Negative reward in reinforcement learning - python

I can't wrap my head around question: how exactly negative rewards helps machine to avoid them?
Origin of the question came from google's solution for game Pong. By their logic, once game finished (agent won or lost point), environment returns reward (+1 or -1). Any intermediate states return 0 as reward. That means each win/loose will return either [0,0,0,...,0,1] either [0,0,0,...,0,-1] reward arrays. Then they discount and standardize rewards:
#rwd - array with rewards (ex. [0,0,0,0,0,0,1]), args.gamma is 0.99
prwd = discount_rewards(rwd, args.gamma)
prwd -= np.mean(prwd)
prwd /= np.std(prwd)
discount_rewards suppose to be some kind of standard function, impl can be found here. Result for win (+1) could be something like this:
[-1.487 , -0.999, -0.507, -0.010, 0.492, 0.999, 1.512]
For loose (-1):
[1.487 , 0.999, 0.507, 0.010, -0.492, -0.999, -1.512]
As result each move gets rewarded. Their loss function looks like this:
loss = tf.reduce_sum(processed_rewards * cross_entropies + move_cost)
Please, help me answer next questions:
Cross entropy function can produce output from 0 -> inf. Right?
Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?
If statement 2 is correct, then loss 7.234 is equally bad as -7.234. Right?
If everything above is correct, than how negative reward tells machine that it's bad, and positive tells machine that it's good?
I also read this answer, however I still didn't manage to get the idea exactly why negative worse than positive. It makes more sense to me to have something like:
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(cross_entropies, reward))
But that experiment didn't went well.

Cross entropy function can produce output from 0 -> inf. Right?
Yes, only because we multiply it by -1. Thinking of the natural sign of log(p). As p is a probability (i.e between 0 and 1), log(p) ranges from (-inf, 0].
Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?
Nope, the sign matters. It sums up all losses with their signs intact.
If statement 2 is correct, then loss 7.234 is equally bad as -7.234. Right?
See below, a loss of 7.234 is much better than a loss of -7.234 in terms of increasing the reward. The overall positive loss indicates our agent is making a series of good decisions.
If everything above is correct, than how negative reward tells machine that it's bad, and positive tells machine that it's good?
Normalizing Rewards to Generate Returns in reinforcement learning makes a very good point that the signed rewards are there to control the size of the gradient. The positive / negative rewards perform a "balancing" act for the gradient size. This is because a huge gradient from a large loss would cause a large change to the weights. Thus if your agent makes as many mistakes as it does proper moves, the overall update for that batch should not be large.

"Tensorflow optimizer minimize loss by absolute value (doesn't care about sign, perfect loss is always 0). Right?"
Wrong. Minimizing the loss means trying to achieve as small a value as possible. That is, -100 is "better" than 0. Accordingly, -7.2 is better than 7.2. Thus, a value of 0 really carries no special significance, besides the fact that many loss functions are set up such that 0 determines the "optimal" value. However, these loss functions are usually set up to be non-negative, so the question of positive vs. negative values doesn't arise. Examples are cross entropy, squared error etc.


Custom Negative Loss Likelihood returning NaN's after varying numbers of training

Hello StackOverflow people,
I am encountering a problem where I don't know what else I can try. First off, I am using a custom loss function (at least I believe that is the problem, but maybe it's something different?) for a mixture density network:
def nll_loss(mu, sigma, alpha, y):
gm = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
log_likelihood = gm.log_prob(tf.transpose(y))
return -tf.reduce_mean(log_likelihood, axis=-1)
The funny thing is, the network randomly collapses after a varying amount of training.
The things I already tried and checked:
All my input data is scaled between 0 and 1 (both x and y)
I tried multiplying the y's and adding an integer to those, so the distance to zero is increased
Different optimizers
Clipping optimizers
Clipping loss function
Setting Learning Rate to 0! (That ones puzzles me the most, as I am sure my inputs are correct)
Adding Batch Normalization to every layer of my network
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? What am I missing? Thank you!

Wasserstein loss can be negative?

