math, arcpy
# Point feature class
# Load points to numpy array: (X, Y, ID)
npArray = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(fc,["SHAPE#X","SHAPE#Y","OID#"])
for row in npArray:
for row2 in npArray:
if row[2] != row2[2]:
# Pythagoras's theorem
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((row[0]-row2[0]),2)+math.pow((row[1]-row2[1]),2))
Obviously, I'm a numpy newbie. I will not be surprised to find this a duplicate, but I don't have the numpy vocabulary to search out the answer. Any help appreciated!
Using SciPy's pdist, you could write something like
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
distances = squareform(pdist(npArray, lambda a,b: np.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2)))
pdist will compute the pair-wise distances using the custom metric that ignores the 3rd coordinate (which is your ID in this case). squareform turns this into a more readable matrix such that distances[0,1] gives the distance between the 0th and 1st rows.
Each row of X is a 3 dimensional data instance or point.
The output pairwisedist[i, j] is distance of X[i, :] and X[j, :]
X = np.array([[6,1,7],[10,9,4],[13,9,3],[10,8,15],[14,4,1]])
a = np.sum(X*X,1)
b = np.repeat( a[:,np.newaxis],5,axis=1)
pairwisedist = b + b.T -2*
I wanted to point out that custom written sqrt of sum of squares are prone to overflow and underflow. Bultin math.hypot, np.hypot are way safer for no compromise on performance
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
distances = squareform(pdist(npArray, lambda a,b: math.hypot(*(a-b))
