I am attempting to make a painting based on the mass of the universe with pi and the gravitational constant of earth at sea level converted to binary. i've done the math and i have the right dimentions and it should only be less than a megabyte of ram but im running into maximum allowed dimention exceeded value error.
Here is the code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import numpy as np
boshi = 123456789098765432135790864234579086542098765432135321 # universal mass
genesis = boshi ** 31467 # padding
artifice = np.binary_repr(genesis) # formatting
A = int(artifice)
D = np.array(A).reshape(A, (1348, 4117))
plt.imsave('hello_world.png', D, cmap=cm.gray) # save image
I keep running into the error at D = np.array..., and maybe my reshape is too big but its only a little bigger than 4k. seems like this should be no problem for gpu enhanced colab. Doesn't run on my home machine either with the same error. Would this be fixed with more ram?
Making it Work
The problem is that artifice = np.binary_repr(genesis) creates a string. The string consists of 1348 * 4117 = 5549716 digits, all of them zeros and ones. If you convert the string to a python integer, A = int(artifice), you will (A) wait a very long time, and (B) get a non-iterable object. The array you create with np.array(A) will have a single element.
The good news is that you can bypass the time-consuming step entirely using the fact that the string artifice is already an iterable:
D = np.array(list(artifice), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(1348, 4117)
The step list(artifice) will take a couple of seconds since it has to split up the string, but everything else should be quite fast.
Plotting is easy from there with plt.imsave('hello_world.png', D, cmap=cm.gray):
You can easily change the color map to coolwarm or whatever you want when you save the image. Keep in mind that your image is binary, so only two of the values will actually matter:
plt.imsave('hello_world2.png', D, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
You have an opportunity here to add plenty of color to your image. Normally, a PNG is 8-bit. For example, instead of converting genesis to bits, you can take the bytes from it to construct an image. You can also take nibbles (half-bytes) to construct an indexed image with 16 colors. With a little padding, you can even make sure that you have a multiple of three data points, and create a full color RGB image in any number of ways. I will not go into the more complex options, but I would like to explore making a simple image from the bytes.
5549716 bits is 693715 = 5 * 11 * 12613 bytes (with four leading zero bits). This is a very nasty factorization leading to an image size of 55x12613, so let's remove that upper nibble: while 693716's factorization is just as bad as 693715's, 693714 factors very nicely into 597 * 1162.
You can convert your integer to an array of bytes using its own to_bytes method:
from math import ceil
byte_genesis = genesis.to_bytes(ceil(genesis.bit_length() / 8), 'big')
The reason that I use the built-in ceil rather than np.ceil is that it return an integer rather than a float.
Converting the huge integer is very fast because the bytes object has direct access to the data of the integer: even if it makes a copy, it does virtually no processing. It may even share the buffer since both bytes and int are nominally immutable. Similarly, you can create a numpy array from the bytes as just a view to the same memory location using np.frombuffer:
img = np.frombuffer(byte_genesis, dtype=np.uint8)[1:].reshape(597, 1162)
The [1:] is necessary to chop off the leading nibble, since bytes_genesis must be large enough to hold the entirety of genesis. You could also chop off on the bytes side:
img = np.frombuffer(byte_genesis[1:], dtype=np.uint8).reshape(597, 1162)
The results are identical. Here is what the picture looks like:
plt.imsave('hello_world3.png', img, cmap=cm.viridis)
The result is too large to upload (because it's not a binary image), but here is a randomly selected sample:
I am not sure if this is aesthetically what you are looking for, but hopefully this provides you with a place to start looking at how to convert very large numbers into data buffers.
More Options, Because this is Interesting
I wanted to look at using nibbles rather than bytes here, since that would allow you to have 16 colors per pixel, and twice as many pixels. You can get an 1162x1194 image starting from
temp = np.frombuffer(byte_genesis, dtype=np.uint8)[1:]
Here is one way to unpack the nibbles:
img = np.empty((1162, 1194), dtype=np.uint8)
img.ravel()[::2] = np.bitwise_and(temp >> 4, 0x0F)
img.ravel()[1::2] = np.bitwise_and(temp, 0x0F)
With a colormap like jet, you get:
plt.imsave('hello_world4.png', img, cmap=cm.jet)
Another option, going in the opposite direction in a manner of speaking) is not to use colormaps at all. Instead, you can divide your space by a factor of three and generate your own colors in RGB space. Luckily, one of the prime factors of 693714 is 3. You can therefore have a 398x581 image (693714 == 3 * 398 * 581). How you interpret the data is even more than usual up to you.
