I'm new in python . I have a big data set from twitter and i want to tokenize it .
but i don't know how can i token verbs like this : "look for , take off ,grow up and etc." and it's important to me .
my code is :
>>> from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
>>> s = "I'm looking for the answer"
>>> word_tokenize(s)
['I', "'m", 'looking', 'for', 'the', 'answer']
my data set is big and i can't use this page code :
Find multi-word terms in a tokenized text in Python
so , how can i solve my problem?
You need to use parts of speech tags for that, or actually dependency parsing would be more accurate. I haven't tried with nltk, but with spaCy you can do it like this:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
def chunk_phrasal_verbs(lemmatized_sentence):
ph_verbs = []
for word in nlp(lemmatized_sentence):
if word.dep_ == 'prep' and word.head.pos_ == 'VERB':
ph_verb = word.head.text+ ' ' + word.text
return ph_verbs
I also suggest first lemmatizing the sentence to get rid of conjugations. Also if you need noun phrases, with the similar way you can use compound relationship.
I've been trying to solve a problem with the spacy Tokenizer for a while, without any success. Also, I'm not sure if it's a problem with the tokenizer or some other part of the pipeline.
I have an application that for reasons besides the point, creates a spacy Doc from the spacy vocab and the list of tokens from a string (see code below). Note that while this is not the simplest and most common way to do this, according to spacy doc this can be done.
However, when I create a Doc for a text that contains compound words or dates with hyphen as a separator, the behavior I am getting is not what I expected.
import spacy
from spacy.language import Doc
# My current way
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=tokens) # Tokens is a well defined list of tokens for a certein string
# Standard way
doc = nlp("My text...")
For example, with the following text, if I create the Doc using the standard procedure, the spacy Tokenizer recognizes the "-" as tokens but the Doc text is the same as the input text, in addition the spacy NER model correctly recognizes the DATE entity.
import spacy
doc = nlp("What time will sunset be on 2022-12-24?")
tokens = [str(token) for token in doc]
# Show entities
What time will sunset be on 2022-12-24?
['What', 'time', 'will', 'sunset', 'be', 'on', '2022', '-', '12', '-', '24', '?']
On the other hand, if I create the Doc from the model's vocab and the previously calculated tokens, the result obtained is different. Note that for the sake of simplicity I am using the tokens from doc, so I'm sure there are no differences in tokens. Also note that I am manually running each pipeline model in the correct order with the doc, so at the end of this process I would theoretically get the same results.
However, as you can see in the output below, while the Doc's tokens are the same, the Doc's text is different, there were blank spaces between the digits and the date separators.
doc2 = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=tokens)
# Run each model in pipeline
for model_name in nlp.pipe_names:
pipe = nlp.get_pipe(model_name)
doc2 = pipe(doc2)
# Print text and tokens
tokens = [str(token) for token in doc2]
# Show entities
what time will sunset be on 2022 - 12 - 24 ?
['what', 'time', 'will', 'sunset', 'be', 'on', '2022', '-', '12', '-', '24', '?']
2022 - 12 - 24
I know it must be something silly that I'm missing but I don't realize it.
Could someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong and point me in the right direction?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Following the Talha Tayyab suggestion, I have to create an array of booleans with the same length that my list of tokens to indicate for each one, if the token is followed by an empty space. Then pass this array in doc construction as follows: doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces).
To compute this list of boolean values based on my original text string and list of tokens, I implemented the following vanilla function:
def get_spaces(self, text: str, tokens: List[str]) -> List[bool]:
# Spaces
spaces = []
# Copy text to easy operate
t = text.lower()
# Iterate over tokens
for token in tokens:
if t.startswith(token.lower()):
t = t[len(token):] # Remove token
# If after removing token we have an empty space
if len(t) > 0 and t[0] == " ":
t = t[1:] # Remove space
return spaces
With these two improvements in my code, the result obtained is as expected. However, now I have the following question:
Is there a more spacy-like way to compute whitespace, instead of using my vanilla implementation?
