tensorflow operation for complex numbers - python

I have a dataset which contains complex numbers. And when I feed the data into the network, I got an error:
ValueError: An initializer for variable encoder/conv2d/kernel of <dtype: 'complex64'> is required
Here is some of the code in my network:
The error occurs in the convolution step before initialize all of the parameters:
Is there any solution?
Is there any support in tensorflow for complex numbers?
Thank you very much!

Support for complex initializers is not available yet.
There is an open issue describing a feature request here:
According to the discussion in that ticket, it seems that Keras already provides a way to do it. Maybe you can do something similar to that.


Deploy Semantic Segmentation Network (U-Net) with TensorRT (no upsampling support)

I am trying to deploy a trained U-Net with TensorRT. The model was trained using Keras (with Tensorflow as backend). The code is very similar to this one: https://github.com/zhixuhao/unet/blob/master/model.py
When I converted the model to UFF format, using some code like this:
import uff
import os
uff_fname = os.path.join("./models/", "model_" + idx + ".uff")
uff_model = uff.from_tensorflow_frozen_model(
frozen_file = os.path.join('./models', trt_fname), output_nodes = output_names,
output_filename = uff_fname
I will get the following warning:
Warning: No conversion function registered for layer: ResizeNearestNeighbor yet.
Converting up_sampling2d_32_12/ResizeNearestNeighbor as custom op: ResizeNearestNeighbor
Warning: No conversion function registered for layer: DataFormatVecPermute yet.
Converting up_sampling2d_32_12/Shape-0-0-VecPermuteNCHWToNHWC-LayoutOptimizer as custom op: DataFormatVecPermute
I tried to avoid this by replacing the upsampling layer with upsampling(bilinear interpolation) and transpose convolution. But the converter would throw me similar errors. I checked https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/tensorrt-support-matrix/index.html and it seemed all these operations are not supported yet.
I am wondering if there is any workaround to this problem? Is there any other format/framework that TensorRT likes and has upsampling supported? Or is it possible to replace it with some other supported operations?
I also saw somewhere that one can add customized operations to replace those unsupported ones for TensorRT. Though I am not so sure how the workflow would be. It would also be really helpful if someone could point out an example of custom layers.
Thank you in advance!
The warnings are because these operations are not supported yet by TensorRT, as you already mentioned.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to fix this. You either have to modify the graph (even after training) to use a combination supported operation only; or write these operation yourself as custom layer.
However, there is a better way to run inference on other devices in C++. You can use TensorFlow mixed with TensorRT together. TensorRT will analyze the graph for ops that it supports and convert them to TensorRT nodes, and the remaining of the graph will be handled by TensorFlow as usual. More information here. This solution is much faster than rewriting the operations yourself. The only complicated part is to build TensorFlow from sources on your target device and generating the dynamic library tensorflow_cc. Recently there are many guides and support for TensorFlow ports to various architectures e.g. ARM.
Update 09/28/2019
Nvidia released TensorRT 6.0.1 about two weeks ago and added a new API called "IResizeLayer". This layer supports "Nearest" interpolation and can thus be used to implement upsampling. No need to use custom layers/plugins any more!
Original answer:
thanks for all the answers and suggestions posted here!
In the end, we implemented the network in TensorRT C++ API directly and loaded the weights from the .h5 model file. We haven't got the time to profile and polish the solution yet, but the inference seems to be working according to the test images we fed in.
Here's the workflow we've adopted:
Step 1: Code the upsampling layer.
In our U-Net model, all the upsampling layer has a scaling factor of (2, 2) and they all use ResizeNearestNeighbor interpolation. Essentially, pixel value at (x,y) in the original tensor will go to four pixels: (2x, 2y), (2x+1, 2y), (2x, 2y+1) and (2x+1, 2y+1) in the new tensor. This can be easily coded up into a CUDA kernel function.
Once we got the upsampling kernel we need to wrap it with TensorRT API, specifically the IPluginV2Ext class. The developer reference has some descriptions of what functions need to be implemented. I'd say enqueue() is the most important function because the CUDA kernel gets executed there.
There are also examples in the TensorRT Samples folder. For my version, these resources are helpful:
Github: Leaky Relu as custom layer
Step 2: Code the rest of the network using TensorRT API
The rest of the network should be quite straightforward. Just find call different "addxxxLayer" function from TensorRT network definitions.
One thing to keep in mind:
depending on which version of TRT you are using, the way to add padding can be different. I think the newest version (5.1.5) allows developers to add parameters in addConvolution() so that the proper padding mode can be selected.
My model was trained using Keras, the default padding mode is that the right and bottom get more padding if the total number of padding is not even. Check this Stack Overflow link for details. There's a mode in 5.1.5 that represents this padding scheme.
If you are on an older version (, you will need to add the padding as a separate layer before the convolution layer, which has two parameters: pre-padding and post-padding.
Also, all things are NCHW in TensorRT
Helpful sample:
Step 3: Load the weights
TensorRT wants weights in format [out_c, in_c, filter_h, filter_w], which is mentioned in an archived documentation. Keras has weights in format [filter_h, filter_w, c_in, c_out].
We got a pure weights file by calling model.save_weights('weight.h5') in Python. Then we can read the weights into a Numpy array using h5py, performed transposing and saved the transposed weights as a new file. We also figured out the Group and Dataset name using h5py. This info was used when loading weights into C++ code using HDF5 C++ API.
We compared the output layer by layer between C++ code and Python code. For our U-Net, all the activation maps are the same till maybe the third block (after 2 pooling). After that, there is a tiny difference between pixel values. The absolute percentage error is 10^-8 so we don't think it's that bad. We are still in the process of polishing the C++ implementation.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions and answers we got in this post. Hope our solution can be helpful as well!
Hey I've done something similar, I'd say the best way to tackle the issue is to export your model to .onnx with a good like this one, if you check the support matrix for onnx, upsample is supported:
Then you can use https://github.com/onnx/onnx-tensorrt to convert the onnx-model to tensorrt, I've this to convert a network that I trained in pytorch and that had upsample. The repo for onnx-tensorrt is a bit more active, and if you check the pr tab you can check other people writing custom layers and fork from there.

