How important are the rows vs columns in PCA? - python

So i have a dataset with pictures, where each column consist of a vector that can be reshaped into a 32x32 picture. The specific dimensions of my dataset is the following 1024 x 20000. Meaning 20000 samples of images.
Now when i look at various ways of doing PCA without using the built in functions from something like scikit-learn people tend to take either the mean of the rows and subtract the resulting matrix from the original one to get the covariance matrix. I.e the following
A = (1024x20000) #dimensions of the numpy array
mean_rows = A.mean(0)
new_A = A-mean_rows
Other times people tend to get the mean of the columns and the subtract that from the original matrix.
A = (1024x20000) #dimensions of the numpy array
mean_rows = A.mean(1)
new_A = A-mean_rows
Now my question is, when are you supposed to do what? Say i have a dataset as my example which of the methods would i use?
Looked at a variety of websites such as,

I think you're talking about normalizing the dataset to have zero mean. You should compute the mean across the axis that contains each observation.
In your example, you have 20,000 observations with 1,024 dimensions each and your matrix has laid out each observation as a column so you should compute the mean of the columns.
In code that would be:
A = A - A.mean(axis=0)


Flatten only part of a dataframe shape for Euclidean calculation?

I have a data frame with shape:
I want to find the Euclidean distance between every entry and every other entry in the dataframe (ideally non-redundantly, i.e. don't find the distance of row 1 and 5....and then row 5 and 1 but not there yet). I have this code:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist,squareform
distances = pdist(df_test,metric='euclidean')
dist_matrix = squareform(distances)
The error says:
A 2-dimensional array must be passed.
So I guess I want to convert my matrix from shape (20,30,1024) to (20,30720), and then calculate the pdist/squareform between the rows (i.e. 20 rows of vectors that are 30720 in length).
I know that I can use test_df[0:20].flatten().tolist()
But that completely flattened my matrix, the output shape was (1,614400).
Can someone show me how to convert a shape from (20,30,1024) to (20,3072), or if i'm not going about this the right way?
The ultimate end goal is to calculate Euclidean distance between all non-redundant pairs in a data set, but the data set is big, so I need to do it as efficiently as possible/not duplicating calculations.
The most straightforward way to reshape that I can think of, according to how you described the problem, is:
df_test.values.reshape(20, -1)
By calling .values, you are retrieving your dataframe data as a numpy array. From there, .reshape finishes your job. Since you need a 2D-array, you provide the size of the first dimension (in your case, 20), and by passing -1 Numpy will calculate the size of the second dimension for you (in this case it will multiply the remaining dimension sizes in the original 3D-array)

Find how much similar are two numpy matrices

I want to know how much different are two numpy matrices. Matrix1 and Matrix2 could be much similar, like 80% same values but just shifted... I attach images of two identical arrays that differ in a little sequence of values in top right.
from skimage.util import compare_images
#matrix1 & matrix2 are numpy arrays
compare_images(matrix1, matrix2, method='diff')
Gives me a first comparison, but what about two numpy matrices, one of which is, for example, left-shifted by a couple of columns?
from scipy.signal import correlate2d
corr = correlate2d(matrix1, matrix2)
Prints out correlation and it seems a nice method, but I do not understand how the results are displayed, since the differences are in top right of the images.
picture1_norm = picture1/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture1**2))
picture2_norm = picture2/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture2**2))
Returns a value in range 0-1 of similarity; for example 0.9942.
What could be a good method?
Correlation between two matrices is a legitimate measure of how similar both are. If both contain the same values the (normalized) correlation will be 1 and your (max?) value of 0.9942 is already very close to that.
Regarding translational (in-)variance of your result have a closer look at the mode argument of scipy.signal.correlate2d which defines how to handle differing sizes along both axes of your matrices and how far to slide one matrix over the other when calculating the correlation.

