Freezing weights in specified value during training of sklearn's MLP classifier - python

I am using scikit-learn's multilayer perceptron classifier and I want to evaluate some pruning techniques for neural networks, such as Optimal Brain Damage. This method requires, iteratively, to remove weights from the network, i.e. manually setting them to 0 and retraining, and repeat the process until some criteria is satisfied.
So I would like to know if there is a simple way of setting one or more weights to zero and keeping them like that all along the training of the net. I want to point out that while it is possible to easily access the weights of the MLP (it is an attribute of the object) once it has already been trained, I don't know how to preset it before training.
PD: if you know another more automatic way of evaluating pruning methods in sklearn, that would also be helpful.


is it incorrect to change a model's parameters after training it?

i was trying to use average ensembling on a group of models i trained earlier (i'm creating a new model in the ensemble for each pre-trained model i'm using and then loading the trained weights onto it, it's inefficient this way i know but i'm just learning about it so it doesn't really matter). and I mistakenly changed some of the network's parameters when loading the models in the ensemble code like using Relu instead of leakyRelu which i used in training the models and a different value for an l2 regularizer in the dense layer in one of the models. this however gave me a better testing accuracy for the ensemble. can you please explain to me if/how this is incorrect, and if it's normal can i use this method to further enhance the accuracy of the ensemble.
I believe it is NOT correct to chnage model's parameters after training it. parameters here I mean the trainable-parameters like the weights in Dense node but not hyper-parameters like learning rate.
What is training?
Training essentially is a loop that keeps changing, or update, the parameters. It updates the parameter in such a way that it believes it can reduce the loss. It is also like moving your point in a hyper-spaces that the loss function gives a small loss on that point.
Smaller loss means higher accruacy in general.
Changing Weights
So now, changing your parameters values, by mistake or by purpose, is like moving that point to somewhere BUT you have no logical reason behind that such move will give you a smaller loss. You are just randomly wandering around that hyper-space and in your case you are just lucky that you land to some point that so happened give you a smaller loss or a better testing accuracy. It is just purely luck.
Changing activation function
Also, altering the activation function from leakyRelu to relu is similar you randomly alter the shape of your hype-space. Even though you are at the some point the landscape changes, you are still have no logical reason to believe by such change of landscape you can have a smaller loss staying at the same point
When you change the model manually, you need to retrain.
Though you changed the network's parameters when loading the models. It is not incorrect to alter the hyper-parameters of your ensemble's underlying models. In some cases, the models that are used in an ensemble method require unique tunings which can, as you mentioned, give "you a better testing accuracy for the ensemble model."
To answer your second question, you can use this method to further enhance the accuracy of the ensemble, you can also use Bayesian optimization, GridSearch, and RandomSearch if you prefer more automated means of tuning your hyperparameters.

What kind of tricks we can play with to further refine the trained neural network model so that it has lower objective function value?

I ask this question because many deep learning frameworks, such as Caffe, supports model refining function. For example, in Caffe, we can use snapshot to initialling the neural network parameters and then continue performing training as the following command shows:
./caffe train -solver solver_file.prototxt -snapshot snap_file.solverstate
In order to further train the model, the following tricks I can play with:
use smaller learning rate
change optimisation method. For example, change stochastic gradient descent to ADAM algorithm
Any other tricks I can play with?
ps: I understand that reducing the loss function value of the training samples does not mean that we can get a better model.
The question is way too broad, I think. However, this is a common practice, especially in case of a small training set. I would rank possible methods like this:
smaller learning rate
more/different data augmentation
add noise to train set (related to data augmentation, indeed)
fine-tune on subset of the training set.
The very last one is indeed a very powerful method to finalize the model that performs poor on some corner cases. You can then make a 'difficult' train subset in order to bias model towards it. I personally use it very often.

How to train the final Neural Network model after cross validation?

