how to set timer properly in wxpython - python

My problem is: how to use Timer properly? Sometimes i missed the data.
part of the code:
import wx
import serial
class all(wx.panel):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.SetSizer( bSizer17 )
self.timer1 = wx.Timer()
self.timer1.SetOwner( self, 1 )
self.timer2 = wx.Timer()
self.timer2.SetOwner( self, 2 )
self.timer2.Start( 500 ) ### running when app begins
self.timer3 = wx.Timer()
self.timer3.SetOwner( self, 3 )
self.timer3.Start( 401) ### running when app begins
def timer1(self,event):
if self.timer1.IsRunning():
self.timer1.Start( 100 )
def timer2(self, event):
def timer3(self, event):
def timer1_plot(self, event)
def timer2_store( self, event ):
for line in ser:
with open("C:\\Users\\Desktop\\saved_data.txt","a") as f:
for line in store:
f.writelines(str(line)+ "\n")
def timer3_del( self, event ):
del store[:]
I have coming data from serial port per second. I use data for plotting and saving background(independent from plotting). For this i used wxTimer.
I have 3 buttons(bind with timers), 2 of them are hidden(2 timers run automatically).
1.button is for plotting. When i press, timer run.
2.button is for storing and writing to .txt file and delete from the list
3.button is for deleting the stored data in the list
self.timer1.Start( 100 ) # running when button press
self.timer2.Start( 500 ) # running when app begins
self.timer3.Start( 401) # running when app begins
range between timer is good? Should i run 2 of them automatically? What can you suggest? Any help would be appreciated.

This is pretty old, so you may have already found a solution... but here is my advice.
My project monitors 2 serial ports, one has a scale that sends a data packet every second, the other has a barcode scanner - very random when data arrives.
I use 1 thread per serial port, that just timer.sleep's waiting for serial input, and stores it in a shared object (1 object per thread). Then I have one timer that updates the state machine, it looks at each shared object, and updates the GUI accordingly.
If this was my project, I would suggest the following changes:
Don't call timer event .Skip() nothing else should be chained after your callback.
Create a thread for each serial port or other async communication source.
Be sure to mark the threads as daemon's or explicitly kill them when shutting down.
Use one timer that updates everything, use the lowest frequency that gives your users acceptable response.
Good luck.


python application freeze on thread.join()

I'm writing a simple time tracking application in Python3 and PyQt5. Time is tracked in separate thread. Function that this thread is running doesn't access GUI code. On Windows10 application freezes after trying to close it. It's caused by calling thread.join(). I need to end the process in task manager to close it. On Linux Mint it works fine. I'm using threads from threading library. It doesn't work also with QThread's. If I comment out the thread.join() line it closes without a problem, but the code that's running by this thread doesn't finish.
Thread is initialized in __init__() function of Window class.
self.trackingThread = Thread(target = self.track)
Function that is responsible for tracking time:
def track(self):
startTime = time()
lastWindowChangeTime = startTime
while self.running:
# check if active window has changed
if self.active_window_name != get_active_window_name():
if self.active_window_name in self.applications_time:
self.applications_time[self.active_window_name] += int(time() - lastWindowChangeTime) // 60 # time in minutes)
self.applications_time[self.active_window_name] = int(time() - lastWindowChangeTime) // 60 # time in minutes
lastWindowChangeTime = time()
self.active_window_name = get_active_window_name()
totalTime = int(time() - startTime) // 60 # time in minutes
if in self.daily_time:
self.daily_time[] += totalTime
self.daily_time[] = totalTime
Joining the thread:
def saveAndQuit(self):
self.running = False
self.trackingThread.join() # the line that's causing application freeze
relevant code:
def get_active_window_name():
active_window_name = ''
if system() == 'Linux':
active_window_name = check_output(['xdotool', 'getactivewindow', 'getwindowname']).decode('utf-8')
elif system() == 'Windows':
window = GetForegroundWindow()
active_window_name = GetWindowText(window)
return active_window_name
After removing those 2 lines app closes without any problem. Is there any other way of getting active window name on Windows except win32gui?:
window = GetForegroundWindow()
active_window_name = GetWindowText(window)
The issue occurs because GetWindowText() is blocking, and so your thread can never join. To understand why, we have to delve into the win32 documentation
If the target window is owned by the current process, GetWindowText causes a WM_GETTEXT message to be sent to the specified window or control. If the target window is owned by another process and has a caption, GetWindowText retrieves the window caption text. If the window does not have a caption, the return value is a null string. This behavior is by design. It allows applications to call GetWindowText without becoming unresponsive if the process that owns the target window is not responding. However, if the target window is not responding and it belongs to the calling application, GetWindowText will cause the calling application to become unresponsive.
You are attempting to join the thread from within a function (saveAndQuit) that has been called by the Qt event loop. As such, until this function returns, the Qt event loop will not process any messages. This means the call to GetWindowText in the other thread has sent a message to the Qt event loop which won't be processed until saveAndQuit finishes. However, saveAndQuit is waiting for the thread to finish, and so you have a deadlock!
There are several ways to solve the deadlock, probably the easiest to implement is to recursively call join, with a timeout, from the Qt event loop. It's somewhat "hacky", but other alternatives mean things like changing the way your thread behaves or using QThreads.
As such, I would modify your saveAndQuit as follows:
def saveAndQuit(self):
self.running = False
# if thread is still alive, return control to the Qt event loop
# and rerun this function in 50 milliseconds
if self.trackingThread.is_alive():
QTimer.singleShot(50, self.saveAndQuit)
# if the thread has ended, then save and quit!
I had a similar problem and someone here on SO advised me to use something like this:
class MyThread(QThread):
def __init__(self):
# initialize your thread, use arguments in the constructor if needed
def __del__(self):
def run(self):
pass # Do whatever you need here
def run_qt_app():
my_thread = MyThread()
qt_app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# Setup your window here
return qt_app.exec_()
Works fine for me, my_thread runs as long as qt_app is up, and finishes it's work on quit.
edit: typos