Intuition behind the correlation

I'm following this tutorial online from kaggle and I can't get my head round why .T is changing the shape of the matrix. Here is the part I am stuck at:
#saleprice correlation matrix
k = 10 #number of variables for heatmap
cols = corrmat.nlargest(k, 'SalePrice')['SalePrice'].index
cm = np.corrcoef(df_train[cols].values.T)
hm = sns.heatmap(cm, cbar=True, annot=True, square=True, fmt='.2f', annot_kws={'size': 10}, yticklabels=cols.values, xticklabels=cols.values)
I'm basically trouble shooting the code and tried this:
cm = np.corrcoef(df_train[cols].values)
returns a matrix with shape 1460x1460. But when I input:
cm = np.corrcoef(df_train[cols].values.T)
it returns a matrix with shape 10x10. Does anyone know why it does this? I can't figure out.
The correlation gives you a normalized representation of the covariance matrix between all the "columns" of the dataframe. For instance, in the case of having only two variables, you'd end up with a matrix of the shape:
Rx = [[ 1, r_xy],
[r_yx, 1]]
This is quite an expensive computation, since it involves taking the dot product of each column with the rest, resulting in a correlation coefficient for each combination.
So in matrix notation, since you want to end up with a 10x10 matrix, you want to have the shapes correctly aligned. In this case you want (10,1460)x(1460,10) so you get a 10,10 matrix. Hence you need to transpose the 2D-array so that it has shape (10,1460) when you feed it to np.corrcoef.
Though you might find it a little easier by playing around with it yourself and seeing how the actual Pearson correlation is computed:
X = np.random.randint(0,10,(500,2))
array([[1. , 0.04400245],
[0.04400245, 1. ]])
Which is doing the same as:
mean_X = X.mean(axis=0)
std_X = X.std(axis=0)
n, _ = X.shape
array([[1. , 0.04416552],
[0.04383998, 1. ]])
Note that as mentioned, this is giving as result a normalized dot product of X with itself, so for each (1,1460)x(1460,1) product your getting a single number. So X here, just as in your example, has to be transposed so the dimensions are correctly aligned.
From numpy documentation of corrcoef:
x : array_like
A 1-D or 2-D array containing multiple variables and observations.
Each row of x represents a variable, and
each column a single observation of all those variables. Also see rowvar below.
Note that each row represents a variable, in the first case you have 1460 rows and 10 columns and in the second one you have 10 rows with 1460 columns.
So when you transpose your NumPy array your basically changing from 1460 variables with 10 values for each one to 10 variables with 1460 values for each one.
If you are dealing with pandas you could just use the built-in .corr() method that computes the correlation between columns.

How to calculate np.mean for images of 3D array?

I want to use mean subtraction and standardization as a normalization for my CNN model. I'm working on Keras classifying images.
However, I don't yet fully understand the difference between using mean subtraction, standardization and simple process such as rescaling images =/255.
In this question it was mentioned that there are three ways to do it:
np.mean(x) # calculates the mean of the array x
x-np.mean(x) # this is equivalent to subtracting the mean of x from each value in x
x-=np.mean(x) # the -= can be read as x = x- np.mean(x)
What I'm currently using is simple rescale:
train_data = train_data / 255
But my model performance is low.
So, I decided to change the normalization and use mean subtraction but I don't know how to do it for a 3D array.
There are different ways to do image normalization. It is explained here.
For your case you want to do normalization by subtracting the mean of your array. You can use the mean of a 3D array along two axis using np.mean. It will give you a scalar value that you can then subtract from your original array x.
train_data = np.random.rand(28,28,3)
mean = np.mean(train_data)
train_data -= mean
And if you want to subtract the mean for each channel than you can use axis parameter in the mean function.
mean = np.mean(train_data,axis=(0, 1))
This will give mean value for each channel and to subtract mean use as above train_data-=mean.
Further you can normalised data by subtracting mean and dividing by its standard deviation. It is used lot in machine learning applications.

Auto broadcasting in Scipy

I have two np.ndarrays, data with shape (8000, 500) and sample with shape (1, 500).
What I am trying to achieve is measure various types of metrics between every row in data to sample.
When using from sklearn.metrics.pairwise.cosine_distances I was able to take advantage of numpy's broadcasting executing the following line
x = cosine_distances(data, sample)
But when I tried to use the same procedure with scipy.spatial.distance.cosine I got the error
ValueError: Input vector should be 1-D.
I guess this is a broadcasting issue and I'm trying to find a way to get around it.
My ultimate goal is to iterate over all of the distances available in scipy.spatial.distance that can accept two vectors and apply them to the data and the sample.
How can I replicate the broadcasting that automatically happens in sklearn's in my scipy version of the code?
OK, looking at the docs,
With (800,500) and (1,500) inputs ((samples, features)), you should get back a (800,1) result ((samples1, samples2)).
I wouldn't describe that as broadcasting. It's more like dot product, that performs some sort calculation (norm) over features (the 500 shape), reducing that down to one value. It's more like, sample.T) in its handling of dimensions. is Computes the Cosine distance between 1-D arrays, more like
for row in data:
for s in sample:
d = cosine(row, s)
or since sample has only one row
distances = np.array([cosine(row, sample[0]) for row in data])
In other words, the sklearn version does the pairwise iteration (maybe in compiled code), while the spartial just evaluates the distance for one pair.
pairwise.cosine_similarity does
# K(X, Y) = <X, Y> / (||X||*||Y||)
K = safe_sparse_dot(X_normalized, Y_normalized.T, dense_output=dense_output)
That's the dot like behavior that I mentioned earlier, but with the normalization added.
