Run jupyter notebook on GCP without any dependency on my laptop - python

I'm currently using GCP to run the Jupyter notebooks on the notebook server provided by Google. Every time I open the notebook server in commandline, it shuts down when there is a network interruption or power outage on my end. I'm very naive on GCP too.
Is there any way that I could run the Ipython notebooks on the server and later collect the results without having to bother about anything else?
Thanks in advance!

Have you tried using GCP's AI Platform Notebooks?
You can open these notebooks directly in your browser unlike the older Datalab notebooks (no need to SSH). That should solve your network interruption issues


Jupyter notebook online and uninterrupted session

I'm trying to train a model in Jupyter notebook on my computer. Unfortunately, it will take about a few days (more than a week).
Is there a Jupyter notebook somewhere on the Internet that I could start, disconnect (turn off the laptop) and then come back after a few days and connect to the still ongoing session?
What are you looking for is a server. You need to host your Jupyter Notebook session on a remote host. The idea is that your Jupyter Notebook needs to run continuously, and as a result you need a machine that runs continuously. The fix for your issue will be a server, now the problem that you will have is the fact that if you need specific hardware requirements, like graphic cards, a cloud service provider that offers servers with your specific setup will be harder to find than choosing to train your model on the cpu of a server. The main idea would be to browse Amazon services and a free trial of a service in order to train your model.
Remote GPU Machine learning training service Amazon:
Jupyter Notebook on remote server config:

Jupyter notebook in blank when initiating a notebook - remote desktop

I'm trying to run jupyter notebook on a remote desktop, which is highly secured (i.e. I had to activate scripting on internet explorer to be able to log in into outlook).
I am really new to this remote desktop thing and I would like to know why is this happening and if it has a solution. As a finance student, I really struggle with this stuff.
I used miniconda to run this. Also, this is shown in the terminal before opening the jupyter notebook window:
"[W 09:21:35.153 NotebookApp] Terminals not available (error was DLL load failed while importing winpty: The specified procedure could not be found.)"
What is shown when I open a notebook
Best regards,
I'm not sure Internet Explorer supports jupyter notebooks, try with another browser if you can.

Run local code in the Jupyter notebook on remote server via kernel

I want to run local code using local data on a remote server and get back execution results back to my Jupyter notebook cells.
Not usual scheme "run Jupyter notebook remotely, connect to remote notebook via ssh tunneling" but more sophisticated via custom remote kernel which I may choose from the kernel list, and run local code on remote server seamlessly.
Some packages (like this -- mention that it is possible, but look dated and come with limited usage instructions.
Anyone knows how to implement this? If so, be as more detailed as possible, thanks!

Connection to the notebook server cannot be established

I used to work with Jupyter notebook normally, but after formatting my laptop and reinstall it again, notebooks take a lot of time to be charged and the connection to the notebook server cannot be established.
Also when I look at my cmd, I recognize that Jupyter tries to call some libraries which are not in this particular notebook I opened, for example, the Cose library which I used in another notebook which I didn't even open after the installation!
And I always get the following message on my notebook:
Connection to the notebook server cannot be established. The notebook will continue its attempts. Check your network connection or the settings of the notebook server.
So what should I do, I really need your help and I will be so thankful.
Two options:
You can try installing cose module - it shows ModuleNotFoundError. Probably when you reformatted your laptop, the library could have been uninstalled.
You can try re-installing conda and jupyter notebook

How to work on Python in iPad as if I'm working on a PC?

Is there any way to work with Python in iPad as I would on a PC? I will have quite some time with only my iPad and would like to continue with the same files.
I currently use Jupyter notebook and Sublime text, but I don't mind any other alternative that works on iPad.
I will be working on Python, Pandas, Django, Bokeh... just to give you an idea of what libraries I use.
Since you are using Jupyter Notebooks as your front end, you could use something like Microsoft Azure to act as your Jupyter server. The Python code runs on their cloud servers, so you don't need to have it installed locally.
Alternatively, if you have a Linux box available to you on your network, you could run JupyterHub and connect to that via your iPad browser.
You may be interested to try Juno Connect, it is a Jupyter Notebook client for iPad. It is a client though — so you will need a remote server running Jupyter to connect to.
