How to use `apply_along_axis` with ndim > 2 arrays? - python

I am trying to apply gaussian filtering on the toy digits dataset images. It stores images in a (1797, 8, 8) array. Individually, I can make it work but when I try to apply it for the whole image set with apply_along_axis, something goes wrong.
Here is the core example:
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
images = load_digits().images
# Filter individually
individual = gaussian_filter(images[0], sigma=1, order=0)
# Use `apply_along_axis`
transformed = np.apply_along_axis(
func1d=lambda x: gaussian_filter(x, sigma=1, order=0),
# They produce different arrays
(transformed[0] != individual).all()
Out: True
I tried to change the axis but that did not help. I also checked by, first, simply returning the image/squared values. In these cases, the results seem equivalent. Applying dot product, however, again produces different results.
# Squared values
transformed = np.apply_along_axis(
func1d=lambda x: x ** 2,
# They produce the same arrays
(transformed[0] == images[0] ** 2).all()
Out: True
# Dot product
transformed = np.apply_along_axis(
func1d=lambda x:, x),
individual =[0], images[0])
# They produce different arrays
(transformed[0] != individual).all()
Out: True
I am sure I misunderstand the way these functions work. What am I doing wrong?
Update: As #hpaulj pointed out in the comments, the func1d parameter in apply_along_axis takes in only 1d arrays. See...


Jax vectorization: vmap and/or numpy.vectorize?

what are the differences between jax.numpy.vectorizeand jax.vmap?
Here is a small snipset
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
def f(x):
return jnp.exp(-x)*jnp.sin(x)
gf = jax.grad(f)
x = jnp.arange(0,1,0.1)
Both computations give the same results:
DeviceArray([ 1. , 0.80998397, 0.63975394, 0.4888039 ,
0.35637075, 0.24149445, 0.14307144, 0.05990037,
-0.00927836, -0.06574923], dtype=float32)
How to decide which one to use, and if there is a difference in terms of performance?
jax.vmap and jax.numpy.vectorize have quite different semantics, and only happen to be similar in the case of a single 1D input as in your example.
The purpose of jax.vmap is to map a function over one or more inputs along a single explicit axis, as specified by the in_axes parameter. On the other hand, jax.numpy.vectorize maps a function over one or more inputs along zero or more implicit axes according to numpy broadcasting rules.
To see the difference, let's pass two 2-dimensional inputs and print the shape within the function:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
def print_shape(x, y):
print(f"x.shape = {x.shape}")
print(f"y.shape = {y.shape}")
return x + y
x = jnp.zeros((20, 10))
y = jnp.zeros((20, 10))
_ = jax.vmap(print_shape)(x, y)
# x.shape = (10,)
# y.shape = (10,)
_ = jnp.vectorize(print_shape)(x, y)
# x.shape = ()
# y.shape = ()
Notice that vmap only maps along the first axis, while vectorize maps along both input axes.
And notice also that the implicit mapping of vectorize means it can be used much more flexibly; for example:
x2 = jnp.arange(10)
y2 = jnp.arange(20).reshape(20, 1)
def add(x, y):
# vectorize always maps over all axes, such that the function is applied elementwise
assert x.shape == y.shape == ()
return x + y
jnp.vectorize(add)(x2, y2).shape
# (20, 10)
vectorize will iterate over all axes of the inputs according to numpy broadcasting rules. On the other hand, vmap cannot handle this by default:
jax.vmap(add)(x2, y2)
# ValueError: vmap got inconsistent sizes for array axes to be mapped:
# arg 0 has shape (10,) and axis 0 is to be mapped
# arg 1 has shape (20, 1) and axis 0 is to be mapped
# so
# arg 0 has an axis to be mapped of size 10
# arg 1 has an axis to be mapped of size 20
To accomplish this same operation with vmap requires more thought, because there are two separate mapped axes, and some of the axes are broadcast. But you can accomplish the same thing this way:
jax.vmap(jax.vmap(add, in_axes=(None, 0)), in_axes=(0, None))(x2, y2[:, 0]).shape
# (20, 10)
This latter nested vmap is essentially what is happening under the hood when you use jax.numpy.vectorize.
As for which to use in any given situation:
if you want to map a function across a single, explicitly specified axis of the inputs, use jax.vmap
if you want a function's inputs to be mapped across zero or more axes according to numpy's broadcasting rules as applied to the input, use jax.numpy.vectorize.
in situations where the transforms are identical (for example when mapping a function of 1D inputs) lean toward using vmap, because it more directly does what you want to do.

