I'm trying to display data from a csv in a text table. I've got to the point where it displays everything that I need, however the table width still has to be set, meaning if the data is longer than the number set then issues begin.
I currently print the table using .format to sort out formatting, is there a way to set the width of the data to a variable that is dependant on the length of the longest piece of data?
for i in range(len(list_l)):
if i == 0:
print('{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}'.format('|', (list_l[i][0].upper()),'|', (list_l[i][1].upper()),'|',(list_l[i][2].upper()),'|', (list_l[i][3].upper()),'|'))
print('{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}{:^26s}{:^1s}'.format('|', list_l[i][0], '|', list_l[i][1], '|', list_l[i][2],'|', list_l[i][3],'|'))
I realise that the code is far from perfect, however I'm still a newbie so it's piecemeal from various tutorials
You can actually use a two-pass approach to first get the correct lengths. As per your example with four fields per line, the following shows the basic idea you can use.
What follows is an example of the two-pass approach, first to get the maximum lengths for each field, the other to do what you're currently doing (with the calculated rather than fixed lengths):
# Can set MINIMUM lengths here if desired, eg: lengths = [10, 0, 41, 7]
lengths = [0] * 4
fmtstr = None
for pass in range(2):
for i in range(len(list_l)):
if pass == 0:
# First pass sets lengths as per data.
for field in range(4):
lengths[field] = max(lengths[field], len(list_l[i][field])
# Second pass prints the data.
# First, set format string if not yet set.
if fmtstr is None:
fmtstr = '|'
for item in lengths:
fmtstr += '{:^%ds}|' % (item)
# Now print item (and header stuff if first item).
if i == 0: print(h_dashes)
print(fmtstr.format(list_l[i][0].upper(), list_l[i][1].upper(), list_l[i][2].upper(), list_l[i][3].upper()))
if i == 0: print(h_dashes)
The construction of the format string is done the first time you process an item in pass two.
It does so by taking a collection like [31,41,59] and giving you the string:
There's little point using all those {:^1s} format specifiers when the | is not actually a varying item - you may as well code it directly into the format string.
My data cutting loop seems to run ok in the loop, but when it prints the result outside the loop, the contents are unchanged. Presuming it's buggy because I'm trying to assign to what the for loop is running through, but I don't know.
For reference, it's a small web review scraper project I'm working on. To get it formatted to CSV with pandas I think all the data needs to end at the same point (length), so I'm cutting any lists that are longer than the shortest. The values "cust_stars_result, rev_result, cust_res" are all lists with basics strings stored inside, in this case equal to lengths 16, 12, and 15. I try to slice everything down to 12 in the end but the results are overwritten. What is the right/best way to go about this?
star_len = len(cust_stars_result)
rev_len = len(rev_result)
custname_len = len(cust_res)
print('customer name length: ' + str(custname_len) + ' -- review length: ' + str(rev_len) + ' -- star length: ' + str(star_len))
datalen = [star_len, rev_len, custname_len]
datapack = [cust_stars_result, rev_result, cust_res]
for data in datapack:
if len(data) != min(datalen):
print("operating culler to make data even length")
data = data[: min(datalen)]
print(len(data)) #this comes out OK
print("equal length, skipping culler")
print(datapack) # prints the original values
Inside your loop you update the data variable but that's just reassigning the value of that variable. You want to do something like
for i, data in enumerate(datapack):
datapack[i] = data[: min(datalen)]
This will update the datapack element
While "trying to assign to what the for loop is running through" is a real issue, in this case the problem is rather that your code is not assigning anything to datapack when you change data. Instead, what it does is assign each item in datapack to data, so when you change data, datapack remain unchanged.
Instead, try either adding each item to new list, and then assigning datapack to equal the new list:
temp = []
for data in datapack:
datapack = temp
Or try using a range or enumerate loop:
for i, data in enumerate(datapack):
datapack[i] = data[:min(datalen)]
There are more fancy ways (but less readable and debuggable) to accomplish what you're doing here (slicing off the end of the list), such as the below which uses list comprehension and map:
mindatalen = min(map(len, datapack))
datapack = [data[:mindatalen]for data in datapack]
I working on a text file that contains multiple information. I converted it into a list in python and right now I'm trying to separate the different data into different lists. The data is presented as following:
CODE/ DESCRIPTION/ Unity/ Value1/ Value2/ Value3/ Value4 and then repeat, an example would be:
P03133 Auxiliar helper un 203.02 417.54 437.22 675.80
My approach to it until now has been:
Creating lists to storage each information:
codes = []
description = []
unity = []
cost = []
Through loops finding a code, based on the code's structure, and using the code's index as base to find the remaining values.
