Pandas to_datetime does not ignore already converted dates - python

So my timestamp column has a mixture of both epoch(s) and milliseconds(ms) times. Setting pd.to_datetime(unit='s', errors='ignore') first gives this as the head and this as the tail tail as I thought it would. It ignored the 'ms' type timestamp.
But when I run df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='ms', errors='ignore') my head becomes NaT but my tail correctly converts. Why is the function not ignoring the already converted timestamps?
Why is this? Is there a way around converting both unit types using an inbuilt? My current solution iterates over each row to check if the length of of the time stamp is greater than 10, if it is cut it down to 10. After which I use to_datetime.
My data set is to large for the current solution as it takes way to long.
Timestamp column would look something like this

This is a quick hack, but you could just use the index given by a type check to convert the indexes you did not get in the first pass:
idx = [df['timestamp'].apply(lambda x: type(x)!=datetime.datetime)]
df['timestamp'][idx] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='ms', errors='ignore')
I am not entirely sure what the datatype would be but I am guessing it would be a datetime.datetime...


convert a generic date into datetime in python (pandas)

Good Afternoon,
I have a huge dataset where time informations are stored as a float64 (or integer) in one column of the dataframe in format 'ddmmyyyy' (ex. 20 January 2020 would be the float 20012020.0). I need to convert it into a datetime like 'dd-mm-yyyy'. I saw the function to_datetime, but i can't really manage to obtain what i want. Does someone know how to do it?
You could try converting to string and after that, to date format, you want like this:
# The first step is to change the type of the column,
# in order to get rid of the .0 we will change first to int and then to
# string
df["date"] = df["date"].astype(int)
df["date"] = df["date"].astype(str)
for i, row in df.iterrows():
# In case that the date format is similar to 20012020
x = str(df["date"].iloc[i])
if len(x) == 8:[i,'date'] = "{}-{}-{}".format(x[:2], x[2:4], x[4:])
# In case that the format is similar to 1012020
else:[i,'date'] = "0{}-{}-{}".format(x[0], x[1:3], x[3:])
As you said this solution only works if the month always comes in 2
Added missing variable in the loop
Added change column types before entering the loop.
Let me know if this helps!

I need to print a string on the first multi-index in a date format

I need to print a string on the first multi-index in a date format.
Essentially, I need to delete all data on the first date. But finding out the cause of this error is also very important to me. Thank you very much in advance!
As commented returns object, which is different from Pandas' datetime object. Use dt.floor('D') or dt.normalized() instead. For example, this would work:
df['Date'] = df.session_started.dt.normalize()
df['Time'] = df.session_started.dt.hour
df_hour = df.groupby(['Date','Time']).checkbooking.count()

Difference in the way of representation of timestamp in the provided dataset and the one generated by pandas.datetime

I was having trouble manipulating a time-series data provided to me for a project. The data contains the number of flight bookings made on a website per second in a duration of 30 minutes. Here is a part of the column containing the timestamp
>>> df['Date_time']
0 7/14/2017 2:14:14 PM
1 7/14/2017 2:14:37 PM
2 7/14/2017 2:14:38 PM
I wanted to do
>>> pd.set_index('Date_time')
and use the datetime and timedelta methods provided by pandas to generate the timestamp to be used as index to access and modify any value in any cell.
Something like
>>> td=datetime(year=2017,month=7,day=14,hour=2,minute=14,second=36)
>>> td1=dt.timedelta(minutes=1,seconds=58)
>>> ti1=td1+td
But the timestamp generated is of the form
>>> print(ti1)
2017-07-14 02:16:34
Which cannot be directly used as an index in my case as can be clearly seen. Is there a workaround for the above case without writing additional methods myself?
I want to do the above as it provides me greater level of control over the data than looking for the default numerical index for each row I want to update and hence will prove more efficient accordig to me
Can you check the dtype of the 'Date_time' column and confirm for me that it is string (object) ?
If so, you should be able to cast the values to pd.Timestamp by using the following.
df['timestamp'] = df['Date_time'].apply(pd.Timestamp)
When we call .dtypes now, we should have a 'timestamp' field of type datetime64[ns], which allows us to use builtin pandas methods more easily.
I would suggest it is prudent to index the dataframe by the timestamp too, achieved by setting the index equal to that column.
df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
We should now be able to use some more useful methods such as
df.loc[timestamp_to_check, :]
df.loc[start_time_stamp : end_timestamp, : ]
to lookup values from the DataFrame based upon passing a datetime.datetime / pd.Timestamp / np.datetime64 into the above. Note that you will need to cast any string (object) 'lookups' to one of the above types in order to make use of the above correctly.
I prefer to use pd.Timestamp() - to handle datetime conversion from strings unless I am explicitly certain of what format the datetime string is always going to be in.

