I have been trying to create GUI program for my laboratory colleagues.
I have some textboxes on my main window to show files directory that added by user.
I am new in PyQt5 and I want to add feature to my textboxes.
For example, textbox=QLineEdit().. textbox1=.. textbox2=..
So I want to choose textbox before I add file by clicking on the main window then directory of file will be written correct textbox.
I tried to make custom clickablelineedit but I did not succeed.
Is there another way to do it ?
King regards,
class Mutation_Finder():
def __init__(self):
... (Main Window Code)
def openFileNamesDialog(self, **kwargs):
self.options = QFileDialog.Options()
self.options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
self.files, self._= QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self,"Dosya Ac","","All Files (*);;.abi,.fasta (*.abi,*fasta)", options=self.options)
def toDoSomething():
if textbox is clicked:
for i in range(len(self.files):
if textbox1 is clicked:
if textbox2 is clicked:
see the main window image
class cQLineEdit(QLineEdit):
def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
def mousePressEvent(self,QMouseEvent):
class MainClass(cQLineEdit)
I solved it with this method but I have still problem with clicked event because when I click out of the QLineEdit I have Error:
self.clicked.emit() AttributeError: 'className' does not have a
signal with the signature clicked()
like this and I don't have any idea how to deal with as well.
Apart from that, here is link that related with solution.
Pyqt 5 how to make QLineEdit clickable
OS: W10. This may be significant. If you have different results on a different platform, feedback would be helpful.
Here is an MRE. If you run it and go Ctrl+O, the menu labels become greyed. If you select a file in the QFileDialog by clicking the "Open" button or using its mnemonic (Alt+O), the open-file dialog is dismissed and the "Files" and "Help" menus become un-greyed.
However, if you go Ctrl+O again, and this time enter the name of a file in the "File name" box (QLineEdit), and then press Return, the dialog is dismissed (with a successful selection result) but the "Files" and "Help" menus remain greyed-out. It looks like this:
import sys, os
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle('Greying of menus MRE')
self.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 100, 400, 200))
menubar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(self)
self.files_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu('&Files', self)
self.help_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu('&Help', self)
self.new_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&New', self)
self.open_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Open', self)
def focusInEvent(self, event ):
print('main_window focusInEvent')
def focusOutEvent(self, event ):
print('main_window focusOutEvent')
def activateWindow(self):
print('main_window activateWindow')
def open_file(self):
print('open file')
main_window_self = self
# open_doc_dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(self.get_main_window())
class OpenDocFileDialog(QtWidgets.QFileDialog):
def accepted(self):
def accept(self):
def close(self):
def done(self, r):
print(f'done r {r}')
# neither of these solves the problem:
# main_window_self.activateWindow()
# main_window_self.files_menu.activateWindow()
def hide(self):
def focusInEvent(self, event ):
def focusOutEvent(self, event ):
def activateWindow(self):
open_doc_dialog = OpenDocFileDialog(self)
open_doc_dialog.setWindowTitle('Choose file')
# we cannot use the native dialog, because we need control over the UI
options = open_doc_dialog.Options(open_doc_dialog.DontUseNativeDialog)
open_doc_button = open_doc_dialog.findChild(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox).button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Open)
lineEdit = open_doc_dialog.findChild(QtWidgets.QLineEdit)
# this does not solve the problem
# lineEdit.returnPressed.disconnect()
# lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(open_doc_button.click)
print(f'open_doc_button {open_doc_button}, lineEdit {lineEdit}')
# show the dialog
dialog_code = open_doc_dialog.exec()
if dialog_code != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: return
sel_files = open_doc_dialog.selectedFiles()
print(f'sel_files: {sel_files}')
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
main_window = MainWindow()
This problem can be understood, if not solved, with reference to this answer.
Note that this greying-out is not disablement. As explained in the above link, this has to do with "active/inactive states" of the menus (or their labels). The menus remain enabled throughout, although in this case it's impossible to know that while the open-file dialog is showing because it is modal. Clicking on one menu after the dialog has gone, or just hovering over it, is enough to un-grey them both...
The explanation, as I understand it, is that the "File name" box QLineEdit has a signal, returnPressed, which appears to activate something subtley different to the slot which is invoked when you use the "Choose" button. You can see I have experimented with trying to re-wire that signal, to no avail.
The method done of the QFileDialog appears to be called however the dialog closes (unlike close!), so I tried "activating" the main window... and then the individual QMenus... Doesn't work.
I am not clear how to get a handle on this "active state" business or why the slot connected to returnPressed is (seemingly) unable to give the "active state" back to the menus when the other slot manages to do so.
Searching on Musicamante's "unpolishing" suggestion led me to this:
def return_pressed():
style = main_window_self.menubar.style()
... unfortunately this doesn't work.
This looks like a possible Windows-related bug, since I can't reproduce it on Linux. As a work-around, you could try forcing a repaint after the dialog closes:
# show the dialog
dialog_code = open_doc_dialog.exec()
Finally got it, thanks to Musicamante's suggestion:
def return_pressed():
style = main_window_self.menubar.style()
... I actually tried this several times, just to make sure it was doing what was intended. So in fact, fortunately, no single-shot timer was needed in this case.