Finding a code's easy, it's a distinct type of information amongst the other data.
For the remaining values I made a loop to find the next value that is numeric after a code. That way I can delimitate the rest of the indexes:
The unity would be the code's index + index until isnumeric - 1, hence it's the first information prior to the first numeric value in each line.
The cost would be the code's index + index until isnumeric + 2, the third value is the only one I need to store.
The description is a little harder, the number of elements that compose it varies across the list. So I used slicing starting at code's index + 1 and ending at index until isnumeric - 2.
for i, carc in enumerate(txtl):
if carc[0] == "P" and carc[1].isnumeric():
j = 0
while not txtl[i+j].isnumeric():
j = j + 1
description.append(" ".join(txtl[i+1:i+j-2]))
I'm facing some problems with this approach, although there will always be more elements to the list after a code I'm getting the error:
while not txtl[i+j].isnumeric():
txtl[i+j] list index out of range.
Accepting any solution to debug my code or even new solutions to problem.
OBS: I'm also going to have to do this to a really similar data font, but the code would be just a sequence of 7 numbers, thus harder to find amongst the other data. Any solution that includes this facet is also appreciated!
A slight addition to your code should resolve this:
while i+j < len(txtl) and not txtl[i+j].isnumeric():
j += 1
The first condition fails when out of bounds, so the second one doesn't get checked.
Also, please use a list of dict items instead of 4 different lists, fe:
thelist = []
thelist.append({'codes': 69, 'description': 'random text', 'unity': 'whatever', 'cost': 'your life'})
In this way you always have the correct values together in the list, and you don't need to keep track of where you are with indexes or other black magic...
EDIT after comment interactions:
Ok, so in this case you split the line you are processing on the space character, and then process the words in the line.
from pprint import pprint # just for pretty printing
textl = 'P03133 Auxiliar helper un 203.02 417.54 437.22 675.80'
the_list = []
def handle_line(textl: str):
description = ''
unity = None
values = []
for word in textl.split()[1:]:
# it splits on space characters by default
# you can ignore the first item in the list, as this will always be the code
# str.isnumeric() doesn't work with floats, only integers. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23639915/9267296
if not word.replace(',', '').replace('.', '').isnumeric():
if len(description) == 0:
description = word
description = f'{description} {word}' # I like f-strings
elif not unity:
# if unity is still None, that means it has not been set yet
unity = word
return {'code': textl.split()[0], 'description': description, 'unity': unity, 'values': values}
str.isnumeric() doesn't work with floats, only integers. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23639915/9267296
I have thought of a few ways to accomplish this, but each is uglier than the next. I'm trying to think of a way to search for all instances of a word in a word document and italicize them.
I can't upload a word document, but here's what I had in mind:
A working example would find all instances of billybob, including the one in the table, and italicize them. The problem is the way the runs are frequently aligned means that one run might have billy and the next one might have bob so there's no straightforward way to find all of them.
I'm going to leave this open because the approach I came up with isn't perfect, but it works in the vast majority of the cases. Here is the code:
document = Document(<YOUR_DOC>)