vectorized "by-layer" scaling of numpy array

I have a numpy array (let's say 100x64x64).
My goal is to scale each 64x64 layer independently and store a scaler for later use.
This is how it can be achieved with a for-loop solution:
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
scalers_dict[i] = MinMaxScaler()
#fitting the scaler
X[i, :, :] = scalers_dict[i].fit_transform(X[i, :, :])
#saving dict of scalers
My real array is much bigger, and it takes quite a while to iterate through it.
Do you have in mind some more vectorized solution for that, or for-loop is the only way?
If I understand correctly how MinMaxScaler works, it can operate on independent arrays which reduce along axis=0.
To make this useful for your case, you'd need to transform X into a (64 * 64, 100) array:
s = X.shape
X = np.moveaxis(X, 0, -1).reshape(-1, s[0])
Alternatively, you can write
X = X.reshape(s[0], -1).T
Now you can do the scaling with
M = MinMaxScaler()
X = M.fit_transform(X)
Since the actual fit is computed on the first dimension, all the results will be of size 100. This will broadcast perfectly now that the last dimension is of the same size.
To get the original shape back, invert the original transformation:
X = X.T.reshape(s)
When you are done, M will be a scaler calibrated for 100 features. There is no need for a dictionary here. Remember that a dictionary keyed by a sequence of integers can better be expressed as a list or array, which is what happens here.
IIUC, you can manually scale:
mm, MM = inputs.min(axis=(1,2)), inputs.max(axis=(1,2))
# save these for later use
joblib.dump((mm,MM), 'minmax.joblib')
def scale(inputs, mm, MM):
return (inputs - mm[:,None,None])/(MM-mm)[:,None,None]
# load pre-saved min & max
mm, MM = joblib.load('minmax.joblib')
# scaled inputs
scale(inputs, mm, MM)

Interpolate Image for given indices python

I've an image of about 8000x9000 size as a numpy matrix. I also have a list of indices in a numpy 2xn matrix. These indices are fractional as well as may be out of image size. I need to interpolate the image and find the values for the given indices. If the indices fall outside, I need to return numpy.nan for them. Currently I'm doing it in for loop as below
def interpolate_image(image: numpy.ndarray, indices: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
:param image:
:param indices: 2xN matrix. 1st row is dim1 (rows) indices, 2nd row is dim2 (cols) indices
# Todo: Vectorize this
M, N = image.shape
num_indices = indices.shape[1]
interpolated_image = numpy.zeros((1, num_indices))
for i in range(num_indices):
x, y = indices[:, i]
if (x < 0 or x > M - 1) or (y < 0 or y > N - 1):
interpolated_image[0, i] = numpy.nan
# Todo: Do Bilinear Interpolation. For now nearest neighbor is implemented
interpolated_image[0, i] = image[int(round(x)), int(round(y))]
return interpolated_image
But the for loop is taking huge amount of time (as expected). How can I vectorize this? I found scipy.interpolate.interp2d, but I'm not able to use it. Can someone explain how to use this or any other method is also fine. I also found this, but again it is not according to my requirements. Given x and y indices, these generated interpolated matrices. I don't want that. For the given indices, I just want the interpolated values i.e. I need a vector output. Not a matrix.
I tried like this, but as said above, it gives a matrix output
f = interpolate.interp2d(numpy.arange(image.shape[0]), numpy.arange(image.shape[1]), image, kind='linear')
interp_image_vect = f(indices[:,0], indices[:,1])
RuntimeError: Cannot produce output of size 73156608x73156608 (size too large)
For now, I've implemented nearest-neighbor interpolation. scipy interp2d doesn't have nearest neighbor. It would be good if the library function as nearest neighbor (so I can compare). If not, then also fine.
It looks like scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline will do the trick:
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
image = # as given
indices = # as given
spline = RectBivariateSpline(numpy.arange(M), numpy.arange(N), image)
interpolated = spline(indices[0], indices[1], grid=False)
This gets you the interpolated values, but it doesn't give you nan where you need it. You can get that with where:
nans = numpy.zeros(interpolated.shape) + numpy.nan
x_in_bounds = (0 <= indices[0]) & (indices[0] < M)
y_in_bounds = (0 <= indices[1]) & (indices[1] < N)
bounded = numpy.where(x_in_bounds & y_in_bounds, interpolated, nans)
I tested this with a 2624x2624 image and 100,000 points in indices and all told it took under a second.

