How to output Pandas object from sklearn pipeline - python

I have constructed a pipeline that takes a pandas dataframe that has been split into categorical and numerical columns. I am trying to run GridSearchCV on my results and ultimately look at the ranked features of importance for the best performing model that GridSearchCV selects. The problem I am encountering is that sklearn pipelines output numpy array objects and lose any column information along the way. Thus when I go to examine the most important coefficients of the model I am left with an unlabeled numpy array.
I have read that building a custom transformer might be a possible solution to this, but I do not have any experience doing so myself. I have also looked into leveraging the sklearn-pandas package, but I am hesitant to try and implement something that might not be updated in parallel with sklearn. Can anyone suggest what they believe is the best path to go about getting around this issue? I am also open to any literature that has hands on application of pandas and sklearn pipelines.
My Pipeline:
# impute and standardize numeric data
numeric_transformer = Pipeline([
('impute', SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy="mean")),
('scale', StandardScaler())
# impute and encode dummy variables for categorical data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline([
('impute', SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy="most_frequent")),
('one_hot', OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, handle_unknown='ignore'))
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)
clf = Pipeline([
('transform', preprocessor),
('ridge', Ridge())
Cross Validation:
kf = KFold(n_splits=4, shuffle=True, random_state=44)
cross_val_score(clf, X_train, y_train, cv=kf).mean()
Grid Search:
param_grid = {
'ridge__alpha': [.001, .1, 1.0, 5, 10, 100]
gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv = kf), y_train)
Examining Coefficients:
model = gs.best_estimator_
predictions =, y_train).predict(X_test)
Here is the output of the model coefficients as it currently stands when performed on the seaborn "mpg" dataset:
array([-4.64782052e-01, 1.47805207e+00, -3.28948689e-01, -5.37033173e+00,
2.80000700e-01, 2.71523808e+00, 6.29170887e-01, 9.51627968e-01,
-1.50574860e+00, 1.88477450e+00, 4.57285471e+00, -6.90459868e-01,
Ideally I would like to preserve the pandas dataframe information and retrieve the derived column names after OneHotEncoder and the other methods are called.

I would actually go for creating column names from the input. If your input is already divided into numerical an categorical you can use pd.get_dummies to get the number of different category for each categorical feature.
Then you can just create proper names for the columns as shown in the last part of this working example based on the question with some artificial data.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, cross_val_score, GridSearchCV
# create aritificial data
numeric_features_vals = pd.DataFrame({'x1': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'x2': [0.15, 0.25, 0.5, 0.45]})
numeric_features = ['x1', 'x2']
categorical_features_vals = pd.DataFrame({'cat1': [0, 1, 1, 2], 'cat2': [2, 1, 5, 0] })
categorical_features = ['cat1', 'cat2']
X_train = pd.concat([numeric_features_vals, categorical_features_vals], axis=1)
X_test = pd.DataFrame({'x1':[2,3], 'x2':[0.2, 0.3], 'cat1':[0, 1], 'cat2':[2, 1]})
y_train = pd.DataFrame({'labels': [10, 20, 30, 40]})
# impute and standardize numeric data
numeric_transformer = Pipeline([
('impute', SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy="mean")),
('scale', StandardScaler())
# impute and encode dummy variables for categorical data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline([
('impute', SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy="most_frequent")),
('one_hot', OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, handle_unknown='ignore'))
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)
clf = Pipeline([
('transform', preprocessor),
('ridge', Ridge())
kf = KFold(n_splits=2, shuffle=True, random_state=44)
cross_val_score(clf, X_train, y_train, cv=kf).mean()
param_grid = {
'ridge__alpha': [.001, .1, 1.0, 5, 10, 100]
gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv = kf), y_train)
model = gs.best_estimator_
predictions =, y_train).predict(X_test)
print('coefficients : ', model.named_steps['ridge'].coef_, '\n')
# create column names for categorical hot encoded data
columns_names_to_map = list(np.copy(numeric_features))
columns_names_to_map.extend('cat1_' + str(col) for col in pd.get_dummies(X_train['cat1']).columns)
columns_names_to_map.extend('cat2_' + str(col) for col in pd.get_dummies(X_train['cat2']).columns)
print('columns after preprocessing :', columns_names_to_map, '\n')
print( '\n', 'dataframe of rescaled features with custom colum names: \n\n', pd.DataFrame({col:vals for vals, col in zip (preprocessor.fit_transform(X_train).T, columns_names_to_map)}))
print( '\n', 'dataframe of ridge coefficients with custom colum names: \n\n', pd.DataFrame({col:vals for vals, col in zip (model.named_steps['ridge'].coef_.T, columns_names_to_map)}))
the code above (in the end) prints out the following dataframe which is a map from parameter name to parameter value:

I would use model.named_steps['transform'].get_feature_names_out().
It will return the feature names like this:
array(['num__cylinders', 'num__displacement', 'num__horsepower',
'num__weight', 'num__acceleration', 'num__model_year',
'cat__origin_europe', 'cat__origin_japan', 'cat__origin_usa',...])
Then you can use the feature names to transform the output to a dataframe:
weights_df = pd.DataFrame(model.named_steps['ridge'].coef_,index=model.named_steps['transform'].get_feature_names_out()).T


Specifying columns in scikit-learn pipeline after ColumnTransformer

I want to construct a scikit-learn pipeline in which some columns have values imputed, and then scaling is subsequently applied to some. If I put both operations in the same columntransformer this does not work as they proceed in parallel (and so missing values cause the scaler to fail). If I make two columntransformers and run them in series, however, I run into the issue that I cannot specify column names (as output of the first transformer is a np array). What is the correct way to go about this?
numeric_columns = list(X.select_dtypes('float64').columns)
cat_columns = list(X.select_dtypes('object').columns)+list(X.select_dtypes('int64').columns)
# Imputation
imp_mean = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
imp_freq = SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent')
imputer = ColumnTransformer(
[('Imput_mean', imp_mean, numeric_columns),
('Imput_freq', imp_freq, cat_columns),
], remainder='passthrough'
# Scaling
feature_transformer = ColumnTransformer(
], remainder='passthrough'
parameters = {'model__n_components':[1,2,3,4,5]}
pipeline = Pipeline([('imputer', imputer),
('feature_transformer', feature_transformer),
('model', PLSRegression())])
#Cross validation strategy
cv = KFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True)
#Cross valdiate and evaluate
clf = GridSearchCV(pipeline, parameters, scoring="r2", cv=10)
cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=cv, scoring="r2"))
You might nest a Pipeline which takes care of the preprocessing of the numerical columns (performed serially) within the ColumnTransformer instance.
Here's an example:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
X = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['London', 'London', '', 'Sallisaw'],
'title': ['His Last Bow', 'How Watson Learned the Trick', 'A Moveable Feast', 'The Grapes of Wrath'],
'expert_rating': [5, 3, np.nan, 5],
'user_rating': [4, np.nan, 4, 3]})
numeric_columns = list(X.select_dtypes('float64').columns)
cat_columns = list(X.select_dtypes('object').columns) + list(X.select_dtypes('int64').columns)
imp_mean = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
imp_freq = SimpleImputer(missing_values='', strategy='most_frequent')
ct = ColumnTransformer([
('Imput_freq', imp_freq, cat_columns),
('pipe_num', Pipeline([('Imput_mean', imp_mean), ('num', StandardScaler())]), numeric_columns)
], remainder='passthrough'
Here's a similar post: How to execute both parallel and serial transformations with sklearn pipeline?.