Listening for a threading Event in python

first time SO user, please excuse any etiquette errors. I'm trying to implement a multithreaded program in python and am having troubles. This is no doubt due to a lack of understanding of how threading is implemented, but hopefully you can help me figure it out.
I have a basic program that continually listens for messages on a serial port and can then print/save/process/etc them, which works fine. It basically looks like this:
import serial
def main():
usb = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbserial-A603UBRB', 57600) #open serial w\ baud rate
while True:
line = usb.readline()
However what I want to do is continually listen for the messages on a serial port, but not necessarily do anything with them. This should run in the background, and meanwhile in the foreground I want to have some kind of interface where the user can command the program to read/use/save these data for a while and then stop again.
So I created the following code:
import time
import serial
import threading
# this runs in the background constantly, reading the serial bus input
class serial_listener(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, line, event):
super(serial_listener, self).__init__()
self.event = threading.Event()
self.line = ''
self.usb = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbserial-A603UBRB', 57600)
def run(self):
while True:
self.line = self.usb.readline()
# this lets the user command the software to record several values from serial
class record_data(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
super(record_data, self).__init__()
self.line = ''
self.event = threading.Event()
self.ser = serial_listener(self.line,self.event)
self.ser.start() #run thread
def run(self):
user_input = raw_input('Record data: ')
if user_input == 'r':
event_counter = 0
while(event_counter < 16):
event_counter += 1
# this is going to be the mother function
def main():
dat = record_data()
# this makes the code behave like C code.
if __name__ == '__main__':
It compiles and runs, but when I order the program to record by typing r into the CLI, nothing happens. It doesn't seem to be receiving any events.
Any clues how to make this work? Workarounds are also fine, the only thing is that I can't constantly open and close the serial interface, it has to remain open the whole time, or else the device stops working until un/replugged.
Instead of using multiple threads, I would suggest using multiple processes. When you use threads, you have to think about the global interpreter lock. So you either listen to events or do something in your main thread. Both at the same time will not work.
When using multiple processes I would then use a queue to forward the events from your watchdog that you would like to handle. Or you could code your own event handler. Here you can find an example for multiprocess event handlers

PyQt - Closing QMessageBox from a QThread

I'm working on a project where I'm attempting to get a QMesssageBox to exit with the "accepted" condition in response to incoming MIDI data. The MIDI input library (pygame.midi) needs to poll the input to see if any data has arrived, so I start a QThread to handle this, and have it emit a "dataReceived" signal when data arrives in the buffer. I then attach this signal to the QMessageBox's accept() slot:
def midiLearn(self, mainWindowInstance, widget):
class midiLearnWait(QtCore.QThread):
dataReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, midiInputDevice, parent=None):
super(midiLearnWait, self).__init__(parent)
self.midiInputDevice = midiInputDevice
def run(self):
if self.midiInputDevice.poll():
if self.midiInputDevice:
midiLearnMessage = QtGui.QMessageBox(1, 'MIDI Learn', 'Please move a controller.',
midiInputThread = midiLearnWait(self.midiInputDevice)
#just trigger accept for testing
midiInputThread.dataReceived.connect(lambda: midiLearnMessage.accept())
ret = midiLearnMessage.exec_()
if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel:
QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(mainWindowInstance, 'MIDI Error', 'No MIDI input selected.')
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work - the message box never gets accepted when MIDI data gets sent to the program. I am not completely sure at this point if the problem is something to do with how I've configured the MIDI library, or in how I've done this GUI code. If anyone could point out any errors in how I've attempted to set up the GUI aspect of the code it would be much appreciated.
midiInputDevice.poll() shouldn't be a blocking call, so your thread runs once when started and immediately exits... and probably the poll call will return false, that's why the box stays there.
you'll either have to use (which should block), or poll the device in a loop until there is some data.

