I am trying to find the values inside dataframe that has been grouped.
I grouped payment data with time the person borrowed the money and months it took for the person to pay and summed the amount they paid. My goal is to find the list of months it took for people to pay back.
For example, how can I know the list of 'month_taken' when start_yyyymm is 201807?
payment_sum_monthly =
If I use R and put the payment data in data.table form, I can find out the list of month_taken by
payment_sum_monthly[start_yyyymm == '201807',month_taken]
How can I do this in Python? Thanks.
is_date = payment_data['start_yyyymm'] == "201807"
It should give you all the entities that has 'start_yyyymm' is 201807. Then to call those entities, you can code following:
date_set = payment_data[is_date].copy()
payment_sum_monthly = date_set .groupby('month_taken').aggregate(sum)
And if you need one more condition you can do following:
condition2 = payment_data['column name'] == condition
payment_data[is_date & condition2]
I hope I got your question right and it helps
I have a data frame with months (by year), and ID number. I am trying to calculate the attrition rate, but I am getting stuck on obtaining unique ID counts when a month equals a certain month in pandas.
Sept. 2022
Oct. 2022
etc... with possible duplicates in ID and 1.75 years worth of data.
import pandas as pd
path = some path on my computer
data = pd.read_excel(path)
if data["Month"] == "Sept. 2022":
ID_SEPT = data["ID."].unique()
return ID_SEPT
I am trying to discover what I am doing incorrect here in this if-then statement. Ideally I am trying to collect all the unique ID values per each month per year to then calculate the attrition rate. Is there something obvious I am doing wrong here?
Thank you.
I tried an id-then statement and I was expecting unique value counts of ID per month.
You need to use one of the iterator functions, like items().
for (columnName, columnData) in data.iteritems():
if columnName = 'Month'
The way you do this with a dataframe, conceptually, is to filter the entire dataframe to be just the rows where your comparison is true, and then do whatever (get uniques) from there.
That would look like this:
filtered_df = df[df['Month'] == 'Sept. 2022']
ids_sept = list(filtered_df['ID.'].unique()
The first line there can look at a little strange, but what it is doing is:
df['Month'] == 'Sept. 2022' will return an array/column/series (it actually returns a series) of True/False whether or not the comparison is, well, true or false.
You then run that series of bools through df[series_of_bools] that filters the dataframe to return only the rows where it is True.
Thus, you have a filter.
If you are looking for the number of unique items, rather than the list of unique items, you can also use filtered_df['ID.'].nunique() and save yourself the step later of getting the length of the list.
You are looking for pandas.groupby.
Use it like this to get the unique values of each Group (Month)
data.groupby("Month")["ID."].unique() # You have a . after ID in your example, check if thats correct
try this
data[data.Month=='Sept. 2022']['ID.'].unique()
first of all, I'm quite new to programming overall (< 2 Months), so I'm sorry if that's an 'simple, no need to ask for help, try it yourself until you get it done' problem.
I have two data-frames with partially the same content (general overview of mobile-numbers including their cost centers in the company and monthly invoices with the affected mobile-numbers and their invoice amount).
I'd like to compare the content of the 'mobile-numbers' column of the monthly invoices DF to the content of the 'mobile-numbers' column of the general overview DF and if matching, assign the respective cost center to the mobile-number in the monthly invoices DF.
I'd love to share my code with you, but unfortunately I have absolutely zero clue how to solve that problem in any way.
Edit: I'm from germany, I tried my best to explain the problem in english. If there is anything I messed up (so u dont get it) just tell me :)
Example of desired result
program meets your needs, in the second dataframe I put the value '40' to demonstrate that the dataframes already filled will not be zeroed, the replacement will only occur if there is a similar value between the dataframes, if you want a better explanation about the program , comment below, and don't forget to vote and mark as solved, I also put some 'prints' for a better view, but in general they are not necessary
import pandas as pd
general_df = pd.DataFrame({"mobile_number": [1234,3456,6545,4534,9874],
"cost_center": ['23F','67F','32W','42W','98W']})
invoice_df = pd.DataFrame({"mobile_number": [4534,5567,1234,4871,1298],
"invoice_amount": ['19,99E','19,99E','19,99E','19,99E','19,99E'],
"cost_center": ['','','','','40']})
def func(line):
t = 0
for x in range(0, len(general_df['mobile_number'])):
t = general_df.loc[general_df['mobile_number'] == line[0]]
if t.empty:
return line[2]
return t.values.tolist()[0][1]
invoice_df['cost_center'] = invoice_df.apply(func, axis = 1)
I have searched and searched and not found what I would think was a common question. Which makes me think I'm going about this wrong. So I humbly ask these two versions of the same question.
I have a list of currency names, as strings. A short version would look like this:
col_names = ['australian_dollar', 'bulgarian_lev', 'brazilian_real']
I also have a list of dataframes (df_list). Each one is has a column for data, currency exchange rate, etc. Here's the head for one of them (sorry it's blurry, it was fine bigger but I stuck in an m in the URL because it was huge):
I would be stoked to assign each one of those strings col_list as a variable name for a data frame in df_list. I did make a dictionary where key/value was currency name and the corresponding df. But I didn't really know how to use it, primarily because it was unordered. Is there a way to zip col_list and df_list together? I could also just unpack each df in df_list and use the title of the second column be the title of the frame. That seems really cool.
