I have data in format E(freq, theta), where E is a 2D array and freq and theta are 1D arrays.
The following portion of code produces the attached figure. However, I would like to make the contourf plot continuous across the 0-degree origin (i.e. no wedge of white space along the 0 azimuth).
I've explored the matplotlib documentation, and posted questions very extensively and can't seem to find a solution for this issue. Any ideas?
[r, th] = np.meshgrid(freq,theta)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
cntf = ax.contourf(th,r,np.log10(E),cmap='jet',extend='both',
levels=np.linspace(np.mean(np.log10(E)), np.amax(np.log10(E)), 15))
ax.set_rlim(0, .3)
ax.text(np.radians(label_position+25),ax.get_rmax()/1.5,'f (Hz)',
Produced plot:
Something similar to this:
dtheta = np.diff(theta).mean()
wrp_theta = np.concatenate((theta, theta[-1:] + dtheta))
wrp_E = np.concatenate((E, E[0:1, :]), axis=0)
I am attempting to produce a plot like this which combines a cartesian scatter plot and a polar histogram. (Radial lines optional)
A similar solution (by Nicolas Legrand) exists for looking at differences in x and y (code here), but we need to look at ratios (i.e. x/y).
More specifically, this is useful when we want to look at the relative risk measure which is the ratio of two probabilities.
The scatter plot on it's own is obviously not a problem, but the polar histogram is more advanced.
The most promising lead I have found is this central example from the matplotlib gallery here
I have attempted to do this, but have run up against the limits of my matplotlib skills. Any efforts moving towards this goal would be great.
I'm sure that others will have better suggestions, but one method that gets something like you want (without the need for extra axes artists) is to use a polar projection with a scatter and bar chart together. Something like
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.random.uniform(size=100)
y = np.random.uniform(size=100)
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
h, b = np.histogram(phi, bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 21), density=True)
colors = plt.cm.Spectral(h / h.max())
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
ax.scatter(phi, r, marker='.')
ax.bar(b[:-1], h, width=b[1:] - b[:-1],
align='edge', bottom=np.max(r) + 0.2, color=colors)
# Cut off at 90 degrees
# Set the r grid to cover the scatter plot
ax.set_rgrids([0, 0.5, 1])
# Let's put a line at 1 assuming we want a ratio of some sort
ax.set_thetagrids([45], [1])
which will give
It is missing axes labels and some beautification, but it might be a place to start. I hope it is helpful.
You can use two axes on top of each other:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,.8,.8], label="cartesian")
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,.8,.8], projection="polar", label="polar")
Ok. Thanks to the answer from Nicolas, and the answer from tomjn I have a working solution :)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Scatter data
n = 50
x = 0.3 + np.random.randn(n)*0.1
y = 0.4 + np.random.randn(n)*0.02
def radial_corner_plot(x, y, n_hist_bins=51):
"""Scatter plot with radial histogram of x/y ratios"""
# Axis setup
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,.6,.6], label="cartesian")
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,.8,.8], projection="polar", label="polar")
# define useful constant
offset_in_radians = np.pi/4
def rotate_hist_axis(ax):
"""rotate so that 0 degrees is pointing up and right"""
return ax
# Convert scatter data to histogram data
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
h, b = np.histogram(phi,
bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, n_hist_bins),
# SCATTER PLOT -------------------------------------------------------
ax1.set(xlim=[0, 1], ylim=[0, 1], xlabel="x", ylabel="y")
# HISTOGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------
ax2 = rotate_hist_axis(ax2)
# rotation of axis requires rotation in bin positions
b = b - offset_in_radians
# plot the histogram
bars = ax2.bar(b[:-1], h, width=b[1:] - b[:-1], align='edge')
def update_hist_ticks(ax, desired_ratios):
"""Update tick positions and corresponding tick labels"""
x = np.ones(len(desired_ratios))
y = 1/desired_ratios
phi = np.arctan2(y,x) - offset_in_radians
# define ticklabels
xticklabels = [str(round(float(label), 2)) for label in desired_ratios]
# apply updates
ax2.set(xticks=phi, xticklabels=xticklabels)
return ax
ax2 = update_hist_ticks(ax2, np.array([1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8]))
# just have radial grid lines
ax2.grid(which="major", axis="y")
# remove bin count labels
return (fig, [ax1, ax2])
fig, ax = radial_corner_plot(x, y)
Thanks for the pointers!
I would like to contour plot a function, f(x,y), against x and x-y. The spacing in the y grid is not the same as the x grid, so x-y is 2 dimensional, whereas x is one-dimensional.
I do not know how to set up the grids. The function, tricontourf, can handle non-uniform grids, but only it seems, if both the axes are one-dimensional. contour can handle matrices, but only for f(x,y), whereas I need one of the axes to be a matrix.
Pseudocode would look like the following:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def twoDfunction(x,y):
return x + y # my function is more complicated than this
xaxis = np.linspace(0,10,100)
yaxis = np.linspace(0,10,22)
xminusyaxis = np.subtract(xaxis,yaxis)
functionsurfacevalues = twoDfunction(xaxis,yaxis)
fig =plt.figure(figsize=(10,10),dpi=300,facecolor='w')
ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
ax1.tricontourf(xaxis, xminusyaxis, functionsurfacevalues)
I would like the pseudocode to plot functionsurfacevalues versus x and xminusy.
What you need to do is create your grid using np.meshgrid() and then plot a contour or contourf plot.np.meshgrid will make irregular grids based on whatever you give it. You do not need a surface plot because your data isn't really a surface.
