Flask and selenium-hub are not communicating when dockerised - python

I am having issues with getting data back from a docker-selenium container, via a Flask application (also dockerized).
When I have the Flask application running in one container, I get the following error on http://localhost:5000, which goes to the selenium driver using a Remote driver that is running on http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
The error that is generated is:
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address>
I have created a github repo with my code to test, see here.
My docker-compose file below seems ok:
version: '3.5'
- ./app:/app
- "5000:80"
- FLASK_APP=main.py
- 'RUN=flask run --host= --port=80'
command: flask run --host= --port=80
# Infinite loop, to keep it alive, for debugging
# command: bash -c "while true; do echo 'sleeping...' && sleep 10; done"
image: selenium/hub:3.141
container_name: selenium-hub
- 4444:4444
shm_size: 2g
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm
image: selenium/node-chrome:3.141
# image: selenium/standalone-chrome:3.141.59-copernicium
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
What is strange is that when I run the Flask application in Pycharm, and the selenium grid is up in docker, I am able to get the data back through http://localhost:5000. The issue is only happening when the Flask app is running inside docker.
Thanks for the help in advance, let me know if you require further information.
So I amended my docker-compose.yml file to include a network (updated the code in github. As I've had the Flask app code running in debug and in a volume, any update to the code results in a refresh of the debugger.
I ran docker network inspect on the created network, and found the local docker IP address of selenium-hub. I updated the app/utils.py code, in get_driver() to use the IP address in command_executor rather than localhost. Saving, and re-running from my browser results in a successful return of data.
But I don't understand why http://localhost:4444/wd/hub would not work, the docker containers should see each other in the network as localhost, right?

the docker containers should see each other in the network as localhost, right?
No, this is only true when they use the host networking and expose ports through the host.
When you have services interacting with each other in docker-compose (or stack) the services should refer to each other by the service name. E.g. you would reach the hub container at http://selenium-hub:4444/wd/hub. Your Flask application could be reached by another container on the same network at http://web
You may be confused if your default when running docker normally is to use host networking because on the host network selenium-hub is also exposed on the same port 4444. So, if you started a container with host networking it could use http://localhost:4444 just fine there as well.

Could potentially be a port in use issue related to the execution?
Python urllib2: Cannot assign requested address


How to access the Django app running inside the Docker container?

I am currently running my django app inside the docker container by using the below command
docker-compose run app sh -c "python manage.py runserver"
but I am not able to access the app with local host url, (not using any additional db server or ngnix or gunicorn, just simply running the django devlopment server inside the docker).
please let me know how to access the app
docker-compose run is intended to launch a utility container based on a service in your docker-compose.yml as a template. It intentionally does not publish the ports: declared in the Compose file, and you shouldn't need it to run the main service.
docker-compose up should be your go-to call for starting the services. Just docker-compose up on its own will start everything in the docker-compose.yml, concurrently, in the foreground; you can add -d to start the processes in the background, or a specific service name docker-compose up app to only start the app service and its dependencies.
The python command itself should be the main CMD in your image's Dockerfile. You shouldn't need to override it in your docker-compose.yml file or to provide it at the command line.
A typical Compose YAML file might look like:
version: '3.8'
build: . # from the Dockerfile in the current directory
- 5000:5000 # make localhost:5000 forward to port 5000 in the container
While Compose supports many settings, you do not need to provide most of them. Compose provides reasonable defaults for container_name:, hostname:, image:, and networks:; expose:, entrypoint:, and command: will generally come from your Dockerfile and don't need to be overridden.
Try<PORT_NUMBER> (typically 80 or 8000), If you are still troubling to connect the server you should use the Docker Machine IP instead of localhost. Enter the following in terminal and navigate to the provided url:
docker-machine ip

Docker container not connecting to remote HBase

I had created a docker-container of python application where the code in it tries to connect to remote HBase cluster hosted on Cloudera.
Docker is running fine,except that, it is not doing read/write operation on remote HBase.
Here is my part of docker-compose.yml file
version: '2'
build: .
command: python3 app.py
- default
- "8007:8007"
Suggestions are welcomed.
Solved this issue ,this is because at remote HBase-cluster, thrift server was not accessible by docker.
Whitelisting my docker IP at HBase-cluster solved the issue.

how to connect python app in docker container with running docker container with url