Side Note Before I Continue
With the black-and-white binary image, you could control the color, size and orientation of the image. With 8-bit data, you could control how the bits were sampled (8 or fewer, as in the 4-bit example), the endianness of your interpretation, the color map, and the image size. With full color, you can treat each triple as a separate color, treat the entire dataset as three consecutive color planes, or even do something like apply a Bayer filter to the array. All in addition to the other options like size, ordering, number of bits per sample, etc.
The following will show the color triples and three color planes options for now.
Full Color Images
To treat each set of 3 consecutive bytes as an RGB triple, you can do something like this:
img = temp.reshape(398, 581, 3)
plt.imsave('hello_world5.png', img)
Notice that there is no colormap in this case.
Interpreting the data as three color planes requires an extra step because plt.imsave expects the last dimension to have size 3. np.rollaxis is a good tool for this:
img = np.rollaxis(temp.reshape(3, 398, 581), 0, 3)
plt.imsave('hello_world6.png', img)
I could not reproduce your problem, because the line A = int(artifice) took like forever. I replaced it with a ,for loop to cast each digit on its own. The code worked then and produced the desired image.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import numpy as np
boshi = 123456789098765432135790864234579086542098765432135321
genesis = boshi ** 31467
artifice = np.binary_repr(genesis)
D = np.zeros((1348, 4117), dtype=int)
for i, val in enumerate(D):
D[i] = int(artifice[i])
plt.imsave('hello_world.png', D, cmap=cm.gray)
I am using the CMLN-13S2M-CS camera from PointGrey. This camera has a MONO 16-bit pixel format.Using the PyCapture2 wrapper from PointGrey I am unable to retrieve the image the camera is recording.
I have the following code:
import sys
import numpy
import PyCapture2
## Connect camera
bus = PyCapture2.BusManager()
c = PyCapture2.Camera()
## Configure camera format7 settings
fmt7imgSet = PyCapture2.Format7ImageSettings(0, 0, 0, 1296, 964, PyCapture2.PIXEL_FORMAT.MONO16)
fmt7pktInf, isValid = c.validateFormat7Settings(fmt7imgSet)
c.setFormat7ConfigurationPacket(fmt7pktInf.recommendedBytesPerPacket, fmt7imgSet)
## Start capture and retrieve buffer
im = c.retrieveBuffer()
print im.getData().shape
print numpy.max(im.getData())
The following is returned by the print statements: (2498688,) and 240. The shape is exactly 2 x (964 x 1296). How should I reshape this? Also, the maximum value when saturated is 255. This is odd as this corresponds to MONO 8 Pixel format. What am I doing wrong?
Here's a quick demo that shows how to convert a 1D array of uint8 to a 2D array of uint16. The key function we need here is view.
import numpy as np
# Make 24 bytes of fake data
raw = np.arange(24, dtype=np.uint8)
out = raw.view(np.uint16).reshape(3, 4)
[[ 256 770 1284 1798]
[2312 2826 3340 3854]
[4368 4882 5396 5910]]
Thanks to Andras Deak for his assistance!
If the resulting image doesn't look correct, you may need to swap the byte ordering of the 16 bit integers. You can read about byte ordering in Numpy here.
And if that still doesn't look correct, then the data may be organized as two planes, with one plane for the low-order bits of a pixel and the other plane for the high-order bits. That's also easy to deal with, but hopefully it won't come to that. ;)
I've created a class of which I pass an image (2D array, 1280x720). It's suppose to iterate through, looking for the highest value:
import bumpy as np
class myCv:
def maxIntLoc(self,image):
intensity = image[0,0] #columns, rows
coordinates = (0,0)
for y in xrange(0,len(image)):
for x in xrange(0,len(image[0])):
if np.all(image[x,y] > intensity):
intensity = image[x,y]
coordinates = (x,y)
return (intensity,coordinates)
Yet when I run it I get the error:
if np.all(image[x,y] > intensity):
IndexError: index 720 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 720
Any help would be great as I'm new to Python.