Passing chopped down datetimes

I have been stumped for the past few hours trying to solve the following.
In a large data set I have from an automated system, there is a DATE_TIME value, which for rows at midnight has values that dont have a the full hour like: 12-MAY-2017 0:16:20
When I try convert this to a date (so that its usable for conversions) as follows:
I get the following error:
Error parsing datetime string "12-MAY-2017 0:16:20" at position 3
I tried writing some REGEX to pull out each piece but couldnt get anything working given the hour could be either 1 or two characters respectively. It also doesn't seem like an ideal solution to write regex for each peice.
Any ideas on this?
Try to use pandas.to_datetime() method:
df['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE_TIME'], errors='coerce')
Parameter errors='coerce' will take care of those strings that can't be converted to datatime dtype
I think you need pandas.to_datetime only:
df = pd.DataFrame({'DATE_TIME':['12-MAY-2017 0:16:20','12-MAY-2017 0:16:20']})
print (df)
0 12-MAY-2017 0:16:20
1 12-MAY-2017 0:16:20
df['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DATE_TIME'])
print (df)
0 2017-05-12 00:16:20
1 2017-05-12 00:16:20
Convert in numpy by astype seems problematic, because need strings in ISO 8601 date or datetime format:
ValueError: Error parsing datetime string "12-MAY-2017 0:16:20" at position 3
If datetimes are broken (some strings or ints) then use MaxU answer.

Python - Pandas - Convert YYYYMM to datetime

Beginner python (and therefore pandas) user. I am trying to import some data into a pandas dataframe. One of the columns is the date, but in the format "YYYYMM". I have attempted to do what most forum responses suggest:
df_cons['YYYYMM'] = pd.to_datetime(df_cons['YYYYMM'], format='%Y%m')
This doesn't work though (ValueError: unconverted data remains: 3). The column actually includes an additional value for each year, with MM=13. The source used this row as an average of the past year. I am guessing to_datetime is having an issue with that.
Could anyone offer a quick solution, either to strip out all of the annual averages (those with the last two digits "13"), or to have to_datetime ignore them?
pass errors='coerce' and then dropna the NaT rows:
df_cons['YYYYMM'] = pd.to_datetime(df_cons['YYYYMM'], format='%Y%m', errors='coerce').dropna()
The duff month values will get converted to NaT values
pd.to_datetime('201613', format='%Y%m', errors='coerce')
Out[36]: NaT
Alternatively you could filter them out before the conversion
df_cons['YYYYMM'] = pd.to_datetime(df_cons.loc[df_cons['YYYYMM'].str[-2:] != '13','YYYYMM'], format='%Y%m', errors='coerce')
although this could lead to alignment issues as the returned Series needs to be the same length so just passing errors='coerce' is a simpler solution
Clean up the dataframe first.
df_cons = df_cons[~df_cons['YYYYMM'].str.endswith('13')]
df_cons['YYYYMM'] = pd.to_datetime(df_cons['YYYYMM'])
May I suggest turning the column into a period index if YYYYMM column is unique in your dataset.
First turn YYYYMM into index, then convert it to monthly period.
df_cons = df_cons.reset_index().set_index('YYYYMM').to_period('M')