I am new to Python and using wxPython to build a tool which can be minimize to system tray icon and can be restored when left clicked.
I have following code in Python 3. While searching online I found that I can bind the key like following snippet:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTaskBarLeftClick)
However this is causing error saying that wx doesn't have this attribute.
I want to restore the main window when the task bar icon is left clicked, while right click creates a pop-up menu.
import wx
import wx.adv
class SysTrayMenu(wx.adv.TaskBarIcon):
def __init__(self, frame, icon=None, menu=None):
self.frame = frame
self.menu = menu
self.icon = icon
app_icon = wx.Icon()
app_icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(self.icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTaskBarLeftClick)
def OnTaskBarLeftClick(self, evt):
def CreatePopupMenu(self):
new_menu = wx.Menu()
return self.menu
Since the TaskBarIcon class is in the wx.adv module then the coresponding event binders and event type IDs are also in wx.adv.
I was doing it wrong. To make the menu pop-up I had to bind it with wx.EVT_MENU.
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.click_me, id=self.m_cb.GetId())
Use the code below instead. Pls. note the event should be wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, not wx.adv.wxEVT_TASKBAR_BALLOON_CLICK. I was mislead by the prompts of pycharm before.
self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down)
I am trying to open a QDialog from a QMainWindow, and after closing the `QDialog, if I need to open it again, it has to open and show the same information that had when I close it.
Here is the code of the QMainWindow:
class A (QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
#I create a QPushButton to open the QDialog
self.axes1 = self.figure_canvas.figure.add_axes ([0.8, 0.01, 0.19, 0.05])
self.button = QPushButton(self.axes1,"Open Dialog")
#This is the method to open the QDialog which is in another module
def OpenDialog(self, event):
text = configurePort.ConfigurePort.retrieve_data(self)
print text
What this code does is create a button in my QMainWindow and when I click it, it opens a QDialog, which is created in another module. And this is the code of the QDialog:
class ConfigurePort(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
uic.loadUi("configurePort.ui", self)
#I create a button to check active ports and show them
self.connect(self.btn_checkconn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.check_ports)
#This method calls another class which opens another QDialog
#and I select the port that I want
def check_ports(self):
self.check_serial = CheckPorts(self)
#After selecting the port, when I close the QDialog of the class named above
#the port´s name appears in the first QDialog
def retrieve_data(cls, parent = None):
dlg = cls(parent)
text = dlg.getPortText()
return text
def closeEvent(self, event):
#Here is where I need to write the code to close the QDialog
#and it does not has to be an event
In the method, closeEvent, I need to write the necessary code, so I can close the window, and using the same button that I use to open it, open it again with the last information that it showed when I closed it.
I have tried to use QSettings but it did not worked (maybe I used it wrong). And I tried the show() and hide() classes of PyQt too, but it did not work. Hope you can help me.
----- EDIT -----
I edited the code of above. and I added some methods for a better understanding. So, i open the QDialog called ConfigurePort and it shows this:
The red circle, surrounds the port´s name. It is shown in a QLabel,and I take this text from the QDialog and then print it when I close the QDialog. I acomplish this thanks to a question I asked before, wich is in this link:
Getting data from child using PyQt
The check_port method shown in the code above, opens another QDialog that works great. With this I can select the ports that I need in my pc. So, this does not matter.
So, after closing the QDialog(and selecting for example "COM3", as you can see in the picture), I need to open it again, and see the same information that was shown before I closed it.
I tried to add this lines, using QSettings :
self.settings = QSettings("MyCompany", "MyApp")
if not self.settings.value("windowsState") == None:
But as I said before, I think that I did not use it right, but I hope that I solve this using something simpler.
----- EDIT 2 -----
Thank to the help of #Brendan Abel I have this code:
class ConfigurePort(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(ConfigurePort, self).__init__(parent)
uic.loadUi("configurePort.ui", self)
self.myValue = 10
self.connect(self.btn_checkconn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.check_ports)
def check_ports(self):
def iniUi(self):
pass #I just create some QLabels in here
def retrieve_data(cls, parent = None):
dlg = cls(parent)
text = dlg.getPortText()
return text
def closeEvent(self, event):
def saveSettings(self):
settings = QSettings("MyOrg", "MyApp")
settings.setValue("myValue", self.myValue)
def restoreSettings(self):
settings = QSettings("MyOrg", "MyApp")
self.myValue = settings.value("myValue", self.myValue)
This gives me this error: TypeError: QWidget.closeEvent(QCloseEvent): argument 1 has unexpected type 'bool'
I know that I am missing something, but I can not see it.