Regardless of the index error that you are experience, which has been addressed by others, iterating through pixels/voxels is not a valid method for manipulating images. The issue becomes particularly evident in multi-dimensional images, where you face the curse of dimensionality.
The correct way to do this is to use vectorisation in programming languages that support it (e.g. Python, Julia, MATLAB). Through this method, you will achieve the results you're looking for much more efficiently (and thousands of times faster). Click here to find out more about vectorisation (aka. array programming). In Python, this can be achieved either using generators, which are not suitable for images as they don't really produce the results until called; or using NumPy arrays.
Here is an example:
Masking image matrices by vectorisation
from numpy.random import randint
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, imshow, title, grid, show
def mask_img(img, thresh, replacement):
# Copy of the image for masking. Use of |.copy()| is essential to
# prevent memory mapping.
masked = initial_image.copy()
# Replacement is the value to replace anything that
# (in this case) is bellow the threshold.
masked[initial_image<thresh] = replacement # Mask using vectorisation methods.
return masked
# Initial image to be masked (arbitrary example here).
# In this example, we assign a 100 x 100 matrix of random integers
# between 1 and 256 as our sample image.
initial_image = randint(0, 256, [100, 100])
threshold = 150 # Threshold
# Masking process.
masked_image = mask_img(initial_image, threshold, 0)
# Plots.
fig = figure(figsize=[16,9])
imshow(initial_image, interpolation='None', cmap='gray')
title('Initial image')
imshow(masked_image, interpolation='None', cmap='gray')
title('Masked image')
Which returns:
Of course you can put the masking process (function) in a loop to do this on a batch of images. You can modify the indices and do it on 3D, 4D (e.g. MRI), or 5D (e.g. CAT scan) images too, without the need to iterate over each individual pixel or voxel.
Hope this helps.
In python, like most programming languages, indexes start at 0.
So you can access only pixels from 0 to 719.
Check with a debug print that len(image) and len(image[0]) are indeed returning 1280 and 720.
The end goal is to take an image and slice it up into samples that I save. The problem is that my slices are randomly returning black/ incorrect patches. Bellow is a small sample program.
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.misc as misc
import numpy as np
image32 = misc.imread("work0.png")
patches = np.zeros((36, 8, 8))
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
patches[i*4 + j] = image32[i:i+8,j:j+8]
misc.imsave("{0}{1}.png".format(i,j), patches[i*4 + j])
An example of my image would be:
Patch of 0,0 of 8x8 patch yields:
Two things:
You are initializing your patch matrix to be the wrong data type. By default, numpy will make patches matrix a np.float64 type and if you use this with saving, you won't get the results you would expect. Specifically, if you consult Mr. F's answer, there is actually some scaling performed on floating-point images where the minimum and maximum values of the image get scaled to black and white respectively and so if you have an image that is completely uniform in background, both the minimum and maximum will be the same and will get visualized to black. As such, the best thing is to respect the original image's data type, namely setting the dtype of your patches matrix to np.uint8.
Judging from your for loop indexing, you want to extract out 8 x 8 patches that are non-overlapping. This means that if you have a 32 x 32 image with 8 x 8 patches, you have 16 patches in total arranged in a 4 x 4 grid.
Therefore, you need to change the patches statement so that it has 16 in the first dimension, not 36. In addition, you'll have to adjust the way you're indexing into your image to extract out the 8 x 8 patches because right now, the patches are overlapping. Specifically, you want to make the image patch indexing go from 8*i to 8*(i+1) for the rows and 8*j to 8*(j+1) for the columns. If you substitute sample values of i and j yourself, you'll see that we get unique 8 x 8 patches for each grid in your image.
With both of the above things I noted, the modified code should be:
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.misc as misc
import numpy as np
image32 = misc.imread('work0.png')
patches = np.zeros((16,8,8), dtype=np.uint8) # Change
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
patches[i*4 + j] = image32[8*i:8*(i+1),8*j:8*(j+1)] # Change
misc.imsave("{0}{1}.png".format(i,j), patches[i*4 + j])
When I do this and take a look at the output images, I get what I expect.