Sklearn pipeline transform specific columns - ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

i am trying make pipeline with scaler, onhotencoder, polynomialfeature, and finally linear regression model
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler(), num_cols),
('polynom', PolynomialFeatures(3), num_cols),
('encoder', OneHotEncoder(), cat_cols),
('linear_regression', LinearRegression() )
but when i fit the pipeline i have ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2),y_train)
pipeline.score(x_test, y_test)
If I understand correctly, you want to apply some steps of the pipeline to specific columns. Instead of doing it by adding the column names ad the end of the pipeline stage (which is incorrect and causes the error), you have to use a ColumnTransformer. Here you can find another similar example.
In your case, you could do something like this:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
# Fake data.
train_data = pd.DataFrame({'n1': range(10), 'n2': range(10)})
train_data['c1'] = 0
train_data['c1'][5:] = 1
y_train = [0]*10
y_train[5:] = [1]*5
# Here I assumed you are using a DataFrame. If not, use integer indices instead of column names.
num_cols = ['n1', 'n2']
cat_cols = ['c1']
# Pipeline to transform the numerical features.
numerical_transformer = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('polynom', PolynomialFeatures(3))
# Apply the numerical transformer only on the numerical columns.
# Spearately, apply the OneHotEncoder.
ct = ColumnTransformer([('num_transformer', numerical_transformer, num_cols),
('encoder', OneHotEncoder(), cat_cols)])
# Main pipeline for fitting.
pipeline = Pipeline([
('column_transformer', ct),
('linear_regression', LinearRegression() )
]), y_train)
Schematically, the layout of your pipeline would be like this:

Sklearn Pipeline classifier throwing ValueError even when the missing values are taken care of

I have created sklearn pipeline for preprocessing and then running the model over the processed data. The preprocessing step takes care of missing values even after that it throws the following error:
ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64').
The below is my code :
def test_sklearn_pipeline(random_state_num):
numeric_features = ["x","y"]
categorical_features = ["wconfid","pctid"]
missing_features = ["x"]
missing_transformer = Pipeline(
steps=[("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"))]
scale_transformer = Pipeline(
steps=[("scaler", StandardScaler())]
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
("miss", missing_transformer, missing_features),
("cat", categorical_transformer, categorical_features),
("num", scale_transformer, numeric_features)
clf = Pipeline(
steps=[("preprocessor", preprocessor), ("classifier", LinearRegression())]
df = pd.read_csv('accelerometer_modified.csv')
df = df.drop(columns=['random'])
X,y = df.drop(columns=['z']),df.loc[:,'z']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=random_state_num), y_train)
print("MSE: %.3f" % mean_squared_error(clf.predict(X_test), y_test))
Numeric features and missing features do have the column x in common. Columntransformer runs each transformation in the input dataframe. This means you are running the standard scaler in the raw column and not the imputed one. You probably need two transformers that run sequentially, or rather put a small Pipeline as you've done already with steps that are first impute second scale

How do you preprocess labels in a pipeline with sklearn?