There are a couple ways you could persist this data Generally, to persist data across sessions, you use QSettings and load the data in the __init__ and save it in the closeEvent method
Generally it looks something like this. This also assumes your using the v2 version of the QVariant api; otherwise, the results returned from QSettings.value is going to be a QVariant and you'll need to cast it to the appropriate python type. If you're using a recent version of PyQt then you should be on v2, but if not you can force it by sticking this at the top of your file
import sip
sip.setapi('QVariant', 2)
sip.setapi('QString', 2)
class MyDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(MyDialog, self).__init__(parent)
self.myvalue = 10
def closeEvent(self, event):
super(MyDialog, self).closeEvent(event)
def saveSettings(self):
settings = QSettings('myorg', 'myapp')
settings.setValue('myvalue', self.myvalue)
def restoreSettings(self):
settings = QSettings('myorg', 'myapp')
self.myvalue = settings.value('myvalue', self.myvalue)
The error in your code is caused by this:
You shouldn't be calling or connecting to closeEvent directly. Instead, you should connect to .close or .accept
You need to instantiate the ConfigurePort class then the self.configurePortDialog object should keep consistent. You will need to make sure if you have the user enter data that a cancel does not store the data and that an "ok" stores the data, but I not sure what you are putting in your dialog.
class A (QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
#I create a QPushButton to open the QDialog
self.button = QPushButton("Open Dialog")
self.configurePortDialog = configurePort.ConfigurePort(parent=self)
#This is the method to open the QDialog which is in another module
def OpenDialog(self, event):
def get_data(self)
text = self.configurePortDialog.retrieve_data()
print text
I have a GUI App with a Main Dialog and I added a button to it.
Pushing the button adds another "dialog" where the user has to input some values.
Both Ui-files are written with the QTDesigner and "dialog" has a "QtableWidget" with the object name "tableCo" I am not sure why I cannot change the properties of this tableWidget:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, Qt
from Main_Window import Ui_Dialog as Dlg
from dialog import Ui_MyDialog
class MainDialog(QtGui.QDialog, Dlg):
def __init__(self):
QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onOK)
QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onClose)
QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.on_Button_clicked)
def on_Button_clicked(self, checked=None):
if checked==None: return
dialog = QtGui.QDialog()
dialog.ui = Ui_MyDialog()
#a list in another python class from another script that changes so
#the table properties have to be changed dynamically
#here I just take a simple list as an example
#the following two lines do not work (they work if tableCo is an
#object in the Main Dialog
def onOK:
def onClose:
If I push the button i see my "tableCo" widget, but the properties of the header have not changed, and after closing this sub-dialog I get the following error-message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/gui.py", line 88, in on_Button_clicked
AttributeError: 'MainDialog' object has no attribute 'tableCo'
What do i have to change in my code to configure a Widget in a sub-Dialog?
There are two problems with the code in your on_Button_clicked.
Firstly, you are attempting to call methods after the dialog has closed. When exec_ is called, the dialog enters a blocking loop until the user closes the dialog. When the dialog closes, the following lines will get executed, but the dialog will be immediately garbage-collected after that when the function returns.
Secondly, you are attempting to access methods of the dialog using self, rather than via the local name dialog, which is why you are getting the AttributeError.
You can fix these problems by creating a subclass for the second dialog in the same way that you have for your MainDialog class:
class SubDialog(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_MyDialog):
def __init__(self, some_list, parent=None):
QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
class MainDialog(QtGui.QDialog, Dlg):
def on_Button_clicked(self, checked=None):
if checked is None: return
dialog = SubQDialog(some_list)
are you sure tableCo has that exact name and it's parented directly to the MainWindow? Seems like the properties are not being updated simply because there is no self.tableCo.
I have a layout with 5 buttons which I act as "menus", so you click on one button and one view will show up, you click another button and another view shows up. I need to find out which button is clicked so I can do something based on which button is pressed. Something like
if button1_is_clicked:
What would be the best way to approach this?
Here is my code:
I want to be able to change the stylesheet of the button, so an active state and a non-active state
from PySide import QtCore
from PySide import QtGui
import VulcanGui
class Program(QtGui.QMainWindow, VulcanGui.Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
""" Initialize and setup the User Interface """
super(Program, self).__init__(parent)
""" Populate the Main Area """
""" Button Signal/Slots """
def intro_text(self):
content_file = open("../content/intro_text.html").read()
return content_file
Get the content to print
def intro_area(self):
content_file = open("../content/intro_text.html").read()
Function that will display the data when the 'Run Vulcan' button is pressed
def vulcan_run_area(self):
self.mainArea.setPlainText("Button Two ")
Function that will display the data when the 'Vulcan Log' button is pressed
def vulcan_log_area(self):
self.mainArea.setPlainText("Button Three")
Function that will display the data when the 'Edit Host File' button is pressed
def edit_host_area(self):
self.mainArea.setPlainText("Button Four")
Function that will display the data when the 'Edit Config File' button is pressed
def edit_config_area(self):
self.mainArea.setPlainText("Button Five")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
program = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
mWindow = Program()
I suggest you learn the basics of Qt to get acquainted with signals and slots.
You need to make the initially visible QPushButtons checkable (otherwise the 'revealed' buttons will only appear whilst the button is held down), and connect the toggled(bool) signal to the setVisible(bool) slot of the buttons you want to 'reveal'. Obviously for the buttons that are initially invisible, you would have to call setVisible(false) upon instantiation.
There are other, more reusable, ways of achieving the same effect - but this will get you started.