Least painful way to run a Python delay loop

I've got an event-driven chatbot and I'm trying to implement spam protection. I want to silence a user who is behaving badly for a period of time, without blocking the rest of the application.
Here's what doesn't work:
if user_behaving_badly():
ban( user )
time.sleep( penalty_duration ) # Bad! Blocks the entire application!
unban( user )
Ideally, if user_behaving_badly() is true, I want to start a new thread which does nothing but ban the user, then sleep for a while, unban the user, and then the thread disappears.
According to this I can accomplish my goal using the following:
if user_behaving_badly():
thread.start_new_thread( banSleepUnban, ( user, penalty ) )
"Simple" is usually an indicator of "good", and this is pretty simple, but everything I've heard about threads has said that they can bite you in unexpected ways. My question is: Is there a better way than this to run a simple delay loop without blocking the rest of the application?
instead of starting a thread for each ban, put the bans in a priority queue and have a single thread do the sleeping and unbanning
this code keeps two structures a heapq that allows it to quickly find the soonest ban to expire and a dict to make it possible to quickly check if a user is banned by name
import time
import threading
import heapq
class Bans():
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.event = threading.Event()
self.heap = []
self.dict = {}
self.thread = threading.thread(target=self.expiration_thread)
def ban_user(self, name, duration):
with self.lock:
now = time.time()
expiration = (now+duration)
heapq.heappush(self.heap, (expiration, user))
self.dict[user] = expiration
def is_user_banned(self, user):
with self.lock:
now = time.time()
return self.dict.get(user, None) > now
def expiration_thread(self):
while True:
with self.lock:
next, user = self.heap[0]
now = time.time()
duration = next-now
if duration > 0:
with self.lock:
if self.heap[0][0] = next:
del self.dict(user)
if not self.heap:
and is used like this:
B = Bans()
B.ban_user("phil", 30.0)
Use a threading timer object, like this:
t = threading.Timer(30.0, unban)
t.start() # after 30 seconds, unban will be run
Then only unban is run in the thread.
Why thread at all?
# do it
# don't
# add a user/start time to a hash
# check hash
# could check if expired now too, or do it seperately if you care about it
# check params or set more values in a hash
This is language agnostic, but consider a thread to keep track of stuff. The thread keeps a data structure that has something like "username" and "banned_until" in a table. The thread is always running in the background checking the table, if banned_until is expired, it unblocks the user. Other threads go on normally.
If you're using a GUI,
most GUI modules have a timer function which can abstract all the yuck multithreading stuff,
and execute code after a given time,
though still allowing the rest of the code to be executed.
For instance, Tkinter has the 'after' function.

Showing data in a GUI where the data comes from an outside source

I'm kind of lost on how to approach this problem, I'd like to write a GUI ideally using Tkinter with python, but I initially started with Qt and found that the problem extends either with all GUI frameworks or my limited understanding.
The data in this case is coming from a named pipe, and I'd like to display whatever comes through the pipe into a textbox. I've tried having one thread listen on the pipe and another create the GUI, but in both cases one thread always seems to hang or the GUI never gets created.
Any suggestions?
Here is the way I would do it (on windows):
import wx, wx.lib.newevent, threading
import win32event, win32pipe, win32file, pywintypes, winerror
NewMessage, EVT_NEW_MESSAGE = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
class MessageNotifier(threading.Thread):
pipe_name = r"\\.\pipe\named_pipe_demo"
def __init__(self, frame):
self.frame = frame
def run(self):
open_mode = win32pipe.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | win32file.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
pipe_mode = win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE
sa = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
sa.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, None, 0)
pipe_handle = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe(
self.pipe_name, open_mode, pipe_mode,
0, 0, 6000, sa
overlapped = pywintypes.OVERLAPPED()
overlapped.hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
while 1:
hr = win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe_handle, overlapped)
# Error connecting pipe
if hr == winerror.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED:
# Client is fast, and already connected - signal event
rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(
overlapped.hEvent, win32event.INFINITE
if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
hr, data = win32file.ReadFile(pipe_handle, 64)
win32file.WriteFile(pipe_handle, "ok")
wx.PostEvent(self.frame, NewMessage(data=data))
except win32file.error:
class Messages(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None)
self.messages = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
self.Bind(EVT_NEW_MESSAGE, self.On_Update)
def On_Update(self, event):
self.messages.Value += "\n" +
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
app.TopWindow = Messages()
Test it by sending some data with:
import win32pipe
print win32pipe.CallNamedPipe(r"\\.\pipe\named_pipe_demo", "Hello", 64, 0)
(you also get a response in this case)
When I did something like this I used a separate thread listening on the pipe. The thread had a pointer/handle back to the GUI so it could send the data to be displayed.
I suppose you could do it in the GUI's update/event loop, but you'd have to make sure it's doing non-blocking reads on the pipe. I did it in a separate thread because I had to do lots of processing on the data that came through.
Oh and when you're doing the displaying, make sure you do it in non-trivial "chunks" at a time. It's very easy to max out the message queue (on Windows at least) that's sending the update commands to the textbox.
In the past when I've had GUI's reading data off of external things (eg: ethernet sockets), I've had a separate thread that handles servicing the external thing, and a timed callback (generally set to something like half a second) to update the GUI widget that displays the external data.