What are symbolic tensors, and why do they throw "use `steps_per_epoch` argument" error?

Note: I already solved my issue, but I'm posting the question in case others have it too and because I don't understand how I solved it.
I was building a Named Entity Classifier (sequence labelling model) in Keras with Tensorflow backend. When I tried to fit the model, I got this error (which, amazingly, returns only 4 Google results):
"If your data is in the form of symbolic tensors, you should specify the `steps_per_epoch` argument (instead of the batch_size argument, because symbolic tensors are expected to produce batches of input data)."
This stackoverflow post discussed the issue, and someone suggested to the op:
one of your data tensors that is being used by Fit() is a symbolic tensor. The one hot label function returns a symbolic tensor. Try something like:
label_onehot = tf.Session().run(K.one_hot(label, 5))
Then I read on this (not related) site:
The Wolfram System also has powerful algorithms to manipulate algebraic combinations of expressions representing [...] arrays. These expressions are called symbolic arrays or symbolic tensors.
These two sources made me think symbolic arrays (at least in TensorFlow) might be something more like arrays of functions that are yet to be evaluated, rather than actual values.
So, using %whos to view all my variables, I saw that my X and Y data were tensors (rather than arrays, like I normally use for my models). The data/info column had quite a complicated description for them, but I lost it once I solved my issue and I can't work out how to get back to the state where I was getting the error.
In any case, I know I solved the problem by changing my data pre-processing so that the X and y data (i.e. X_train and y_train) were of type <class 'numpy.ndarray'> and of dimensions (num sents, max len) for X_train and (num_sents, max len, 1) for y_train (the 1 is necessary because my final layer expects 3D input). Now the model works fine. But I'm still wondering, what are these symbolic tensors and how/why is using steps per epoch instead of batch size supposed to help? I tried that too initially but had no luck.
This can be solved bu using the eval() or numpy() function of your tensors.
How can I convert a tensor into a numpy array in TensorFlow?

How do I import and use quantized_matmul and quantized_biasadd operations in tensorflow

I am trying to use the quantized matmul operation in tensorflow. However I am not sure if I am doing it right. I could not find an example as to how to call the function and use it.
I know that quantized conv2D can be called as tf.nn.conv2D(), just wanted to know a similar way of calling quantized_matmul operation as well.
The class and the functions are present in tensorflow library and are documented below:
Quantized Bias Add:
Quantized Matmul:
Thanks and Regards,
Abhinav George

cell_clip and proj_clip parameter in Tensorflow LSTMCell

I'm learning TF to train a language model for my project. I found in LSTMCell initializer, there are two parameter, cell_clip and proj_clip, that I don't understand. and I don't found any reference about the two parameter online either. Can anyone help me understand those two parameter?
In the official implementation of the rnn_cell, tensorflow defines what proj_clip is :
proj_clip: (optional) A float value. If num_proj > 0 and proj_clip is
provided, then the projected values are clipped elementwise to within
[-proj_clip, proj_clip]

TensorFlow BasicLSTMCell vs LSTMFusedBlockCell

I am new in TensorFlow. I have managed to build a graph that uses LSTMs to train a basic model using a BaiscLSTMCell, based on the TensorFlow tutorial.
But I need to make it faster. I have seen a comparison here and, since I do not have an Nvidia GPU, the LSTMBlockFusedCell seems to be the best option. I had a look at the documentation and I noticed that the signatures for the __init__() and __call__() functions are different. Specifically, I am worried about the cell_clip parameter in __init()__ and the sequence_length in call. What is more, the inputs tensor is of shape [time_len, batch_size, input_size]; isn't that different from that of the basic cell ([batch_size, time_len, input_size])? I do not want to use peepholes, so I will leave that to False (default).
Could someone explain if there are any other differences (apart from an improvement in the performance) between the BasicLSTMCell and the LSTMBlockFusedCell and how to properly set the parameters mentioned above to achieve the same result as the original?
The documentation for LSTMBlockCell says it should be drop-in compatible with LSTMCell, so the same arguments should have the same meaning.
Whether the input tensor is batch-first or time-first is unrelated to the cell and related instead to the dynamic_rnn / static_rnn you're using.