I have a preprocessing script that takes data from a diamonds dataset and preprocesses the data. I obviously need it to preprocess labels as well.
Here is my code:
# Data Preprocessing
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from icecream import ic
def diamond_preprocess(data_dir):
data = pd.read_csv(data_dir)
cleaned_data = data.drop(['id', 'depth_percent'], axis=1) # Features I don't want
x = cleaned_data.drop(['price'], axis=1) # Train data
y = cleaned_data['price'] # Label data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=99)
numerical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']).columns.tolist()
categorical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist()
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')), # Fill in missing data with median
('scaler', StandardScaler()) # Scale data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')), # Fill in missing data with 'missing'
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')) # One hot encode categorical data
preprocessor_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)
# Fit to the training data
# Apply the pipeline to the training and test data
x_train_pipe = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(x_train)
x_test_pipe = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(x_test)
y_train_pipe = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(y_train)
y_test_pipe = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(y_test)
x_train = pd.DataFrame(data=x_train_pipe)
x_test = pd.DataFrame(data=x_test_pipe)
y_train = pd.DataFrame(data=y_train_pipe)
y_test = pd.DataFrame(data=y_test_pipe)
return x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test
I am not very confident that my code is correct or that I have a good understanding of how pipelines and preprocessing works in sklearn. Apparently, the interpreter agrees as I get this error:
File "C:\Users\17574\Anaconda3\envs\kraken-gpu\lib\site-packages\sklearn\compose\", line 470, in fit
self.fit_transform(X, y=y)
File "C:\Users\17574\Anaconda3\envs\kraken-gpu\lib\site-packages\sklearn\compose\", line 502, in fit_transform
self._check_n_features(X, reset=True)
File "C:\Users\17574\Anaconda3\envs\kraken-gpu\lib\site-packages\sklearn\", line 352, in _check_n_features
n_features = X.shape[1]
IndexError: tuple index out of range
How do I properly preprocess my labels like I did with my training data? An explanation would be great as well!
You can create an additional pipeline for your target column if you want to apply the transformations separately, see the example below.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
# generate the data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'y': [1, 2, np.nan, 4, 5],
'x1': [6, 7, 8, np.nan, np.nan],
'x2': [9, 10, 11, np.nan, np.nan],
'x3': ['a', 'b', 'c', np.nan, np.nan],
'x4': [np.nan, np.nan, 'd', 'e', 'f']
# extract the features and target
x = data.drop(labels=['y'], axis=1)
y = data[['y']] # note that this is a data frame, not a series
# split the data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=99)
# map the features to the corresponding types (numerical or categorical)
numerical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']).columns.tolist()
categorical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist()
# define the features pipeline
numerical_features_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler())
categorical_features_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))
features_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
('num_features', numerical_features_transformer, numerical_features),
('cat_features', categorical_features_transformer, categorical_features)
# define the target pipeline
target_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')),
('scaler', StandardScaler())
# fit the pipelines to the training data
# apply the pipelines to the training and test data
x_train_pipe = features_pipeline.transform(x_train)
x_test_pipe = features_pipeline.transform(x_test)
y_train_pipe = target_pipeline.transform(y_train)
y_test_pipe = target_pipeline.transform(y_test)
x_train = pd.DataFrame(data=x_train_pipe)
x_test = pd.DataFrame(data=x_test_pipe)
y_train = pd.DataFrame(data=y_train_pipe)
y_test = pd.DataFrame(data=y_test_pipe)
You can use TransformedTargetRegressor to run some function on labels before and after regressor:
from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor
pipeline = make_pipeline(
TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=LinearRegression(fit_intercept = True, n_jobs = -1), func=np.log1p, inverse_func=np.expm1)

How do you output preprocessed data from a pipeline as objects?

In many sklearn pipeline examples, I see people using another pipeline to pipe the preprocessing pipeline to some linear regression model. Is it possible to just output the preprocessed data from a pipeline so I can feed it into my flaml baseline code:, y_train=pp_training_labels, **automl_settings)
Here is what I want my preprocessing pipeline code to look and act like (I know this doesn't work):
def diamond_preprocess(data_dir):
data = pd.read_csv(data_dir)
cleaned_data = data.drop(['id', 'depth_percent'], axis=1) # Features I don't want
x = cleaned_data.drop(['price'], axis=1) # Train data
y = cleaned_data['price'] # Label data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2)
numerical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']).columns
categorical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')), # Fill in missing data with median
('scaler', StandardScaler()) # Scale data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')), # Fill in missing data with 'missing'
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')) # One hot encode categorical data
preprocessor_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)
pp_training_data, pp_training_label = preprocessor_pipeline
return pp_training_data, pp_training_label
You can apply the pipeline to the feature matrix only, without an estimator in the final step. See the code below for an example.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# generate the data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'y': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'x1': [6, 7, 8, np.nan, np.nan],
'x2': [9, 10, 11, np.nan, np.nan],
'x3': ['a', 'b', 'c', np.nan, np.nan],
'x4': [np.nan, np.nan, 'd', 'e', 'f']
# extract the features and target
x = data.drop(labels=['y'], axis=1)
y = data['y']
# split the data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# map the features to the corresponding types (numerical or categorical)
numerical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64']).columns.tolist()
categorical_features = x_train.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist()
# define the numerical features pipeline
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
('scaler', StandardScaler())
# define the categorical features pipeline
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))
# define the overall pipeline
preprocessor_pipeline = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)
# fit the pipeline to the training data
# apply the pipeline to the training and test data
x_train_ = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(x_train)
x_test_ = preprocessor_pipeline.transform(x_test)