I'm currently training a WGAN in keras with (approx) Wasserstein loss as below:
def wasserstein_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(y_true * y_pred)
However, this loss can obviously be negative, which is weird to me.
I trained the WGAN for 200 epochs and got the critic Wasserstein loss training curve below.
The above loss is calculated by
d_loss_valid = critic.train_on_batch(real, np.ones((batch_size, 1)))
d_loss_fake = critic.train_on_batch(fake, -np.ones((batch_size, 1)))
d_loss, _ = 0.5*np.add(d_loss_valid, d_loss_fake)
The resulting generated sample quality is great, so I think I trained the WGAN correctly. However I still cannot understand why the Wasserstein loss can be negative and the model still works. According to the original WGAN paper, Wasserstein loss can be used as a performance indicator for GAN, so how should we interpret it? Am I misunderstand anything?
The Wasserstein loss is a measurement of Earth-Movement distance, which is a difference between two probability distributions. In tensorflow it is implemented as d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(d_fake) - tf.reduce_mean(d_real) which can obviously give a negative number if d_fake moves too far on the other side of d_real distribution. You can see it on your plot where during the training your real and fake distributions changing sides until they converge around zero. So as a performance measurement you can use it to see how far the generator is from the real data and on which side it is now.
See the distributions plot:
P.S. it's crossentropy loss, not Wasserstein.
Perhaps this article can help you more, if you didn't read it yet. However, the other question is how the optimizer can minimize the negative loss (to zero).
Looks like I cannot make a comment to the answer given by Sergeiy Isakov because I do not have enough reputations. I wanted to comment because I think that information is not correct.
In principle, Wasserstein distance cannot be negative because distance metric cannot be negative. The actual expression (dual form) for Wasserstein distance involves the supremum of all the 1-Lipschitz functions (You can refer to it on the web). Since it is the supremum, we always take that Lipschitz function that gives the largest value to obtain the Wasserstein distance. However, the Wasserstein we compute using WGAN is just an estimate and not really the real Wasserstein distance. If the inner iterations of the critic are low it may not have enough iterations to move to a positive value.
Thought experiment: If we suppose that we obtain a Wasserstein estimate that is negative, we can always negate the critic function to make the estimate positive. That means there exist a Lipschitz function that gives a positive value which is larger than that Lipschitz function that gives negative value. So Wasserstein estimates cannot be negative as by definition we need to have the supremum of all the 1-Lipschitz functions.

Derivative of a tensor operation

I'm reading a book on deep learning and I'm a bit confused about one of the ideas the author mentioned.
I don't understand why we subtract -step * gradient (f) (W0) from the weight and not just -step, since -step * gradient (f) (W0) represents a loss while -step is the parameter (i.e the x value i.e small change in weight)
The gradient tell you which direction to move and the step would help to control the magnitude that you move so that your sequence converges.
We can't just subtract step. Recall that step is just a scalar number. W0 is a tensor. We can't subtract a tensor by a scalar number. The gradient is a tensor with the same size as W0 and that would make the subtraction well defined.
Readings on gradient descent might help your understanding.
You need to change the parameter opposite to its gradient by a small amount to make sure the loss goes down. Using just step does not guarantee that the loss decreases. This is called gradient descent in optimization and there is proof of convergence. You can check online tutorials on this topic such as this.

Loss function for simple Reinforcement Learning algorithm

This question comes from watching the following video on TensorFlow and Reinforcement Learning from Google I/O 18:
Here they train a very simple RL algorithm to play the game of Pong.
In the slides they use, the loss is defined like this ( approx # 11m 25s ):
loss = -R(sampled_actions * log(action_probabilities))
Further they show the following code ( approx # 20m 26s):
# loss
cross_entropies = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(
onehot_labels=tf.one_hot(actions, 3), logits=Ylogits)
loss = tf.reduce_sum(rewards * cross_entropies)
# training operation
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001, decay=0.99)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
Now my question is this; They use the +1 for winning and -1 for losing as rewards. In the code that is provided, any cross entropy loss that's multiplied by a negative reward will be very low? And if the training operation is using the optimizer to minimize the loss, well then the algorithm is trained to lose?
Or is there something fundamental I'm missing ( probably because of my very limited mathematical skills )
Great question Corey. I am also wondering exactly what this popular loss function in RL actually means. I've seen many implementations of it, but many contradict each other. For my understanding, it means this:
Loss = - log(pi) * A
Where A is the advantage compared to a baseline case. In Google's case, they used a baseline of 0, so A = R. This is multiplied by that specific action at that specific time, so in your above example, actions were one hot encoded as [1, 0, 0]. We will ignore the 0s and only take the 1. Hence we have the above equation.
If you intuitively calculate this loss for a negative reward:
Loss = - (-1) * log(P)
But for any P less than 1, log of that value will be negative. Therefore, you have a negative loss which can be interpreted as "very good", but really doesn't make physical sense.
The correct way:
However in my opinion, and please others correct me if I'm wrong, you do not calculate the loss directly. You take the gradient of the loss. That is, you take the derivative of -log(pi)*A.
Therefore, you would have:
-(d(pi) / pi) * A
Now, if you have a large negative reward, it will translate to a very large loss.
I hope this makes sense.

Intuition behind nloglikelihood value in xgboost poisson run

When I am using count:poisson instead of rmse I am seeing nloglikelihood values. Now I am not sure how to compare those numbers with rmse or mae.
Definitely lesser the value better .. but not getting actual error intuition that we get with rmse or Mae.
For example -> train-poisson-nloglik:2.01885 val-poisson-nloglik:2.02898
Here can we say, actual values differ by 2.02 error.
Can someone explain with small example.
There is a good post on the computation of the value here
Just to be more exhaustive, the value is:
mean(factorial(label) + preds - label*log(preds))
If you compare with the true formula of the negative log-likelihood, it should be the sum instead of the mean. I guess that they choose to take the mean so that the train and the test values are more comparable.
Finally, to answer the question, the likelihood is the probability that the data came from the distribution with a specific parameter. In the Poisson model, the parameters are just the set of predictions. So the better is your prediction, the greater is the probability, the smaller is the associate negative log-likelihood.
rmse or mae are based on the expectation of the difference between the prediction and the truth whereas negative log-likelihood is looking at a probability.