# Data will be a list of rows represented as dictionaries
# containing each row's data.
characters = {}
for paragraph in <YOUR_PARAGRAPHS>:
run_string = ""
run_index = {}
i = 0
for x, run in enumerate(paragraph.runs):
# Create a string consisting of all the runs' text. Theoretically this
# should always be the same as parapgrah.text, but I didn't check
run_string = run_string + run.text
# The index i represents the starting position of the run in question
# within the string. We are creating a dictionary of form
# {<run_start_location>: <pointer_to_run>}
run_index[i] = x
# This will be the start of the next run
i = i + len(run.text)
word_you_wanted_to_find = re.findall("some_regex", paragraph.text)
for word in word_you_wanted_to_find:
# [m.start() for m in re.finditer(word, run_string)] returns the starting
# positions of each word that was found
for word_start in [m.start() for m in re.finditer(word, run_string)]:
word_end = word_start + len(word)
# This will be a list of the indices of the runs which have part
# of the word we want to include
included_runs = []
for key in run_index.keys():
# Remember, the key is the location in the string of the start of
# the run. In this case, the start of the word start should be less than
# the key+len(run) and the end of the word should be greater
# than the key (the start of the run)
if word_start <= (key + len(paragraph.runs[run_index[key]].text)) and key < word_end:
# If the key is larger than or equal to the end of the word,
# this means we have found all relevant keys. We don't need
# to loop over the rest (we could, it just wouldn't be efficient)
if key >= word_end:
# At this point, included_runs is a full list of indices to the relevant
# runs so we can modify each one in turn.
for run_key in included_runs:
paragraph.runs[run_index[run_key]].italic = True
Problem 1
The problem with this approach is that, while uncommon (at least in my doc), it is possible for a single run to contain more than just your target word. So you might end up italicizing an entire run that includes your run and then some. For my use case it didn't make sense to fix that problem here.
If you were to perfect what I did above you would have to change this code block:
if word_start <= (key + len(paragraph.runs[run_index[key]].text)) and key < word_end:
Here you have identified the run that has your word. You would need to extend the code to separate the word into its own run and remove it from the current run. Then you could separately italicize that run.
Problem 2
The code shown above doesn't handle both the table and normal text. I didn't need to for my use case, but in the general case you would have to check both.
I've been write this practice program for while now, the whole purpose of the code is to get user input and generate passwords, everything almost works, but the replace statements are driving me nuts. Maybe one of you smart programmers can help me, because I'm kinda new to this whole field of programming. The issue is that replace statement only seems to work with the first char in Strng, but not the others one. The other funcs blower the last run first and then the middle one runs.
def Manip(Strng):
#Strng = 'jayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',1))
#Displays: 'hayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',4))
#Displays: 'hayhay'
def Add_nums(Strng):
Total_per = str(Strng).count('%')
# Get The % Spots Position, So they only get replaced with numbers during permutation
currnt_Pos = 0
per = [] # % position per for percent
rGen = ''
for i in str(Strng):
if i == str('%'):
for num,pos in zip(str(self.ints),per):
rGen = Strng.replace(str(Strng[pos]),str(num),4);
return rGen
for pos in AlphaB: # DataBase Of The Positions Of Alphabets
for letter in self.alphas: #letters in The User Inputs
# Not Fully Formatted yet; you got something like Cat%%%, so you can use another function to change % to nums
# And use the permutations function to generate other passwrds and then
# continue to the rest of this for loop which will generate something like cat222 or cat333
Add_nums(GenPass) # The Function That will add numbers to the Cat%%%
print (rGen);exit()
Am kind of new to coding,please help me out with this one with explanations:
songs is an array of objects which are formatted as follows:
{artist: 'Artist', title: 'Title String', playback: '04:30'}
You can expect playback value to be formatted exactly like above.
Output should be a title of the longest song from the database that matches the criteria of not being longer than specified time. If there's no songs matching criteria in the database, return false.
Either you could change playback, so that instead of a string, it's an integer (for instance, the length of the song in seconds) which you convert to a string for display, and test from there, or, during the test, you could take playback and convert it to its length in seconds, like so:
def songLength(playback):
seconds = playback.split(':')
lengthOfSong = int(seconds[0]) * 60 + int(seconds[1])
return lengthOfSong
This will give the following result:
>>> playback = '04:30'
>>> songLength(playback)
I'm not as familiar with the particular data structure you're using, but if you can iterate over these, you could do something like this:
def longestPossible(array, maxLength):
longest = 0
songName = ''
for song in array:
lenSong = songLength(song.playback) # I'm formatting song's playback like this because I'm not sure how you're going to be accessing it.
if maxLength >= lenSong and (maxLength - lenSong) < (maxLength - longest):
longest = lenSong
songName = song.title
if longest != 0:
return songName
return '' # Empty strings will evaluate to False.
I haven't tested this, but I think this should at least get you on the right track. There are more Pythonic ways of doing this, so never stop improving your code. Good luck!