So instead I just wrote something that gave me index numbers and then hand put them into the function I needed. Super kludgy but I want to make the overall project work for now. I end up with this in my figure code:
for ax, currency in zip((ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4), (df_list[38], df_list[19], df_list[10], df_list[0])):
ax.plot(currency["date"], currency["rolling_mean_30"])
And that's OK. I'm learning, not delivering something to a client. I can use it to make eight line plots. But I want to do this with 40 frames so I can get the annual or monthly volatility. I have to take a list of data frames and unpack them by hand.
Here is the second version of my question. Take df_list and:
def framer(currency):
index = col_names.index(currency)
df = df_list[index] # this is a dataframe containing a single currency and the columns built in cell 3
return df
brazilian_real = framer("brazilian_real")
Which unpacks the a df (but only if type out the name) and then:
def volatizer(currency):
all_the_years = [currency[currency['year'] == y] for y in currency['year'].unique()] # list of dataframes for each year
c_name = currency.columns[1]
df_dict = {}
for frame in all_the_years:
year_name = frame.iat[0,4] # the year for each df, becomes the "year" cell for annual volatility df
annual_volatility = frame["log_rate"].std()*253**.5 # volatility measured by standard deviation * 253 trading days per year raised to the 0.5 power
df_dict[year_name] = annual_volatility
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df_dict, orient="index", columns=[c_name+"_annual_vol"]) # indexing on year, not sure if this is cool
return df
br_vol = volatizer(brazilian_real)
which returns a df with a row for each year and annual volatility. Then I want to concatenate them and use that for more charts. Ultimately make a little dashboard that lets you switch between weekly, monthly, annual and maybe set date lims.
So maybe there's some cool way to run those functions on the original df or on the lists of dfs that I don't know about. I have started using df.map and df.apply some.
But it seems to me it would be pretty handy to be able to unpack the one list using the names from the other. Basically same question, how do I get the dataframes in df_list out and attached to variable names?
Sorry if this is waaaay too long or a really bad way to do this. Thanks ahead of time!
Do you want something like this?
dfs = {df.columns[1]: df for df in df_list}
Then you can reference them like this for example:
This is how I took the approach suggested by Kelvin:
def volatizer(currency):
annual_df_list = [currency[currency['year'] == y] for y in currency['year'].unique()] # list of annual dfs
c_name = currency.columns[1]
row_dict = {} # dictionary with year:annual_volatility as key:value
for frame in annual_df_list:
year_name = frame.iat[0,4] # first cell of the "year" column, becomes the "year" key for row_dict
annual_volatility = frame["log_rate"].std()*253**.5 # volatility measured by standard deviation * 253 trading days per year raised to the 0.5 power
row_dict[year_name] = annual_volatility # dictionary with year:annual_volatility as key:value
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(row_dict, orient="index", columns=[c_name+"_annual_vol"]) # new df from dictionary indexing on year
return df
# apply volatizer to each currency df
for key in df_dict:
df_dict[key] = volatizer(df_dict[key])
It worked fine. I can use a list of strings to access any of the key:value pairs. It feels like a better way than trying to instantiate a bunch of new objects.
this is my first post here, I hope you will understand what troubles me.
So, I have a DataFrame that contains prices for some 1200 companies for each day, beginning in 2010. Now I want to calculate the total return for each one. My DataFrame is indexed by date. I could use the
df.iloc[-1]/df.iloc[0] method, but some companies started trading publicly at a later date, so I can't get the results for those companies, as they are divided by a NaN value. I've tried by creating a list which contains the first valid indexes for every stock(column), then when I try to calculate the total returns, I get - the wrong result!
I've tried a classic for loop:
for l in list:
returns = df.iloc[-1]/df.iloc[l]
For instance, last price of one stock was around $16, and first data I have is $1.5, which would be over 10 times return, yet my result is only about 1.1! I would also like to add that the aforementioned list includes first valid indexes for Date aswell, and it is in the first position.
Can somebody please help me? Thank you very much
Many ways you can go about this actually. But I do recommend you brush up on your python skills with basic examples before you get into more complicated examples.
If you want to do it your way, you can do it like this:
returns = {}
for stock_name in df.columns:
returns[stock_name] = df[stock_name].dropna().iloc[-1] / df[stock_name].dropna().iloc[0]
A more pythonic way would be to do it in a vectorized form, like this:
returns = ((1 + data.ffill().pct_change())
I am using the data found here: Kaggle NFL Data. I am attempting to filter the data based on the number of pass attempts per player.
Reading in all data to variable all_nfl_data. I then would like to do this:
all_pass_plays = all_nfl_data[all_nfl_data.PlayType == 'Pass']
passers_under_100 = all_pass_plays.groupby('Passer').transform('size') <= 100
I cannot figure out how to correctly filter based on the above logic. I am trying to filter for players which have less than 100 pass attempts in total. The goal is to filter the full dataframe based on this number, not just return the player names themselves. Appreciate the help :)
You can do with isin (PS: trying to fix your code)
all_pass_plays = all_nfl_data[all_nfl_data.PlayType == 'Pass']
passers_under_100 = all_pass_plays.groupby('Passer').size()<= 100
Alternative solution in one line
passers_under_100 = all_pass_plays.groupby('Passer').filter(lambda x : x['Passer'].size <= 100)
Corresponding documentation : https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.filter.html