This is a problem that I am constantly facing, but don't seem to find the answer anywhere. I have a data set of 700 samples. As a result, I have to use cross-validation instead of just using one validation and one test set to get a close estimate of the error.
I would like to use a neural network to do this. But after doing CV with a neural network, and get an error estimate, how do I train the NN on the whole data set? Because for other algorithms like Logistic regression or SVM, there is no question of when to stop in training. But for NN, you train it until your validation score goes down. So, for the final model, training on the whole dataset, how do you know when to stop?
Just to make it clear, my problem is not how to choose hyper-parametes with NN. I can do that by using a nested CV. My question is how to train the final NN on the whole data set(when to stop more specifically) before applying it in wild?
To rephrase your question:
"When training a neural network, a common stopping criterion is the 'early stopping criterion' which stops training when the validation loss increases (signaling overfitting). For small datasets, where training samples are precious, we would prefer to use some other criterion and use 100% of the data for training the model."
I think this is generally a hard problem, so I am not surprised you have not found a simple answer. I think you have a few options:
Add regularization (such as Dropout or Batch Normalization) which should help prevent overfitting. Then, use the training loss for a stopping criterion. You could see how this approach would perform on a validation set without using early stopping to ensure that the model is not overfitting.
Be sure not to overprovision the model. Smaller models will have a more difficult time overfitting.
Take a look at the stopping criterion described in this paper which does not rely on a validation set:
Finally, you may not use Neural Networks here. Generally, these models work best with large amounts of training data. In this case of 700 samples, you can possibly get better performance with another algorithm.

TensorFlow RandomForest vs Deep learning

I am using TensorFlow for training model which has 1 output for the 4 inputs. The problem is of regression.
I found that when I use RandomForest to train the model, it quickly converges and also runs well on the test data. But when I use a simple Neural network for the same problem, the loss(Random square error) does not converge. It gets stuck on a particular value.
I tried increasing/decreasing number of hidden layers, increasing/decreasing learning rate. I also tried multiple optimizers and tried to train the model on both normalized and non-normalized data.
I am new to this field but the literature that I have read so far vehemently asserts that the neural network should marginally and categorically work better than the random forest.
What could be the reason behind non-convergence of the model in this case?
If your model is not converging it means that the optimizer is stuck in a local minima in your loss function.
I don't know what optimizer you are using but try increasing the momentum or even the learning rate slightly.
Another strategy employed often is the learning rate decay, which reduces your learning rate by a factor every several epochs. This can also help you not get stuck in a local minima early in the training phase, while achieving maximum accuracy towards the end of training.
Otherwise you could try selecting an adaptive optimizer (adam, adagrad, adadelta, etc) that take care of the hyperparameter selection for you.
This is a very good post comparing different optimization techniques.
Deep Neural Networks need a significant number of data to perform adequately. Be sure you have lots of training data or your model will overfit.
A useful rule for beginning training models, is not to begin with the more complex methods, for example, a Linear model, which you will be able to understand and debug more easily.
In case you continue with the current methods, some ideas:
Check the initial weight values (init them with a normal distribution)
As a previous poster said, diminish the learning rate
Do some additional checking on the data, check for NAN and outliers, the current models could be more sensitive to noise. Remember, garbage in, garbage out.

Initializing the weights of a MLP with the RBM weights

I want to build a Deep Believe Network with scikit-learn. As I know one should train many Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) individually. Then one should create a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) that has the same number of layers as the number of (RBMs), and the weights of the MLP should be initialized with the weights of the RBMs. However I'm unable to find a way to get the weights of the RBMs from scikit-learn's BernoulliRBM. Also it doesn't seem to be a way also to initialize the weights of a MLP in scikit-learn.
Is there a way to do what I described?
scikit-learn does not currently have an MLP implemented which you can initialize via an RBM, but you can still access the weights which are stored in the components_ attribute and the bias which is stored in the intercept_hidden_ attribute.
If you're interested in using modern MLPs, torch7, pylearn2, and deepnet are all modern libraries and most of them contain pretraining routines like you describe.