The main problem you are having is that because your x and y axis are different lengths, you can't subtract them. Otherwise the solution is easy and you can follow the following code.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def twoDfunction(x,y):
return (x + y) # my function is more complicated than this
xaxis = np.linspace(0,10,100)
yaxis = np.linspace(0,5,100)
xminusyaxis = np.subtract(xaxis,yaxis)
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xaxis,xminusyaxis)
fig =plt.figure(figsize=(10,10),dpi=300,facecolor='w')
ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
ax1.contourf(xx, yy, twoDfunction(xx,yy))
I am trying to have a polar heatmap appear incrementally. I want the plot to grow by adding a deltasector to the existing plot. The same maximal radius is always used.
For now I replot the old data as well, but that is only because I do not know how to add to the existing plot.
How do I add z values for the new angle to an existing heatmap?
The accepted answer here gives shows how to plot a polar heatmap:
Polar heatmaps in python
In the code below the z values are calculated as a function of the r and th. My situation is however that I read the values from a file instead.
How would I add them to the heatmap?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import time
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
angle = 0
rad = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
d_angle = np.pi/100
while angle < np.pi:
azm = np.linspace(0, angle, 100)
r, th = np.meshgrid(rad, azm)
z = r/5
plt.pcolormesh(th, r, z)
plt.plot(azm, r, color='k', ls='none')
angle += d_angle
I do not know where to start. Any pointers to docs? Or other advices?
You can retrieve the data from a plot by looking into ax.lines. Add a "gid" to your curve like so plt.plot(azm, r, color='k', ls='none', gid="a custom name") then we have a little work to do:
def append_data_to_curve(ax, gid):
for line in ax.lines: # Check every curve.
if line.get_gid() == "a custom name": # If the one you seek is found:
X = line.get_xdata() # Get its X and Y data.
Y = line.get_ydata()
X.append(x) # Add the new point (x,y) you want.
line.set_xdata(X) # Put back the modified list as curve data.
You can call this function for every iteration of a loop and add a single new point by giving it its (x,y) coordinates.
I am trying to make use the polar plot projection to make a radar chart. I would like to know how to put only one grid line in bold (while the others should remain standard).
For my specific case, I would like to highlight the gridline associated to the ytick "0".
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
sespi = pd.read_csv("country_progress.csv")
labels = sespi.country
progress = sespi.progress
angles=np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, len(labels), endpoint=False)
#Concatenation to close the plots
#Polar plot
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
ax.plot(angles, progress, '.--', linewidth=1, c="g")
#ax.fill(angles, progress, alpha=0.25)
ax.set_thetagrids(angles * 180/np.pi, labels)
The gridlines of a plot are Line2D objects. Therefore you can't make it bold. What you can do (as shown, in part, in the other answer) is to increase the linewidth and change the colour but rather than plot a new line you can do this to the specified gridline.
You first need to find the index of the y tick labels which you want to change:
y_tick_labels = [-100,-10,0,10]
ind = y_tick_labels.index(0) # find index of value 0
You can then get a list of the gridlines using gridlines = ax.yaxis.get_gridlines(). Then use the index you found previously on this list to change the properties of the correct gridline.
Using the example from the gallery as a basis, a full example is shown below:
r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01)
theta = 2 * np.pi * r
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
ax.set_rticks([0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]) # less radial ticks
ax.set_rlabel_position(-22.5) # get radial labels away from plotted line
y_tick_labels = [-100, -10, 0, 10]
ind = y_tick_labels.index(0) # find index of value 0
gridlines = ax.yaxis.get_gridlines()
Which gives:
It is just a trick, but I guess you could just plot a circle and change its linewidth and color to whatever could be bold for you.
For example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Yline = 0
Npoints = 300
angles = np.linspace(0,360,Npoints)*np.pi/180
line = 0*angles + Yline
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
plt.plot(angles, line, color = 'k', linewidth = 3)
In this piece of code, I plot a line using plt.plot between any point of the two vectors angles and line. The former is actually all the angles between 0 and 2*np.pi. The latter is constant, and equal to the 'height' you want to plot that line Yline.
I suggest you try to decrease and increase Npoints while having a look to the documentaion of np.linspace() in order to understand your problem with the roundness of the circle.
I have some simulated data in a 2D numpy array with a size like (512, 768).
This data is simulated from rmin = 1 to rmax = 100 and phi from 0 to 2pi
I try to plot this on a polar plot, but without an offset in radial direction this looks really odd. Note: The images are coming from a radial density distribution, so the plotsshould be radial symmetric.
Without xlim/ylim set:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
rho = // 2D numpy array
With xlim/ylim set:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
rho = // 2D numpy array
print rho.shape
ax.axis([x_scale[0], x_scale[-1], y_scale[0], y_scale[-1]])
With a manual axis + X/Y values.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
rho = // 2D numpy array
print rho.shape
ax.axis([x_scale[0], x_scale[-1], 0, y_scale[-1]])
y_scale_with_offset = np.insert(y_scale, 0, 0)
ax.pcolormesh(x_scale, y_scale_with_offset, rho)
Is there a trick to add a radial offset from 1?
I believe you can use ax.set_rmin() with polar plots, a negative value will give you the effect your looking for.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
c = np.ones((50,50)) + np.arange(50).reshape(50,1)
aP = ax.pcolormesh(c)
It's worth including a scale so you know your not just removing data from the plot(I assume this is not what you intended).
On a side note, if you haven't already you should check out the [ipython notebook], you may have been able to find the solution to your problem as you can press tab after typing ax. and it will pop up a list of all the objects you could use. Since matplotlib is nicely labeled, set_rmin is a fairly obvious choice.