To be absolutely sure, let's plot the segments using matplotlib. You've conveniently saved all of the patches in patches so it shouldn't be a problem showing what we need. However, I'll place some code in comments so that you can read in the images that were saved from disk with your above code so you can verify that it still works, regardless of looking at patches or the images on disk:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
plt.subplot(4, 4, 4*i + j + 1)
img = patches[4*i + j]
# or you can do this:
# img = misc.imread('{0}{1}.png'.format(i,j))
img = np.dstack([img, img, img])
The weird thing about matplotlib.pyplot.imshow is that if you have an image that is single channel (such as your case) that has the same intensity all around, it gets visualized to black no matter what the colour map is, much like what we experienced with imsave. Therefore, I had to artificially make this a RGB image but with all of the channels to be the same so this gets visualized as grayscale before we show the image.
We get:
According to this answer the issue is that imsave normalizes the data so that the computed minimum is defined as black (and, if there is a distinct maximum, that is defined as white).
This led me to go digging as to why the suggested use of uint8 did work to create the desired output. As it turns out, in the source there is a function called bytescale that gets called internally.
Actually, imsave itself is a very thin wrapper around toimage followed by save (from the image object). Inside of toimage if mode is None (which it is by default), that's when bytescale gets invoked.
It turns out that bytescale has an if statement that checks for the uint8 data type, and if the data is in that format, it returns the data unaltered. But if not, then the data is scaled according to a max and min transformation (where 0 and 255 are the default low and high pixel values to compare to).
This is the full snippet of code linked above:
if data.dtype == uint8:
return data
if high < low:
raise ValueError("`high` should be larger than `low`.")
if cmin is None:
cmin = data.min()
if cmax is None:
cmax = data.max()
cscale = cmax - cmin
if cscale < 0:
raise ValueError("`cmax` should be larger than `cmin`.")
elif cscale == 0:
cscale = 1
scale = float(high - low) / cscale
bytedata = (data * 1.0 - cmin) * scale + 0.4999
bytedata[bytedata > high] = high
bytedata[bytedata < 0] = 0
return cast[uint8](bytedata) + cast[uint8](low)
For the blocks of your data that are all 255, cscale will be 0, which will be checked for and changed to 1. Then the line
bytedata = (data * 1.0 - cmin) * scale + 0.4999
will result in the whole image block having the float value of 0.4999, thus set explicitly to 0 in the next chunk of code (when casted to uint8 from float) as for example:
In [102]: np.cast[np.uint8](0.4999)
Out[102]: array(0, dtype=uint8)
You can see in the body of bytescale that there are only two possible ways to return: either your data is type uint8 and it's returned as-is, or else it goes through this kind of silly scaling process. So in the end, it is indeed correct, and good practice, to be using uint8 for the pieces of your code that specifically load from or save to an image format via these functions.
So this cascade of stuff is why you were getting all zeros in the outputted image file and why the other suggestion of using dtype=np.uint8 actually helps you. It's not because you need to avoid floating point data for images, just because of this bizarre convention to check and scale data on the part of imsave.
I'm using matplotlib's magnitude_spectrum to compare the tonal characteristics of guitar strings. Magnitude_spectrum shows the y axis as having units of "Magnitude (energy)". I use two different 'processes' to compare the FFT. Process 2 (for lack of a better description) is much easier to interpret- code & graphs below
My questions are:
In terms of units, what does "Magnitude (energy)" mean and how does it relate to dB?
Using #Process 2 (see code & graphs below), what type of units am I looking at, dB?
If #Process 2 is not dB, then what is the best way to scale it to dB?
My code below (simplified) shows an example of what I'm talking about/looking at.
import numpy as np
from scipy.io.wavfile import read
from pylab import plot
from pylab import plot, psd, magnitude_spectrum
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Hello Signal!!!