Please try this:
from spacy.language import Doc
doc2 = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=tokens,spaces=[1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])
# Run each model in pipeline
for model_name in nlp.pipe_names:
pipe = nlp.get_pipe(model_name)
doc2 = pipe(doc2)
# Print text and tokens
tokens = [str(token) for token in doc2]
# Show entities
# You can also replace 0 with False and 1 with True
This is the complete syntax:
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
spaces are a list of boolean values indicating whether each word has a subsequent space. Must have the same length as words, if specified. Defaults to a sequence of True.
So you can choose which ones you gonna have space and which ones you do not need.
Reference: https://spacy.io/api/doc
Late to this, but as you've retrieved the tokens from a document to begin with I think you can just use the whitespace_ attribute of the token for this. Then your 'get_spaces` function looks like:
def get_spaces(tokens):
return [1 if token.whitespace_ else 0 for token in tokens]
Note that this won't work nicely if there multiple spaces or non-space whitespace (e.g. tabs), but then you probably need to update the tokenizer or use your existing solution and update this part:
if len(t) > 0 and t[0] == " ":
t = t[1:] # Remove space
to check for generic whitespace and remove more than just a leading space.
I have a list of sentences as below :
sentences = ["I am learning to code", "coding seems to be intresting in python", "how to code in python", "practicing how to code is the key"]
Now I wish to replace few substrings in this list of sentences using dictionary of words and its replacements.
word_list = {'intresting': 'interesting', 'how to code': 'learning how to code', 'am learning':'love learning', 'in python': 'using python'}
I tried the following code:
replaced_sentences = [' '.join([word_list.get(w, w) for w in sentence.split()])
for sentence in sentences]
But only the one word string is getting replaced and not the keys with more than one word. It is because am using sentence.split() which tokenizes sentences word by word and misses out replacing substrings greater than one word.
How do I get to replace the substring with exact match using regex or any other suggestions?
expected output:
sentences = ["I love learning to code", "coding seems to be interesting using python", "learning how to code using python", "practicing learning how to code is the key"]
Thanks in advance.
It's probably easiest to read if you break this into a function that replaces all the words for a single sentence. Then you can apply it to all the sentences in the list. Here we make a single regex by concaving all the keys of the dict with '|'. Then use re.sub grab the found value associated with the key, and return it as the replacement.
import re
def replace_words(s, word_lookup):
rx = '|'.join(word_lookup.keys())
return re.sub(rx, lambda match: word_lookup[match.group(0)], s)
[replace_words(s, word_list) for s in sentences]
This will result in:
['I love learning to code',
'coding seems to be interesting using python',
'learning how to code using python',
'practicing learning how to code is the key']
You could optimize a bit by making the regex once instead of each time in the function. This would allow you to do something like:
import re
rx = re.compile('|'.join(word_list.keys()))
[rx.sub(lambda match: word_list[match.group(0)], s) for s in sentences]
I'm trying to lemmatize all of the words in a sentence with NLTK's WordNetLemmatizer. I have a bunch of sentences but am just using the first sentence to ensure I'm doing this correctly. Here's what I have:
"Explanation Why edits made username Hardcore Metallica Fan reverted? They vandalisms, closure GAs I voted New York Dolls FAC. And please remove template talk page since I'm retired now."
So now I try to lemmatize each word as follows:
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
new_sent = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in train_sentences[0].split()]
And I get back:
['Explanation', 'Why', 'edits', 'made', 'username', 'Hardcore', 'Metallica', 'Fan', 'reverted?', 'They', 'vandalisms,', 'closure', 'GAs', 'I', 'voted', 'New', 'York', 'Dolls', 'FAC.', 'And', 'please', 'remove', 'template', 'talk', 'page', 'since', "I'm", 'retired', 'now.']
A couple questions:
1) Why does "edits" not get transformed into "edit"? Admittedly, if I do lemmatizer.lemmatize("edits") I get back edits but was surprised.
2) Why is "vandalisms" not transformed into "vandalism"? This one is very surprising, since if I do lemmatizer.lemmatize("vandalisms"), I get back vandalism...
Any clarification / guidance would be awesome!
First tag the sentence, then use the POS tag as the additional parameter input for the lemmatization.