Tensorflow equivalent of np.corrcoef on a specific axis

I am trying to correlate two matrices column wise. i.e. correlate the 1st column of the 1st matrix with the 1st column of the 2nd matrix and so on.
In numpy I do:
np.corrcoef(x, y, axis=0)
And it works great. What would be the Tensorflow equivalent of that command?
I tried using streaming_pearson_correlation1 but that correlates all the columns together instead of providing a result per column.
As a last resort I'm considering splitting the tensor into separate column tensors, but I'm guessing this will have a performance cost.
I know that I can wrap numpy in a py_func, but then it won't run on a GPU.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Documentation page for numpy corrcoef gives connection between corcoef and covariance matrix. So, natural thing is to rewrite it in terms of matmuls in numpy first:
xy=np.concatenate([x,y], axis=0)
(np.corrcoef(xy) == np.corrcoef(x,y)).all()
mean = np.mean(xy, axis=1, keepdims=True)
cov = ((xy-mean) # (xy-mean).T)/(dsize-1)
cov2 = np.diag(1/sqrt(np.diag(cov)))
np.testing.assert_allclose(cov2#cov#cov2, np.corrcoef(x, y))
Now convert to TensorFlow, and check that result is the same
def t(x): return tf.transpose(x)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
x_t = tf.constant(x)
y_t = tf.constant(y)
xy_t = tf.concat([x, y], axis=0)
mean_t = tf.reduce_mean(xy_t, axis=1, keep_dims=True)
cov_t = ((xy_t-mean_t) # t(xy_t-mean_t))/(dsize-1)
cov2_t = tf.diag(1/tf.sqrt(tf.diag_part(cov_t)))
cor = cov2_t # cov_t # cov2_t
np.testing.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(x, y), cor.eval())
Correlations between variables that constitute x and y are in off-diagonal blocks of this matrix.

numpy meshgrid filter out points

I have a meshgrid in numpy. I make some calculations on the points. I want to filter out points that could not be calcutaled for some reason ( division by zero).
from numpy import arange, array
Xout = arange(-400, 400, 20)
Yout = arange(0, 400, 20)
Zout = arange(0, 400, 20)
Xout_3d, Yout_3d, Zout_3d = numpy.meshgrid(Xout,Yout,Zout)
#some calculations
# for example
b = z / ( y - x )
To perform z / ( y - x ) using those 3D mesh arrays, you can create a mask of the valid ones. Now, the valid ones would be the ones where any pair of combinations between y and x aren't identical. So, this mask would be of shape (M,N), where M and N are the lengths of the Y and X axes respectively. To get such a mask to span across all combinations between X and Y, we could use NumPy's broadcasting. Thus, we would have such a mask like so -
mask = Yout[:,None] != Xout
Finally, and again using broadcasting to broadcast the mask along the first two axes of the3D arrays, we could perform such a division and choose between an invalid specifier and the actual division result using np.where, like so -
invalid_spec = 0
out = np.where(mask[...,None],Zout_3d/(Yout_3d-Xout_3d),invalid_spec)
Alternatively, we can directly get to such an output using broadcasting and thus avoid using meshgrid and having those heavy 3D arrays in workspace. The idea is to simultaneously populate the 3D grids and perform the subtraction and division computations, both on the fly. So, the implementation would look something like this -
np.where(mask[...,None],Zout/(Yout[:,None,None] - Xout[:,None]),invalid_spec)