(fs, x) = read('C:\Desktop\Spectral Work\EB_AB_1_2.wav')
#Remove silence out of beginning of signal with threshold of 1000
def indices(a, func):
#This allows to use the lambda function for equivalent of find() in matlab
return [i for (i, val) in enumerate(a) if func(val)]
#Make the signal smaller so it uses less resources
x_tiny = x[0:100000]
#threshold is 1000, 0 is calling the first index greater than 1000
thresh = indices(x_tiny, lambda y: y > 1000)[1]
# backs signal up 20 bins, so to not ignore the initial pluck sound...
thresh_start = thresh-20
#starts at threshstart ends at end of signal (-1 is just a referencing thing)
analysis_signal = x[thresh_start-1:]
#Split signal so it is 1 second long
one_sec = 1*fs
onesec = x[thresh_start-1:one_sec+thresh_start-1]
#process 1
(spectrum, freqs, _) = magnitude_spectrum(onesec, Fs=fs)
#process 2
spectrum1 = spectrum/len(spectrum)
I don't know how to bulk process on multiple .wav files so I run this code separately on a whole bunch of different .wav files and i put them into excel to compare. But for the sake of not looking at ugly graphs, I graphed it in Python. Here's what #process1 and #process2 look like when graphed:
Process 1
Process 2
Magnetude is just the absolute value of the frequency spectrum. As you have labelled in Process 1 "Energy" is a good way to think about it.
Both Process 1 and Process 2 are in the same units. The only difference is that the values in Process 2 has been divided by the total length of the array (a scalar, hence no change of units). Normally this happens as part of the FFT, but sometimes it does not (e.g. numpy.FFT doesn't include the divide by length).
The easiest way to scale it to dB is:
(spectrum, freqs, _) = magnitude_spectrum(onesec, Fs=fs, scale='dB')
If you wanted to do this yourself then you would need to do something like:
spectrum2 = 20*numpy.log10(spectrum)
**It is worth noting that I'm not sure if you should be applying the /len(spectrum) or not. I would suggest using the scale='dB' !!
To convert to dB, take the log of any non-zero spectrum magnitudes, and scale (scale to match a calibrated mic and sound source if available, or use an arbitrarily scale to make the levels look familiar otherwise), before plotting.
For zero magnitude values, perhaps just replace or clamp the log with whatever you want to be on the bottom of your log plot (certainly not negative-infinity).
I have a mayavi object with a number of vertices and I would like to set RGB or RGBA values directly for these vertices, rather than restrict myself to a single colormap with scalars. How can this be accomplished?
As far as I am aware, there is no documentation for doing this, but I have found a way to do it with only a minimum amount of hacking around. Here is a minimal example, which might require a little tinkering for different kinds of sources:
from tvtk.api import tvtk; from mayavi import mlab; import numpy as np
x,y,z=np.random.random((3,nr_points)) #some data
colors=np.random.randint(256,size=(100,3)) #some RGB or RGBA colors
It also looks like sometimes you have to ensure that the mapper points to the right thing. This is not necessary for the above example, but it may be for other sources
At some point the mayavi API should be fixed better so that there is an API exposed to just do this for all the pipeline functions, but that turns out to be a rather complicated and sweeping set of changes which I don't currently have time to finish.
User eqzx posted an answer to another question (Specify absolute colour for 3D points in MayaVi) which may be simpler, especially for certain source types that are hard to get to work with tvtk.UnsignedCharArray.
His idea is to create a LUT spanning the entire range of 256x256x256 RGB values. Note that this LUT therefore has 16,777,216 entries. Which, if you wanted to use it in many vtk objects, may waste quite a lot of memory if you are not careful.
#create direct grid as 256**3 x 4 array
def create_8bit_rgb_lut():
xl = numpy.mgrid[0:256, 0:256, 0:256]
lut = numpy.vstack((xl[0].reshape(1, 256**3),
xl[1].reshape(1, 256**3),
xl[2].reshape(1, 256**3),
255 * numpy.ones((1, 256**3)))).T
return lut.astype('int32')
# indexing function to above grid
def rgb_2_scalar_idx(r, g, b):
return 256**2 *r + 256 * g + b
#N x 3 colors
colors = numpy.array([_.color for _ in points])
#N scalars
scalars = numpy.zeros((colors.shape[0],))
for (kp_idx, kp_c) in enumerate(colors):
scalars[kp_idx] = rgb_2_scalar_idx(kp_c[0], kp_c[1], kp_c[2])
rgb_lut = create_8bit_rgb_lut()
points_mlab = mayavi.mlab.points3d(x, y, z
mode = 'point')
#magic to modify lookup table
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut._vtk_obj.SetTableRange(0, rgb_lut.shape[0])
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.number_of_colors = rgb_lut.shape[0]
points_mlab.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = rgb_lut