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()
def penn2morphy(penntag):
""" Converts Penn Treebank tags to WordNet. """
morphy_tag = {'NN':'n', 'JJ':'a',
'VB':'v', 'RB':'r'}
return morphy_tag[penntag[:2]]
return 'n'
def lemmatize_sent(text):
# Text input is string, returns lowercased strings.
return [wnl.lemmatize(word.lower(), pos=penn2morphy(tag))
for word, tag in pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))]
lemmatize_sent('He is walking to school')
For a detailed walkthrough of how and why the POS tag is necessary see https://www.kaggle.com/alvations/basic-nlp-with-nltk
Alternatively, you can use pywsd tokenizer + lemmatizer, a wrapper of NLTK's WordNetLemmatizer:
pip install -U nltk
python -m nltk.downloader popular
pip install -U pywsd
>>> from pywsd.utils import lemmatize_sentence
Warming up PyWSD (takes ~10 secs)... took 9.307677984237671 secs.
>>> text = "Mary leaves the room"
>>> lemmatize_sentence(text)
['mary', 'leave', 'the', 'room']
>>> text = 'Dew drops fall from the leaves'
>>> lemmatize_sentence(text)
['dew', 'drop', 'fall', 'from', 'the', 'leaf']
(Note to moderators: I can't mark this question as duplicate of nltk: How to lemmatize taking surrounding words into context? because the answer wasn't accepted there but it is a duplicate).
This is really something that the nltk community would be able to answer.
This is happening because of the , at the end of vandalisms,.To remove this trailing ,, you could use .strip(',') or use mutliple delimiters as described here.
I have been trying to remove stopwords from a csv file that im reading using python code but my code does not seem to work. I have tried using a sample text in the code to validate my code but it is still the same . Below is my code and i would appreciate if anyone can help me rectify the issue.. here is the code below
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import csv
article = ['The computer code has a little bug' ,
'im learning python' ,
'thanks for helping me' ,
'this is trouble' ,
'this is a sample sentence'
'cat in the hat']
tokenized_models = [word_tokenize(str(i)) for i in article]
stopset = set(stopwords.words('english'))
stop_models = [i for i in tokenized_models if str(i).lower() not in stopset]
Your tokenized_models is a list of tokenized sentences, so a list of lists. Ergo, the following line tries to match a list of words to a stopword:
stop_models = [i for i in tokenized_models if str(i).lower() not in stopset]
Instead, iterate again through words. Something like:
clean_models = []
for m in tokenized_models:
stop_m = [i for i in m if str(i).lower() not in stopset]
Off-topic useful hint:
To define a multi-line string, use brackets and no comma:
article = ('The computer code has a little bug'
'im learning python'
'thanks for helping me'
'this is trouble'
'this is a sample sentence'
'cat in the hat')
This version would work with your original code
word_tokenize(str(i)) returns a list of words, so tokenized_models is a list of lists. You need to flatten that list, or better yet just make article a single string, since I don't see why it's a list at the moment.
This is because the in operator won't search through a list and then through strings in that list at the same time, e.g.:
>>> 'a' in 'abc'
>>> 'a' in ['abc']
I use sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer to compute n-grams. Example:
import sklearn.feature_extraction.text # FYI http://scikit-learn.org/stable/install.html
ngram_size = 4
string = ["I really like python, it's pretty awesome."]
vect = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(ngram_size,ngram_size))
print('{1}-grams: {0}'.format(vect.get_feature_names(), ngram_size))
4-grams: [u'like python it pretty', u'python it pretty awesome', u'really like python it']
The punctuation is removed: how to include them as separate tokens?
You should specify a word tokenizer that considers any punctuation as a separate token when creating the sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer instance, using the tokenizer parameter.
For example, nltk.tokenize.TreebankWordTokenizer treats most punctuation characters as separate tokens:
import sklearn.feature_extraction.text
from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
ngram_size = 4
string = ["I really like python, it's pretty awesome."]
vect = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(ngram_size,ngram_size), \
print('{1}-grams: {0}'.format(vect.get_feature_names(), ngram_size))
4-grams: [u"'s pretty awesome .", u", it 's pretty", u'i really like python',
u"it 's pretty awesome", u'like python , it', u"python , it 's",
u'really like python ,']