I have an app in python that I want to run in a docker container and it has a line:
h2o.connect(ip='', port='54321')
The h2o server is running in docker container and it always has different ip. One time it was started on, the other time, sometimes
So it is always random, and I can't connect the python app.
I tried to expose the port of h2o server to localhost and then connect the python (the code above), but it is not working.
You dont connect two docker containers though ip addresses. Instead, you want to use docker internal network aliases:
version: '3'
- database
- 54321:54321
then you can define your connectio in server as:
h2o.connect(ip='', port='54321')

Docker Compose: Allowing Network Interactions Between Services

I'd like to have two Docker containers, which are defined in the same docker-compose.yaml file to be able to share a network and interact with each others' exposed ports. I'm running all of this on Docker for Mac.
In order to do so, I've set up a couple docker containers that are running a tiny Flask server which can either return a "Hello" or make a request to another server (see below for details). So far, I've been unable to allow the two apps to communicate with each other.
What I've tried so far:
exposeing the relevant ports
publishing the ports and mapping them 1:1 with the host
For flask using both localhost and as the --host arg
curl from one container to another (using both localhost:<other_container_port> and<other_container_port>
Using the implicit network as per the docs
Explicit network definition
All of the above examples give me a Connection Refused error, so I feel like I'm missing something basic about Docker networking.
The Networking in Compose doc mentions the following:
When you run docker-compose up, the following happens:
A container is created using db’s configuration. It
joins the network myapp_default under the name db.
And their example appears to have all the separate services be able to communicate without any network definitions, which leads me to believe that I probably should not need to define a network either.
Below is my docker-compose.yaml file - all the files can be found at this gist:
version: '3'
build: ./app
# Tried with/without expose
- 3000
# Tried with/without ports
- 3000:3000
# Tried with/without
command: "--host --port 3000"
# Tried with/without explicit network
- mine
build: ./app
- 4000
- 4000:4000
# This one's ip is, so we can access from host
command: "--host --port 4000"
- mine
mine: {}
The app.py file:
def hello():
return "Hello from {}".format(request.host)
def doPing(port):
location = "http://localhost:{}/".format(port)
return requests.get(location, timeout=5).content
in docker-compose the services that are on same network can access each other by its name, you dont even have to expose the ports to host. so your docker-compose.yaml can be simplified to:
version: '3'
build: ./app
command: "--host --port 3000"
build: ./app
command: "--host --port 4000"
and inside the container requester you can access the other one with
ping receiver
that resolves the name and you can verify the port is also open, for example with netcat
nc -z receiver 3000 -v

Docker cannot connect application to MySQL

I am trying to run integration tests (in python) which depend on mysql. Currently they depend on SQL running locally, but I want them to depend on a MySQL running in docker.
Contents of Dockerfile:
FROM continuumio/anaconda3:4.3.1
WORKDIR /opt/workdir
ADD . /opt/workdir
RUN python setup.py install
Contents of Docker Compose:
version: '2'
image: mysql:5.6
container_name: test_mysql_container
- MYSQL_USER=my_user
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=my_password
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
restart: always
- "3306"
image: my_common_package
- mysql
restart: always
- mysql
Now, I try to run the tests in my package using:
docker-compose run my_common_package python testsql.py
and I receive the error
pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on
'localhost' ([Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address)")
docker-compose will by default create virtual network were all the containers/services in the compose file can reach each other by an IP address. By using links, depends_on or network aliases they can reach each other by host name. In your case the host name is the service name, but this can be overridden. (see: docs)
Your script in my_common_package container/service should then connect to mysql on port 3306 according to your setup. (not localhost on port 3306)
Also note that using expose is only necessary if the Dockerfile for the service don't have an EXPOSE statement. The standard mysql image already does this.
If you want to map a container port to localhost you need to use ports, but only do this if it's necessary.
image: mysql:5.6
container_name: test_mysql_container
- MYSQL_USER=my_user
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=my_password
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
- "3306:3306"
Here we are saying that port 3306 in the mysql container should be mapped to localhost on port 3306.
Now you can connect to mysql using localhost:3306 outside of docker. For example you can try to run your testsql.py locally (NOT in a container).
Container to container communication will always happen using the host name of each container. Think of containers as virtual machines.
You can even find the network docker-compose created using docker network list:
1b1a54630639 myproject_default bridge local
82498fd930bb bridge bridge local
.. then use docker network inspect <id> to look at the details.
Assigned IP addresses to containers can be pretty random, so the only viable way for container to container communication is using hostnames.
